Author Topic: Bernie primitives trying to outsmart Skins  (Read 783 times)

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Bernie primitives trying to outsmart Skins
« on: July 08, 2015, 09:26:24 PM »

Oh my.

I dunno why the Bernie primitives just don't give up.

WillyT (64,719 posts)   Wed Jul 8, 2015, 09:43 PM

psst... over here... shhh...
This might be ultimately... the ultimate vanity post... yet aren't they all?   

A couple of weeks ago when we were not allowed to post things having to do the Dem Primary in GD, and would have to post them... were FORCED to post them in GD-P... I knew trouble was brewing.

Ironic that we can post ANYTHING in GD if it's Republican Politics...

Anywho... I came up with a strategy of posting things in the Bernie Sander's Group, and kicking and reccing so they would trend, and ultimately end up on the Top 5 list.

And it's worked pretty well so far.

And before I go on... let me say that anything I post about anything that you agree with...

Please... you have my TOTAL permission to copy, paste, and repost.

The problem:

Once these new rules were instituted... it slowed things way down. And for many that was a relief.

I understand that... BUT...

GD has always had, on a message board, the feel of a chatroom... faster, more viewed, instant response, etc...

And GD-P is now the slow lane... it gets posted, viewed, a response or two and dies. Compare the time-stamps of the two forums.

This is where our Primary fight has been relegated to. And it sucks. Yet...

If we can agree that this is basically the case, I have a proposal.

While we all support each other in the Bernie Sanders Group... might we... somehow...

Kick and Rec all to hell... the very posts that the above mentioned change was designed to slow down ??? That many would rather not be seen... THE ONES THAT RUIN THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

You've already been gracious enough to grant me one last night.



I will do the same of course. But I'm asking...

Think about the ones that give proof to the lie. And decide what to give the boost to.

And here comes the vanity part... I've Got Two Today:

Bernie Sanders and Minorities:

Bernie Sanders, White Voters,Taking Back The Congress:

This is humbly just for your consideration, but I will be doing this as much as I can.

Otherwise they've effectively cordoned us off, and have us talking to ourselves.

"Free Speech Zone" and all that rot...

I refuse to be silenced... 

<<<thinks it'd be a good idea if the Bernie primitives were in fact cordoned off, left talking to themselves.

marym625 (13,691 posts)    Wed Jul 8, 2015, 09:53 PM

1. anything for you, Willy boy!
By the way, looks like they've actually changed the jury system. I'm assuming it's due to the people that have complained the loudest without taking into consideration that the hides, the ridiculous hides, are across the board. Some people bitch louder than others. And I'm guessing haven't followed the testing rules 

monmouth4 (797 posts)    Wed Jul 8, 2015, 09:57 PM

2. Now I think is a good time to mention my disappointment in Skinner coming out before the primaries
to voice his choice It's his site and I know he can do whatever he wants but geez, he couldn't wait until we had an actual nominee? 

The Democrat party's had its actual nominee for quite some time now, and it'd be good if the Bernie primitives fell in line.

marble falls (7,042 posts)  Wed Jul 8, 2015, 10:00 PM 

3. The smart money had it that it that Hillary Clinton had it 100% all the way in.

WillyT (64,719 posts)    Wed Jul 8, 2015, 10:00 PM

4. Yeah... That Was Kind Of A Gut Kick... But The Rules Change Really Freaked Me Out...
His board... 

Damn tootin' right it's Skins's board.

edgineered (1,385 posts)    Wed Jul 8, 2015, 10:02 PM

5. There is a very specific term for this.
chillery - actions taken forcing adversaries to chill out

example: A certain group performed chillery to shut me up. Basically I was chilleried by them.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Bernie primitives trying to outsmart Skins
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 10:08:39 PM »
The Bernie-bots, like all the primitives, spend WAY too much time on the island. It is their reality. WillyT and Manny and the other Bernie-bots actually believe that if they win the Bernie-Hillary board war on Skins island they'll win the world.


I keep hoping the Bernie-bots will grow their version of a backbone and actually stand up for what they believe. Hillary is the darling of Wall Street and they should never sell out and vote for her, even in the general election. But Bernie-bots are not that mentally strong. When the time comes, they'll do what they're told and vote for the Wall Street Democrat.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.