(D)Umpsters doing the hard work the media, apparently, won't do.
blm (94,563 posts)
RNC email accounts protected Bush WH. No Republican lawmaker showed any level of *concern*
Those bastards,
who were sitting under a (D)Marxist Supermajority, at the time.House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
The House Oversight committee in an interim staff report/ June 18, 2007:
dredging up 8 year old nothing burger.
Bullshit article from 2007, blah, blah, blah............
Kingofalldems (17,179 posts)
1. Yeah but Hillary is bad!!
Media doesn't even bother with this story, Hillary is just---pure evil!!
And some DUers also.
They didn't bother with it 8 years ago, why now?
tularetom (21,111 posts)
2. Bush isn't running for anything
And if his dumbass brother ever gets his campaign off dead center, I guarantee you those emails will be brought up.
emulatorloo (25,388 posts)
4. Jeb has an email problem of his own, nothing to do with GWB
As governor, Jeb Bush used e-mail to discuss security, troop deployments
There you have it.
Guilty, as ......... wait a minute:
Jeb Bush used his private e-mail account as Florida governor to discuss security and military issues such as troop deployments to the Middle East and the protection of nuclear plants, according to a review of publicly released records.
The e-mails include two series of exchanges involving details of Florida National Guard troop deployments after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the review by The Washington Post found.
Heh!! NG deployments are common knowledge almost the next day if you care to read a newspaper, idiot, and they are discussed freely on commercial telephones. But? ToPSeCrET!!!!!1111eLebInty!!!!!!
0rganism (17,663 posts)
3. unfortunately i don't see this helping Hillary
Republicans and Americans generally seem to have a very high tolerance for hypocrisy. such information doesn't really register, people tune it out automatically and toss it in the "all politicians are crooks" basket which actually ends up helping the GOP establishment.
There you have it. The answer for everything.
Small campfire, but kinda funny.