Author Topic: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?  (Read 8788 times)

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Offline Lacarnut

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2015, 05:08:15 AM »

     I hear that ****ing off is a great way to increase the value of your portfolio. You should try it.

     Cindie doesn't need me to defend her, but seriously: trying to win an argument with your portfolio is bush league.

She was the first one to mention finances. So I rubbed her nose in mine. The post was meant for her ONLY. If you do not like it, tough shit.

Offline The Stranger

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2015, 08:06:49 AM »
I know it can be hard to do, but as conservatives we should find areas of agreement with those who have conservative principles.
Then we should focus as much of our attention there as possible.
AMEN to that!!!!!
I agree but when you have a clear RINO bragging to be conservative this must be pointed out and explained when possible!
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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2015, 11:08:48 AM »
She was the first one to mention finances. So I rubbed her nose in mine. The post was meant for her ONLY. If you do not like it, tough shit.

    Posts meant for her only are called PMs, asshole. If I can see it, I can respond to it. If you're so ****ing rich, take your sanctimony back to your yacht and go live it up.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2015, 03:04:21 PM »

I heard some lib attacking the anchor baby part by saying that there aren't that many. 1 is too effing many.

An example of a "Dreamer" that 0bama (and Jeb) wants to keep in this country out of compassion. The first time I heard this, I cried. I have no idea how to post facebook videos but here's the link.

Laura Wilkerson Testimony on the Death of Her Son
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Offline Boudicca

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #54 on: August 23, 2015, 08:18:51 PM »
I know it can be hard to do, but as conservatives we should find areas of agreement with those who have conservative principles.
Then we should focus as much of our attention there as possible.

Yeah, gotta say reading this was quite depressing.  I'd much rather beat up on the Democrats.  And I do love Trump and will vote for him.  We've tried the old way, elected the same old politicians spewing the same old shit and they've given us heartburn while they sat around on their yachts sipping martinis and laughing their asses off at all us dumbasses who voted for them (both parties).  Trump may be, hell, he is proud of, being an asshole, but he could be America's asshole.  I really think he could turn this sinking ship of State around before we're all taking a dive overboard.  Maybe I'm wrong, but God knows he couldn't be half the disaster that Obama was.  I get that he did business dirty tricks (I guess?) as do all business people.  Hubby and I have been in the market since 1981 (me) and 1984 (when we married both of us) and we've lost tons of money (to us) several times.  You have to get back up and rebound as best you can.  I see Trump as doing this, on a vastly more grand scale.  Never dabbled in real estate because we saw too many military friends lose their shirts over a PCS move and an unsold/unrented domicile at the old duty station.  So we're 56 and have another 10 years on our mortgage.  C'est la vie.  We are extremely blessed and damn well know it that he has a 30-year vested military pension, yeah, funded by the taxpayer (including us), but I like to think he did earn it with wartime deployments and countless peacetime field exercises.  Those suck, by the way.  I never got to shower and smelled almost as bad as Bill Clinton's jock strap by the time I came out of the field. :-)

Although I do admire Trump for the negotiating braggart but truly fascinating character that he is, I will hold my nose and vote for almost any other Republican candidate.  I may as well chalk up a third loss after McCain and Romney.  But, for once since Reagan, I'd like to be a winner who could ALSO be proud of my president.  I'm really tired of waiting.  For all of Trump's bad points, duly noted, I find that I just don't care if only he can do one fourth of what he promises to deliver and makes my nation one I can be happy to live in again instead of breaking down and crying over the utter stupidity of our misrepresentatives in DC and their futility in helping America.  And if he's all bark and no bite, well, there's four years down the road from now.  We were SUPPOSED to heave Obama overboard in 2012 but everyone was too fixated on playing nice and see where that got us.  Some times just call for a real ****ing asshole.

One last note, I don't think Hilarity will be the next Dim candidate because even O's corrupt DoJ can't ignore an FBI investigation.  And thank God for Trey Gowdy and I hope he runs for something higher than Representative next time.  If not for his dogged attempts to get some sort of justice for the murders of those four wonderful, brave Americans, Hitlery probably would be waddling full steam ahead towards the nomination.

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(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline obumazombie

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2015, 10:22:03 AM »
^Yeah, I hope Hitlary(or Hilarity, I don't know which is better), pays dearly for her role in Benghazi.
Her flippant as usual remark of "what difference, at this point...does it make?" seemed at the time to be the departing salvo that would exonerate her.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #56 on: August 24, 2015, 02:40:46 PM »
^Yeah, I hope Hitlary(or Hilarity, I don't know which is better), pays dearly for her role in Benghazi.
Her flippant as usual remark of "what difference, at this point...does it make?" seemed at the time to be the departing salvo that would exonerate her.

Well if there's any truth to the Biden/Warren meeting, she won't be the nominee. 0bama's got her over a barrel. If the Dems end up with that combo, they left will go literally ga-ga with the fake Indian on the ticket. You will see the same level of enthusiasm they had with 0bama. We better make sure we provide a candidate the rest of the country can vote FOR and who won't insure half (or more) of the base staying home. The problem with cult figures like 0bama & Warren (and even Trump to a certain extent, though I hope we're a little smarter than the left), people end up more devoted to them than principles. It scares me because this may very well be our last chance to right this sinking ship.

One of the biggest problems I have with Trump and it's a huge hurdle for me to get over, is his 3rd party threat. Not just that he made it, but he made it so early, when nothing had happened yet. And it's conditional, not on principles: "I'll run 3rd party if amnesty is part of the GOP platform" or "I'll consider a 3rd party run if repealing 0bamacare isn't on the GOP agenda". His threat is conditional depending on how the party treats HIM! Only he knows what that is. Considering how the party treats Cruz (and has treated him since he became a senator), Trumps bar better be pretty fricking high.

I wouldn't even have a problem voting for him. I just don't like threats. We have great conservatives in this party, some who've been working like dogs from the inside to change things. It's slow but I see it happening, especially where it matters, at local and state levels. That's where real, sustainable change happens. Someone with Trumps charisma and personality could and should be a driving force behind this change. I don't see how he can do that if he's more concerned about how he's being treated.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 02:43:17 PM by delilahmused »
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"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #57 on: August 24, 2015, 03:50:07 PM »
Yeah, gotta say reading this was quite depressing.  I'd much rather beat up on the Democrats.  And I do love Trump and will vote for him.  We've tried the old way, elected the same old politicians spewing the same old shit and they've given us heartburn while they sat around on their yachts sipping martinis and laughing their asses off at all us dumbasses who voted for them (both parties).  Trump may be, hell, he is proud of, being an asshole, but he could be America's asshole.  I really think he could turn this sinking ship of State around before we're all taking a dive overboard.  Maybe I'm wrong, but God knows he couldn't be half the disaster that Obama was.  I get that he did business dirty tricks (I guess?) as do all business people.  Hubby and I have been in the market since 1981 (me) and 1984 (when we married both of us) and we've lost tons of money (to us) several times.  You have to get back up and rebound as best you can.  I see Trump as doing this, on a vastly more grand scale.  Never dabbled in real estate because we saw too many military friends lose their shirts over a PCS move and an unsold/unrented domicile at the old duty station.  So we're 56 and have another 10 years on our mortgage.  C'est la vie.  We are extremely blessed and damn well know it that he has a 30-year vested military pension, yeah, funded by the taxpayer (including us), but I like to think he did earn it with wartime deployments and countless peacetime field exercises.  Those suck, by the way.  I never got to shower and smelled almost as bad as Bill Clinton's jock strap by the time I came out of the field. :-)

Trump/Cruz would make a great ticket. I think they would beat the pants off Hillary, Biden or Sanders. 

Although I do admire Trump for the negotiating braggart but truly fascinating character that he is, I will hold my nose and vote for almost any other Republican candidate.  I may as well chalk up a third loss after McCain and Romney.  But, for once since Reagan, I'd like to be a winner who could ALSO be proud of my president.  I'm really tired of waiting.  For all of Trump's bad points, duly noted, I find that I just don't care if only he can do one fourth of what he promises to deliver and makes my nation one I can be happy to live in again instead of breaking down and crying over the utter stupidity of our misrepresentatives in DC and their futility in helping America.  And if he's all bark and no bite, well, there's four years down the road from now.  We were SUPPOSED to heave Obama overboard in 2012 but everyone was too fixated on playing nice and see where that got us.  Some times just call for a real ****ing asshole.

One last note, I don't think Hilarity will be the next Dim candidate because even O's corrupt DoJ can't ignore an FBI investigation.  And thank God for Trey Gowdy and I hope he runs for something higher than Representative next time.  If not for his dogged attempts to get some sort of justice for the murders of those four wonderful, brave Americans, Hitlery probably would be waddling full steam ahead towards the nomination.

Well if there's any truth to the Biden/Warren meeting, she won't be the nominee. 0bama's got her over a barrel. If the Dems end up with that combo, they left will go literally ga-ga with the fake Indian on the ticket. You will see the same level of enthusiasm they had with 0bama. We better make sure we provide a candidate the rest of the country can vote FOR and who won't insure half (or more) of the base staying home. The problem with cult figures like 0bama & Warren (and even Trump to a certain extent, though I hope we're a little smarter than the left), people end up more devoted to them than principles. It scares me because this may very well be our last chance to right this sinking ship.

One of the biggest problems I have with Trump and it's a huge hurdle for me to get over, is his 3rd party threat. Not just that he made it, but he made it so early, when nothing had happened yet. And it's conditional, not on principles: "I'll run 3rd party if amnesty is part of the GOP platform" or "I'll consider a 3rd party run if repealing 0bamacare isn't on the GOP agenda". His threat is conditional depending on how the party treats HIM! Only he knows what that is. Considering how the party treats Cruz (and has treated him since he became a senator), Trumps bar better be pretty fricking high.

I wouldn't even have a problem voting for him. I just don't like threats. We have great conservatives in this party, some who've been working like dogs from the inside to change things. It's slow but I see it happening, especially where it matters, at local and state levels. That's where real, sustainable change happens. Someone with Trumps charisma and personality could and should be a driving force behind this change. I don't see how he can do that if he's more concerned about how he's being treated.


As much as I like Trump, I would NOT vote for him as a 3rd party candidate. That would be like giving the election to the Democrats. The coverage of Trump has been overwhelming. So, he will run as a Repub. and his threats at this stage is just for show. 

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #58 on: August 24, 2015, 04:23:48 PM »
As much as I like Trump, I would NOT vote for him as a 3rd party candidate. That would be like giving the election to the Democrats. The coverage of Trump has been overwhelming. So, he will run as a Repub. and his threats at this stage is just for show.

I don't see Trump making idle threats.  IF Trump runs 3rd party and neither the GOP or DEMS get enough votes then it is up to the House to decide who is seated in the oval office.  Somehow I just don't feel that Biden/Warren would be the winning ticket in that case.  Then again, the GOP has a lot of RINO's who may just vote them in.

I think we are going to see some extraordinary circumstances surrounding this election.
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Boudicca

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #59 on: August 24, 2015, 05:12:59 PM »
One of the biggest problems I have with Trump and it's a huge hurdle for me to get over, is his 3rd party threat. Not just that he made it, but he made it so early, when nothing had happened yet. And it's conditional, not on principles: "I'll run 3rd party if amnesty is part of the GOP platform" or "I'll consider a 3rd party run if repealing 0bamacare isn't on the GOP agenda". His threat is conditional depending on how the party treats HIM! Only he knows what that is. Considering how the party treats Cruz (and has treated him since he became a senator), Trumps bar better be pretty fricking high.

Cindie, I don't actually see what Trump answered as a threat.  He was asked a simple question, along with all the others on stage, and he answered it.  He was being honest.  I find that refreshing.  Blind adherence to the party hasn't gotten us very far along these past dismal decades.  And I remember watching the coverage of Donald Trump when he announced and yeah, he was treated with much disdain and disrespect from conservative commentators I generally agree with and admire.  I don't know why he, or anyone, should have to smile and take that kind of shit, especially from those who are supposed to be unbiased.

My son stopped by this afternoon.  He's been on my case these past 12 years or more about getting involved in politics, passionate in discussing issues, in short, the sort of disengaged 20-something year old who doesn't even bother to vote.  HE is actually listening to Trump and said he's considering voting for him.  I know that doesn't mean jack squat to anyone, but for me that's about as explosive a statement as any I've ever heard from my family, since my husband and kids tend to abhor politics and  :runaway:
whenever I try to bring up issues.  Even though they're all fairly conservative and agree with me.  Love him or hate him, Trump resonates with alot of people. 

Maybe I'm naive, or stupid, or both.  But I can't remember getting this energized by someone since Reagan...who was also disrespected and marginalized by his party in the beginning.  If nothing else, having to deal with Trump is injecting a bit of spine into many current contenders.  And of course, there are those who already had a spine, but they don't tend to be the mainstream pols either.  I probably will vote Republican, but there are some candidates who won't get my vote.  I refuse to be pigeonholed into voting for any old RINO any more than some so-called minorities refuse to stay on the D reservation. 
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(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #60 on: August 24, 2015, 05:38:44 PM »
I don't see Trump making idle threats.  IF Trump runs 3rd party and neither the GOP or DEMS get enough votes then it is up to the House to decide who is seated in the oval office.  Somehow I just don't feel that Biden/Warren would be the winning ticket in that case.  Then again, the GOP has a lot of RINO's who may just vote them in.

I think we are going to see some extraordinary circumstances surrounding this election.

I think Trump or Cruz will win the nomination. Trump clarified his threat to run as a 3rd party candidate by stating that he wanted to be treated fairly, and that the Repub candidate be someone who he could totally support. Jeb Bush would not meet that criteria.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #61 on: August 25, 2015, 12:16:49 AM »
Cindie, I don't actually see what Trump answered as a threat.  He was asked a simple question, along with all the others on stage, and he answered it.  He was being honest.  I find that refreshing.  Blind adherence to the party hasn't gotten us very far along these past dismal decades.  And I remember watching the coverage of Donald Trump when he announced and yeah, he was treated with much disdain and disrespect from conservative commentators I generally agree with and admire.  I don't know why he, or anyone, should have to smile and take that kind of shit, especially from those who are supposed to be unbiased.

Then you'd have to consider Reagan someone with "blind adherence to the party". He wasn't treated fairly either time he ran. In fact, up until the moment he set foot in the White House he was mocked and scorned. Then all those same people wanted to be part of the revolution. Walker has never received any acclaim or support for all he's done in Wisconsin. Never gotten kudos for standing up to the unions or sticking to his principles. Cruz was blamed for the entire government shut down. He's a constant scapegoat because his loyalty is to his country and his constituents instead of the GOP. Ben Carson is considered a buffoon by the party establishment, as is Jindal. Perry & Fiorina they just try to ignore but if it looks like either of them are going any higher you can expect the powers that be to start in on them. I wouldn't consider any of these people blind or followers.

As I said, I don't think Trump's reason for going 3rd party is principled. Cruz, Walker, Perry, Carson, Fiorina, all have been slighted by the GOP. For Cruz it's become a daily occurrence. None of them has threatened to go 3rd party. Of course Trump's going to get more flak than anyone else, he's the front runner. The establishment is going to be especially hard on him. Anyone on top who isn't named Bush is going to be treated to a shit sandwich every single day. But, the best revenge is winning. It's having enough honor, if you don't get the nomination to walk away knowing you gave it everything you had, not skulking off and taking votes away the nominee. What if the candidate was Cruz or Walker, principled, solid conservatives but he still feels he was treated  "unfairly" by the party? 

And it's not because he refused to commit to the party at the debate. It was a loaded question and a stupid way to start out. It's that he said it again with what sounds like an even bigger threat: The Hill

Pressed on whether he would run as a third-party candidate if he fails to clinch the GOP nomination, Trump said that “so many people want me to, if I don’t win.”
“I’ll have to see how I’m being treated by the Republicans,” Trump said. “Absolutely, if they’re not fair, that would be a factor.”

He's at the top of the heap. He may stay there, he may not but what's his criteria for being treated "fair"? Is it being treated as shitty as Cruz? Because he really hasn't experienced that kind of viciousness and vitriol. A 3rd party would split his own supporters and there would be resentment among those that stayed, those that followed and resentment from those who backed a different candidate who didn't win the nomination but didn't leave in a huff. All we've been through the past few cycles, the good and the really, really terrible while sticking to our guns and electing as many congresspeople and conservatives at other levels of government, would it be worth it to slow that momentum?

I just don't know how to trust him because he's spent a lifetime doing what feeds his ego. Heck, he's even run for president before and bowed out when it wasn't fun anymore (he even threatened 3rd party back then). I truly understand the reasons for his threat at the debate, I do. He didn't allow it to be a gotcha question. Good for him. I'd just like to know under what circumstances he might believe he's being slighted. Politics is hard and dirty and requires strength & fortitude. How is bolting for a 3rd party because he thinks hes not being treated "fair" an illustration of either?

As a side note, I also thinks he needs to start acting like an adult. Megyn Kelly came back from vacation today and he immediately started in on her with nasty comments and insults. He got his supporters all worked up again, hurling their bullshit. This is the behavior of a schoolyard bully (or 0bama when he gets his ego bruised). I get it, she was unfair. It pissed him off but it's over! It was over a few days after the debate. She's not a gold digging ex wife. She's one woman with a TV show. There are more pressing issues but he's rehashing something that happened a month ago for a couple hours of his life. Sore losers, I get, as ridiculous as they are. But a sore winner, that's just childish. By all accounts he won. He should've let it go weeks ago. This is 0bama behavior. We deserve better than this.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #62 on: August 25, 2015, 02:52:28 PM »
One of the biggest problems I have with Trump and it's a huge hurdle for me to get over, is his 3rd party threat. Not just that he made it, but he made it so early, when nothing had happened yet. And it's conditional, not on principles: "I'll run 3rd party if amnesty is part of the GOP platform" or "I'll consider a 3rd party run if repealing 0bamacare isn't on the GOP agenda". His threat is conditional depending on how the party treats HIM! Only he knows what that is. Considering how the party treats Cruz (and has treated him since he became a senator), Trumps bar better be pretty fricking high.

Cindie, I don't actually see what Trump answered as a threat.  He was asked a simple question, along with all the others on stage, and he answered it.  He was being honest.  I find that refreshing.  Blind adherence to the party hasn't gotten us very far along these past dismal decades.  And I remember watching the coverage of Donald Trump when he announced and yeah, he was treated with much disdain and disrespect from conservative commentators I generally agree with and admire.  I don't know why he, or anyone, should have to smile and take that kind of shit, especially from those who are supposed to be unbiased.

My son stopped by this afternoon.  He's been on my case these past 12 years or more about getting involved in politics, passionate in discussing issues, in short, the sort of disengaged 20-something year old who doesn't even bother to vote.  HE is actually listening to Trump and said he's considering voting for him.  I know that doesn't mean jack squat to anyone, but for me that's about as explosive a statement as any I've ever heard from my family, since my husband and kids tend to abhor politics and  :runaway:
whenever I try to bring up issues.  Even though they're all fairly conservative and agree with me.  Love him or hate him, Trump resonates with alot of people. 

Maybe I'm naive, or stupid, or both.  But I can't remember getting this energized by someone since Reagan...who was also disrespected and marginalized by his party in the beginning.  If nothing else, having to deal with Trump is injecting a bit of spine into many current contenders.  And of course, there are those who already had a spine, but they don't tend to be the mainstream pols either.  I probably will vote Republican, but there are some candidates who won't get my vote.  I refuse to be pigeonholed into voting for any old RINO any more than some so-called minorities refuse to stay on the D reservation.

What's aggravating to me is how the question was phrased.
Essentially the question was targeted directly at Trump.
The 2 assumptions being made by the question is Trump wouldn't support the nominee, and that the nominee wouldn't be him.
The better question would be, will everyone on the stage support the nominee whomever that may be.
Or, even better...would each of the other 9 support Trump if he was the nominee.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #63 on: August 25, 2015, 04:30:11 PM »
What's aggravating to me is how the question was phrased.
Essentially the question was targeted directly at Trump.
The 2 assumptions being made by the question is Trump wouldn't support the nominee, and that the nominee wouldn't be him.
The better question would be, will everyone on the stage support the nominee whomever that may be.
Or, even better...would each of the other 9 support Trump if he was the nominee.

I think that Trump should bury the hatched with the reporters and questions asked. It does him no good to keep bashing Kelly since women make up a majority of the electorate. I am a Trump supporter but like Kenny R. sang "there is a time to hold them and a time to fold them".  Time to let this feud die. 

Offline Boudicca

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #64 on: August 25, 2015, 05:02:42 PM »
What's aggravating to me is how the question was phrased.
Essentially the question was targeted directly at Trump.
The 2 assumptions being made by the question is Trump wouldn't support the nominee, and that the nominee wouldn't be him.
The better question would be, will everyone on the stage support the nominee whomever that may be.
Or, even better...would each of the other 9 support Trump if he was the nominee.

Obumazombie, I agree with you.  As for the nomination, I think I'll let the voters decide but I WILL say that FOX News is definitely losing its fair and balanced reputation and I've been disappointed in quite a few of them.  Bill O'Reilly has been a pompous asshole for a long time and let's hope he doesn't weigh in about Trump being sexist, not after having to settle a lawsuit brought against him some years back by a young lady who didn't care for his loofah/shower comments.  Actually, Brett Baier asked the pledge question and Rand Paul accused him of buying politicans and hedging his bets/to which Trump told him, yeah, I gave you money and Rand shut up pretty much.  No one seems to attack Rand Paul for being less than statesmanlike. :shrug:
I've actually begun watching NewsMax more and FOX less since all this began. 

Cindie, guess I wasn't clear about the blind adherence comment because I was speaking about we the voters, not candidates past and present.  As for how everyone else reacts and reacted in the past re bias, we're all accountable for how we handle ourselves and Trump is obviously not for everyone, although he sure has resonated with alot more primary voters than the rest of them thus far.  I do think it's true what Trump told Kelly during the debate re her question, that we don't have time for this stuff when the country has real problems.  I don't care what anyone says, I care what they do.

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #65 on: August 26, 2015, 12:14:28 AM »
What's aggravating to me is how the question was phrased.
Essentially the question was targeted directly at Trump.
The 2 assumptions being made by the question is Trump wouldn't support the nominee, and that the nominee wouldn't be him.
The better question would be, will everyone on the stage support the nominee whomever that may be.
Or, even better...would each of the other 9 support Trump if he was the nominee.

But I'm not talking about the debates. I acknowledged that was shitty. I'm talking about the interview he gave to The Hill. What does he mean by being treated "fairly"? If he's given the same treatment as Walker has gotten over the years? Is he unable the kind of unfair treatment Cruz has experienced for years? Is that too much for him? Somewhere in between? Because the GOP establishment treats everyone who's not one of them with the same unfairness and contempt and anyone with half a brain knows if anyone on either side goes 3rd party it guarantees the other side will win. No candidate currently running can pull the kind of support they'd need to win as a third party candidate. He or she would have to pull at least half from both candidates and about every single independent in the country. If he does that because he THINKS he's being treated unfairly it will prove what everyone who's been put off by his attitude believes: it's more about him than the country.

I don't expect humility from him, he's not capable of it and the lack of it is not a bad thing. But I've had my fill of having an egotistical, pouty, name calling president who's such a special snowflake he can't take any push back or criticism. In one of his interviews Trump was proud of the fact that he whines until he gets what he wants. That's not going to work with ISIS and it will wear very thin on the American people because it's what 0bama does and if whining doesn't work, 0bama just does it anyway.

Donald Trump has the EXACT same personality, he's just talking about things we care about. The left thinks nothing about the boy king using illegal executive orders to make changes to 0bamacare & allow illegals to flood this country and stay here. Are Trump's supporters going to accept that from him if he has a congress that won't go along with what he wants exactly the way he wants? Will we accept whatever extra-constitutional act he does? If not, how the hell is anyone going to stop him.

A recent example of his childishness: he's still playing the equivalent of "I'm rubber, your glue" with Megyn Kelly. Honestly, I can remember bullies getting all their sycophants to call whomever was their latest target. Followers try so hard to impress the instigator that they're over the top vicious. I expect people to knock that shit off when they become adults. As president it's not going to go your way all the time. Maybe not even most of the time. His continued attacks on Kelly, long after everyone else (including her) has moved on is the equivalent of continuing to call people who don't agree with your Iran policy just like the Mullahs. Today, 0bama's still calling us names. Today, The Donald is still calling a woman with a one hour talk show names.

I love that he's talking about things no one else is. I love his fearlessness. I certainly don't expect him to act like other candidates. All of them are unique actually, if you pay attention. But I do expect him to act like an adult. I do expect him to be more concerned with the country than whether his ego gets bruised. Ask him today whether he'd go 3rd party and he'd give the same answer as he did to The Hill. When he walks a couple of years in Cruz's shoes then he might have reason to complain. Until then he needs to suck it up and be a man.


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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #66 on: August 26, 2015, 12:19:24 AM »
What's aggravating to me is how the question was phrased.
Essentially the question was targeted directly at Trump.
The 2 assumptions being made by the question is Trump wouldn't support the nominee, and that the nominee wouldn't be him.
The better question would be, will everyone on the stage support the nominee whomever that may be.
Or, even better...would each of the other 9 support Trump if he was the nominee.

Obumazombie, I agree with you.  As for the nomination, I think I'll let the voters decide but I WILL say that FOX News is definitely losing its fair and balanced reputation and I've been disappointed in quite a few of them.  Bill O'Reilly has been a pompous asshole for a long time and let's hope he doesn't weigh in about Trump being sexist, not after having to settle a lawsuit brought against him some years back by a young lady who didn't care for his loofah/shower comments.  Actually, Brett Baier asked the pledge question and Rand Paul accused him of buying politicans and hedging his bets/to which Trump told him, yeah, I gave you money and Rand shut up pretty much.  No one seems to attack Rand Paul for being less than statesmanlike. :shrug:
I've actually begun watching NewsMax more and FOX less since all this began. 

Cindie, guess I wasn't clear about the blind adherence comment because I was speaking about we the voters, not candidates past and present.  As for how everyone else reacts and reacted in the past re bias, we're all accountable for how we handle ourselves and Trump is obviously not for everyone, although he sure has resonated with alot more primary voters than the rest of them thus far. I do think it's true what Trump told Kelly during the debate re her question, that we don't have time for this stuff when the country has real problems.  I don't care what anyone says, I care what they do.

If he believed that he wouldn't keep piling on long after the rest of us have moved on. Look at his Twitter feed. It's a grade school bitch slap festival over there.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #67 on: August 26, 2015, 06:48:23 AM »


As a side note, I also thinks he needs to start acting like an adult. Megyn Kelly came back from vacation today and he immediately started in on her with nasty comments and insults. He got his supporters all worked up again, hurling their bullshit. This is the behavior of a schoolyard bully (or 0bama when he gets his ego bruised). I get it, she was unfair. It pissed him off but it's over! It was over a few days after the debate. She's not a gold digging ex wife. She's one woman with a TV show. There are more pressing issues but he's rehashing something that happened a month ago for a couple hours of his life. Sore losers, I get, as ridiculous as they are. But a sore winner, that's just childish. By all accounts he won. He should've let it go weeks ago. This is 0bama behavior. We deserve better than this.


Just my two cents on the situation, if I may.  Trump is playing by "Big Bidnezz Rules", not "Same Ol' Politics Rules".  She attacked.  He responded and said what he wanted.  She refused.  That's not what he's used to, just because that's how business is.  He's not used to political kiss and make up.  He's Tarzan.  He's lived by the law of the jungle.  Can he adapt to the laws of politics.  Maybe a lot of the people who like him don't want him to change.
I could be wrong.

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #68 on: August 26, 2015, 07:03:16 AM »
What is Trump going to do if he is one of 2-3 left come next summer or if he does get the nomination and they start to question his business dealing and how he's going to take oil from the m-e?
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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #69 on: August 26, 2015, 10:18:10 AM »
What is Trump going to do if he is one of 2-3 left come next summer or if he does get the nomination and they start to question his business dealing and how he's going to take oil from the m-e?

This will be a softball question. Trump is in the real estate business. He filed bankruptcy on his assets in NJ because of the downturn in the economy and casino revenues. Many of the business along the Boardwalk went bust. The gambling industry in the US is struggling even in L.V. 4 bankruptcies out of hundreds is not too shabby.

He sells his name to developers to build buildings. Not his fault if the contractors mismanages the project like the ones that went under in Mexico and the one struggling in Panama. His concern is getting a fee for the use of his name. His charges a tidy sum for the usage of the Trump name.

He has purchased 17 quality country club golf courses like Doral in Miami FL. One or more of the 17 will go under because of the economy, decrease in memberships and new clubs being built. That is just how business works. If someone has a better product, they will put you out of business.

He will get the oil by telling M.E. countries like S.A. and Kuwait that they they have to pay in oil or cash for protection. Kuwait wanted to pay the US soldiers that were killed money but Bush said no. How sorry is our government for protecting these rag heads when we can not even get some form of compensation. Trump will demand that if elected President and our hostages will be on their way back home.

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #70 on: August 26, 2015, 02:12:05 PM »
Just my two cents on the situation, if I may.  Trump is playing by "Big Bidnezz Rules", not "Same Ol' Politics Rules".  She attacked.  He responded and said what he wanted.  She refused.  That's not what he's used to, just because that's how business is.  He's not used to political kiss and make up.  He's Tarzan.  He's lived by the law of the jungle.  Can he adapt to the laws of politics.  Maybe a lot of the people who like him don't want him to change.
I could be wrong.

He didn't even have to kiss and make up, just let it go. She came back from vacation, wasn't bothering anyone, didn't make any comments about him, just did her job. He started insulting her and then some of his more rabid supporters did as well. He made sure to retweet the more vicious ones. This is the part that really bothers me. Just take the high road, it's not that hard. There are plenty of people who deserve his vitriolic wit, but his beef with her is over. There's no reason to keep this going, especially since he won.

I get a kick out of him and I think he's serious about his love for this country. I just love how he tweaks the establishment (both parties), the media and the entire left. I like him. If he's the nominee, I'll do everything I can to help him get elected, make phone calls, pass out fliers, whatever. I love his sense of humor but this rehashing of something that, in the whole scheme of thing is pretty minor just to unleash fresh insults is immature and disgusting. It's not like Kelly changed the channel and then hid the remote!

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #71 on: November 19, 2015, 04:20:12 PM »
When Rep. Mia Love ran for the House the 1st time, I recall reading some articles questioning her conservatism. She was helped by Tea Party support.   Now that she's a Rep. we may question them again.

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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #72 on: November 19, 2015, 06:20:57 PM »
When Rep. Mia Love ran for the House the 1st time, I recall reading some articles questioning her conservatism. She was helped by Tea Party support.   Now that she's a Rep. we may question them again.

Rubio can get all the endorsements he wants.  Doubt the American people give a shit what some small time pol thinks, except for it confirming their suspicions that all politicians are alike in that they stink.  I just read through this thread for the first time in months.  All Trump has done thus far is trounce his opponents.  Apparently I wasn't the only one who really fell in love with his candidacy from Day One.

My HVAC service guy showed up this morning (cuuute, btw, Belle, lol) and we had barely started on a conversation when he popped up with his gonna vote for Trump.  He thinks America OUGHT to be run like a business and would like to get ahead financially for once.  Plus, he was as pissed about our porous borders as me.
I would think he was angling for a tip, but it only took a very mild comment from me "D and I went to Mexico this past February and now that I've seen Chichen Itza I could care less if I ever get back there" for him to launch into his little rant.
Cute and smart.  LOL, too bad he's married or I'd hunt him down for my daughter. :-)
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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #73 on: November 19, 2015, 06:25:15 PM »
Rubio can get all the endorsements he wants.  Doubt the American people give a shit what some small time pol thinks, except for it confirming their suspicions that all politicians are alike in that they stink.  I just read through this thread for the first time in months.  All Trump has done thus far is trounce his opponents.  Apparently I wasn't the only one who really fell in love with his candidacy from Day One.

My HVAC service guy showed up this morning (cuuute, btw, Belle, lol) and we had barely started on a conversation when he popped up with his gonna vote for Trump.  He thinks America OUGHT to be run like a business and would like to get ahead financially for once.  Plus, he was as pissed about our porous borders as me.
I would think he was angling for a tip, but it only took a very mild comment from me "D and I went to Mexico this past February and now that I've seen Chichen Itza I could care less if I ever get back there" for him to launch into his little rant.
Cute and smart.  LOL, too bad he's married or I'd hunt him down for my daughter. :-)

You got a daughter?   :-)
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Re: Rating The GOP Contenders I – Will They Change America?
« Reply #74 on: November 20, 2015, 09:51:35 AM »

You got a daughter?   :-)

Yes, dutch, and she's young enough to be yours as well! :hammer: :lmao:
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
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