Author Topic: Bernie bullies don't want to mend fences  (Read 597 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Bernie bullies don't want to mend fences
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:35:27 AM »

Oh my.

mac56 (14,673 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 10:15 AM

I just don't believe that fence-mending will be possible.
Bridge-building, burying the hatchet*, whatever you would like to call it.

I'm not so jaded as to think that NO effort will be made. I also believe at least some of them will be sincere. Whether they'd be successful is a more dubious issue.

That said -- should Clinton win the nomination -- what do you think her followers will do to reach out and try to build unity with Sanders followers?

What can we expect to see and hear from the Hillary team?

*Sorry to go off-topic, but anyway, a racist comment if there ever were one.

Shemp Howard (424 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 10:28 AM

1. Hillary will absolutely have to extend an olive branch.
Mere words on Hillary's part won't do.* The usual "he ran a great campaign, now let's come together" - that won't do. Hillary will have to show that she really respects Bernie's positions, and really respects Bernie's supporters.

Perhaps Bernie - if he loses the nomination - should be given veto power when it comes to picking the VP. Just a thought.*

*Why not?  Having gotten the nomination, what else is she gonna have to do?

*Dream on.

LibDemAlways (14,369 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 10:47 AM

2. I've read posts on here that basically
suggested that Bernie supporters could pound sand. Hillary, herself, when asked this week, offered no olive branches, only a recitation of her vote total.

What's been lacking this election cycle is respect for the other side. From the get-go*, the Hillary crowd has been treating Bernie like a fly buzzing the room who just needs a good swat. Rather than debate the issues civilly on this forum, I've seen him characterized on DU as a senile old man and "grandpa." That one's rich since, lest anyone forget, Hillary is a grandmother, too.

Undoubtedly, what we'll be hearing from the Hillary camp is Trump Trump Trump. Someone here yesterday suggested that it was our patriotic "duty" to vote Hillary to keep Trump out of the White House. All of the fear mongering and suggestions that I'm not a good citizen if I don't automatically vote for her won't do it for me.

I think one way they could mitigate some of the damage is by announcing a clearly to the left VP choice, but I don't see that happening. At that point the Dems would be sending mixed messages, and I don't think Hillary would want to be associated with truly progressive ideas. That's what it comes down to. The Hillary team has a fundamental problem. In order to keep Bernie supoorters in the fold, they'll have to make significant policy concessions and mean it -- not sure something I'd ever trust her to do. If she is the nominee, it will be an uphill battle against huge chunks of the electorate -- R's of course, the I's who've overwhelmingly supported Bernie, and half of her own party. It will be an interesting fall. 

*The lying always Democrat primitive has a short-term memory; from the get-go, back when the Bernie bullies were on top, they were insufferable in their arrogance, their know-it-allism, their elitism.

MuseRider (26,367 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 10:48 AM

3. Bridges were burned a LONG time ago
with all the lies.

Too many years of it, not just the campaign.

Between having no credibility on fighting for what we believe in, fighting for everything we do not believe in and her "friends" I am just not likely to be wooed. 

cantbeserious (12,545 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 10:52 AM

4. This Citizen Divorced HRC Long Ago - Reconciliation Is No Longer A Possibility

Phlem (5,952 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 01:03 PM

22. Agreed. For me there is no fence mending.
They are a completely different party than I would vote for, period. 

LovingA2andMI (2,477 posts)    Sun May 1, 2016, 01:24 PM

23. Not Interested in the Least...
In Repairing The Fence. Let It Stay on the Ground.

Cassiopeia (2,333 posts)    Mon May 2, 2016, 05:50 AM

27. The beatings will continue
until morale improves.

I imagine that will he the outreach offered by Clinton supporters.

Duckhunter935 (13,600 posts)   Mon May 2, 2016, 06:01 AM

30. We already
Are seeing that reaching out here with the many insulting posts

Yeah, what a bunch of sore losers the Bernie bullies are.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Bernie bullies don't want to mend fences
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 07:03:24 AM »
All Shillary has to do is promise some free shit and they will worship her cankles.

Offline Fourwinds

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Re: Bernie bullies don't want to mend fences
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2016, 10:51:51 AM »
All Shillary has to do is promise some free shit and they will worship her cankles.

They'll do it anyway when it's time to vote. Mark my words these same goofs wikl be singing her praises come November.


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Re: Bernie bullies don't want to mend fences
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2016, 11:34:28 AM »
From the get-go*, the Hillary crowd has been treating Bernie like a fly buzzing the room who just needs a good swat.

Finally a DUmmy recognizes Crazy Bernie's true role in this primary season.