Author Topic: Getting It Off My Chest  (Read 5440 times)

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Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2015, 09:34:14 AM »
Excuse my ignorance but I am new to this forum.  What is a parrot? 

Offline Boudicca

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2015, 10:02:47 AM »
Fundraiser, Eupher is in truth a proud parrot Daddy.  He is owned by two of them, I think it's two, right Eupher?
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Offline Big Dog

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2015, 10:10:02 AM »
Excuse my ignorance but I am new to this forum.  What is a parrot?

It's like a chicken- at least it tastes that way.
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Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2015, 01:50:18 PM »
Ok that explains it clearly and concisely.  LOL. 

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2015, 02:06:54 PM »
It's like a chicken- at least it tastes that way.
No, parrots taste like rabbits.
Rabbits taste like ptarmigans.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Big Dog

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2015, 02:53:12 PM »
No, parrots taste like rabbits.
Rabbits taste like ptarmigans.

I'd never touch my tongue to a ptarmigan, so I'll take you at your word.
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Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2015, 09:06:50 PM »
The Banter is great but now let's get back to Politics.  Did anyone watch Lou Dobbs tonight on Fox Bus.  He and Katty McFarland really tore into Obama and is fectless attitude about Russia's plans in Syria.  Just to open the door to some conversation. 

Offline Eupher

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2015, 11:06:44 PM »
Fundraiser, Eupher is in truth a proud parrot Daddy.  He is owned by two of them, I think it's two, right Eupher?

We are down to one, right now - the grey. Moved the eclectus to a breeder because she wanted to be a mommy too badly. Before we moved to MS, we had three, but two of them were fosters. And no, I ain't talkin' beer. dammit.

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Offline Chris_

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2015, 11:07:56 PM »
A feathered lizard.  Your bird took a liking to my water glass.  I wasn't sure how to feel about that, but I didn't want to get bitten.

Thank you for your hospitality, though.  It was much appreciated.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Eupher

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #34 on: October 02, 2015, 11:08:38 PM »
A feathered lizard.  Your bird took a liking to my water glass.  I wasn't sure how to feel about that, but I didn't want to get bitten.

Thank you for your hospitality, though.  It was much appreciated.

She didn't drink much.  :-)
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
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Offline Belle

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2015, 02:19:11 PM »
That parrot is beautiful.  A while ago, in Big Lots, there was a customer with a white parrot on her shoulder.  I asked if her parrot would sit on mine, & next thing I knew, there I was with that beautiful bird!  Awesome feeling.  We have bird feeders all around our home.  The most lovely to look at are the hummingbirds.  These feeders are right next to our window, so you can see these beauties up close.

Back to politics, from 10/1, Fundraiser's post:

I blame the 2 or 3 million conservatives and Republicans who did not go to the poles in 2012 because our candidate did not fit some notion of conservatism or religion or whatever.

I voted for McAmnesty, & then voted for Romney.  But I've "evolved" & my rino voting days are over.  As support for my decision, I, & many others, have learned that with a liberal R in both the House & Senate, what difference has that made?

 In my opinion, the GOPe has never caved.  They embrace progressivism & do everything they can to advance the liberal agenda.  In essence,  they are partners with the D’s.  Oh, sure, they try to hide it (as in the Corker bill), or engage in failure theatre (as in Obamacare repeals), or they pretend to cave (as in funding PP or executive amnesty), or they’ll resort to ridicule to minimize their opponents.  Who could forget Boehner mocking conservatives who were against amnesty, ohhh, this is too hard.  Or McCain pushing back against Trump for firing up the crazies.

As Boudicca aptly stated "...the lying Republicans we put in charge of our government."  .  Rubio & Flake ran as Tea party conservatives.  McAmnesty visited the borders to help his senate re-election.  & Boehner cried that he got it after the House turned R.
& then there’s money to be had.  Ya’ll know the routine.  Lobbyists pay individuals for access & their input in favorable legislation for the corporation they represent.  Saddest one for me was our Senator Tim Scott, accepting $67,500 from pro-TPP corporations &, predictably, voted yes.   I suppose because he’s a new senator he didn’t receive as much as Rob Portman, who received $119,700 from 14 different corporations.

Lobbyists, a blight on our Constitutional Republic.  They are not only the funding agents for our corrupt politicians, but here's the CoC dishing out the funds to quiet the conservative voice.  On the other hand, these lobbyists would leave K street if our politicians had respectability, but alas, many have no scruples.  Its a cycle that will never end.  Because after many politicians leave, they themselves become lobbyists, taking with them all that influence & information.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will literally double down in its efforts to crush the Tea Party to get legislation–like a comprehensive amnesty bill and the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank–that it covets.
After budgeting $50 million to elect establishment-friendly candidates in the 2014 election cycle, the chamber will reportedly spend as much as $100 million in the 2016 election cycle to crush conservatives. According to a Roll Call report, some of the group’s “top targets in 2016 will be right-wing, tea party candidates” who have opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, Obamatrade, and reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.
The Chamber of Commerce’s ultimate goal is to reportedly win back “the soul of the Republican Party” by electing more establishment Republicans “in contested primaries to strengthen their hand during policy debates on the Hill.”
In closing, our liberal R's built this when they fully funded O's executive amnesty, pushed amnesty in the Senate, & did nothing to close our borders:

Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2015, 02:37:31 PM »
All of this may be and in some cases true.  I applaud your principle stand.  And if we can get the most conservative with the ability to lead us out of this morass then that is wonderful.  This is why I am not putting any support behind any candidate until I can see who floats to the top.  I am mad as hell but I know I have no control over any of it.  First let's us begin to find a way through this forum to talk to our fellow conservatives and push for the candidate that meets this criteria.  Who are you for?  I can be persuaded because I do not have to make a decision until the NC primary.  Let's start a new thread that opens up with the subject - WHO SHOULD WE VOTE FOR IN THE PRIMARIES -.  No name calling, emotion or innuendos,  Just facts, figures and truths.  If a candidate is for amnesty then show where he has supported it.  If he or she has a good policy then talk about them.  Wouldn't that be unique. However, I can never be convinced to not vote in the General Election just because the voters have placed a candidate in contention that I have some problems with.  I just might start that myself.  (ER: Maybe after football on Sunday, LOL)

Offline Boudicca

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2015, 02:46:42 PM »
We are down to one, right now - the grey. Moved the eclectus to a breeder because she wanted to be a mommy too badly. Before we moved to MS, we had three, but two of them were fosters. And no, I ain't talkin' beer. dammit.

Of course you aren't talking beer, Eupher, because that would be Fosters!  I know, at any given time we have a six-pack or more in the fridge. :cheersmate:
Your grey baby is beautiful!
And as Belle said, getting back to Fundraiser, I have been conned for the last time as well.  I dutifully voted for all the RINOs that have inflicted their putrid lies upon those of us who voted in good faith for their promises.  McCain and Flake are my senators, as Obama is my president; it's truly difficult to say which one of the three has engendered the most distaste in my bosom.  I think we need people who tell it like it is, and that's why of all the candidates I'd rather vote for someone who, while not espousing everything I want to hear, at least embodies TRUTH.  Of the insiders running, Cruz is the only one who actually has had the balls to stand up and fight for what he promised his supporters when they voted for him...and my sister in Fort Worth never lets me hear the end of it because unlike me, she can be PROUD of her representation in the Senate. :argh:  Any idea how difficult it is for big sister to have to eat crow just because her senators keep their promises as well as Bill Clinton keeps his wedding vows?
I can hold my nose and vote for almost everyone who is currently a nominee, but there are one or two I draw my line in the sand over, and unlike Obama, I will take decisive action, even if it's simply writing in someone else's name.  I actually would have respected Romney if he'd shown some backbone during the election instead of apologizing for his money and backing down when Mad Cow Crawley and Obutthead ganged up on him re foreign affairs at that third debate.  That's water under the bridge now, but if any of us vote for the R nominee simply because there's an R after the name, well, that's up to each individual and their inner voice and so far, at least the Constitution has not been abrogated to such an extent that we still don't have one vote each.
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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2015, 02:51:34 PM »
All of this may be and in some cases true.  I applaud your principle stand.  And if we can get the most conservative with the ability to lead us out of this morass then that is wonderful.  This is why I am not putting any support behind any candidate until I can see who floats to the top.  I am mad as hell but I know I have no control over any of it.  First let's us begin to find a way through this forum to talk to our fellow conservatives and push for the candidate that meets this criteria.  Who are you for?  I can be persuaded because I do not have to make a decision until the NC primary.  Let's start a new thread that opens up with the subject - WHO SHOULD WE VOTE FOR IN THE PRIMARIES -.  No name calling, emotion or innuendos,  Just facts, figures and truths.  If a candidate is for amnesty then show where he has supported it.  If he or she has a good policy then talk about them.  Wouldn't that be unique. However, I can never be convinced to not vote in the General Election just because the voters have placed a candidate in contention that I have some problems with.  I just might start that myself.  (ER: Maybe after football on Sunday, LOL)

Whatever way you want to look at the GOP establishment AKA RINO's is certainly your choice.  I refuse to vote for Bush or Christie and perhaps even Rubio who was part of the Gang of 8.  Again, WHY should I vote for someone who I think will continue this country on a path to destruction?  Just for the sake of party?? That is absolutely ridiculous. 

It is very obvious to me that there is little difference between the GOPe and the DEMS -- so why would I vote for either one??

I have never missed voting in a General Election and don't intend to do so this election.  But I sure will NOT vote for someone who I don't feel is good for the country.
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Offline Big Dog

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2015, 03:36:31 PM »
All of this may be and in some cases true.  I applaud your principle stand.  And if we can get the most conservative with the ability to lead us out of this morass then that is wonderful.  This is why I am not putting any support behind any candidate until I can see who floats to the top.  I am mad as hell but I know I have no control over any of it.  First let's us begin to find a way through this forum to talk to our fellow conservatives and push for the candidate that meets this criteria.  Who are you for?  I can be persuaded because I do not have to make a decision until the NC primary.  Let's start a new thread that opens up with the subject - WHO SHOULD WE VOTE FOR IN THE PRIMARIES -.  No name calling, emotion or innuendos,  Just facts, figures and truths.  If a candidate is for amnesty then show where he has supported it.  If he or she has a good policy then talk about them.  Wouldn't that be unique. However, I can never be convinced to not vote in the General Election just because the voters have placed a candidate in contention that I have some problems with.  I just might start that myself.  (ER: Maybe after football on Sunday, LOL)

I admire your cojones, Marine, but you are mistaken. There is no "we" here, in the sense of "who will we vote for".

Among our Cave brothers and sisters, you will find mainstream party-line Republicans, dyed-in-the-wool social conservatives, social liberal/fiscal conservative types, compassionate conservatives, uncompromising libertarians like me, and even the occasional moonbat (who make great chew toys). As we get close to November 2016, we'll all express our opinions, just as we did in 2012.
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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #40 on: October 03, 2015, 04:21:34 PM »
Now this is a better conversation.  Let's put the general election to the back burner for the time being.  Now those were good points on Cruz.  I personally like the non insiders for the time being but Trump really is an ass.  However I will not discount anyone at this early stage.  Keep the thoughts coming.  Who else, and why are you supporting them?  Carson is quiet but I do not think he is a milktoast.  Anyone that can dig around a brain can surly put together a team of conservatives to lead this country.  Even Carley has some good policy points especially foreign.  Bush is so inside he has fallen into the DC abyss.  Where the heck is Christy who really is a Trump alternative.  I don't even remember the names of the rest.  HAND

Offline Eupher

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2015, 09:20:57 PM »
I think we're at a point in our political system where it just doesn't matter who's in the White House. Oh, sure, that person has power and that person wields that power in differing ways. Barry, for one, has abused his power with one central theme -- Congress has abdicated its own power, essentially handing Barry pretty much everything he's wanted to shove down our throats.

But apart from all that, the lobbyists on K Street and the professional politicians polluting the halls of Congress, and the Chief Statist and Muzzie Sympathizer have all degraded the political system to the point that it really just doesn't matter who's in the WH.

They all get their slice of the pie, some more than others, but in just looking at Hillary's career over the past 40 years, she is a model showcase of just how ****ed up Washington D.C. has been.

It ain't gettin' no betta either.

Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2015, 09:31:03 PM »
Totally agree.  But the good news, if there could be such a thing, is that, at least,  we do not have to overthrow the govt here we do get to make some changes every two and four years.  Now it usually turns out, or at least for the past 15 years, that those in become exactly what you are talking about.  I guess I am a optimist on this. (Note: this is a big thing for me because I am a Cubs Fan and they are actually going to get one extra game this year) We try again and again.  The worse case scenario, besides Nuke War, is that in time we become a well armed Sweden.  Lots of blonds, pot, and a lack luster useless government.  Of course I hope to be real dead by that time.  LOL  HAGD 

PS: Going to bed. Us old folks need our sleep and tomorrow is FOOTBALL. 

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2015, 09:59:20 AM »
I held my nose and voted for the republican in the last two presidential elections and to this day myself and others are accused by GOP republicans of voting for obama.  Even after being informed of how I voted I still was accused of voting for obama.

Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2015, 11:44:47 AM »
Well "Live Long And Prosper" and do not give a S^$^$ about what people say especially if they don't know what they are talking about, which, by the way is a lot of people I talk to.  Especially Liberals.  HAND

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #45 on: October 04, 2015, 12:29:40 PM »
another BS given for being preachy.

Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2015, 01:45:52 PM »
Mr. Mannn:  Are you always this positive.  Why don't you try to convince me not to vote instead of telling me where to get off.  If everyone thinks my conversation points are preachy then tell me so.  You seem to be the only one who has no real direction.  My premise is to get others to vote instead of hiding in their homes.  If that is preachy then just change my name to profit instead of fundraiser. Have a Great Day (HAGD)

Offline Big Dog

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #47 on: October 04, 2015, 01:58:52 PM »
Mr. Mannn:  Are you always this positive.  Why don't you try to convince me not to vote instead of telling me where to get off.  If everyone thinks my conversation points are preachy then tell me so.  You seem to be the only one who has no real direction. My premise is to get others to vote instead of hiding in their homes. If that is preachy then just change my name to profit instead of fundraiser. Have a Great Day (HAGD)

Not exactly. Your premise was to tell us to vote for the Republican nominee, whoever he is, or you would blame us for the election of the Donk candidate (as you did after the 2012 election). As you said in your first post, and I quote:

It is time for us to GET REAL and, if we really believe that the country is on the wrong track, then get behind whoever is the nominee of the Party and show up at the poles. If you stay home again you will definitely get what you didn’t vote for.

As for being preachy, I agree with Mr. Mannn. Relax, take a load off, light up a cigar, and save the sermons for Sunday morning.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 02:28:22 PM by Big Dog »
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Offline Fundraiser

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #48 on: October 04, 2015, 06:05:39 PM »
Ok will do. 

Offline Boudicca

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Re: Getting It Off My Chest
« Reply #49 on: October 04, 2015, 06:23:48 PM »
Ok will do.

I would like to know, and I'm not trying to be facetious, why are you asking US our preferences and WHO WE are voting for in the primaries, and WHY.  A few people, including myself, have told you who we are voting for and why, but most people haven't decided yet.  Some posters here will support any nominee; I am not one of them but I respect everyone's right to choose for himself to whom his vote will fall.  I would hope we would ALL respect everyone's right to vote independently.  I am not attempting to imply that you don't, although anyone who speaks of voting only for the nominee is more rigid than I chose to be.  I am curious as to why, this far away from even the Iowa raucous, umm, caucus, that you keep asking.  Just follow your own conscience and heart.
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