Author Topic: Too Hot for Teacher  (Read 2749 times)

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Offline Tucker

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2009, 05:07:17 PM »
And when I was in high school, several of my friends had some pretty serious fantasies about some of the male teachers.  The fact is that an adult who would have sex with a young teenager is really screwed up.  At the minimum, they are abusing a position of authority, and quite simply is committing statuatory rape. 

Out of curiosity, for you guys who think it is no big deal, what if it was a male teacher and a male student, or a female teacher and a female student? 

I'm not condoning it. Just saying that its every 14 YO fantasy.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

Offline jtyangel

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2009, 05:39:40 PM »
I'm not condoning it. Just saying that its every 14 YO fantasy.

We don't indulge a lot of fantasies that teenagers and in the case of this story, CHILDREN, have. There is a reason for that and that's because many of those fantasies are folly, self-indulgent, and generally not wise. Teachers are in a position of authority, no matter how hot they are. They are also expected to maintain a level of self-control and ethical behavior when dealing with the students under their tutelage. If they can not, they have no business teaching children. It's no different then a teacher who might take a group of students and get them loaded. The teacher MUST behave as the adult.

As for the comment about 'PC way of thinking': that's nothing more then a ploy to shut down conversation on the topic and it's not going to work. It's not PC to recognize that a teacher should be held to a certain standard of behavior. It's also not PC to recognize that teenagers engage in fantasies and behaviors that adults generally don't encourage them to indulge because we know they are not proper, they are not ready, or they are self-destructive ie suicide, sitting one's ass parked in front of the video game constantly, drinking, smoking, and yes having sex with any hot woman close by. Being hot or not or whether or not the teenage boys in her care fantasize about her makes no difference.   

Let's extend this little discussion out shall we? I'm sure there have been some boys somewhere who also have fantasized about various women they are related to. Would we then condone that behavior just becuase the site of their cousin's boobs gave them a hard on? Boys get hard ons: what a shocker. Our job as the grown ups is not to encourage them to stick it in whoever is willing and we certainly do not want to create an environment where a teacher is free to choose her sex partners and dating fodder from the school population. Seriously, if she can't have a relationship with anything mnore then a 14 year old then I question her fitness to teach at all.

Offline Tucker

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2009, 06:50:07 PM »
I must stress that I don't approve of the teachers actions. I'm say as a male, and I know this is a alien way of thinking to most females, that most 14 YO's would not object to this behavior. Hell. They would view it as a act of passage.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

Offline Randy

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2009, 10:10:59 PM »
Translaion for us old folk please.

LBD, Little Black Dress. You know, the little short tight type.

CFM, Come Fu*k Me high heels.

Can you tell I had female roomates at one time? :-)

Offline Gratiot

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2009, 10:57:21 PM »
Be interesting to see if anyone here steps back from that position considering a parent here has a child going to that school...

:(   Sorry, was just posted as light-hearted jest fodder

Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2009, 11:32:51 PM »
They are treated the same. They get prison sentences, and they are forced to register as sex offenders, for life in some states, with severe restrictions on where they can live. Their lives are effectively ruined. When you bring in prepubescent kids and retarded kids you are talking about an entirely different matter. I am talking about these 20-something airhead Barbiesluts and normal teenage boys. The idea they should be treated like male perverts and queers, and forced to live under the laws placed on pedophiles, is absurd to me. Their conduct, and the harm it does, seems entirely different, speaking as one who once in the long ago past was a teenage boy. The law is what it is, and they know that, so I can't object to it being enforced. I just don't think it makes sense. If you think  that makes me a DUmmy, that's your prerogative.

Y'all do know that a male is in his sexual prime at 17, right?
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline Bill

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2009, 01:36:18 PM »
They are treated the same. They get prison sentences, and they are forced to register as sex offenders, for life in some states, with severe restrictions on where they can live. Their lives are effectively ruined. When you bring in prepubescent kids and retarded kids you are talking about an entirely different matter. I am talking about these 20-something airhead Barbiesluts and normal teenage boys. The idea they should be treated like male perverts and queers, and forced to live under the laws placed on pedophiles, is absurd to me. Their conduct, and the harm it does, seems entirely different, speaking as one who once in the long ago past was a teenage boy. The law is what it is, and they know that, so I can't object to it being enforced. I just don't think it makes sense. If you think  that makes me a DUmmy, that's your prerogative.

So when your daughters 14, I'm guessing you'll have no problem with a 28 year old guy banging her?
What if she realllly reallllly loves this guy? That should make it all right because in the reverse that would be every boys fantasy, so why not let your daughter live it too?
If not that's just sexist, and hypocritical.


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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2009, 01:59:19 PM »
So when your daughters 14, I'm guessing you'll have no problem with a 28 year old guy banging her?
What if she realllly reallllly loves this guy? That should make it all right because in the reverse that would be every boys fantasy, so why not let your daughter live it too?
If not that's just sexist, and hypocritical.
Glad to see DUmmy Bill's still with us! Long time no see! Still too dumb to see a difference
between girls and boys, but that's one reason we call 'em DUmmies!

I wonder if DUmmy Bill has seen this article:

A high school in New Jersey has been forced to forfeit its first football game of the 2009 season, originally scheduled for next Friday, following sexual assaults on thirteen of the team’s starting players. The attacks occurred at a keg party being held last Saturday at the home of one of the victims. The victims, described as “smiling, but distraught”, were briefly hospitalized, and are now undergoing intensive counseling. The suspect, social studies teacher Sheila May Spredem, 23, is being held in lieu of $300,000 bail. Other secondary victims, also receiving trauma counseling, include 44 team members who viewed a DVD of the assault made by one of the original victims.

Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2009, 12:40:50 AM »
Glad to see DUmmy Bill's still with us! Long time no see! Still too dumb to see a difference
between girls and boys, but that's one reason we call 'em DUmmies!

I wonder if DUmmy Bill has seen this article:

I doubt he sees much beyond the end of his nose, or keyboard.
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2009, 08:22:07 AM »
Well, women wanted equal rights....they got' are off limits.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Too Hot for Teacher
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2009, 01:13:35 PM »
Well, women wanted equal rights....they got' are off limits.

There is a bit of truth in all these posts so far

Gobucks is absolutely correct that any 14 year old boy is horny 24/7 .

Here's the problem as I see it, the 14 year old male child is trained to respect authority from birth.
Respect of females--Never hit a girl------Don't have sex unless you plan to marry the girl etc.

Boys and girls  both know that if their teacher for some reason does not like them, it won't matter how hard they try they will get low grades from that teacher.

Respect your teachers the school the principal and staff. Make some kind of effort to pay attention in class.

Along comes say GoBucks at 14, clean cut dude, good student and horny as hell.

In walks the new science teacher, long hair mini skirt and a bit of cleavage showing.
All the boys suddenly are leaning forward in their chair to hear every word that drips from her ruby red lips.

End of class few of the boys have any idea what the class was about, Once out in the hall for some reason they all begin to give out nervous giggles to out right belly laughs as they walk into lockers and doors.

Each day the boys can't wait for the time to go past just to be in her class. Some get wrapped up in fantasy that their other grades begin to slip.  They start loosing interest in sports or band, and the funny part is they are so overboard with that teacher they will flunk her course as they cannot listen to her as wild thoughts are  going through their head.

Parents notice the change and suspect their boys are on drugs,    not yet.

One fine day this teacher gives GoBucks a huge smile and she leans down to speak to him as half her bosom is jiggling about 2 feet from his face.  She offers to tutor him one on one after school. GoBucks can do nothing but nod OK and his ears become almost purple.

That's the start, he looses his friends as he has no time to hang out, Everytime he is recognised in that class his old friends roll their eyes or some jealous ex-friend mutters a sarcastic remark.

By now GoBucks has began to smoke and drink and chill out with Pot.  he pulls away from his parents, cant trust them and now has no friends, just a teacher twice his age that feeds him booze and drugs and allot of mind bending sex.

At 14 GoBucks is totally addicted to his new life style, a family member has died and he refuses to join family for a 4 day trip to attend the funeral.   He needs his fix.

2 years go by and GoBucks is now 16, it is only because teacher convinces his other teachers to give him a passing grade is he still in school.

GoBucks is growing up, the sex drive is now becoming focused on his class mates, he is not having as much fun with his teacher, their sex is too predictable. She is now 30 years old and GoBucks is getting turned on by girls his own age, little by little he is getting his friends back and old interests.

Along comes a gal that winks, blinks and blows in his ear, a big tease.

He wants to take her to the dance but cannot due to his teacher being there.  Speaking of which, she is becoming annoyed with him lately, she is loosing control of him her sex toy.

Then when GoBucks has a chance to go camping with fellow students she throws a fit and forbids it-----Go Bucks goes anyway and comes home to find her in a rage.

It is at this time that GoBucks knows his goose is cooked,  He does not want to spend any time with her anymore he is just 16 and the teacher just doesn't turn him on anymore.

What to do, he gets his dad aside and puts it all on the table.   His Dad is listening to the story and thinking, MY BOY is banging that woman, crap why didn't I get so lucky.