Author Topic: Trump 2012?  (Read 27630 times)

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Offline gurn

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #175 on: April 20, 2011, 06:50:36 PM »
Folks, things being what they are in the world, China is ready to cave. It needs good relations with the US now,
(even while it prepares to nuke us in 2020).

But the US needs a leader who has the vision and guts to push the issue with them.
China buys our Treasuries out of weakness -- not strength. If the RMB rises, tens of millions
of Chinese lose their jobs. And worse will happen.

The US for decades has allowed Japan, Korea and China to bleed us. They think we are very generous.
And they think we are very stupid. Our workers lose their jobs to the Far East. Our workers go on public assistance.
Their workers steadily get rich -- directly at our expense. Then, the countries we have sent the jobs to, buy our T-Bills
to help us pay welfare for all the people who have lost jobs and will never find them again.

Trump gets it. Very few other people do.

But by some miracle, we are holding the strong hand here.

Push a 25% tariff through Congress and see what they do.

A good example is the tariff Nixon made with Germany in mind during the early 1970's.
It worked and it worked very quickly.

As far as China goes - there is no difference between the other GOP candidates and Obama.
They all kowtow to the Middle Kingdom.

Although, I notice Huckabee (the Governor from Wal-Mart), has been talking up Trump's China policy lately.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 07:01:18 PM by gurn »
"Our weak President, that kisses everybody's ass, is in more wars than I have ever seen. Now he's in Libya, he's in Afghanistan, he's in Iraq. Nobody respects us."
"This guy got the Nobel Peace Prize and every time I look is he's going into another country."

Offline delilahmused

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #176 on: April 20, 2011, 07:58:26 PM »
Even if I agreed with everything you wrote, which I don't, the facts are we are in one hell of a mess with high unemployment, roaring debt, spending out of control, etc. I don't think there are any or very few politicians in DC that are committed to spending less than we receive in taxes. That is the only way we will reduce our debt. Obama and Ryan's plan is a joke because it only slows down the increase in our future debt. I don't see any Repub saying that their budget will cut spending to the bone, eliminate agencies, reduce Federal employees so that we will have a surplus. Those are probably too radical for most voters to stomach cause it involves sacrifice but sooner or later we will be forced into it. Real wages are stagnant and inflation is getting ready to bite us in the butt. I happen to believe it will take someone with a great deal of business experience to fix the problems. Trump may not be the right person for President but his message is sure as hell is resonating with the average voter.   

Well, ya see that's the beauty of this country...we can disagree as much as we want and we won't be gunned down or thrown in jail for it. Yes, he's resonating...but at this point it's fairly fleeting. He's been really, enthusiastically, probably, mostly, I'm-the-only-one-who-can-win-and-solve-this-country's-problems gonna run in past elections as well.

Maybe he means it this time. The problem is that people like him get bored easily. I don't mean that in a bad way at all. He's an entrepreneur, and a successful one, thus he's always on the lookout for the next big thing. He's lost and gained millions. He's much more comfortable with risk than someone who's responsible for an entire nation should be, IMO.

He can't throw the country over like an attractive but evidently not close enough to "barely legal" wife every time he gets an itch in his pants for a new piece of arm candy. If he can't handle marriage how the hell is he going to handle something as complicated as running a country? These are important issues because the way a person handles their personal life says a lot about their character, values, and honesty...just ask Juanita Broderick.

Maybe he is the right person for the country but he's going to have to do more than recite populist sentiment to convince me. This is too important of an election to not very, very carefully consider all the candidates that eventually decide to run. I have my personal favorites but I certainly think it's way too early to fixate on someone, especially when quite a few of those someones won't make it out of the starting gate?

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Offline vesta111

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #177 on: April 21, 2011, 04:06:02 AM »
Well, ya see that's the beauty of this country...we can disagree as much as we want and we won't be gunned down or thrown in jail for it. Yes, he's resonating...but at this point it's fairly fleeting. He's been really, enthusiastically, probably, mostly, I'm-the-only-one-who-can-win-and-solve-this-country's-problems gonna run in past elections as well.

Maybe he means it this time. The problem is that people like him get bored easily. I don't mean that in a bad way at all. He's an entrepreneur, and a successful one, thus he's always on the lookout for the next big thing. He's lost and gained millions. He's much more comfortable with risk than someone who's responsible for an entire nation should be, IMO.

He can't throw the country over like an attractive but evidently not close enough to "barely legal" wife every time he gets an itch in his pants for a new piece of arm candy. If he can't handle marriage how the hell is he going to handle something as complicated as running a country? These are important issues because the way a person handles their personal life says a lot about their character, values, and honesty...just ask Juanita Broderick.

Maybe he is the right person for the country but he's going to have to do more than recite populist sentiment to convince me. This is too important of an election to not very, very carefully consider all the candidates that eventually decide to run. I have my personal favorites but I certainly think it's way too early to fixate on someone, especially when quite a few of those someones won't make it out of the starting gate?


AHHH come on here, Think back on the number of presidents we have had that were good for the country and a dismal failure as a Husband.  Turn this about,  the so far the worse president was and is a wonderful husband and father. 

Trump just seems to know when to cut his losses in the marriage department and move on. There is no way that man is going to live a life of misery with any woman that no longer loves him.  He keeps looking, bless his heart.

Trump would only have 8 years if elected and reelected to go down in history as The Man Who Saved America.     This would be his goal, the crowning achievement for him and a legacy for his justification for being on earth.

He is not in this position for money or fame, he has that, this would appeal to his combative personality. Hell, he just loves to one up those he detests and drive them into the ground.

What impressed me the most was the interview he gave when he told of how he one upped that middle eastern leader that rented his land for some humongous money and never got to use the land.

The look on his face was pure satisfaction, the look of a wolf in sheep's clothing.   Trump is a fighter, a man that loves the game of out witting the enemy.

He is very loyal to his friends, Israel comes to mind.   The behavior of Obama towards Israel must drive him nuts. 

Just what we need at this time, a  Bully to save us from destruction from foreign or domestic influences.

He is not afraid  to adjust his thinking as time and information comes in, he has no problem with changing his mind on any subject, he is definitely not going to ignore the facts of a fluid situation for the sake of his ego.  This is not a man that listens to he experts with out double checking them and then going with his gut feeling.

This is a man that could have but 8 years to get us back on track, time is money you know and he lives for his work, seldom a real vacation, a workaholic in every sense of the word.

I say give this man a try, lets get some one in there that understands the rough and tumble fights, I am tired of the hat in hand men and woman that make false promisses to get a job that they cannot do, that are afraid of controversy, we need a leader not a self interested limp wrists man that has no idea of how to fix a broken lamp much less that of each and every State.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #178 on: April 21, 2011, 04:04:05 PM »
AHHH come on here, Think back on the number of presidents we have had that were good for the country and a dismal failure as a Husband.  Turn this about,  the so far the worse president was and is a wonderful husband and father. 

Trump just seems to know when to cut his losses in the marriage department and move on. There is no way that man is going to live a life of misery with any woman that no longer loves him.  He keeps looking, bless his heart.

Trump would only have 8 years if elected and reelected to go down in history as The Man Who Saved America.     This would be his goal, the crowning achievement for him and a legacy for his justification for being on earth.

He is not in this position for money or fame, he has that, this would appeal to his combative personality. Hell, he just loves to one up those he detests and drive them into the ground.

What impressed me the most was the interview he gave when he told of how he one upped that middle eastern leader that rented his land for some humongous money and never got to use the land.

The look on his face was pure satisfaction, the look of a wolf in sheep's clothing.   Trump is a fighter, a man that loves the game of out witting the enemy.

He is very loyal to his friends, Israel comes to mind.   The behavior of Obama towards Israel must drive him nuts. 

Just what we need at this time, a  Bully to save us from destruction from foreign or domestic influences.

He is not afraid  to adjust his thinking as time and information comes in, he has no problem with changing his mind on any subject, he is definitely not going to ignore the facts of a fluid situation for the sake of his ego.  This is not a man that listens to he experts with out double checking them and then going with his gut feeling.

This is a man that could have but 8 years to get us back on track, time is money you know and he lives for his work, seldom a real vacation, a workaholic in every sense of the word.

I say give this man a try, lets get some one in there that understands the rough and tumble fights, I am tired of the hat in hand men and woman that make false promisses to get a job that they cannot do, that are afraid of controversy, we need a leader not a self interested limp wrists man that has no idea of how to fix a broken lamp much less that of each and every State.

Oh, God, where to I begin (and to myself I'm thinking why should I try she'll never understand...she's like a big stupid tribble, cute & really, really annoying at the same time...yet I'll persevere).

Vesta...this goes far beyond being a "good husband and father". One can be a "good husband and father" and be married more than once. How many times did "the Donald" divorce his wives because they stopped loving him and decided to "cut his losses"? Name one, just one, Vesta...dare you.

Oh, and let's just for a minute PRETEND you're right and Trump is such a gentle, noble, kind fellow who practically worships the ground his wives walk on but they've all been such bitter shrews and SO abusive he just HAD to get away (and without custody of his children, choosing instead to leave them with an abusive shrew). But I digress because we're still pretending he's a prince of a fellow who only leaves his wife when the marriage gets tough...oh sorry, I mean when the wives, mostly not too long after they'd had his child, somehow fall out of love with him. Being president is kinda like a marriage with it's ups and downs, downs and ups.  Considering how tough times are now, there will be days, months, years even when everyone hates you. How the hell do we know he won't just "cut his losses" and go after looks like a better piece of eye candy (a pretty new casino or new reality show).

As an aside: given his donations to some very liberal, very un-American politicians for political expediency. How can we trust him not to make deals while in the White House for the same reason?

He's not in this for fame? Oh, vesta, even if you think he'd be a great president you can't be so blind as to believe he's not an attention whore! He could've gone out and started pounding on the issues that most of the country (not just political junkies) think is, gas prices, inflation, etc. But he started with the BC, guaranteeing a swath of attention. He's spent a lifetime living off the attention he gets from his multiple marriages (however shrewish and mean to him they might be), his next big deal, the fortunes he's won and lost, television shows (hell, he's even tied his announcement of his announcement to his TV show).

As to his being a workaholic, yes he does seem to be but does that guarantee he'll be working on the right thing? Considering all the irons he has in all those liberal, investing, and business fires, I bet George Soros is a workaholic too. Putting aside for a minute he wasn't born in this country (not out of the realm of possibility, it's worked for Obama) would he make a good president because he's a workaholic?

Regardless of who you vote for I highly suggest you read and reread the constitution again. He's not supposed to fix the problems in all 50 states. He's supposed to reduce the size of government and stay the hell out of the states' way so they can clean up their own damn states.

And to be honest, even if he turned out to be the 2nd coming of Reagan, to believe he wouldn't be doing this for self-interest is just naive. A man who's constantly considering "the art of the deal" why wouldn't he be thinking about what would be best for his business interests after he's done with the WH. Doesn't mean they wouldn't be good for the country as a whole, but it doesn't mean they would, either. If he'd been all about principle he'd be a little more disciplined about which politician he spread his money around to. If we've got to have a businessman in the WH why can't we recruit one of the Koch brothers. At least they're consistent with their values.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
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"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #179 on: April 21, 2011, 04:09:19 PM »
One thing I have to give Trump credit for is this:  He's doing the job that the media should have done in '08 where it concerns Obama's background.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

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Offline thundley4

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #180 on: April 21, 2011, 04:28:38 PM »
One thing I have to give Trump credit for is this:  He's doing the job that the media should have done in '08 where it concerns Obama's background.

If nothing else, he is bringing this to the masses of people that don't follow politics much.  Now if he'd just hammer ObeyWon on ignoring court orders about drilling moratoriums and fighting the states that are trying to protect their borders.

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #181 on: April 21, 2011, 08:42:29 PM »
If nothing else, he is bringing this to the masses of people that don't follow politics much.  Now if he'd just hammer ObeyWon on ignoring court orders about drilling moratoriums and fighting the states that are trying to protect their borders.

And ignoring the Fed Court ruling StinkyCare is unconstitutional ...
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

Obama is bankrupting the American Republic

Offline gurn

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #182 on: April 21, 2011, 09:57:10 PM »
The MSM is really doing a number on Trump, God bless him.

That's how they always do it. The photographers use motor dives that capture dozens of shots in a fraction of a second.
The editors then choose absolutely the worst shot to run on the font page.

Today's LA Times:

The MSM is trying to Palinize him. Why?

I don't think it's the Birther stuff so much as his stances on China & trade.

Just my theory. But listen to Rush Limbaugh & Rove trash him. Limbaugh castigates him over China.

"Our weak President, that kisses everybody's ass, is in more wars than I have ever seen. Now he's in Libya, he's in Afghanistan, he's in Iraq. Nobody respects us."
"This guy got the Nobel Peace Prize and every time I look is he's going into another country."

Offline Chris_

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #183 on: April 21, 2011, 10:04:59 PM »
I hate to point out a really simple question, but would you seriously consider voting for someone that doesn't have the sense to rid himself of that laughable, ridiculous combover?  I know you'll try to deflect the question as some sort of social anxiety, but do you really want to cast a vote for someone that doesn't have enough sense to realize what kind of fool they look like with their appearance and can't present themselves appropriately?  I'm not saying I disagree with any of your claims.  I'm just wondering why I should give my vote to someone who apparently hasn't looked in the mirror in at least a decade and wondered what kind of appearance he has offered the world that would engender any kind of trust when it comes to supporting him for public office.

I think he would look totally bitchin' with a #1 shave on the sides and totally clean on the top.  That's what I would do if I was completely bald.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 10:18:17 PM by chris_ »
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #184 on: April 22, 2011, 12:37:50 AM »
The MSM is really doing a number on Trump, God bless him.

That's how they always do it. The photographers use motor dives that capture dozens of shots in a fraction of a second.
The editors then choose absolutely the worst shot to run on the font page.

Today's LA Times:

The MSM is trying to Palinize him. Why?

I don't think it's the Birther stuff so much as his stances on China & trade.

Just my theory. But listen to Rush Limbaugh & Rove trash him. Limbaugh castigates him over China.

Trump blistered Rove ass tonight on Greta tonight. I love it. Trump is giving this asshole heartburn. I do wish he would ditch the birther issue. Just stick with how big a f.. up Obama is.

Offline gurn

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #185 on: April 22, 2011, 01:13:31 AM »
I hate to point out a really simple question, but would you seriously consider voting for someone that doesn't have the sense to rid himself of that laughable, ridiculous combover?  I know you'll try to deflect the question as some sort of social anxiety, but do you really want to cast a vote for someone that doesn't have enough sense to realize what kind of fool they look like with their appearance and can't present themselves appropriately?  I'm not saying I disagree with any of your claims.  I'm just wondering why I should give my vote to someone who apparently hasn't looked in the mirror in at least a decade and wondered what kind of appearance he has offered the world that would engender any kind of trust when it comes to supporting him for public office.

I think he would look totally bitchin' with a #1 shave on the sides and totally clean on the top.  That's what I would do if I was completely bald.

Yeah. I'd vote for someone whose hair style I found objectionable.
But that's just me. I'm 'Old School' I guess. My Mom liked Ike.

Good essay in IDB today about why Trump is so very necessary right now. He's the only one attacking the MSM's love affair for the IMam Barack. Larry Elder wrote it.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 01:40:55 AM by gurn »
"Our weak President, that kisses everybody's ass, is in more wars than I have ever seen. Now he's in Libya, he's in Afghanistan, he's in Iraq. Nobody respects us."
"This guy got the Nobel Peace Prize and every time I look is he's going into another country."

Offline gurn

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #186 on: April 22, 2011, 09:15:19 PM »
A very good pro-Trump article in the American Thinker.

Not only does Trump do a stellar job of defending himself when under enemy fire, he's willing to go on the offensive.  Notice how Trump didn't back down after The View's Whoopie Goldberg insinuated that he's a racist.

In fact, Trump went on to confront that other black icon, Bill Cosby.  Who among the other potential candidates would have had the guts to do such a thing?  And yet Trump's continual hammering on the left, Alinsky-style, has so confused and overwhelmed them that Trump has apparently inoculated himself from the racist label.

Trump isn't the only Street Fighting Man out there.  Gov. Chris Christie, Congressman (and Lt. Colonel) Allen West, and businessman Herman Cain could also take on the Herculean task of defeating Obama.  All these tough guys are bold, straight shooters who've been deep down in the trenches.

Why is it so essential that the conservative contender be tough and audacious?  Because the left figured out years ago that they needed a candidate made of tougher stuff to shed the impression that they were the 98 pound weaklings....

This is why Donald Trump, or someone Trump-like, is what the conservatives need.  He has already shown that he'll get up every time someone throws him a punch.

Sarah, Newt, Huckabee, and Mitt -- all capable and affable.  None of them, however, is a force to be reckoned with.  If you're trapped in a burning vehicle, you want the strongest and biggest and toughest guy to save you.  And this country is crashing and burning just as surely as that flaming vehicle.

Trump may not have the sunniest personality.  He may have more bad hair days than good.  However, he doesn't show fear -- and therefore weakness -- when the left's pit bulls go on the attack.

That's why I hope that someone like Trump, a Street Fighting Man, will throw his hat into the ring.

Yes, Sarah and Michele and Mike Huckabee are as nice as can be.  But when it comes to challenging the Obama machine, nice guys and gals will finish last.
"Our weak President, that kisses everybody's ass, is in more wars than I have ever seen. Now he's in Libya, he's in Afghanistan, he's in Iraq. Nobody respects us."
"This guy got the Nobel Peace Prize and every time I look is he's going into another country."

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #187 on: April 22, 2011, 09:54:43 PM »
A very good pro-Trump article in the American Thinker.

A good article. I have to disagree that Palin could not stand toe to toe with Obama and whip him badly. She did it to Biden in the VP debate.

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #188 on: April 23, 2011, 08:45:25 AM »
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #189 on: April 24, 2011, 11:43:46 AM »
Trump blistered Rove ass tonight on Greta tonight. I love it. Trump is giving this asshole heartburn. I do wish he would ditch the birther issue. Just stick with how big a f.. up Obama is.

Trump's not so much a "birther" as he is a "proofer".   Just what's on the birth certificate that Obama's spent 2 million to keep hidden ?  If there's nothing to hide....just show it ?   And why are Rove and other neocons trying to shut him up?

I think Trump will get a lot of support from people sick and tired of professional politicians.  Like me  :-)

Offline rich_t

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #190 on: April 24, 2011, 12:51:16 PM »

Trump's not so much a "birther" as he is a "proofer".   Just what's on the birth certificate that Obama's spent 2 million to keep hidden ?  If there's nothing to hide....just show it ?   And why are Rove and other neocons trying to shut him up?

I think Trump will get a lot of support from people sick and tired of professional politicians.  Like me  :-)

I suspect that Obama's long form BC (if one even exists) lists his race as Caucasian.  IIRC, It was the norm when he was born that when a single mother gave birth to show the child's race as the same as the mother.
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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #191 on: April 24, 2011, 01:29:01 PM »
I suspect that Obama's long form BC (if one even exists) lists his race as Caucasian.  IIRC, It was the norm when he was born that when a single mother gave birth to show the child's race as the same as the mother.

Or Mulatto ?  Even if White like mom, it's his hertitage and he should embrace it.  Just proves what a shallow jerk he is, and I'm not a racist, can't stand his white half either  :cheersmate:

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #192 on: April 24, 2011, 04:21:38 PM »
Or Mulatto ?  Even if White like mom, it's his hertitage and he should embrace it.  Just proves what a shallow jerk he is, and I'm not a racist, can't stand his white half either  :cheersmate:

Ditto, and H5.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

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Offline gurn

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #193 on: April 24, 2011, 05:02:03 PM »
I suspect that Obama's long form BC (if one even exists) lists his race as Caucasian.  IIRC, It was the norm when he was born that when a single mother gave birth to show the child's race as the same as the mother.

I'm not sure the long form lists the race of the child. It does show the parents' races though.
If it did, I'm not sure why that would be worth 2 million dollars for Obama to cover up though.

Link to someone's BC that doesn't show race of child.
This is a very strange story.

Link to what is purportedly Obama's COLB, registered by his grandmother, showing Kenya birth.

Now that would be something he'd spend 2 million dollars to hide.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 05:05:18 PM by gurn »
"Our weak President, that kisses everybody's ass, is in more wars than I have ever seen. Now he's in Libya, he's in Afghanistan, he's in Iraq. Nobody respects us."
"This guy got the Nobel Peace Prize and every time I look is he's going into another country."

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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #194 on: April 24, 2011, 05:06:46 PM »
I'm wondering if something on his birth certificate and on his college entrance application are somehow connected and whatever is on one...might not be exactly true.

Back when I was in college, in the early 70's....there was a huge push - at least in Illinois - to get minorities into college and out with a degree in four years....totally free. Tuition, room and board, books and spending money were all provided. Affirmative Action was still very strong, for minorities, in the late 70's early 80's. I know it was that way in many states, but I don't know to what extent.

I wonder if he somehow got in through Affirmative Action, and if so....was it based on anything other than him being half black? And is that what he's trying to hide?

If he has nothing to hide, on either his birth certificate or college entrance application - then why not show them? To keep from showing either one, makes me think there is something on both that ties both together....and he doesn't want anyone to find out what it is.

Trump's willing to spend whatever it takes to find out though....
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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #195 on: April 24, 2011, 06:11:54 PM »
This is starting to look like a real cover-up by Hawaii officials.

The policy that long-form birth certificates would no longer be available to anyone not even the registrant,
is a recent change by Hawaii officials.

When did this policy change, and where is the documentation?  Why would someone be refused a copy of his original vital record?  I have one of mine.
I left a message with your office last week which was not answered, before Dr. Chiyome Fukino told MSNBC yesterday that long-form birth certificates are no longer available.
Your governor has stated that Obama has no long-form birth certificate, although the previous governor said that he did.  In fact, Dr. Fukino said she had seen it twice, in violation of state law.  Also discussing what was in the birth record is a violation of your law.
Can you tell me what is going on?  Has the policy been changed to protect Obama?  Why did Governor Lingle say that Obama had an original vital record but Governor Abercrombie says he doesn’t?  Was it made to disappear, or, as former Elections Clerk Tim Adams has stated, did one never exist?
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Re: Trump 2012?
« Reply #196 on: April 25, 2011, 09:53:38 AM »
This is starting to look like a real cover-up by Hawaii officials.

The policy that long-form birth certificates would no longer be available to anyone not even the registrant,
is a recent change by Hawaii officials.

This is an easy enough question to answer Gurn, all comes down to carears at stake and a misguided perception of national security. and money naturally.

If for instance you found amongst a bunch of stuff at a garage sale papers that had something that caused doubt on Obamas right to be president, then all the game players come into it.   

Say it is you and your find is confiscated and you held for questioning.   First comes legions of people trying to discredit you, wife, family, and relatives that have been dead for 100 years.

Then come the high profile people that tell you that for you to release copies to the press you would become a traitor to the country, To remove Obama as president would cause race wars, and perhaps cause the collapse of the country.

 This is now under the old laws still on the books that can in prison a civilian for what the government perceives a huge threat to the well being of the country.  People just go missing.

So I would guess if there is any funny funny business going on in Hawaii, the perpetrators are guided by , Patriotism, Fear or Money.