The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: BannedFromDU on September 22, 2013, 11:23:48 AM

Title: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 22, 2013, 11:23:48 AM
Lady Freedom Returns (6,025 posts)

On the bus now...
Just left OKC! 72 min late. I hope I make my transfer in Phoenix!

Not wanting to get to Tucson in the Dark!

By now she should be getting pretty ripe...riper than she started, I mean. (

Star Member monmouth3 (1,791 posts)
8. I have been following your "adventure" with great admiration for you. Just what did the "family"

have to say upon your departure. Were you wished good luck or did they just want more of anything from you. You are a brave and wonderful person. I'm here in Florida rooting for you.

Sun Sep 22, 2013, 04:16 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,025 posts)
13. Sort of...

They did not like loosing the possibility of another source of income. But they liked to get rid of me due to me not conforming to letting them tell me the way of a good life as a mere woman. They said I was hopeless and would not have a real life without a man or kids.

     Amber is a woman swayed by illiterate Wendy's employees. Amazing. Godspeed, Amber. Keep a close eye on your stuff.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JohnnyReb on September 22, 2013, 11:31:16 AM
They did not like loosing the possibility of another source of income.....Well, I guess there was that possibility but they knew in reality that you were a definite drain on family resources.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 22, 2013, 11:35:05 AM
They did not like loosing the possibility of another source of income.....Well, I guess there was that possibility but they knew in reality that you were a definite drain on family resources.

     And that's the rub. When you're sponging off someone who can't string a coherent sentence together and wonders why they get passed over for promotion at a fast food establishment, you're pretty much a sponge in the desert.

     And lo and behold, she is going from being a figurative sponge in the desert to a LITERAL sponge in the desert.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 22, 2013, 11:38:45 AM
The LocoNuts primitive escaped from the asylum just long enough to send his 300-pound crush a quick note of encouragement:

Locut0s (4,170 posts)  Sun Sep 22, 2013, 05:10 AM
11. Good luck LFR!!...  

Safe travels and may you have a great life back in Tucson!

Response to Locut0s (Reply #11)  Sun Sep 22, 2013, 12:20 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,030 posts)
16. Thanks!

Keep up the adventure in your life too!

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 22, 2013, 11:45:49 AM
The LocoNuts primitive escaped from the asylum just long enough to send his 300-pound crush a quick note of encouragement:


     I didn't see that. Oh my. The fine mismating of a him and her...

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on September 22, 2013, 01:04:14 PM
Posting from the bus.

so she has a smartphone but she has to mooch bus fare.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BlueStateSaint on September 22, 2013, 03:13:25 PM
Posting from the bus.

so she has a smartphone but she has to mooch bus fare.

Progressive priorities . . . ::)
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 22, 2013, 03:17:46 PM
I wonder if Amber and LocoNuts see one another as competitors for DOTY votes.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tess Anderson on September 22, 2013, 06:19:52 PM
They said I was hopeless  - Lady Freedum

They are right. I thought her sisters would be relieved when she finally left and I bet they never pay for another bus ticket for her again.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: franksolich on September 22, 2013, 07:00:34 PM
Lady Freedom Returns (6,032 posts)    Sun Sep 22, 2013, 12:33 PM

Got in late to Phoenix, BUT

Another bus is on the way. It will be here @ 10:35 Arizona time. So I will be getting to Tucson before dark like I hopes!!!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JakeStyle on September 22, 2013, 07:03:37 PM
I wonder why she is so concerned about getting there before night?  Must be hard to find a spot to huddle under the overpass when it's dark.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 22, 2013, 07:06:39 PM
When she gets to Tucson she should break out a window in the bus station.

She'd get an overnight room, meals, and tons of DUmp cred.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JakeStyle on September 22, 2013, 07:11:32 PM
I hope that DUmmy Offwiththeirheads is waiting at the bus station to pick her up, this could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Dori on September 22, 2013, 07:41:45 PM
I hope that DUmmy Offwiththeirheads is waiting at the bus station to pick her up, this could be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Haven't heard a word since she left Phoenix.  Maybe something happened to the bus and they're stuck out in the desert somewhere.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: NHSparky on September 22, 2013, 08:16:27 PM
Posting from the bus.

so she has a smartphone but she has to mooch bus fare.

Shhhhhh...let them live their dream of altruistic bliss.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 22, 2013, 08:20:39 PM
Posting from the bus.

so she has a smartphone but she has to mooch bus fare.

I'm not so sure she has a smartphone.  I know she brought her laptop, and Greyhound at least advertises wifi on the buses.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: franksolich on September 22, 2013, 09:09:47 PM
Well, it's a little after 7:00 p.m. Sunday in Tucson.

She's either been robbed or is on her way to cause trouble for Dave.

One or the other.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Dori on September 22, 2013, 09:41:30 PM
Well, it's a little after 7:00 p.m. Sunday in Tucson.

She's either been robbed or is on her way to cause trouble for Dave.

One or the other.

It's the same time where I am and It's dark now. I wonder if we'll ever hear from her again.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 22, 2013, 10:05:16 PM
It's the same time where I am and It's dark now. I wonder if we'll ever hear from her again.

"There are eight million stories in The Naked City. This has been one of them."

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 06:47:09 AM
"There are eight million stories in The Naked City. This has been one of them."

"Lady Freedumb Returns to El Cuidad Desnuda"... an instant noir classic!

Watch for it, lurking DUmmies.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 23, 2013, 10:37:33 AM
You know, the DUmp has already forgotten Amber.

By midweek, Crystal and Annette will have forgotten her.

And it's all that Chad's fault.

Chad is going to pay for this.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: dane on September 23, 2013, 10:43:07 AM
It's mid-morning in Tucson, and no update from LFR.  Surely there has been a crisis to report by now.  Or a breakfast meal.  Or something.

For weeks we have been made aware of every little thing, even to what was going in the bags on the bus, and now nothing.

Perhaps she is in hiding, lurking behind some bush waiting to pounce upon an unsuspecting Chad.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: 67 Rover on September 23, 2013, 10:52:15 AM
It's mid-morning in Tucson, and no update from LFR.  Surely there has been a crisis to report by now.  Or a breakfast meal.  Or something.

For weeks we have been made aware of every little thing, even to what was going in the bags on the bus, and now nothing.

Perhaps she is in hiding, lurking behind some bush waiting to pounce upon an unsuspecting Chad.

Probably busy deciding on which bank to deposit her nest egg.  :hyper:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 23, 2013, 10:52:58 AM
It's mid-morning in Tucson, and no update from LFR.  Surely there has been a crisis to report by now.  Or a breakfast meal.  Or something.

For weeks we have been made aware of every little thing, even to what was going in the bags on the bus, and now nothing.

Perhaps she is in hiding, lurking behind some bush waiting to pounce upon an unsuspecting Chad.

     Eh. I'm sure she's had a whore's bath from a gas station bathroom by now, walked the check on a Grand Slam breakfast, scouted a couple of bus routes, and found an unlocked bathroom in an office park where she can drop a deuce in comfort. Once she gets her necessaries settled, she'll start stalking in earnest. Whereas most of us would be singularly focused on finding and keeping work, she's checking down shelters and free meals the way Peyton Manning checks down receivers. Better find a broom to push, Amber - you can tell Denny's it's your birthday only so many times.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 05:08:16 PM
Dead?  Alive?  Any updates? 

I went for a walk in our downtown district the other day, and stumbled onto a couple of hobos.  They made me think of Amber, except they were much, much smaller in girth.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2013, 05:10:07 PM
Dead?  Alive?  Any updates? 

I went for a walk in our downtown district the other day, and stumbled onto a couple of hobos.  They made me think of Amber, except they were much, much smaller in girth.

I checked a few minutes ago; no word.

What's even more alarming is that decent and civilized people here are more concerned for her fate than her fellow primitives are; no primitive's seemed to even have inquired.

Perhaps time to check the blotter at the Tucson police department?
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 05:24:11 PM
After watching football all day yesterday and spent all day today reloading for a chrono session at the range tomorrow, I'm just sitting down to do nothing.

In all honesty, I never gave LFR a thought up until now. I never gave a hoot about her first night in Tucson, whether she was mugged, in jail, heard the famous reply when she knocked on a door, "Dave's not home" or killed and buried in the dessert.

Let the saga continue...
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 05:26:24 PM
The nearest Salvation Army house to the Greyhound terminal in Tucson is less than a mile and a half.  She could have crawled, and made it there by now.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: AllosaursRus on September 23, 2013, 05:31:04 PM
They did not like loosing the possibility of another source of income. But they liked to get rid of me due to me not conforming to letting them tell me the way of a good life as a mere woman. They said I was hopeless and would not have a real life without a man or kids.

Thousands, perhaps millions of men are thankin' their lucky stars! Boys, can ya just imagine 40 years with THAT?

Don't know how y'all feel, but "Til death Do us Part" I took real series!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 05:32:03 PM
Thousands, perhaps millions of men are thankin' their lucky stars! Boys, can ya just imagine 40 years with THAT?

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: AllosaursRus on September 23, 2013, 05:34:44 PM

Thank you. thank you! I'll be here all week!

I got a million of 'em! Heh, heh!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: diesel driver on September 23, 2013, 05:37:12 PM
The nearest Salvation Army house to the Greyhound terminal in Tucson is less than a mile and a half.  She could have crawled, and made it there by now.


You actually expect her to EXERT HERSELF and actually WALK/CRAWL to the Salvation Army House!!!!

Heaven forbid, man!!!!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 05:45:03 PM
You'd think one of her sisters would have posted something on their facebook pages about Amber.  Not a peep. 

Bad spelling runs in the family, though.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: AllosaursRus on September 23, 2013, 05:56:14 PM
You'd think one of her sisters would have posted something on their facebook pages about Amber.  Not a peep.  

Bad spelling runs in the family, though.

FaceBook is a pimple that needs popped! I have a niece that thinks I need to know when she takes a ****in' nap!

What a waste of bandwidth! She's prolly a ****in' DUmmie, too!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 23, 2013, 05:59:05 PM
What's even more alarming is that decent and civilized people here are more concerned for her fate than her fellow primitives are; no primitive's seemed to even have inquired.

The DUmp has forgotten Amber already.

By midweek, Crystal and Annette will have forgotten her.

For most DUmmies, that's about the extent of their legacy.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Dori on September 23, 2013, 06:15:42 PM
I can see why Amber missed Tucson

Border Personalities

Apparently, the bus stop is a popular spot

Raúl Plata, 60, enjoyed the shade of a covered South Tucson bus stop on Monday morning after visiting the library. Almost daily, Raúl goes to the library to read the papers. The Arizona Daily Star is the only paper he reads, he said. Usually, he reads the obituaries. He’ll also read front page articles that catch his eye.

Tara is unemployed. She’s on disability because she has Bipolar Disorder as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Ralph enjoys the company of others–so much so that he preferred homelessness to living in the confines of walls. Although he owned a trailer on two acres of land in Marana, Ariz. , he was homeless for about 11 years. He now rents an apartment in South Tucson, but enjoys being outdoors and around people. After homelessness, being outside becomes like an addiction, he said.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: AllosaursRus on September 23, 2013, 06:17:02 PM
The DUmp has forgotten Amber already.

By midweek, Crystal and Annette will have forgotten her.

For most DUmmies, that's about the extent of their legacy.

Boy, I'm gonna shed a lot a tears for another DIver gooin' down the tubes.

From what I understand, she don't wanna share with like minded individuals. BIG ****IN" SURPRISE! They don't wanna use their money, they wanna use yours!

What's the big deal? She is EXACTLY what I expect from liberal, socialist, communist, assholes!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: AllosaursRus on September 23, 2013, 06:20:05 PM
I can see why Amber missed Tucson

Border Personalities

Apparently, the bus stop is a popular spot

Raúl Plata, 60, enjoyed the shade of a covered South Tucson bus stop on Monday morning after visiting the library. Almost daily, Raúl goes to the library to read the papers. The Arizona Daily Star is the only paper he reads, he said. Usually, he reads the obituaries. He’ll also read front page articles that catch his eye.

Tara is unemployed. She’s on disability because she has Bipolar Disorder as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Ralph enjoys the company of others–so much so that he preferred homelessness to living in the confines of walls. Although he owned a trailer on two acres of land in Marana, Ariz. , he was homeless for about 11 years. He now rents an apartment in South Tucson, but enjoys being outdoors and around people. After homelessness, being outside becomes like an addiction, he said.


I've paid into disability for damn near 30 years and they won't recognize the 6 screws in my back as a disability. I need to get depressed! Which is happening more and more readin' this kinda shit!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Carl on September 23, 2013, 06:20:26 PM
Two possibilities I think.

Most likely this has all been just a wide awake dream in her demented mind,none of it true and now she is at a loss to tell the rest of the story.

Or she did do as she said and her laptop along with her nest egg never made it past the first night when she arrived at the homeless Hilton and they looked at her like she had 3 heads atop her ginormous carcass as she declared she was checking in.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: AllosaursRus on September 23, 2013, 06:23:23 PM
Two possibilities I think.

Most likely this has all been just a wide awake dream in her demented mind,none of it true and now she is at a loss to tell the rest of the story.

Or she did do as she said and her laptop along with her nest egg never made it past the first night when she arrived at the homeless Hilton and they looked at her like she had 3 heads atop her ginormous carcass as she declared she was checking in.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. DUmmies lie, they lie all the time!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 06:23:43 PM
Nothing here:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2013, 06:31:07 PM
Nothing here:

Remember, I said this couldn't possibly come to any good end.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: thundley4 on September 23, 2013, 06:54:47 PM
Dead?  Alive?  Any updates? 

I went for a walk in our downtown district the other day, and stumbled onto a couple of hobos.  They made me think of Amber, except they were much, much smaller in girth.

They probably smelled better also.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 23, 2013, 06:56:11 PM
Just keep an eye on Tucson obits for a wino named Chad.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JakeStyle on September 23, 2013, 07:13:22 PM


Mon Sep 23, 2013, 07:38 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,035 posts)

Troubles in and for Tucson.
Apparently there is no open shelters for the homeless in Tucson. What there are is full. Many places have closed due to budget problems. I have even found out there is even a 1 month waiting period on the abused women shelters.

More personal note is that my ex So is loosing our old home. I was not there and did not have any way to contact our person there about me leavening so they could help him with a re-file. My ex SO did not know that was needed.

It hurts me. With all that has happened, I still love him. I wanted him to be OK. Not this.

But, on what I call an up note, I talked with some boys in Blue today! They informed me that "that man", the one that got between me and my man is in the Hospital. He promised something to a big drug guy apparently, and did not deliver. Ohhhhh, that Karma! never know how it will come around!!!!

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2013, 07:18:54 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,035 posts)    Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:01 PM

2. Yeah Washes!

Always a good place to hide. But with all I am carrying I can't pack around a sleeping bag to keep warm.
I need to find a way to store my good cloths till I need them. I also need to get a new back pack due to my old one is just that. Not long for this earth. And I am doing my best NOT to touch that $250 I have.
If the PayPal thing works like it is supposed to I will be fine, I can use that $100 to get a sleeping bag and new pack.

So.....she left Joplin with $300, and arrived into Tucson with $250.

She must've bought a lot of overpriced cuisine in the dining rooms of bus terminals on the way.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 07:19:47 PM
Mon Sep 23, 2013, 07:38 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,035 posts)

Troubles in and for Tucson.
Apparently there is no open shelters for the homeless in Tucson. What there are is full. Many places have closed due to budget problems. I have even found out there is even a 1 month waiting period on the abused women shelters.

More personal note is that my ex So is loosing our old home. I was not there and did not have any way to contact our person there about me leavening so they could help him with a re-file. My ex SO did not know that was needed.

It hurts me. With all that has happened, I still love him. I wanted him to be OK. Not this.

But, on what I call an up note, I talked with some boys in Blue today! They informed me that "that man", the one that got between me and my man is in the Hospital. He promised something to a big drug guy apparently, and did not deliver. Ohhhhh, that Karma! never know how it will come around!!!!

First day in Tucson, and Amber put Chad in the hospital, stalked Dave, and found an overpass with WiFi to call "home".

I was wrong. That manatee can do something when she puts her back into it!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: DefiantSix on September 23, 2013, 07:27:29 PM
Two possibilities I think.

Most likely this has all been just a wide awake dream in her demented mind,none of it true and now she is at a loss to tell the rest of the story.

Or she did do as she said and her laptop along with her nest egg never made it past the first night when she arrived at the homeless Hilton and they looked at her like she had 3 heads atop her ginormous carcass as she declared she was checking in.

There is a third possibility.

DUmb**** lady FreeDUmb could have been met at the bus station by one of the local pimps. Being a DUmbass, it wouldn't have taken much to have her tripping out on whatever recreational pharmaceutical he set her up with. In this case, right about now, she's had her laptop sold by the pimp in the local pawn shop, and she's probably coming down and jonesing for her next hit. So, that being the case, tonight - tomorrow at the latest - she'll be out on the street, workin' for da  man.

 :-) I didn't say it was likely; I said it was possible. The fact that Rule 34 exists makes it so.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JakeStyle on September 23, 2013, 07:32:09 PM
She needs to take that money and buy a ticket back to Joplin ASAP.  She will burn through $250.00 within two days otherwise.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 07:32:57 PM
Response to Lady Freedom Returns (Original post)

Mon Sep 23, 2013, 07:47 PM

Star Member elleng (42,343 posts)
1. GOOD about that Karma!

Not so good about shelters, but I'm sure you'll figure it out!

Response to elleng (Reply #1)

Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:01 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,036 posts)
2. Yeah Washes!

Always a good place to hide.

Translation needed. :confused:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: DUKOTA on September 23, 2013, 07:39:45 PM
Translation needed. :confused:

Being in te desert southwest, washes normally refer to the ravines in the desert and under highways formed by the infrequent rains.  So she's hiding out under a bridge, like a troll.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 07:51:06 PM

Being in te desert southwest, washes normally refer to the ravines in the desert and under highways formed by the infrequent rains.  So she's hiding out under a bridge, like a troll.


Even Bobo had a Buick with locking doors.

Of course it was a convertible with a hole in the top and no back window. <----- speculation
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 07:52:35 PM
She needs to take that money and buy a ticket back to Joplin ASAP.  She will burn through $250.00 within two days otherwise.

10 to 1 she looses it, by hook or by crook.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Dori on September 23, 2013, 07:53:46 PM
Translation needed. :confused:
Laundromat?  Edge of a river? Underground sewer system?

Apparently someone knows

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 07:55:16 PM
Response to Lady Freedom Returns (Reply #2)

Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:48 PM

Star Member OffWithTheirHeads (9,185 posts)
3. PM me. You can stash your stuff at my house.

Though I expect that it is a long way from where most of the services you need are located.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Chris_ on September 23, 2013, 08:12:06 PM
Mon Sep 23, 2013, 07:38 PM

Lady Freedom Returns (6,035 posts)

Troubles in and for Tucson.
Apparently there is no open shelters for the homeless in Tucson. What there are is full. Many places have closed due to budget problems. I have even found out there is even a 1 month waiting period on the abused women shelters.
What, you mean the homeless shelter didn't hold her reservation?  How awful.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 08:23:15 PM
This is not going to end well. 
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 08:32:57 PM
Lady Freedom Returns (6,038 posts) Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:57 PM
4. Have 30 Day Bus pass! Will travel!

Right now, the services are booked up and they don't know what they are going to do.

May the Lord have mercy on the nose of whomever ends up sitting near this whale on the bus for the next 30 days...

Star Member OffWithTheirHeads (9,185 posts)  Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:48 PM
3. PM me. You can stash your stuff at my house.

Last edited Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:56 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)
Though I expect that it is a long way from where most of the services you need are located. I can also give you an excellent, clean, Down filled sleeping bag that is, for all intents and purposes, new. Chances that I will ever use it are slim to none as my camping days are pretty much over. I bought it years ago and, best as I can remember, I paid over $250.00 for it. You can have it as I will never use it.

How thoughtful!   ::)   :rotf:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: DefiantSix on September 23, 2013, 08:34:54 PM
This is not going to end well. 

That's it. Either Dave swoons and takes her skanky ass in, or she's on the 2-week countdown to being a high payin' crack ho. :rotf:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Dori on September 23, 2013, 08:36:43 PM
Quote from: BattleHymn
link=topic=90984.msg1134296#msg1134296 date=1379986377
Star Member OffWithTheirHeads (9,185 posts)  Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:48 PM
3. PM me. You can stash your stuff at my house.

Last edited Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:56 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)
Though I expect that it is a long way from where most of the services you need are located. I can also give you an excellent, clean, Down filled sleeping bag that is, for all intents and purposes, new. Chances that I will ever use it are slim to none as my camping days are pretty much over. I bought it years ago and, best as I can remember, I paid over $250.00 for it. You can have it as I will never use it.

How thoughtful!   ::)   :rotf:

Yeah, she'll be camping in his front yard if he's not careful.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 08:49:33 PM


Lady Freedom Returns (6,038 posts) Mon Sep 23, 2013, 09:04 PM

Signing off for now!
Will try to keep a update going. but.....


Off to go find an underpass! 

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: kraven on September 23, 2013, 08:56:26 PM
I don't get a chance to get on and post much (damn work, getting in the way of life, LMAO), so I don't know much about this wacko other than the saga of the past few weeks. So she (is she a real she or a he-she?) was in a relationship with some dude that left her for another guy, and yet she wants him back? Isn't she, err, ill equipped to meet his needs (unless she is a he who thinks he is a she?)?

She spent all that time online before leaving and never bothered to check the status of shelters before just taking off and heading back there with only $250 in her pocket? WTH? They ain't called DUmmies for nothing.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 09:19:41 PM
I don't get a chance to get on and post much (damn work, getting in the way of life, LMAO), so I don't know much about this wacko other than the saga of the past few weeks. So she (is she a real she or a he-she?) was in a relationship with some dude that left her for another guy, and yet she wants him back? Isn't she, err, ill equipped to meet his needs (unless she is a he who thinks he is a she?)?

She spent all that time online before leaving and never bothered to check the status of shelters before just taking off and heading back there with only $250 in her pocket? WTH? They ain't called DUmmies for nothing.

Worse than that.

From her writing, it is clear that she has been here at the Cave. She has ignored good advice from good people, and now she's living in a dry creekbed under an overpass- with the scorpions and rattlesnakes.

She had best pray it doesn't rain...or that the decapitating DUmmy doesn't find her. The odds are better than 2:1 that Dexter will have a ninth season, after all.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: thundley4 on September 23, 2013, 09:29:29 PM
I was not there and did not have any way to contact our person there about me leavening so they could help him with a re-file. My ex SO did not know that was needed.

Isn't some form of yeast used for leavening?  Nope, not gonna dwell on her leavening.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 23, 2013, 09:29:52 PM
Worse than that.

From her writing, it is clear that she has been here at the Cave. She has ignored good advice from good people, and now she's living in a dry creekbed under an overpass- with the scorpions and rattlesnakes.

She had best pray it doesn't rain...or that the decapitating DUmmy doesn't find her. The odds are better than 2:1 that Dexter will have a ninth season, after all.

Snakes are going to be looking for a warm place to sleep.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 09:54:37 PM
Isn't some form of yeast used for leavening?  Nope, not gonna dwell on her leavening.

She brought her own, packed into the skin folds.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 09:55:26 PM
Snakes are going to be looking for a warm place to sleep.

Again with the skin folds!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 23, 2013, 09:56:51 PM
The below post was from March of this year.  Considering Freedumb's current circumstances, I find it all the more hilarious, and so I thought I'd share it:
Lady Freedom Returns (6,038 posts) Fri Mar 1, 2013, 10:35 PM

Did you know that many people in emergency shelter right now are looking at not having it? And that there are food pantries across the nation that are looking at closing down? There is even going to be a cut out of the W.I.C program.

I overheard at the pantry that they are going to be sweating it out. They have been team up with the T.V stations here in Tucson to do a drive that is at it's end to take some sting out. But, due to people being worried about their jobs, they did not do as they really hoped.

All I have mention is just the tip of the iceberg that is out to sink many people.

This is going to affect many that are just coming out of economic nightmares and will put them right back in. What happens to a person that has done what they are supposed to and keep falling down? Remember that many have done what they are supposed to do as in have a job, save all they can and fight to pay all their bills. Yet they can't pay for the necessities of life, no matter how hard they work.

I fear for those that are at their wits end. What will happen with them? What will they do since they feel as if they have no hope? It is the direction those thoughts will take is what scares me. There will be a lot more Desperate people out there and when you have nothing but time to sit on a bench and would be surprised at what will go through your mind.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: thundley4 on September 23, 2013, 10:05:51 PM
I have no sympathy or pity for this cupid stunt.  She had a job, and a safe place to live, but threw it away on some fantasy that she will reunite with her intended victim.

Probably better for all if the lunatic ends up in the morgue sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 10:11:24 PM
I have no sympathy or pity for this cupid stunt.  She had a job, and a safe place to live, but threw it away on some fantasy that she will reunite with her intended victim.

Probably better for all if the lunatic ends up in the morgue sooner rather than later.

Does the county have to bury the dead hobos deeper in Tucson so the coyotes don't dig 'em up?

That is a question Amber should get the answer to tomorrow, if she lives through the night.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Chris_ on September 23, 2013, 10:22:24 PM
I hope her phone's battery doesn't die posting on DU all night.  She's sleeping in a dried-up riverbed... hope she won't need to call 911.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JakeStyle on September 23, 2013, 10:27:43 PM
She can afford a week in a dorm room at the local hostel  If she is motivated, she could find a fast food job or something similar during that time.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 23, 2013, 10:47:59 PM
She can afford a week in a dorm room at the local hostel  If she is motivated, she could find a fast food job or something similar during that time.

She could suck cock under the overpass at $5 a trick, and make enough to upgrade to the La Quinta Inn.  In fact, I bet the La Quinta takes Mexican money- Amber won't have to pay to exchange pesos to dollars at the pawn shop next to the plasma center.

If she moved her cocksucking business to the alley behind the plasma center, she'd make all kinds of money.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 23, 2013, 11:05:07 PM
She could suck cock under the overpass at $5 a trick, and make enough to upgrade to the La Quinta Inn.  In fact, I bet the La Quinta takes Mexican money- Amber won't have to pay to exchange pesos to dollars at the pawn shop next to the plasma center.

If she moved her cocksucking business to the alley behind the plasma center, she'd make all kinds of money.

Knowing quite a lot about Tucson, I would recommend/expect her to make her way down to the university soon. All sorts of panhandling opportunities down there, and a slew of bars where she can ply whatever moneymaking trade necessary to keep herself afloat.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: kraven on September 23, 2013, 11:17:07 PM
So is she a she or is she a he-she?
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: DefiantSix on September 23, 2013, 11:32:39 PM
So is she a she or is she a he-she?

Based on the pictures that were brought over, she's a "she".  She'd just need 3 promotions to rise to the level of a mere imbecile.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: kraven on September 23, 2013, 11:40:06 PM
So her dude dumped her for another dude? What makes her think her dude might want her back? Clearly, he is queer. A dude just doesn't slip around and have a little cock, and then want to go back to the hen. She left what little stability she had for him? She better strap one on and start talking like Barry White...
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 24, 2013, 05:25:30 AM
She can afford a week in a dorm room at the local hostel  If she is motivated, she could find a fast food job or something similar during that time.

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Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 24, 2013, 05:29:12 AM
So is she a she or is she a he-she?

When referring to a DUmmy, using "it" will suffice.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 24, 2013, 06:07:25 AM
Looking For New Staff Members!    PDF    Print    E-mail
 Interested In Helping At Our Hostel?
We Are Currently Looking For Helpers!
What Is Needed:
A positive attitude and willingness to work with all kinds of different people from all over the world.
Must be able to perform house cleaning, checking in guests, and bookkeeping.
Must make a 3 month commitment to remain at the hostel and help 3 times a week.
This Is An Exchange Opportunity. Helpers Have the Opportunity to Live In Their Own Bedroom At Our Place In Exchange For Your Help.
To Apply, Please Contact Us at

Like garlic and sunlight to a vampire, is work to a DUmmy.

Housekeeping 3 times a week would cut into her stalking.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BlueStateSaint on September 24, 2013, 07:00:08 AM
Like garlic and sunlight to a vampire, is work to a DUmmy.

Housekeeping 3 times a week would cut into her stalking.

BD, I think you've found the holes in the argument there.  H5.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Karin on September 24, 2013, 07:15:09 AM
You only get $5 for that?  That's the going rate?  Stay in school, kids.  Learn a useful trade. 

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 24, 2013, 07:17:54 AM
You only get $5 for that?  That's the going rate?  Stay in school, kids.  Learn a useful trade. 

Competition with crack whores. $5 for 5 minutes is all she'll make in that market, so she'll have to make up for it in volume.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Gina on September 24, 2013, 08:46:52 AM
I'll pay someone $50 to clean my house  :-) I will be watching your thieving ass of course though. :tongue:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: lastparker on September 24, 2013, 01:29:03 PM
Ugh.... I've been AWOL for so long that this whole LFR saga has me thoroughly confused.  Is she going BACK to Tucson?  Was she there before?  I don't know and I am getting a headache, just thinking about going back through old posts.

And then I read these:

Does the county have to bury the dead hobos deeper in Tucson so the coyotes don't dig 'em up?

That is a question Amber should get the answer to tomorrow, if she lives through the night.
She could suck cock under the overpass at $5 a trick, and make enough to upgrade to the La Quinta Inn.  In fact, I bet the La Quinta takes Mexican money- Amber won't have to pay to exchange pesos to dollars at the pawn shop next to the plasma center.

If she moved her cocksucking business to the alley behind the plasma center, she'd make all kinds of money.

Like garlic and sunlight to a vampire, is work to a DUmmy.

Housekeeping 3 times a week would cut into her stalking.
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Dori on September 24, 2013, 01:56:29 PM
Ugh.... I've been AWOL for so long that this whole LFR saga has me thoroughly confused.  Is she going BACK to Tucson?  Was she there before?  I don't know and I am getting a headache, just thinking about going back through old posts.

Which version would you like?  The movie she plays in her head or the real one?

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 24, 2013, 02:15:28 PM
No updates as of yet.

I imagine that her day is going like this: She gets up, moseys over to the library and checks her email. Notices the generous offer from Offwiththeirheads about storing her stuff, she sends him an email accepting the offer. She can't leave the free Wi-Fi area as she needs to be able to read his return email. She has to wait around the area for 8 hours while Offwiththeirheads panhandles spare change over by the university. In the meantime, LFR is getting so ripe that some illegal alien will pick her and throw her into a wicker basket.

Expect to hear something by 7:00 PM EST. If she replies sooner, she's at Offwiththeirheads and sponging off of him playing an angle to stay there for a spell.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: lastparker on September 24, 2013, 02:18:33 PM
Which version would you like?  The movie she plays in her head or the real one?

I would be happy with the truth, so that would be anything but her version.  Thanks!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: chitownchica on September 24, 2013, 02:28:09 PM
Two possibilities I think.

Most likely this has all been just a wide awake dream in her demented mind,none of it true and now she is at a loss to tell the rest of the story.

Or she did do as she said and her laptop along with her nest egg never made it past the first night when she arrived at the homeless Hilton and they looked at her like she had 3 heads atop her ginormous carcass as she declared she was checking in.

She claims to be a fiction writer. I'm starting to think she's just writing a story her fragile mind made up.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: franksolich on September 24, 2013, 02:56:40 PM
I would be happy with the truth, so that would be anything but her version.  Thanks!

You know madam, there's many of the elements of "Cinderella" in this ongoing saga, excepting of course there's not going to be any happy ending.

The most obvious are the two "evil" sisters, Crystal and Annette, who are jealous of Amber, because they have to work very hard to eke out a living, while she has the freedom to trot all over the country.  And despite their meager resources, they're willing to help her find stability and maturity in life, but she's not the least bit grateful for their care and love.  She thinks she's better than they are.

There's no mother--she left this time and place a few years ago--but there is a father, for whom she was the apple of his eye, his little princess.  He's probably old and tired, and lives with one of the sisters.  He probably gets social security, but because the sisters take care of him, he doesn't have any expenses, and so that's all disposable income, for him to spend as he pleases. 

It's a mystery to me why Amber never went to him for help.

There was a Prince Charming, Dave, who finally got tired of her and dumped her onto the streets of Tucson (which is why she went back to the loving embrace of her family in Joplin, Missouri).  The two of them were in a "relationship" for ten years, which was plenty of time for her to drag him to the altar and make it official.

But no, love doesn't need a "piece of paper," and so she never did.  If she'd done that, making it official, she'd have him by the balls now, and there was no way he could've gotten out of taking care of her.

The only non-parallel (with the story of Cinderella) is Dave's friend Chad, who in a guy-to-guy talk showed the old man (Prince Charming is no spring chicken), opened his eyes, to that Cinder--er, Amber--was taking advantage of him, sucking him dry of all his own meager resources.

There's been talk about some sort of incongruous "relationship" between Dave and Chad, but it's all silly; it's obvious Chad's just a good friend of Dave's, nothing more.  Nothing wrong with men being friends with each other.

I myself find her story eminently credible, but if she's hoping for a "....and they all lived happily ever after," she's going to be disappointed.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Linda on September 24, 2013, 04:06:04 PM
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: obumazombie on September 24, 2013, 04:13:57 PM
LFR has everything it takes to be an occupooper.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: DefiantSix on September 24, 2013, 04:18:31 PM
LFR has everything it takes to be an occupooper.

We'll see. Tucson winters - especially out on the outskirts, where Tucson becomes open desert - can be unexpectedly harsh. Camping in that wash, she may not be around long enough for the shakey-tails to get to her, but the coyotes will gladly convert her into the textbook OccuPoop(er) after she freezes to death. :fuelfire:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: RobJohnson on September 24, 2013, 04:39:43 PM
She could suck cock under the overpass at $5 a trick, and make enough to upgrade to the La Quinta Inn.  In fact, I bet the La Quinta takes Mexican money- Amber won't have to pay to exchange pesos to dollars at the pawn shop next to the plasma center.

If she moved her cocksucking business to the alley behind the plasma center, she'd make all kinds of money.

At least she won't go hungry that way.  :whistling:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: lastparker on September 24, 2013, 06:07:11 PM
THANK YOU frank!  All caught up now.  Poor Dave.  I hope Chad is still in the loop.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 24, 2013, 07:07:45 PM
I myself find her story eminently credible, but if she's hoping for a "....and they all lived happily ever after," she's going to be disappointed.
You have a curious triangle here. Dave and Chad are deadbeat winos, while Amber has the mental capacity of a ten-year-old.

The only asset among the three of them is Dave's status as a wino veteran, which qualifies him for a federal program that gives slum apartments to such people.

The promise of a free government apartment is what makes Dave a shining prize for both Chad and Amber. Amber thought she had it all sewn up, until Chad happened along.

Chad replaced Amber by virtue of access to either alcohol or drugs, quickly becoming Dave's BFF and persuading him to give Amber the boot.

Now Amber's back, and Chad is in the hospital, leaving Amber a clear field for trying to worm her way back into Dave's heart. It's a hopeless task. The idea that a lifelong hobo like Dave would prefer sex with a smelly bovine like Amber to Chad's Boone's Farm and bud is pretty far-fetched.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Aristotelian on September 25, 2013, 06:23:58 AM
First day in Tucson, and Amber put Chad in the hospital, stalked Dave, and found an overpass with WiFi to call "home".

I was wrong. That manatee can do something when she puts her back into it!

I do find the drugs thing with Chad partially plausible - what I'm wondering is whether Amber planted drugs on him before she put him in hospital.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: RobJohnson on September 25, 2013, 06:34:51 AM
I honestly do hope she stays safe.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Big Dog on September 25, 2013, 06:44:50 AM
I honestly do hope she stays safe.

Be careful, Rob. Next thing you know, she'll be riding that Big Grey Dog to Vegas!
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JohnnyReb on September 25, 2013, 08:21:44 AM
She must have found a condo? .......a discarded box a double door refrigerator came in.....with wooden pallet flooring.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: Tucker on September 25, 2013, 08:25:23 AM
She must have found a condo? .......a discarded box a double door refrigerator came in.....with wooden pallet flooring.

Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 25, 2013, 04:30:31 PM

Looking For New Staff Members!    PDF    Print    E-mail
 Interested In Helping At Our Hostel?
We Are Currently Looking For Helpers!

What Is Needed:
A positive attitude and willingness to work with all kinds of different people from all over the world.
Must be able to perform house cleaning, checking in guests, and bookkeeping.
Must make a 3 month commitment to remain at the hostel and help 3 times a week.
This Is An Exchange Opportunity. Helpers Have the Opportunity to Live In Their Own Bedroom At Our Place In Exchange For Your Help.

Not possible:

NV Whino (14,902 posts) Mon Sep 23, 2013, 08:29 PM
1. Pick a center and offer to volunteer

Lady Freedom Returns (6,043 posts) Wed Sep 25, 2013, 12:48 PM
4. They won't let me since I am homeless.

Now once I have been off the streets for a year they will let me.

As frank has pointed out numerous times, this will not end well.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: wasp69 on September 25, 2013, 04:48:33 PM
As frank has pointed out numerous times, this will not end well.

Nor should it.  A lesson, even a hard one, needs to be learned.
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: BattleHymn on September 25, 2013, 07:26:24 PM

I found this thread at the DUmp.  It might be helpful to you during the night in the wash:
Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: RobJohnson on September 25, 2013, 09:01:28 PM
Be careful, Rob. Next thing you know, she'll be riding that Big Grey Dog to Vegas!


Title: Re: LFR update: Don't Touch My Stuff Edition
Post by: JohnnyReb on September 26, 2013, 07:54:00 AM
M. C. Hammer sings/does "Can't Touch This".

Made millions but now I hear he's homeless....maybe LFR could move in with him?