You guys have to admit it -- this voyeur thing you do with DU is just another version of reality tv: watching conflicts among a bunch of dysfunctional people and then talking about it.
You know more about some of these DUers than I know of my own family. On the one hand, I'm impressed at the amount of information you gather and retain; but on the other .... damn!
Look at it this way.
There's 24 hours in a day. I'm never sure how anybody else spends his or her day, but on an "average" weekday, franksolich spends 8 hours working, 8 hours sleeping.
Leaving 8 hours for other things.
Some, like the cooking and baking primitives, insist they spend 12 hours a day in the kitchen, making supper. I refer you, sir, to Ms. Vanderbilt-Astor, the NJCher primitive, the winner of the
franksolich for 2014, who ostensibly labors from sun-up to sun-down making a supper her "RG" is going to gulp down in two minutes.
Cooking's not franksolich's thing to do; it's a chore, it's a bore. If I can get away with it, I spend less than two minutes a day cooking.....and that's for all three meals. And I do dine upon three squares a day.
Some primitives watch a lot of television. I refer you to Atman, who was born with his eyes glued to the boob-tube. What Atman knows, and all Atman knows, comes from the miniature silver screen.
I don't do television; despite appearances, this "closed caption" junk and other "accessories" to "enable" the deaf to watch television are a great deal of trouble and a waste of time. Especially considering the quality of what's on the boob-tube these days.
It's apparent most primitives spend a large part of their days yakking on their cellular telephones, including with people they'd just seen in real life two minutes before or half an hour ago. It's considered more chic, trendy, hip, with it, cool, to talk to people this way, instead of in person.
Well, that's one avenue of communication closed to franksolich, and seeing how it makes people behave, I don't regret it for a second.
So I for one, have a whole lot of time on my hands.
It varies so much from day-to-day that I can't even venture how much time I spend doing good works; that's something that depends upon the work that needs done, and one's ability at the moment to do it.
I read, of course, prolifically, and write for recreational purposes.
I spend far more time on my knees in church than hopping around in the sack.
But one's still talking about a whole lot of time that needs used, profitably if possible.
So.....what's one to do? Sit around, staring up at the ceiling and twiddle the thumbs?
The primitives are a source of amusement, and if one gets involved with them, merriment, too.
And it's wholly, completely, and perfectly harmless, watching the primitives. It's only the internet, not real life, where one can do real damage to someone mocking and ridiculing them.