Author Topic: Bitter old Cali shows her racist self.  (Read 549 times)

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Offline Carl

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Bitter old Cali shows her racist self.
« on: August 09, 2015, 07:44:41 PM »

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 06:46 PM

Star Member cali (103,384 posts)

I won't mince words.
I don't want to feel obliged to keep posting this in other threads so here it is:

Demanding that a Jewish man who lost most of his paternal family to the gas chambers and execution squads, bow down, grovel and publicly apologize for unspecified crimes against poc is toxic Kafkaesque bullshit. Claiming that he is a white supremacist is a vile lie. Stating that white liberals and progressives are more racist and worse for blacks is republican crap. Calling your disruption of an event celebrating
Social Security and Medicare bow down bernie is sick. And that it turns out that this BLM rep is a fundy, makes it even worse.

I don't think that Marissa Johnson is representative of BLM as a whole, but to the best of my knowledge no one from BLM has disavowed this crap, and some have expressed support for it.

A couple of other points: Sanders didn't just walk off as are erroneously claiming. After 20 minutes and the activists continued refusal to relinquish the mic, the event organizer declared the event finished. And Sanders had another scheduled event to attend.

Can you even imagine the anger over an action entitled bow down Hillary? And that anger would be justified.

Sanders did precisely what activists at NN demanded. He ceded the stage. He attempted to engage with these folks who had no intention of engaging with him or letting him speak except to grovel and apologize. They set up to degrade him. They got in his face and screeched at him. They threatened him.

You want to characterize my sentiments regarding this sad, sordid little episode as white privilege or hurt feelings, go for it, but what I saw and heard was not only counterproductive but all kinds of wrong.

Why do you hate blacks Eva?

Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:06 PM

Star Member Warren DeMontague (62,157 posts)
6. Apparently every narcissist with religious mania gets a turn at the mike when a candidate speaks.

Oh, wait, not all candidates of course! ...Just some of them.


Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:08 PM

magical thyme (11,808 posts)
8. at this point, I consider Marissa the black "backwards B-girl" of the campaign

a closet GOPer who set out to destroy Bernie and trying to get her 15 minutes of fame and a job with the GOP. Amateur con fail.

Bernie did the *only* thing you can do when face-to-face in close quarters with crazy, and that is step back so you don't get trampled. You cannot reason with crazy.

I haven't seen a credible response from BLM yet either. If they don't disavow her, she and her ilk will take them right along down the path of irrelevancy.

Bernie's suffered no real damage and in the long run this will make him that much more known and stronger. For Backwards B-girl Marissa, on the other hand, her 15 minutes are just about up and she's going down in flames. The intertubes have no mercy.

Black hater!

Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:10 PM

pnwmom (62,194 posts)
11. He shouldn't have ceded the stage. Better event planning could have prevented them from

getting on stage and grabbing the mic.

Once he was there, he would have been justified in letting them talk for a few minutes, and then letting police remove them. Then he could have used that platform to inform his listeners about his plan for criminal justice reform -- among other things. He didn't have to and shouldn't have given up.

That tactic won't work in the general when the protesters will be Rethugs. He's got to find a better way to deal with the inevitable protests that go along with being a politician on the national stage.

Keep those damn blacks at the back of the bus!!

Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:25 PM

Star Member panader0 (12,482 posts)
17. K and R

It seems as BLM has been corrupted by those wishing to divide our party.

Stupid blacks actually expect the free shit we crackas deserve

Response to panader0 (Reply #17)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:47 PM

stillwaiting (2,208 posts)
27. The very fact that it does seem to be dividing our party should maybe give them pause.

A divided Party may lead to a Republican President with a Republican Congress. That would be horrible for PoC.

I strongly support a RADICAL change to our justice system in this country, but dividing our Party won't get us there. A better approach is needed, and more marches and demonstrations (even disruptive ones) that include support from all races would be great. We need massive structural changes and we need it now.

Tearing apart the most liberal member of the Senate in a most horrible way will not bear fruit for our cause (for anyone on our side).

Shut up niggas,we know what is best for you.

Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:37 PM

Star Member MisterP (17,474 posts)
22. the rhetoric of "hurt fee-fees" shows exactly how insular and cosseted these types are

if you say you're not an unwitting racist that's just proof you are and you have to apologize twice over for your "denial"

past accomplishments, passed laws, marching, arrests, statistics, proposed laws--all these facts don't matter unless you entirely submit to their ideology and beg forgiveness for ever having doubted it

(plus there's the issue of whether Jews can count as "white" and "privileged," especially the era before Entebbe: they don't publicize letters of recommendation after Peter Novick published a whole slew)

Yet you call all who disagree with you racists.

Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 07:45 PM

NaturalHigh (11,164 posts)
24. Agreed. BLM's actions are mean-spirited and wrong.


Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 08:02 PM

Star Member still_one (37,938 posts)
35. Collective guilt is extremely unfair. African Americans have been associated with so many negative

stereotypes for hundreds of years. That is an injustice, as is broad based generalizations of ANY demographic based on race or religion.

Too many times people do not imagine what it would be like to walk in the other person's shoes.

As I have commented before, if BLM was having a rally on the injustices against African Americans in this country, and a few people jumped up, and demanded the microphone to talk about an entirely different subject, what should the reaction be?

If someone accuses a person of being a rapist, and they are NOT a rapist, what should the reaction of the person being called a rapist be?

If someone accuses a person of being a racist, and they are NOT racist, what should the reaction of the person being called a racist be?

If anyone of us were called an untrue, derogatory personification, what would our reaction be?

The irony escapes you.

Response to cali (Original post)

Sun Aug 9, 2015, 08:17 PM

Star Member whathehell (15,804 posts)
41. I won't either..NO one needs to "bow down" or grovel to anyone

and certainly not someone like Bernie...They can take their arrogant, assinine demands and shove them.

Uppity blacks want my free shit.  :mad:

Offline franksolich

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Re: Bitter old Cali shows her racist self.
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 08:02:02 PM »
In case anyone missed seeing the surly old bitch:

comment 2847:
apres moi, le deluge

Offline SVPete

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Re: Bitter old Cali shows her racist self.
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 06:26:28 AM »
That was Hillary-ous!

Libs & Progs all but brought accusation equals guilt into modern US politics! And now, after decades of Race-Card and Gender-Card and Enviro-Card Playing against Rs and conservatives they object when the tactic is used on one of their own? Too! Rich!

Libs & Progs brought Jew-hating-and-baiting into recent US politics, and, now that one of their own is the target of baiting and hating they object? Victor Frankenstein-like, they created this monster: they own it; it may consume them.

If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline SVPete

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Re: Bitter old Cali shows her racist self.
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2015, 06:34:40 AM »
And that it turns out that this BLM rep is a fundy, makes it even worse.

Could some one interpret? Is she saying:

A. The BLM female is one of the universal bogeymen, a "Fundamentalist"?

B. The BLM female was funded by Tsaritsa CHILL or George Soros?

C. The BLM female was funded by the VRWC?

D. The BLM female is a trust-fund 1%er?

Whatever her meaning, I think "B." is probable, and "D." quite possible.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.