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Offline Mr Mannn

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Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« on: September 06, 2009, 07:57:11 PM »
Steven Weber
Actor, wise-ass
Posted: September 6, 2009 11:25 AM

(Most of his post is a rambling, incoherant rant. Basically, it blames Republicans for the fact that a 60 man Dem majority in the senate can't do anything. We are all evil. He doesn't even mention Jones, but Jones is there in spirit. Only one thing makes sense and triggers a ton of fun comments-the last line:)
You say you want a revolution? Well, alright.
The joke here is...a revolt against who?
Generally, I do not argue from a "worser between two evils," diametric because that argumentation leaves you open to the "false choice," attack. However when progressives talk of abandoning Barack, forming a third party backing Hillary etc. I IMHO think you doing exactly what the "right," wants you to do - become disolussioned and fractured. TO ALL MY PROGRESSIVES AND LEFT LEANING FRIENDS - you cannot argue, negotiate, placate, and worst of all succumb to CRAZY! There is one viable option as good or as bad as it is - the other is no option at all.

Now as for Barack - the only black man to ever acheive the high office, has to worry every sti*ken night about claims he is a Terr*rist, Marxist, Islamist, Corportist, Elitist, Facist, Leninist, Socialst, Trotskiest, Defeatist, Apologist, and on and on... Ya see everytime these fruitcakes (and they do not know who they are) speak the chances of some harm happening to him increases. Is Barack operating out of fear for his own life ( dunno but could you blame him) - I think he is more operating out of the absolutely dismal hand he was dealt. What do we do - we blame him just as the wingnuts do... We need a profile in courage to get behind this man istead of tearing him down - and change does not happen over night --- change is .... a progression....


The President has repeatedly stabbed the various parts of his base in the back.

I have no intention of standing up for him when he won't even stand up for himself of the platform he ran on last year. I still have the knife in my back from he betrayed the gay community on the DOMA brief.

He was either a charlatan on the campaign or a wuss in the office. Either are equally bad.

If he doesn't stand up and FIGHT for a public health insurance option then he deserves to see his feckless Presidency go down in flames.

If the Democrats vote for a bill without a public option that mandates we all buy overpriced, unreliable private insurance at extortion level rates under penalty of taxation if we don't, then the Democrat Party deserves to go down in flames well.

I'm not abandoning the President. He abandoned himself and what he ran on last year. He abandoned us first.

There are far more important issues than worry about the reelection of a feckless President.

Time to support a progressive third party .. one with a backbone and not owned by the Wall St bankers and corporate America. After supporting the Democrats for as long as I can remember, I've had enough. Better to support something you believe in than hold your nose and vote for a shadow of the other party. The only way we can get a progressive party moving in this country is have the courage to actively support one. Maybe Russ Feingold or one of the other true progressives in DC can lead it.

One time each week I can propose a hairbrained idea - for entertainment purposes only. For inspiration, I look to Wall Street. This September, all of us with health insurance should agree to visit the doctor's office every day of the month and rack up billions of claims. Then, when the bills start pouring in, we all declare bankruptcy en masse.

I agree 100%, healthcare, education, and national defense are part and parcel with providing for the general wefare and public defense of the United States of America, but

Insurance loan sharks have privatized our national health, the voucher and charter school structure is threatening to privatize our education system, and defense contractors are privatizing national defense, with the amount of our wasted GDP which flows through these blackholes we could pay for healthcare and education, and train the first rate proffessionals to deliver this constitutional right.

Article 1, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Plutocracy is more of a eminent threat to American that socialism ever was, but if the before mentioned 3 public welfare conditions were to form the basis of National Governance, the national interest would be insulated from the systemic encroachment of corporatism into the general welfare.

Well said Steven! How these ELECTED republicans "leaders" not only sit back in silence, and allow their dark fringed base to fight their battles... but in ALL of the cases, join in with them... SPEAKS VOLUMES.

The republicans could care less that what they're unleashing within this country, they will have NO CONTROL over once the vitirol gets started. They would rather see this country destroyed citizen by citizen, and brick by brick... as long as they think it can get them back into power.

The republicans could care less how INSANE their actions are looking to the rest of us.... as long as they think it can get them back into power.

Power and control is THE ONLY THING the republicans are seeking. No matter that their policies and agendas have not changed for the last 50 years, and as results and evidence, have basically destroyed this country. They have no ideas or solutions.... by golly... they just want to be IN CHARGE, as they feel that NO ONE ELSE has the right to be in control except their insane party.

So they allow the lowest fringes of the part base to set and control their "agenda".... and direct it at Pres. Obama - personally. They spend their every waking (and sleeping) hours hoping that at the very least, this will chip away at his popularity.... and THEN, they will control the gavel again.... how diabolical and insane of the once respected republican party.

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 08:12:56 PM »
Here we go, the Republicans are anarchists.
Wolf58 has it right. We are seeing actual anarchists actively attempting to destroy our country and the president has deluded himself into believing the people want bipartisonship no matter how insane the opposition. Hundreds, yes- hundreds, of republican ammendments to bills they openly admit they will never vote for! Attempting to just water down the stimulus and health care to ineffectiveness so dems won't get the credit. Hoping and praying for a great depression or terrorist attack. Stirring up the lunatic fringe to violence. Dems better start buying guns. The right is stocking up and planning on wholesale murder. The other day on "the Best Defense" a quote about .22 rifles in case of economic collapse, " Good enough to use while you hunt someone with a more appropriate weapon." And these maniacs own the press, making the dems cower for fear of being called unamerican or treasonous by traitors, torturers and war criminals like Cheney.
oh wah. A voice of reason to rain on the parade...
In a left-driven revolution, the military would probably remain neutral for a few days and then join the right. There may be mass desertions along race and geographic lines, but the big guns and systems would remain under control of the right.

The country would fracture and the left would be driven to live in the NE and parts of the west coast. The rest of the country would claim to be the true USA. Given the decline of manufacturing in the NE and west coast, and the geographic equality of the internet, the new US would hold ALL of the power. Righties in the NE and West coast would move south.

They are actively talking about this plan. Witness the secession efforts in Texas.

The right has 300 million guns and billions of rounds of ammo stockpiled for such an event.

Discussion of revolution by the left is exactly what the right wants, so they can claim that they did not shoot first.

Compromising a bit and incrementally changing our system from within is much better. And saying "Bring it on" to a group that is trigger-happy is dumb.
Why isn't zombeaver a Czar? What a plan!


I have an idea. In exchange for rolling over on the Public Option, progressives should propose a stealthy, republican­y-sounding plan. I call it, "The End State Wellfare Act". Sounds really right-wing doesn't it? That's the trick! Since conservatives won't or can't read the bill, it just has to sound like it sticks it to those welfare queens and imugrints and they'll buy it. Here's the plan: state-by-state proportional redistribution of tax revenues. It would require the federal government to allocate funds back to the states in same proportion that the states provide them in the form of tax revenue. That way, the practice of giving konfederate states like Mississippi and Alabama, for instance, two dollars back for every dollar they contribute would come to and end. States like Connecticut, California, Massachusetts, Minnesota and New York would be flush with cash. They could dump it out of airplanes, as long as the ground wasn't on fire.
Ah, the first outright threat...
Along time ago I put on the uniform of this nation, swore an oath to defend this nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. The Republican Party and all their little mouth pieces are now on notice.

Oh Noes!  A lousy Freeper troll!
NEW  DavidFarrar
Wolf58, you put on a uniform of this nation and swore an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, not the nation. We have a growing number of people who can't trust Barack Obama because they haven't seen him responded in the same manner John McCain did when the Left challenged his presidential credentials and want to know why. Whether you think this funny or insane makes no difference to me. As long as Barack Obama refuses to settle this matter, a growing number of the American people will not fully trust Barack Obama. That is the real reason Obama's polls are dropping...people are coming to the realization they can't trust Barack Obama as their President, as their leader.
Now I know I am going to get called every name in the book, but it won't change anything. You see, people's first reaction when they first hear that Barack Obama's birth certificate is being challenged is to ask, "Well, why doesn't he simply produce it like John McCain did?"

Until you find an answer to that question, people will never trust Barack Obama as their President.

ex animo
The "just as soon as I finish my bagel" threat.
This is no longer politics as usual. THIS IS WAR. The sooner those of us on the left get used to this new reality, the better.

You are definitely right, but there are two other important things. 1) Democrats are not united strong) enough to do the right thing. So even with large majorities they can't or won't pass major legislation. 2) Logic can't win a debate with crazy. These people out there are certifiable loons. Bringing rifles to Presidential Town Halls. What could make them change their mind??? They are in their own version of The Matrix. It's not the same reality as ours.

I hate to say this, but I have been thinking of it for a long time and someone finally ised the phrase the other night. To use a Nixonian quote progressive ideas are the "Silent Majority" on most issues, but in our current climate the outrageous minority of birthers/deathers/ are put on an equal level as sentient beings. For Healthcare in particular, we were never given anything to rally around. It's so much easier to be against things than to find solutions.

Brilliant again but I think revolution of a reactionary nature has already occured. It's now time for the counter revolution to reestablish democracy in the faces of the corporatists and authoriatarians embodied in the Republican Party, the GOP media complex and their infantile foot soldiers. I'm once again beginning to hear the rumblings of people leaving the country that was heard prior to November because the glimmer of hope expressed by Obama in during the campaign has faded by the revelation that his overriding conviction is nothing more than "bipartisanship" which is merely political cover for preserving the status quo. It may well be that much of the counter-revolution will be planned in the cafes and meeting halls of Paris, London, Geneva, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Oslo etc.

The best response Democrats can have to Republican dishonesty is to bite their fingers off.

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 08:22:32 PM »
Discussion of revolution by the left is exactly what the right wants, so they can claim that they did not shoot first.

Why,, no, the thought hadn't even occurred to us!

Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting at least twice.

Offline crockspot

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 08:27:08 PM »
In a left-driven revolution, the military would probably remain neutral for a few days and then join the right. There may be mass desertions along race and geographic lines, but the big guns and systems would remain under control of the right.

The country would fracture and the left would be driven to live in the NE and parts of the west coast. The rest of the country would claim to be the true USA. Given the decline of manufacturing in the NE and west coast, and the geographic equality of the internet, the new US would hold ALL of the power. Righties in the NE and West coast would move south.

They are actively talking about this plan. Witness the secession efforts in Texas.

The right has 300 million guns and billions of rounds of ammo stockpiled for such an event.

Discussion of revolution by the left is exactly what the right wants, so they can claim that they did not shoot first.

Compromising a bit and incrementally changing our system from within is much better. And saying "Bring it on" to a group that is trigger-happy is dumb.

You mean I won't have to put up with another Vermont winter? Woohoo!

I wonder if this guy has a house on a few acres down south he'll trade with me. You know.. beat the rush.

Offline crockspot

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 08:35:10 PM »
Oh, by the way, do you think we'll see a report from Homeland Security about the threat of revolution by the vast left wing blogging conspiracy?

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 09:33:18 PM »
Why,, no, the thought hadn't even occurred to us!


That reminds me, why aren't conservatives donating to liberal third parties?

Offline Chris_

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2009, 09:36:50 PM »
That reminds me, why aren't conservatives donating to liberal third parties?

Because they're donating to CONSERVATIVE third parties.  No self-respecting conservative is giving another dime to the 'tards in the Republican party until they're a conservative party again.
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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2009, 11:00:04 PM »
Idiots arguing with idiots over at the DUmp makes foir some fun reading. To bad the majority of those **** couldn't fight their way past a cheeseburger much less a well armed group of us.

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2009, 11:09:56 PM »
I luv it! Another bout with the "keyboard kommandos"! Have they won one yet?
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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 02:10:27 AM »
"Compromising a bit and incrementally changing our system from within is much better."....... They've been doing that for 75 years and it has been working well for them. They recently got greedy and wanted the rest quickly.

Read my tag line.
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"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 04:24:13 AM »
Is the DU Pot and Pan Brigade still combat effective? Have their sappers figured out what to replace the enlistment forms in their satchel charges with?

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 05:19:19 AM »
Reading their angst is truly an entertaining beginning to this Labor Day.  It made my morning coffee especially flavorful. 
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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 08:15:56 AM »
These people are insane.

According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 08:28:27 AM »
You mean I won't have to put up with another Vermont winter? Woohoo!

I wonder if this guy has a house on a few acres down south he'll trade with me. You know.. beat the rush.

Wait for me!
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Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2009, 09:55:16 AM »
Only a liberal would need a revolution when they control a super majority in both houses of congress.

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2009, 10:07:06 AM »
Huffyton puffers, take a spelling and grammar class, FFS.
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Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Huffington Post. Calls for Revolution 2009
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2009, 11:08:48 AM »
Only a liberal would need a revolution when they control a super majority in both houses of congress.

reality is a hard thing to face, the first time in ones life