Author Topic: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count  (Read 1268 times)

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Offline dutch508

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The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« on: March 26, 2016, 06:47:05 AM »
Oh, **** me. OK, Tell me bravenak, why the "SOuth DOn't BE Countin' an shit" is a racist meme.

bravenak (25,537 posts)

The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count

The idea that the votes from the Southern Region of the US do not count is a terribly racist and deplorable meme. As we all know, the contests in the Democratic primary season held in Southern States have some of the highest percentages of black voters in the nation. In some states, around fifty percent of all voters in the democratic party in those places are black men and women.

So, why is it that those states are suddenly not as important as the nearly all white Red states that Bernie won?

Now, some will blame it on location. They will say that the Deep South never goes Democratic in the General, therefore, those votes should count less. But that leaves out the fact that the Very Red states that Bernie won, also never go blue in the general. So what is the real difference? I hear tell it is the fact that the red state that he won have more progressive voters. But that is also a lie.

So the only real difference I can find is that the Red States he won are much whiter and voted for him. The states she won are much BLACKER and voted for her.

It is a racist meme. We are not 3/5ths of a human. Our votes count just as much no matter where we live or who we voted for.

We need to end this racist meme that says that the south counts less. I think it is only said to marginalize the effect of our collective votes.


Is it Delegate numbers, Alex?

North East: 438 delegates out of 4765
South: 830 out of 4765

hm... Is it population?

NE: 55,317 million
South: 114.555 million

well shit. Who's saying the south don't count?

Star Member Cali_Democrat (28,831 posts)
1. Indeed

When Hillary won red states with large black populations, Bernie supporters dismissed them.

When Bernie won red states like Kansas, Utah and Idaho, his supporters cheered.

The double standard is quite obvious.

 :thatsright: It's berniebotz.

bravenak (25,537 posts)
392. Look

I have explained over and over. At this point there is no point explaining it more and more. Now that it is being used as a cudgel, rather than as a person who said something hateful and ignorant out of anger, it has become way way more than it ever needed to be.

People say shit they regret. Most times? It is not searched out and dragged fromsite to site and then used as a way to harass family members. That is not okay. I have apologized endlessly for a comment I made, a comment that way made on anger, and not even on this site. People going and searching all of my social media sites, bothering my family, harassing me constantly, it is enough.

I refuse to do a constant walk if shame and allow people to contact and harass me and my family over a bad comment I made, deleted, apologized for, and have been beat down with day after day. It is time for people to find something better to do that follow me around and contact my family over that comment. And yes, the people being contacted are not people who give a damn about that comment. They have contacted people who do not care about freedom of speech, or their ideas about their right to bother and harass.

Who else has a group of people searching the internet archives to try to find something to use to shut them up and harass them daily? Many here have said much worse, but it does not end up as the main topic of conversation day after day.

If anyone feels scared that they are being looked for because I said that the person contacted and harassed is looking for the person who harassed them? I have no idea why unless they are the guilty party. If I find out who, I will contact the authorities to PROTECT that person from harm or being treated as I have. I do not do the group bullying and not ONCE have I searched ANYONE'S user name from this site. Not once. I do not even consider it, and the fact that people think about me so much that they are searching around looking for posts, I actually find that SCARY. And I do fight back. I have to.

An apology is all that a bad comment should merit, that and a change in behaviour. It does ot merit a person having to put up with abuse and bullying for eternity or for their relations to have to suffer the indignity of having nasty racist diatribes and veiled threats sent to them from dummy accounts. I want me and my relations to be left the **** alone. It is done. It has been explained an apologized for. If that is not enough? That says more about those harassing me than it does about me. They do not care about explanations and apologies. They want to find a way to attack me, and I gave them ONE POST IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, to use, day after day, endlessly. This is abusive. It needs to stop. I am done feeling ashamed.


DemonGoddess (841 posts)
3. Agreed

It's not just about marginalizing the collective votes of a group, it's about marginalizing that group of people entirely. Each person's vote counts, period. Doesn't matter where they live, their sex, or their skin color.

is it just black Hilltroll voters who are being oppressed or is it them white evil devils too?

Star Member RiverLover (7,196 posts)
331. Did someone actually say the voters in the primary in the south don't matter?

Why are you rec'g this made up sh*t, meant only to rile people up & get attention?

No- it was a dog whistle, or subtle language, or you know... we just know...

Star Member mak3cats (1,316 posts)
6. The south counts less because they are all red states.and the electoral college is still the law of the land. Turning this discussion into a racist thing is bullshit, bravenak. And I think you know it. No wonder you are one of the most ignored posters these days. You disappoint me, because you are obviously very intelligent and very involved. Just my opinion.

Uh... during the primaries when you are trying to get your retard selected as THE retard it still matters... not that this is a racist meme or anything.

bravenak (25,537 posts)
10. It is a racist meme


NanceGreggs (19,523 posts)
32. Do you understand ...

... the difference between a primary and a GE?

The electoral college has nothing to do with a primary.

The primary process is that by which DEMOCRATS choose their nominee - ALL Democrats, not just the ones who live in certain states.

Are you with me so far?

To say that ANY Democrat should have less of a voice in that process because of where they live is abhorrent and indefensible.

Like I said.

Star Member Vattel (8,207 posts)
174. Don't waste your time with her. She is deeply dishonest and anti-semitic.

She said this on another site: "I did not know jews hated us blacks so much. Good to know. I will return it in kind. There are so few of them It's a wonder they have the gall to think about being racist against blacks."

And yet she falsely attributes racism to others instead of dealing with her own genuine racism. You are absolutely right that there is nothing racist about pointing out that in the general election the deep south will go red. Of course, you will be accused of saying that the deep south doesn't matter in the primaries, or that in the general Utah and Idaho matter but Alabama and Mississippi don't matter. Anyone with any sense will recognize those as straw men.

The truth is always the way forward.

Star Member truebrit71 (20,383 posts)
288. And also on nine hides. NINE.

So glad Skinner rescinded the five-hide could have EVER seen this coming...

daleanime (16,845 posts)
9. The "Racist Meme", because anyone disagreeing with you must be evil.

You have a lovely night now, you hear?

bravenak (25,537 posts)
266. Bye

Star Member Warren DeMontague (68,638 posts)
18. Yes, it's not over, but I think she has a distinct advantage.

Which isn't terribly surprising. If I were a Clinton supporter in the primaries (I'm not) I would be irritated that she has run such a craptastic, out of date campaign and relieved that she's still eking out a lead despite it. But she was supposed to be inevitable (again) from the get-go.

Since I suspect she will be the nominee, I hope she will run a better campaign for the general. But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Well, no shit! The other guy is a 300 year old communist!

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
165. No she won't and that will cost the democratic party the WH

mind you, historically it is the Rs turn, they switch every eight years or so since 1944, with a couple exceptions. The Rs are doing their best to lose it, but hell's bells... I expect her to do horribly.

Star Member zappaman (19,410 posts)
246. Yes, you said you were hoping she'd be indicted so you could laugh. So your decades of predicting Americas demise can finally come true. How adorable that you'd like to see the Democrats fail so you can yuck it up and say "I told you so."

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
249. Ah another one of my pathetic cyber staklng bullies


nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
336. I don't know, this cycle cannot be fully predicted and I know this will come as a surprise to many, but due to the nature of it, he is just a little stronger. I know what the current polls say, but Trump has something that scares the shit out of me... and he is starting to attract people of all types to the cause

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
348. I realize that those pieces I am writing and running will get us in deep trouble... but hey, the first amendment still is working

bravenak (25,537 posts)
20. Did you ask around yet about who is harassing my family with screeshots of du and dkos?

They sent screenshots from here and my dkos profile so I'd like to know who it is.

 :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Star Member beam me up scottie (51,876 posts)
30. Are you still claiming someone posted your name and personal info "over and over and over" here?

Even though that never happened and you yourself posted the link to your account more than once?

I think that the fact that you posted it yourself makes it silly to blame anyone else on DU.

And why do you even think you have the right to lecture anyone on racism?

To deflect from your own vile anti-Semitic hate speech?:

Quote# 117360

I cannot stand him. His fans are racists who run around calling blacks racist and wonder why we hate him and them. I don't even LIKE Hillary but I will vote for her just so his fans can feel the sne BERN that they have been passing out.
Look at the racist comments here. I did not know jews hated us blacks so much. Good to know. I will return it in kind. There are so few of them It's a wonder they have the gall to think about being racist against blacks.

Bravenak, Frontpage Mag 8 Comments

Fundie Index: 15

Too late, that ship has sailed, your credibility is gone.

Note to jury: bravenak responded to me and brought up the subject, no stalking involved. This post also contains no harassment. Thank you for serving.


bravenak (25,537 posts)
43. I could care less what ANY OF YOU thinks about my credibility after these anti black racist memes

That they pretent do not exist. They lack the credibility to ever be judgemental. I do care that people are harassing my family. And I think I know exactly who it is. Just let them know that if they keep it up, they will have somebody harassing them back and he is not nice like me and won't feel one bit bad after he stops the abuser from harassing him further. Even if he has to track them down and have a face to face.

Now read my sigline and listen to some music about my lifestyle.

 :???: fat angry black woman rap? Is that a thing?

Star Member beam me up scottie (51,876 posts)
55. That's probably a good thing since anyone who uses hate speech against a minority has none.

And direct your silly threats elsewhere, I'm not responsible and I'm not the least bit intimidated by you. Stop being a bully, it won't work on me.

You have a nice day now.

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
211. I know she truly has me on ignore but this is actually somewhat comedic. I hate it when people do this... if you are going to say to somebody bye, well put them on ignore. In my case, they go to a very special list of folks to mostly not engage on this site.

From time to time I have to remind them they are not ignore though. If I do not, they get out of hand in the bully and site stalking behavior... but I find them funny, like you would a five year old throwing a tanter tantrum, screams and all.

Star Member zappaman (19,410 posts)
252. You lecturing people about saying they are putting people on ignore

When not doing so, may well be the funniest thing I've read on DU lately.
You should try stand up.
Seriously, it's adorable.

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
270. Oh you are on a list

just that if you are not reminded from time to time you are not on ignore, you get completely out of hand, like a five year old.

You are hilarious though. And can make me laugh these days all for the wrong reasons. I love bullies, really, you are so funny.


nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
375. You are a bully

But I still fnd you quite comedic.

Free hint. Your bullying stopped working a while ago. It is time to find a new mark.

wait for it.......

opiate69 (9,750 posts)
275. "You're".....


bravenak (25,537 posts)
74. Why are you still here?

It says,, 'I have you on ignore. Stop stalking me'

bravenak (25,537 posts)
90. You are on MY THREAD

Lo ****ing l. Bye BMUS

Star Member beam me up scottie (51,876 posts)
93. And it's in GDP where I don't need your permission to respond.

You don't get how this works yet?

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
104. You know what I find funny? I get cyber stalked for real by some of her friends and buddies, I just don't make a big deal out of it. And the OP has been rather nasty off site with you and me... and now that she outed herself, the credibility is even lower than whale shit. And the premise of the OP, being I am in CA is ridiculous. One of the most populous states on the US, rarely counts for the primaries. I know why by the way... but a solid blue state has no say in who her party nominates.

I find it ironic to say the least. Now I should get back to the budget. Eyes are already glazed.

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
171. Hey I have been dealing with BETTER bullies for ten years

So at this point, I just laugh

Star Member beam me up scottie (51,876 posts)
139. Right? Didn't she post your personal info here too?

I find her accusations to be quite hypocritical since I never posted anyone's info here.

riderinthestorm (20,587 posts)
146. Oh yes, over and over. An attempt to shut me up


Claims I'm not "bi-racial" enough with a mullato, Jewish, Jamaican grandfather.

Same as Nadine who isn't "minority" enough as a Mexican Jewish female.

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
205. Now they are to a new low

one of these folks, who know who, went over to the paper and TRIED TO POST, ( I manually manage the site because of them) If I had killed another bird recently. That was kind of a new low. It went to the file, and then to the spam folder and poster was IP ban, It was never was published.

That is the kind of highly fixated people we are dealing with. I guess it takes all kinds.

I just took note of it, saved it and IP banned the person


cui bono (18,379 posts)
381. She told me in a pm that someone wasn't "black enough" to say the things they were saying.

And she posted a racist's rant on that Hillary "supporter" site just because it was against Bernie and after failing in her attempt to blame it on cali having posted it first - which was an easily proven lie - doubled down about it and said she would do it again. So clearly it's not that she is worried about racism or bigotry. Hell, she deleted her so-called "apology" when she didn't get the response she expected. Just kidding I guess.

She doesn't really believe in anything except her mission to troll DU and smear Bernie and his supporters. She is not... well I'll leave it at that, even though it doesn't matter how many hides one gets any more. Sadly, that is why this OP is here. She would be on her perpetual time out if Skinner didn't allow the riff-raff to come back with amnesty.

Star Member polly7 (18,512 posts)
98. Are you saying you're sending this person after BMUS, who did nothing to you?

You've posted your link twice, you've had others bring over your writings as OP's. You entered your name in your profile there - it's not mandatory, and you can delete it or change it at any time. You've also hunted until you found a picture and news article to throw at a poster right here on DU that included a lot of information on her. Yet you laughed that off.

bravenak (25,537 posts)
106. You just made that up completely


bravenak (25,537 posts)

Star Member polly7 (18,512 posts)
112. And I said HI!

bravenak (25,537 posts)

Star Member beam me up scottie (51,876 posts)
134. She did indeed threaten me, and after they tried to find my facebook account I should be worried.

But I'm not, bullies just want to intimidate people, it's how they roll.

Star Member polly7 (18,512 posts)
173. You were there when she used my son to get to me.

And, especially when all the crap about you supposedly outing her personal details is so damned easy to prove as untrue and the FACT that she not only did it to someone else, she tried in this thread to call me a liar for mentioning it.

It's a sad, ugly game.

kath (10,552 posts)
296. I thought DUers who threaten other DUers get tombstoned?

What. The. ****.

Fozzledick (3,089 posts)
330. Some animals are more equal than others.

melman (923 posts)
299. By the way

In case you didn't catch the meaning of "listen to some music about my lifestyle", have a look at the lyrics of the song in that sigline:

Another barely veiled threat.

Star Member beam me up scottie (51,876 posts)
176. It's deflection, any time her own hate speech is brought up she accuses others of harassment.

She claimed that people posted her full name and personal information here but when I looked at the threads that never happened.

Then she said people linked to her personal info/account but again that never happened. A link to another post at Kos was posted, nothing at all about her.

Threatening me with violence is new though, I wonder what she thinks that will accomplish?

kristopher (28,222 posts)
183. That's a TOS violation that usually merits expulsion by admin. I've never seen them be the least bit tolerant of that kind of talk and she seems to be chomping at the bit to make a it a routine part of her dialog.

nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)
19. So explain this one to me, how do you marginalize voters who already voted?

Curious. Or should they have two takes at the apple and the rest of us obviously not "vote."

I consider our elections that compromised anyway.

But this is kind of silly, but the order of the primaries should be reviewed. or a national election day would be nice. Don't expect you to get why those of us in California feel marginalized when it comes to the primaries though. (Though this year we might, and might is the operative word here, as in maybe, likely not, count)

bravenak (25,537 posts)

This has been going on for 400 years, politico articles notwithstanding

400 years? Since 1616?

bravenak (25,537 posts)
53. This is about trying to discount the black voters in the south during PRIMARIES

The general is a separate issue AND our votes COUNT THERE TOO. If we EVER want to take back the South it will be on the BACKS of BLACK VOTERS.

bravenak (25,537 posts)
83. Bull


bravenak (25,537 posts)
94. People want to attack me

Rather than admit their own sins

that whole thread is just a ****ed up mess. I didn't bring over a third of the crap.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Carl

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2016, 06:58:02 AM »
bravenak (25,537 posts)
392. Look

I have explained over and over. At this point there is no point explaining it more and more. Now that it is being used as a cudgel, rather than as a person who said something hateful and ignorant out of anger, it has become way way more than it ever needed to be.

People say shit they regret. Most times? It is not searched out and dragged fromsite to site and then used as a way to harass family members. That is not okay. I have apologized endlessly for a comment I made, a comment that way made on anger, and not even on this site. People going and searching all of my social media sites, bothering my family, harassing me constantly, it is enough.

I refuse to do a constant walk if shame and allow people to contact and harass me and my family over a bad comment I made, deleted, apologized for, and have been beat down with day after day. It is time for people to find something better to do that follow me around and contact my family over that comment. And yes, the people being contacted are not people who give a damn about that comment. They have contacted people who do not care about freedom of speech, or their ideas about their right to bother and harass.

Who else has a group of people searching the internet archives to try to find something to use to shut them up and harass them daily? Many here have said much worse, but it does not end up as the main topic of conversation day after day.

If anyone feels scared that they are being looked for because I said that the person contacted and harassed is looking for the person who harassed them? I have no idea why unless they are the guilty party. If I find out who, I will contact the authorities to PROTECT that person from harm or being treated as I have. I do not do the group bullying and not ONCE have I searched ANYONE'S user name from this site. Not once. I do not even consider it, and the fact that people think about me so much that they are searching around looking for posts, I actually find that SCARY. And I do fight back. I have to.

An apology is all that a bad comment should merit, that and a change in behaviour. It does ot merit a person having to put up with abuse and bullying for eternity or for their relations to have to suffer the indignity of having nasty racist diatribes and veiled threats sent to them from dummy accounts. I want me and my relations to be left the **** alone. It is done. It has been explained an apologized for. If that is not enough? That says more about those harassing me than it does about me. They do not care about explanations and apologies. They want to find a way to attack me, and I gave them ONE POST IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, to use, day after day, endlessly. This is abusive. It needs to stop. I am done feeling ashamed.

Nazi bitch says what?

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2016, 07:43:36 AM »
.....that whole thread is just a ****ed up mess. I didn't bring over a third of the crap.

You mean like the cousin's
.....throwing a tanter tantrum
apres moi, le deluge

Offline SVPete

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2016, 08:08:11 AM »
bravenak (25,537 posts)

The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count

The idea that the votes from the Southern Region of the US do not count is a terribly racist and deplorable meme. As we all know, the contests in the Democratic primary season held in Southern States have some of the highest percentages of black voters in the nation. In some states, around fifty percent of all voters in the democratic party in those places are black men and women.

Another misplayed race card. Bn need look no farther than Lib/Prog and DU orthodox myth for why the vote of The South is discounted and denigrated. Specifically, the myths of Nixon's Southern Strategy and that The South is as racist now as it was when lynchings were happening and Jim Crow reigned supreme. Bn has herself probably parroted those slanderous myths in different contexts.

Hey Bn and DU!

If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Big Dog

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2016, 09:43:33 AM »
bravenak needs to get a different hobby.

Blacksplaining all over the internet isn't working out for her.
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Offline Carl

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2016, 10:20:29 AM »
bravenak needs to get a different hobby.

Blacksplaining all over the internet isn't working out for her.

Glory holes are probably pretty scarce in Alaska.

Offline Big Dog

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2016, 10:29:13 AM »
Glory holes are probably pretty scarce in Alaska.

She could make a fortune in gas stations and bars all over Alaska; all she needs is a cordless drill, a 2" auger bit, and a Sharpie to write "$5" in the next stall.

The Tucson Tart might demand a franchise fee.
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Offline JakeStyle

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2016, 11:18:58 AM »
nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)

270. Oh you are on a list

just that if you are not reminded from time to time you are not on ignore, you get completely out of hand, like a five year old.

You are hilarious though. And can make me laugh these days all for the wrong reasons. I love bullies, really, you are so funny

I picture nadins "list" as about a hundred post-it notes stuck to her monitor and desk with various DUmmys misspelled screen names scrawled on them.

Offline Big Dog

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2016, 11:21:09 AM »
I picture nadins "list" as about a hundred post-it notes stuck to her monitor and desk with various DUmmys misspelled screen names scrawled on them.


I just thought of something: gNads taught those parrots of hers to talk. Imagine what they sound like.
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Offline Karin

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2016, 11:42:30 AM »
What an enormous hot mess of a thread!

We need to end this racist meme that says that the south counts less.

This is something that you libtards created.  Look at your threads and other lefty articles that denigrate our lovely South, depicting everyone as incestuous hicks, right out of Tobacco Road.


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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2016, 12:17:36 PM »
So Bravenak is threatening to unleash her imaginary ex-con family members on her imaginary stalkers.  She's ****ing nuts.

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2016, 12:43:44 PM »
The Tucson Tart might demand a franchise fee.


Heh ...... let's "out-minority" each other!  What sad, pathetic organisms. 


Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2016, 12:46:33 PM »
nadinbrzezinski (147,594 posts)

270. Oh you are on a list

just that if you are not reminded from time to time you are not on ignore, you get completely out of hand, like a five year old.

You are hilarious though. And can make me laugh these days all for the wrong reasons. I love bullies, really, you are so funny

Nads doesn't laugh...she seethes and shakes with rage. But she thinks saying a bully is adorable/funny/etc make the bullies mad.'re not bugging anyone with that...if you were the bullies would leave you alone. You really need to find a new way to deal with bullies.

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2016, 12:51:16 PM »
and does anyone know what BMUS stands for?

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2016, 01:01:28 PM »
581 replies so far

I'm reading the mayhem in that thread...well worth the visit.
Bravenak is the b!tchiest, most entitled bully at DU since Nads. It is no wonder they are both attracted to each other.
...and bravenak, you're ugly too.

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2016, 01:13:13 PM »
And it's not going to end anytime soon, with this preposterous post being the latest:


Response to bravenak (Original post)

Sat Mar 26, 2016, 02:00 PM

EdwardBernays (2,344 posts)

584. The South isn't a race

And it doesn't vote Democrat. Letting a region that won't vote Dem in the GE decide the nominee isn't pro-equality, it's just stupid politics.

The Dems should let the states that WILL vote Dem in the GE decide the nominee. In fact they should decide the order of the Primary states based on which states had the highest percentage of Dem voters in the previous election.

Letting states like Mississippi, that won't vote Dem, and haven't voted Dem for years and years, is idiotic. Almost as idiotic as claiming that not supporting such a stupid idea is "racist".

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2016, 01:16:21 PM »
581 replies so far

We rack up 581 replies for posts about breasts.

Did bravenak or gNads... ?

In the name of all that is holy, I hope not.

Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2016, 01:19:54 PM »
and does anyone know what BMUS stands for?

BeamMeUpScottie, one of the DUmmies that she has accused of stalking.

Response to SMC22307 (Reply #577)

Sat Mar 26, 2016, 01:50 PM

Star Member polly7 (18,542 posts)

581. Well, the way she's been going after BMUS here, on other threads, and
that whole forum that was started just for BMUS hate over at the cave, probably long-hidden now
, tells me who she's trying to say is doing ......... whatever it is. But that's jmho.

Nadin is doing her damnedest to make the thread about her, but she seems to be on most of the HillBots iggy lists.

Response to SusanCalvin (Reply #334)

Sat Mar 26, 2016, 01:26 AM

nadinbrzezinski (147,611 posts)
336. I don't know, this cycle cannot be fully predicted

and I know this will come as a surprise to many, but due to the nature of it, he is just a little stronger. I know what the current polls say, but Trump has something that scares the shit out of me... and he is starting to attract people of all types to the cause.

Response to SusanCalvin (Reply #340)

Sat Mar 26, 2016, 01:35 AM

nadinbrzezinski (147,611 posts)
344. Let's speak chinese curse!

After reading more Trump than most news media has done...

If he loses, another one will be in the wings. The dynamic is deepening, I am not just the only one saying that.

Response to SusanCalvin (Reply #347)

Sat Mar 26, 2016, 01:43 AM

nadinbrzezinski (147,611 posts)
348. I realize that those pieces I am writing and running

will get us in deep trouble... but hey, the first amendment still is working

« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 01:47:31 PM by JakeStyle »

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2016, 01:47:55 PM »
Man oh man, the micro aggression is running rampant over there on that one.  Alert buttons must be getting all worn out.   I smell hot pizza coming.   :popcorn:
< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2016, 01:53:12 PM »
Thanks, Jake.

nadinbrzezinski (147,611 posts)
348. I realize that those pieces I am writing and running

will get us in deep trouble... but hey, the first amendment still is working

Dibs on calling the Trumpstapo...I will be the first to turn nads in!

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2016, 02:10:18 PM »
Thanks, Jake.

Dibs on calling the Trumpstapo...I will be the first to turn nads in!

Just call ICE.  Imagine her saying "do you know who I am?" as they stuff her in the van.   :-) 
< watch this space for coming distractions >

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2016, 03:34:09 PM »
"Southern Region"?

Why not just call it District 12? :whatever:
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: The Racist Meme: The South Doesn't Count
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2016, 05:50:34 PM »
I blame all this on Lamond, the boy primitive.

He promised to avenge the one who sent bravenak that letter saying the bern-outs were going to post-stalk her, but he gave up before he even started. If he had found the bern-out(s) who did it and given them a beat down, that would have sent a message to the other bern-outs not to mess with bravenak or Lamond would whoop their butts.

But, he didn't.

Woe is bravenak!!

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.