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Offline zeitgeist

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Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:12:38 PM »

You have to hand to our brave neck she does like to mix it up. Or maybe she is mixed up.   (or made up?)

Star Member bravenak (16,459 posts)

Why Bernie Sanders is no Great White Hope for Black America


“What’s wrong with Those People?”

It’s good to know a little history when trying to make sense of current events.

“What’s wrong with those people,” the young liberal white town woman – a big environmentalist – said to me a month or so ago. “Don’t they know that Bernie is their best hope?”

My “those people,” she meant Black people, who she had recently read were not showing a lot of support (in polls) for Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

This was well before the recent incident in Seattle, where a Sanders speech was interrupted by some purported Black Lives Matter “activists. “ It was also prior to a similar disruption of Sanders by Black “activists” at the NetrRoots conference in Phoenix.

While I do not pretend to know all the facts behind the skirmishes in Seattle and Reno, I do not share many white liberals’ and progressives’ sense that it is outrageous or mysterious for Black Americans to be uninspired by the Sanders’ campaign. Sanders may – as he made a point of telling the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) a few weeks ago – have participated as a young man in the early and mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Good for him. So did millions of other people, including no small number of idealistic young white adults (including my parents in Chicago in 1966).

I thought maybe we needed a review of the Omnibus crime bill vote and remind ourselves that Bernie voted for it.

A lot of posts on this thread and well worth the time to row over and laugh.  Swear to God these people are sooooooooooo DUmb.  I got to credit LBJ, he has had blacks solidly in the Democrat bread line for firty years with no sign of let up.  Extra credit should also go to PUblic miss-education.  Blacks voting for Dems is like chickens voting for the Colonel. 

Brave neck apparently has clue zero about the history of Jefferson, Jackson, Wilson, and the "White Man's Party", the  Democrats, founders of the Klan and authors of  Jim Crow.  Yup, the Dems are better on race than the Republicans.  :stoner:  Just ask an unborn fetus being sucked out in the Planned Parent "hood",  Democrats are masters of race relations as long as 'the race' knows its place.   Shut up and support the Queen she will see to it that you are well kept.   :rotf:   
< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline USA4ME

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2015, 10:18:45 PM »
Quote from:

58. So how did the black guy work out for you?

As far as I could tell unemployment and poverty are rampant in the black community. We have the nations first black president and your community is in worse shape. Color of skin doesn't matter. You want Hillary and will probably get her. You will also get more of the same. How does that help your community? More high unemployment? Continued over-policing? Ideas are what will provoke change, and Hillary's ideas are about as over played as I can see. WooHoo More of the same 2016! Well good luck to you and your community.

Quote from:

64. You've been here since 2008 & have barely 250 posts.

Me thinks your intentions aren't sincere & last I checked we can make decisions on our own. In case you haven't noticed minorities think quite fondly of our president & know exactly where the blame lies & it's not with him.

Bye buh now.

Dear Leader has held the reigns for 7 years but he's not to blame for anything bad happening in the black community. In fact, they love him! He treats them like crap, and they love him.

It's all the fault of those pesky Republicans. It's want they're told to believe, so they do.

Something tells me blacks are letting their pride get in the way. Oh well, let them live with the consequences of that. They don't care, so neither do I.

Another reason it's so easy to be a Dem liberal. You can treat your voters like crap and they come back begging for more. I can't help but admire the Dem leaderships ability to corral the little peons.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline obumazombie

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2015, 10:45:05 PM »
Stockholm syndrome on the plantation.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2015, 05:47:27 AM »
Stockholm syndrome on the plantation.

I believe that the term is 'masochist.' :whistling:
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"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2015, 07:34:37 AM »
Tsaritsa CHILL and Bernie are both stale-Wonder-Bread D pols cynically dangling wilted moldy carrots to lure black and Hispanic and other special interest groups' voters hoping for an imagined pie-in-DC that neither Tsaritsa CHILL nor Bernie intend to deliver.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2015, 09:01:48 AM »
Tsaritsa CHILL and Bernie are both stale-Wonder-Bread D pols cynically dangling wilted moldy carrots to lure black and Hispanic and other special interest groups' voters hoping for an imagined pie-in-DC that neither Tsaritsa CHILL nor Bernie intend to deliver.

Barney's stalking horse campaign is designed to maintain interest among the Democrat base and the millenials, nothing more.  If not for Barney the ho hum factor would have long overtaken the Queen Bean's campaign with millions of millenials fleeing to the younger more vibrant Republicans like Rubio, Paul,  or Cruz.   Believe me the Democrats could have shut down Barney long ago but he serves their purpose.  If he thinks he stands a chance in hell at the nomination he is delusional.

Democrats cannot win without a high black turnout.  So, they have to gin up the Sanders / Clinton / BLM controversy for the same reason.  If blacks ever catch wind of how they are being played ... naw, that won't happen. They are so DUmbed down after all these years they are like a whipped, cowering dog or abused woman, they don't dare leave their masters.    The intelligent blacks gravitate to the Republican party and get called Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima by plantation loving black folk who long for relevance and acceptence in a party which despises the need for them and treats them accordingly.  Why else are they trying to replace them with the more easily controled Hispanic voter?  Black lives mattter in bread lines and voting lines but even a complete dolt can see they don't matter one wit at any other time to the Democrat party.    :cheersmate:
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Offline jtyangel

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2015, 06:07:01 AM »
Dear Leader has held the reigns for 7 years but he's not to blame for anything bad happening in the black community. In fact, they love him! He treats them like crap, and they love him.

It's all the fault of those pesky Republicans. It's want they're told to believe, so they do.

Something tells me blacks are letting their pride get in the way. Oh well, let them live with the consequences of that. They don't care, so neither do I.

Another reason it's so easy to be a Dem liberal. You can treat your voters like crap and they come back begging for more. I can't help but admire the Dem leaderships ability to corral the little peons.


Oh I totally agree it's a pride thing. it's an epidemic in that community to never admit when one has errored whether it is life choices or presidential choices. Funny as many claim Christianity but thier huge sin of pride is like a redwood plank protruding from thier collective eye.

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Re: Brave Neck in High DUdgeon
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2015, 11:09:02 AM »
have participated as a young man in the early and mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Good for him. So did millions of other people, including no small number of idealistic young white adults (including my parents in Chicago in 1966).

The Civil Rights movement would still be stuck in neutral had it not been for the GOP.  Something that mental midgets like Brave Neck are clueless about in their drive towards revisionsit history.

Charleston Heston...unlike Obama's daddy...actually DID walk with Dr. King in Selma.  The GOP is the reason why the Civil Rights Act was passed...over the objections of Clinton's hero William Fulbright...Algore's daddy and at one point LBJ himself.

Facts like that is why anyone here will never be able to have an honest and frank discussion with SJW's like Brave Neck.  They begin their side of the discussion from a foundation of lies revisionist history and leftist propaganda with nary a fact to be found.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!