The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Breaking News => Topic started by: BattleHymn on May 23, 2013, 06:14:17 PM

Title: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: BattleHymn on May 23, 2013, 06:14:17 PM
Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members

Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY7:07 p.m. EDT May 23, 2013

The Boy Scouts of America voted Thursday to allow gay youth to participate in scouting. The historic vote, with 60% in favor, signals another shift in American public opinion about homosexuality but still leaves the organization with many future hurdles.

"It brings the Boy Scouts back into the American mainstream," said Beth Gazley, a professor at Indiana University in Bloomington who studies non-profits.

The vote overturns a 22-year-old ban on openly gay scouts. It was based on a line from the 1911 Boy Scouts of America oath: "On my honor I will do my best….to keep myself physically strong, mentally alert and morally straight." Since 1991 the Scouts have barred openly gay individuals from participating in Scouting because it was decided that being gay was incompatible with being "morally straight."

[edited to switch source from AP article]

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: catsmtrods on May 23, 2013, 06:25:04 PM
Sad! Both my boys were scouts. They would not be today!
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: BattleHymn on May 23, 2013, 06:26:44 PM
Sad! Both my boys were scouts. They would not be today!

What alternatives are there for the boys?  The girls have American Heritage Girls.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Revolution on May 23, 2013, 06:28:32 PM
Pandora's box ring a bell to anyone? This opens up all kinds of cans of worms.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: catsmtrods on May 23, 2013, 06:41:41 PM
Someone should start a new club that don't allow fags! Fight this shit!
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: rich_t on May 23, 2013, 06:53:15 PM
If I had any boys in the Scouts, I would be pulling them out.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: DefiantSix on May 23, 2013, 08:17:54 PM
Pandora's box ring a bell to anyone? This opens up all kinds of cans of worms.

Yup. Now that they've bowed to pressure to let the queer bait into the tent, it's only a matter of time before the same pressure compels them to let the bull queers hunt their meat market. They have given in once in regard to this principle, it's only a matter of time before they're forced to grab the ankles again.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Undies on May 23, 2013, 08:22:02 PM
Now I have to change my will. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on May 23, 2013, 08:28:20 PM
I wonder what will happen to their membership.  When J C Penney started their gay advertising, their sales dropped through the floor.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 23, 2013, 08:42:03 PM
My son just finished up his Eagle work. Our troop's leaders have already said that if this passed the were quitting. Our troop is 75 years old this year, it has been one of the best in our council. For the last 36 years they have taken the boys every 4 years on a 22/24 day high adventure tour of the USA with 12 days at Philmont as the high point. Backpacking, canoeing, rock climbing, you name it, once a month for a 3 day weekend they do something. They raise and lower the flag at every meeting with a scout blowing the bugle. Every quarter they have a flag disposal ceremony and once a year on flag day they hold one open to the public.......awh hell, I am about to cry.....damn liberal assholes can't allow any organization that teaches morals and decency to exist.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: DefiantSix on May 23, 2013, 08:44:27 PM
I wonder what will happen to their membership.  When J C Penney started their gay advertising, their sales dropped through the floor.

Can't tell you what this will do to enrollment, but I have already heard from the first few who had previously been generous through Friends of Scouting, and now will no longer be contributing. This will probably impact their wallet worse than if they'd just let the corporate sponsor who pushed for this take their dollies and dishes and go home.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on May 23, 2013, 09:08:56 PM
Can't tell you what this will do to enrollment, but I have already heard from the first few who had previously been generous through Friends of Scouting, and now will no longer be contributing. This will probably impact their wallet worse than if they'd just let the corporate sponsor who pushed for this take their dollies and dishes and go home.

I think it will affect it badly.  Boy Scouts is a religious based organization.  Once the LGBT crowd moves in and starts making their demands, it will no longer be an attraction to the typical members.   
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 23, 2013, 09:27:33 PM
Can't off hand remember the numbers but if damn near killed the Canadian Boy Scouts when they went this route.

Mod to add....

OneNewsNow reported: "The board of governors overseeing scouting in Canada decided to admit females, atheists, agnostics, homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals into scouting." Scouting rolls dropped from 300,000 to 130,000.

"I think that this move in the United States will be similar," Rushfeldt said at the time. "It will kill the organization and, of course, that's tragic."
- See more at:

Then a liberal comments and can't see that he owned himself..........

Tone • 4 minutes ago  −
Numbers dropped over the scandal of Scouts Canada not dealing aggressively enough with the problem of predominantly married, presumably heterosexual pedophile leaders in their ranks. The drop in interest is mainly a problem within the past five years. Attendance and interest in scouting was stable throughout the mid-2000's.

Figures lie, and liars figure.

The 11 year old scouts that came into the Canadian scouts in 1999 had by the mid 2000's gotten old enough to start molesting the younger scouts and compete with the older closeted scout leader queers.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on May 23, 2013, 11:42:34 PM
What alternatives are there for the boys?  The girls have American Heritage Girls.

The alternative will probably be that each denomination will set up it's own equivalent.  I see that there's already discussion of doing that at, an LCMS website that our own Charles Henrickson contributes to.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on May 23, 2013, 11:49:37 PM
The alternative will probably be that each denomination will set up it's own equivalent.  I see that there's already discussion of doing that at, an LCMS website that our own Charles Henrickson contributes to.

I just did a quick search and there are several out there.  Don't know how big or active.  Maybe they should try to group together.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on May 24, 2013, 07:15:44 AM
I just did a quick search and there are several out there.  Don't know how big or active.  Maybe they should try to group together.

Smaller groups, more closely aligned to the values of their sponsoring churches or civic groups, could organize joint regional/national events like the Jamboree.

If I was a Scoutmaster looking at breaking away from BSA over the issue, that's what I'd do.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on May 24, 2013, 07:31:48 AM
The crapping on our nation continues.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 24, 2013, 07:48:19 AM
It seems to me that these kids are too young to know if they are homos or not. So, if sex is not a big issue within the troop (which it should not be) then allowing homo kids to participate is not a big issue in most cases. However, allowing homo scout masters is another issue which would be immediately and completely intolerable. We know that this is coming soon.

The scout master and his assistant of my son's troop are great guys that I have known for awhile and they are not happy about this turn of events either. They may start participating less and less in larger district level events.

Another friend of mine was a scoutmaster for many years. One time at an event where they had an information booth, a bull dyke came up and started bitching at him about the anti-homo bigotry of the scouts. He disarmed her/him by politely telling her that since the scouts was for the children to learn how to become leaders, sex of any kind has no place in the scouts. He said that she was knocked off-guard by this because she was obviously ready for a blunt political retort. She could only muster up an, "Oh, OK." and moved on.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on May 24, 2013, 07:50:18 AM
One of our members is highly involved in Scouting. I'm awaiting his reply to this.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on May 24, 2013, 08:39:44 AM
Smaller groups, more closely aligned to the values of their sponsoring churches or civic groups, could organize joint regional/national events like the Jamboree.

If I was a Scoutmaster looking at breaking away from BSA over the issue, that's what I'd do.

That might happen.  The direct denominational affiliation would make such groups less likely to bow to political pressure.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FlaGator on May 24, 2013, 11:19:21 AM
It is part of the gay agenda that instead of originating groups that reflect their values they want to destroy groups that don't.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on May 24, 2013, 12:59:37 PM
It may or maynot affect the individual troops, but it will affect the Boy Scout camps(especially the overnight ones)
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: ReaganForRushmore on May 24, 2013, 04:52:52 PM
Devastating.  I have two Eagle Scouts. The Church where we raised our family in sponsored the Troop. It's 50 years old and we as a Board have decided to eliminate the Troop rather than compromise our religious beliefs(Roman Catholic). 123  Cub scouts and Boy Scouts are deciding if they want to transfer to different troops. Yet, we were called Homophobic as late as last as evening when an uninvited gay parent interrupted our meeting dissolving the troop when he brought his son in for an application to join the Troop. When advised that we were dissolving the Troop, he literally threw a hissy fit stating that he would sue us for dissolving the Troop. The example of rude and obscene language to Board members only ceased when one of the Board Members, a police officer, politely asked him to leave and escorted him from the building.

It got worse.

The "gentleman" in question then proceeded to key every car in the lot. We know this because the conference room has a large window view of the parking lot. When the police officer got out to the lot and stood behind the guy's car so he could not leave, the guy called the cops saying a hate crime was in progress. Imagine the guys face when the responding cops knew the cop and arrested the "gentleman" for assault on a police officer and destruction  of private property.

.....and the son saw everything.

Sad day to be a Christian in the United States
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: rustybayonet on May 24, 2013, 05:00:51 PM
One of our members is highly involved in Scouting. I'm awaiting his reply to this.


Sorry it's so long, but it did help getting part of this mees out.....

A little background – Started Scouting as a Cub Scout in 1951.  Went through until joining Boy Scouts, then into the now defunct Explorer Scouts [older – now n ow as Venturing Crews{by the way Crews came be co-ed}].  As an 'Adult' have been Den Leader. Webelos Leader, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, then Unit Commissioner [UC]and Assistant District Commissioner [DE], while living up north.  While a Scoutmaster and ADC [for other units] I caught another adult in bed with a boy, kick them both out of the cabin we were in, woke up one of my Assistant Scoutmasters,  to take over and headed home on an early Sunday morning, contacting the then DE and DC, to report incident.  They informed me that “Volunteers are hard to come by, we'll watch him”.  Well they didn't do a good job, because about 2-3 weeks later his jealous 'boyfriend' invited some scouts over to their house for a 'movie'.  The boyfriend made advances to one of the scout who refused, so he shot him in the head, killing him.  For years I've wondered if I had done more, would that boy still be alive, but it was time to walk away from scouting.

Since living here in Alabama, I started as the Organizational Rep. between scouting and my church.  Two years later I was talked into coming back as a Unit Commissioner, then my District Executive [paid professional] promoted me to District Commissioner [ must be approved by a Council vote].  When my DE was promoted I had a new DE come and he only lasted 4 months before quitting [ to hard of a job I guess], so I finished the rest of the year running a district of approx. 1200 scouts and 400 adults, as a volunteer.  Shortly after we got a new DE, I decided 3 years was long enough at that job, recommend a man I recruited and trained as my replacement. [Note; he's been doing a great job].  I stepped back as a Assistant District Commissioner [ADC] and took over as the Advancement Chairman and Eagle Chairman for the district.

With all that said I think I have a bit of a scout background, so now to the present.
About 3 months ago National headquarters was bullied into 'possibly' changing their policy and allowing gays into scouting. And in their 'pea pecking' mind they agreed to poll  scouting throughout the nation.  About a month ago they came up with the idea – keep 'Adult' homosexuals out, but don't question the boys [unfair to not give boys a chance was the mantra].  So they can stay in scouting until 18, then they are out – well 18 has always been the 'drop dead' date for 'boys in' scouting. My question is and was – since young boys{ and the 8-11 year olds haven't really matured} but look up to the older scouts { 15-18} that ARE in full bloom, and  isn't camping together in tents an 'accident looking for a place to happen.  I mean for years scouting as made 'Youth Protection' classes [renewable every two years] mandatory for ALL adults in scouting, but nothing for the boys. They use the phrase “two deep” meaning there must ALWAYS be two adults in the presence of one or more scouts.  But lets not worry about this small stuff. [SACASAM]
 The national poll showed overwhelmingly that the change was not wanted, but I guess the 1400 voting delegates  didn't have time to read the months of banter going an almost daily, or could it be that the honorary BSA President [you can guess who that is] wanted the change, even though two years ago the Supreme Court rejected the gay movement from joining Boy Scouts, - because it was a privately owned, non-government funded organization, that had the right to control it's membership and leadership.

Well yesterday at 5:00 the results were made known, and by a 61% [chuckelhead] vote the change was finished, to take effect Jan. 1, 2014.  On a personal note, by 5:10 PM I received confirmation and by 5:20 PM my three calls of resignation were complete, and my formal letter started and since sent.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on May 24, 2013, 05:11:54 PM
I don't have the pedigree that Rusty and Reagan have, but since my mother pinned on my Eagle Scout medal in September 1970, I've had a warm place in my heart for the organization.

I served briefly as an assistant scoutmaster after I retired from the Army.

Let me say without reservation that in no way, shape or form, will I have anything more to do with the Boy Scouts of America. The leadership of that august organization utterly failed to listen to the very members that keep that body in a job, so they will no doubt pay a price.

But since boys are completely confused about sex anyway, public and personal pressure will no doubt compel some of them to smoke a dick. I feel sorry for those kids -- they truly don't know anything about sex, about life, about themselves, but they're going to "try" faggotry like somebody tries a Heath bar.

Disgusting and disheartening, but I refuse to believe that the faggots have completely taken over my country.

So far, that is.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 24, 2013, 05:25:58 PM

Well yesterday at 5:00 the results were made known, and by a 61% [chuckelhead] vote the change was finished, to take effect Jan. 1, 2014.  On a personal note, by 5:10 PM I received confirmation and by 5:20 PM my three calls of resignation were complete, and my formal letter started and since sent.

Our troop has their year planned thru 12/31/13 backpacking, whitewater, summer camp, etc. I am guessing that it will run out the rest of this year and then who knows what will happen.

ETA: Thanks for your years of service to the Scouts.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 24, 2013, 06:27:08 PM
Disgusting and disheartening, but I refuse to believe that the faggots have completely taken over my country.

So far, that is.  :whatever:

Oh but they are working on it. Read about Hitler and the gay Nazis.....they started by taking over youth organizations and turning them queer.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: blitzkrieg_17 on May 24, 2013, 10:55:31 PM
Well BSA, all the good memories I had of being a member of your organization are now shot to Hell. Thanks a whole ****ing lot.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: blitzkrieg_17 on May 24, 2013, 10:57:32 PM
Devastating.  I have two Eagle Scouts. The Church where we raised our family in sponsored the Troop. It's 50 years old and we as a Board have decided to eliminate the Troop rather than compromise our religious beliefs(Roman Catholic). 123  Cub scouts and Boy Scouts are deciding if they want to transfer to different troops. Yet, we were called Homophobic as late as last as evening when an uninvited gay parent interrupted our meeting dissolving the troop when he brought his son in for an application to join the Troop. When advised that we were dissolving the Troop, he literally threw a hissy fit stating that he would sue us for dissolving the Troop. The example of rude and obscene language to Board members only ceased when one of the Board Members, a police officer, politely asked him to leave and escorted him from the building.

It got worse.

The "gentleman" in question then proceeded to key every car in the lot. We know this because the conference room has a large window view of the parking lot. When the police officer got out to the lot and stood behind the guy's car so he could not leave, the guy called the cops saying a hate crime was in progress. Imagine the guys face when the responding cops knew the cop and arrested the "gentleman" for assault on a police officer and destruction  of private property.

.....and the son saw everything.

Sad day to be a Christian in the United States

A righteous bust, and I hope they make him pay. H5, though this is bad news.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on May 25, 2013, 08:04:21 AM
Rusty was the member about whom I referenced. I knew he respond to this.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Zathras on May 25, 2013, 10:59:28 AM
Here's an interesting article...they took a poll of the BSA adult members and 61% of the membership do not want gay scouts to be allowed to join, exactly opposite of the leadership counsel's vote....

Boy Scouts Survey Finds 61% Want To Keep Homosexuals Out

On May 23, Boy Scouts of America (“BSA”) will vote on whether to change at the national level its long-standing policy prohibiting openly homosexual scout members or leaders. The mainstream media and those who are invested in political correctness have placed it under enormous pressure to make these changes. The conundrum facing the BSA, though, is that a significant majority of those people who already belong disagree with the proposed changes.

According to the BSA’s comprehensive survey, which yielded information from 200,000 adult members, 61% of them do not want the policy changed, while only 34% do., with which the BSA shared the results, provides a breakdown of the responses, showing that this attitude is consistent throughout the BSA adult demographic:

• 50 percent of Cub Scout parents support the current policy; 45 percent of Cub Scout parents oppose it.

• 61 percent of Boy Scout parents support the current policy.

• 62 percent of unit leaders support the current policy.

• 64 percent of council and district volunteers support the current policy.

• 72 percent of chartered organizations support the current policy.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: rustybayonet on May 25, 2013, 02:51:35 PM
Here's an interesting article...they took a poll of the BSA adult members and 61% of the membership do not want gay scouts to be allowed to join, exactly opposite of the leadership counsel's vote....

Interesting.... here in this local council, published figures show 78.5% did not want the change.

Article in todays paper [liberal slant, big surprise in a conservative state] they interviewed about 8 people one from local council hdqs. and one Eagle scout from a troop in my old district [ both viewed change as positive {?}] I know the person from headquarters .. think the newspaper 'took' liberties? We are in the northern center of the state and the largest council - all the others interviews were around the state, Mobil etc. and all but two were a positive slant for change.

Some other interesting figures that were released prior to the vote... headquarters is expecting between 100,000 - 400,000  boys nationally to leave scouting plus adults - total number nationally for scouts 2.7 million, plus adults.

Since the vote I know of at least 14 adults who have left, with almost that many stating they are going to finish their committment to the boys and then leave at the end of the year.  Out of 9 commissioners I served with 4 have left and two more say by the end of the year, plus the guy that is filling in for me for Eagle and Advancement, will be gone by the end of the year if not before.  It is getting interesting to say the least.

If anyone can explain what the chuckleheads were thinking please let me know.  Plus we all know that the new incoming adults will tell the truth about whether they are gay or not....
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 25, 2013, 03:03:56 PM

Interesting.... here in this local council, published figures show 78.5% did not want the change.

Article in todays paper [liberal slant, big surprise in a conservative state] they interviewed about 8 people one from local council hdqs. and one Eagle scout from a troop in my old district [ both viewed change as positive {?}] I know the person from headquarters .. think the newspaper 'took' liberties? We are in the northern center of the state and the largest council - all the others interviews were around the state, Mobil etc. and all but two were a positive slant for change.

Some other interesting figures that were released prior to the vote... headquarters is expecting between 100,000 - 400,000  boys nationally to leave scouting plus adults - total number nationally for scouts 2.7 million, plus adults.

Since the vote I know ofat least 14 adults who have left, with almost that many stating they are goig to finih their committment to the boys and then leave at the end of the year.  Out of 9 commissioners I served with 4 have left and two more say by the end of the year, plus the guy that is filling in for me for Eagle and Advancement, will be gone by the end of the year if not before.  It is getting interesting to say the least.

I don't know how this is going to play out with our local troop(s). This is a very Conservative area. I suspect that the Scoutmaster will trying to keep it going as long as he can. There are 7 boys in the troop and several are already mapping out their path to Eagle Scout (including my son). District level campouts will probably be participated in less and less. I need to sit down and talk with the Scoutmaster. He has already stated that he has no intention of being involved in scouts after his sons are done--even at the district level.

What I really don't understand is that this vote is about allowing homosexual children to join. Children don't know that they are homos! So, other than that overall bad message, this particular vote doesn't seem so bad at that level. However, you know the next move will be to allow homo scoutmasters which is completely UNACCEPTABLE.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: vesta111 on May 25, 2013, 04:50:31 PM
I don't know how this is going to play out with our local troop(s). This is a very Conservative area. I suspect that the Scoutmaster will trying to keep it going as long as he can. There are 7 boys in the troop and several are already mapping out their path to Eagle Scout (including my son). District level campouts will probably be participated in less and less. I need to sit down and talk with the Scoutmaster. He has already stated that he has no intention of being involved in scouts after his sons are done--even at the district level.

What I really don't understand is that this vote is about allowing homosexual children to join. Children don't know that they are homos! So, other than that overall bad message, this particular vote doesn't seem so bad at that level. However, you know the next move will be to allow homo scoutmasters which is completely UNACCEPTABLE.

I am wondering when the first law suit will begin.    A gay Scout that joins at a young age at 18 applies to become a leader and is denied a position as a leader will call it discrimination.    It is OK to belong to the Scouts if one is gay but one cannot lead as a gay adult.    Is this not the major reason for Scouting, to learn to be LEADERS ?

There is the open door for gay leaders. So now the Scouts will become a gay hang out for the kids as few straight parents want their sons to be exposed to a gay lifestyle at 8 or 9 years old.

My son was in Scouting and loved it until the leader a married man with pregnant wife was shot by a gay basher and thrown off a balcony 6 stories to the ground naked.    When we returned from the funeral my son took off his uniform and never wore it again.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: blitzkrieg_17 on May 25, 2013, 04:54:22 PM
The BSA FB page has become a sewer pipe and I have un-liked the page after 3 1/2 years.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 25, 2013, 05:25:51 PM
The BSA FB page has become a sewer pipe and I have un-liked the page after 3 1/2 years.

One look at their patch and you just know this group will see an increase in membership......
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: txradioguy on May 29, 2013, 02:28:47 AM
The New Scouts Oath:

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on May 29, 2013, 05:11:44 AM
The New Scouts Oath:


Why LOOK! He's got jug-ears just like PRESIDENT JUG-EARS!

Clearly, the Scout "leadership" calculated that they would lose some members/charters. And it's also clear that they figured that with the media's relentless selling that "being gay really is a normal thing and it's okay" that, in time at least, membership would climb back to where it was.

Doubtful, because I think that in the vacuum that this decision leaves, an alternative to BSA will arise. And that's just what is needed here -- an option.

If you want your boys to be around faggotry, the BSA is for you. The alternative is for parents and adult leaders who still adhere to a moral code that, while addressing sexuality in a suitable way (I believe the Scout merit badge that this addresses is called "Family Life"), still adopts the idea that traditional relationships are traditional for a reason.

For 100 years, there really hasn't been any sort of equivalent organization to BSA. Not in the same vein, anyway.

This could very well be the thing that the country needs. Competition.

Nevertheless, Lord Baden-Powell has got to be appalled.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: RayRaytheSBS on May 29, 2013, 05:22:11 AM
Great, so now the boy scouts have bowed to pressure and have become the Obamajugend. I wonder when the motto will be changed to 'Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuerher'!   :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: txradioguy on May 29, 2013, 05:48:00 AM
Great, so now the boy scouts have bowed to pressure and have become the Obamajugend. I wonder when the motto will be changed to 'Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuerher'!   :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

The Obama Youth Corps perhaps?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on May 29, 2013, 06:40:34 AM
Our church is going to hold a meeting about whether or not they are going to sponsor the Boy Scouts now.  I am pissed.  Why hurt the children?

I will leave my church if they do this.  Hubby and I will sponsor the Boy Scouts if they do bolt. 

I mean why does such a low percentage of people have to **** up everything? It's always the low percenters.  :rant:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: txradioguy on May 29, 2013, 06:53:37 AM

I mean why does such a low percentage of people have to **** up everything? It's always the low percenters.  :rant:

Liberal tryanny.  They can't win or convince the majority of people to support them by just eqpousing their they do it by brute force.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on May 29, 2013, 07:23:05 AM
Our church is going to hold a meeting about whether or not they are going to sponsor the Boy Scouts now.  I am pissed.  Why hurt the children?

I will leave my church if they do this.  Hubby and I will sponsor the Boy Scouts if they do bolt. 

I mean why does such a low percentage of people have to **** up everything? It's always the low percenters.  :rant:

I haven't heard about the position of the church that sponsors my son's troop. I guess that we will see how this plays out.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 29, 2013, 07:52:48 AM
The leaders and senior scouts are meeting tomorrow night to discuss what they're going to do......the church will support their decision.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FlaGator on May 29, 2013, 11:31:03 AM
I am of two minds about this development. One tells me that it is wrong to encourage and validate someone's sinful behavior. On the other hand this might be a good opportunity for BSA leaders and the church to reach out in love to those with a belief that their personal sin is OK and attempt to convince them otherwise. I ask myself how Jesus would handle this situation and I believe he would sit down with these children and explain to them that what they are doing is wrong and that they should repent of their sinful behavior and accept Him as their savior. Let them choose if they want to stay and obey.

I don't believe that this is what the BSA intends to do, but it would be a mistake to deny what God has deemed to be true.

You have wearied the Lord with your words. But you say, “How have we wearied him?” By saying, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delights in them.”
  Malachi 2:17a
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on May 29, 2013, 11:39:57 AM
I am of two minds about this development. One tells me that it is wrong to encourage and validate someone's sinful behavior. On the other hand this might be a good opportunity for BSA leaders and the church to reach out in love to those with a belief that their personal sin is OK and attempt to convince them otherwise. I ask myself how Jesus would handle this situation and I believe he would sit down with these children and explain to them that what they are doing is wrong and that they should repent of their sinful behavior and accept Him as their savior. Let them choose if they want to stay and obey.

I don't believe that this is what the BSA intends to do, but it would be a mistake to deny what God has deemed to be true.
  Malachi 2:17a

What would Jesus do? I can't answer that, but I have a pretty good idea of what he wouldn't do.

He wouldn't place a 12 year old boy in a pup tent with a 16 year old homosexual, unsupervised.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 29, 2013, 11:48:53 AM
What would Jesus do? I can't answer that, but I have a pretty good idea of what he wouldn't do.

He wouldn't place a 12 year old boy in a pup tent with a 16 year old homosexual, unsupervised.

But when said queer isn't provided a tent mate, then I see lawsuits by momma for discrimination.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: wasp69 on May 29, 2013, 07:25:19 PM
Our church is going to hold a meeting about whether or not they are going to sponsor the Boy Scouts now.  I am pissed.  Why hurt the children?

I will leave my church if they do this.  Hubby and I will sponsor the Boy Scouts if they do bolt. 

I mean why does such a low percentage of people have to **** up everything? It's always the low percenters.  :rant:

Why would you leave the church if they vote to adhere to biblical principles and not bow to the faggot mafia?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FlaGator on May 29, 2013, 08:24:13 PM
What would Jesus do? I can't answer that, but I have a pretty good idea of what he wouldn't do.

He wouldn't place a 12 year old boy in a pup tent with a 16 year old homosexual, unsupervised.

You make a valid point to which I have no answer.

I have to ask, however, what does it say about the Church if it cuts off support to the BSA and abandons the rest of the children into the hands of the predators you and I suspect will invade the Boy Scouts? Their parents may think that they are doing the right thing by allowing their boys to remain members of the Scouts but has abortion teaches us, parents or potential parents don't always do what is right by their offspring.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: I_B_Perky on May 29, 2013, 09:21:59 PM
Perky was a Scout. I am against this. My opinion is if you have to come out as openly gay, then you are not Scout material.  Notice I said openly gay. I really have no problem with gays per se... just keep it to yourself and don't flaunt it.

Besides... what teenager is going to try to join a troop and stating that they are gay? Maybe in mexifornia or San Fran... but for the rest of the country? I just do not see it.

Still... I just do not like it. Not at all.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on May 30, 2013, 06:16:43 AM
You make a valid point to which I have no answer.

I have to ask, however, what does it say about the Church if it cuts off support to the BSA and abandons the rest of the children into the hands of the predators you and I suspect will invade the Boy Scouts?


Each church must follow its moral compass. Conservative/traditional churches can pull their support of BSA and organize into new youth programs like the Royal Rangers, which is what I expect to see. Liberal churches are more likely to continue to sponsor BSA troops and packs.

Their parents may think that they are doing the right thing by allowing their boys to remain members of the Scouts but has abortion teaches us, parents or potential parents don't always do what is right by their offspring.

Their kids, their lives, their decision. That is on the other side of the "my business/not my business" fence.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on May 30, 2013, 06:40:37 AM
Why would you leave the church if they vote to adhere to biblical principles and not bow to the faggot mafia?

BECAUSE back before I joined as a member to the church I asked the pastor what the church's position on gay marriage/gays and he said "We don't condone the sin but we won't discrimiate"  so that pisses me off if now they boot the Boy Scouts.  It's hypocritical.  We have no gays in the troop and our outstanding young boys shouldn't be punished because of some gays.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FlaGator on May 30, 2013, 07:32:42 AM

Each church must follow its moral compass. Conservative/traditional churches can pull their support of BSA and organize into new youth programs like the Royal Rangers, which is what I expect to see. Liberal churches are more likely to continue to sponsor BSA troops and packs.

Their kids, their lives, their decision. That is on the other side of the "my business/not my business" fence.

I am still conflicted in my feelings about this. I guess I should answer the "am I my brothers keeper?" question before I can find the dividing line of "my business/not my business". A parent has a right to raise his or her children anyway the choose (within the bounds of reason) but does a parent have a right to put his or her child in harm's way? The culture today says that entrusting a younger boy's safety to a hormonally excited homosexual boy is acceptable but I don't necessarily agree with that. I wouldn't let my 12 year old daughter stay overnight in a tent with  16 year old boy but I guess a parent has a right to do that if they choose.

It is a sad world we live in.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on May 30, 2013, 07:58:53 AM
I am still conflicted in my feelings about this. I guess I should answer the "am I my brothers keeper?" question before I can find the dividing line of "my business/not my business". A parent has a right to raise his or her children anyway the choose (within the bounds of reason) but does a parent have a right to put his or her child in harm's way? The culture today says that entrusting a younger boy's safety to a hormonally excited homosexual boy is acceptable but I don't necessarily agree with that. I wouldn't let my 12 year old daughter stay overnight in a tent with  16 year old boy but I guess a parent has a right to do that if they choose.

It is a sad world we live in.

"Am I my brother's keeper?" is a legitimate question to ask yourself. But it must be coupled with another question, to ground it in reality: "Can I be my brother's keeper?"

I have no authority to be the keeper of any man, and I give no man the authority to be my keeper.

I believe in liberty and personal responsibility.  Liberty is inherently dangerous, but that is part of what makes it such a beautiful thing.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on May 30, 2013, 08:48:55 AM
I am curious if the Girl Scouts have adopted this, and what are their feelings regarding this situation? I was a girl Scout for many years, I never thought or dreamed, that this would even come up.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FlaGator on May 30, 2013, 08:56:05 AM
I am curious if the Girl Scouts have adopted this, and what are their feelings regarding this situation? I was a girl Scout for many years, I never thought or dreamed, that this would even come up.

I have read that the Girl Scouts allow transgendered boys to become Girl Scouts, but then again the Girl Scouts jumped off the moral cliff a long time ago.

( – Girl Scouts of the USA told in a written statement on Friday that it will accept "transgender youth" on a "case-by-case basis."

The organization sent the statement after asked if the national Girl Scouts had a position on a case in which a Girl Scout troop in Colorado initially prevented a 7-year-old boy from joining and then the state Girl Scouts organization said that it would accept boys who were "living life as a girl."

The brief Girl Scouts of the USA statement made no mention of the Colorado case.

“Girl Scouts of the USA is an inclusive organization, and we welcome all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members," it said. "Acceptance of transgender youth is handled on a case-by-case basis, with the welfare and best interests of the child in question as a top priority.”

 Girl Scouts of USA Says It Will Accept ‘Transgender Youth’ on a ‘Case-by-Case Basis' (
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on May 30, 2013, 09:02:38 AM
I am curious if the Girl Scouts have adopted this, and what are their feelings regarding this situation? I was a girl Scout for many years, I never thought or dreamed, that this would even come up.

Homosexual girls and adult leaders are welcome.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on May 30, 2013, 09:09:07 AM
Homosexual girls and adult leaders are welcome.
Now why does that not surprise me??  :rant:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on May 30, 2013, 10:30:49 AM
A parent has a right to raise his or her children anyway the choose (within the bounds of reason) but does a parent have a right to put his or her child in harm's way?

Teaching your child to shoot is putting him "in harm's way". So is teaching him to drive, ride a motorcycle, swim, or operate a table saw. In the culture I live in (and I suspect you do, too), we accept that those are legitimate activities which a parent is best suited to approve of and supervise (or allow other trusted adults to supervise).

If you, as a parent, don't trust the BSA to protect your son in loco parentis, then you should trust your own judgment. I would not have allowed my 12 year old son to go on a Scouting campout where 16 year old homosexuals were welcome. When my son was 16, I would have had no worries about it, because I know my son.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FiddlingAnt on May 30, 2013, 01:40:47 PM
Copied over from my blog . . .

If you think the gay mafia will be satisfied with the recent decision to allow children who claim to be gay to remain in scouting, you have not been watching them closely.  They won't be satisfied until gays are also allowed to serve as scout leaders and redefine scout values. Look for more strong armed tactics until they get their way, hense my parody song below. (One interesting thing about writing parody songs is how, in many cases, you can keep quite a few of the original words, but they have a whole different message.  I know there are gays that support traditional values, but unfortunately, they are not leading the gay agenda.)

to the tune of Be Prepared from The Lion King

I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a Webelo's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are the truth of gay pride
It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking gay rights ascension
Even you can't be caught unawares
So prepare for a change of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer

Will old values teeter?

It’s time for gay leaders
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last we are given our dues
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!

Yeah, Be prepared.
Yeah-heh... we'll be prepared, heh.
...For what?

For the death of their King.

Why? Is he sick?

No, fool-- we're going to forget him.
And chastity too.

 Great idea! Who needs The King?

Shenzi (and then Banzai):
No King! No King! la--la-la--la-laa-laa!

Idiots! There will be a king!

Hey, but you said, uh...

Queerness will be king! ...Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!

Shenzi and Banzai:
Yaay! All right! Long live Queerness!

All Hyenas:
Long live Queer! Long live Queer!

Full song again
It's great that they'll have gay scoutmasters.
All that’s Queer will be all-time adored.

We’ll of course, dump the bigoted pastor
And replace his values on board
The future is littered with prizes
Recruits for the GLBT
The point that I must emphasize is
There won't be Boy Scouts without me!
So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam
(Oooh... La! La! La!)
Meticulous planning
(We'll have boys!)
Tenacity spanning
(Lots of boys)
Decades of denial
(We repeat)
Is simply why I'll
(Endless meat)
Gay rights undisputed
Respected, saluted
And seen for the wonder it is
Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!

Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!

For more parody songs and other conservative posts, visit
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: FlaGator on May 30, 2013, 02:12:25 PM
Teaching your child to shoot is putting him "in harm's way". So is teaching him to drive, ride a motorcycle, swim, or operate a table saw. In the culture I live in (and I suspect you do, too), we accept that those are legitimate activities which a parent is best suited to approve of and supervise (or allow other trusted adults to supervise).

If you, as a parent, don't trust the BSA to protect your son in loco parentis, then you should trust your own judgment. I would not have allowed my 12 year old son to go on a Scouting campout where 16 year old homosexuals were welcome. When my son was 16, I would have had no worries about it, because I know my son.

Perhaps I should have said needlessly putting him or her in harms way.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 03, 2013, 05:40:59 PM
The church that sponsors my son's scout troop has informed the troop leaders that they will be rescinding their sponsorship. They haven't stated an effective date. They will need to find a new place to meet or disband. The problem is that the district tells the troop where they will meet. In the past, they have not taken input from the scoutmasters for potential locations.

I don't blame the church for sticking to their principles--unlike the BSA. This stinks to high heaven. I hope the progressive homos and their supporters that pushed for this all rot in hell. They screwed over my son and many other boys.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 03, 2013, 05:55:04 PM
The church that sponsors my son's scout troop has informed the troop leaders that they will be rescinding their sponsorship. They haven't stated an effective date. They will need to find a new place to meet or disband. The problem is that the district tells the troop where they will meet. In the past, they have not taken input from the scoutmasters for potential locations.

I don't blame the church for sticking to their principles--unlike the BSA. This stinks to high heaven. I hope the progressive homos and their supporters that pushed for this all rot in hell. They screwed over my son and many other boys.

Our troop met last Thursday right after the vote to accept gays and decided to disband. The Scout Master, assistant Scout Masters, adult volunteers and the senior boys of the troop met and the adults let the boys decide. Then the Scout Master and assistants announced they were resigning effective immediately.

There's a big meeting of the troop going on right now. I don't know what it's about but there are a lot of strange faces and strange cars there. Son got an e-mail telling him to be there tonight for some important stuff ??????? We'll see what happening. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 03, 2013, 06:09:08 PM
Our troop met last Thursday right after the vote to accept gays and decided to disband. The Scout Master, assistant Scout Masters, adult volunteers and the senior boys of the troop met and the adults let the boys decide. Then the Scout Master and assistants announced they were resigning effective immediately.

There's a big meeting of the troop going on right now. I don't know what it's about but there are a lot of strange faces and strange cars there. Son got an e-mail telling him to be there tonight for some important stuff ??????? We'll see what happening. 

The scoutmaster plans to have the troop go to summer camp since everyone has paid for it. I think that the troop is going to try to keep going provided that they can have a meeting place. The scoutmasters know that homo scoutmasters is the next move. They don't act very hopeful that the troop can last through this.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 03, 2013, 06:33:46 PM
The scoutmaster plans to have the troop go to summer camp since everyone has paid for it. I think that the troop is going to try to keep going provided that they can have a meeting place. The scoutmasters know that homo scoutmasters is the next move. They don't act very hopeful that the troop can last through this.

At this time, our troop has canceled summer camp and says they will refund the scouts money from troop treasury.

It will be a couple of hours are more before I know what's happening at this big meeting.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 03, 2013, 07:00:20 PM
At this time, our troop has canceled summer camp and says they will refund the scouts money from troop treasury.

It will be a couple of hours are more before I know what's happening at this big meeting.

This is a fairly young troop. Their treasury isn't big enough to do that.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Splashdown on June 03, 2013, 07:36:11 PM
I haven't commented on this because I'm really of two minds. For the record, I don't have sons. I'm the father of daughters, Girl Scouts, and my wife and I watch very closely what they learn there. We make sure that what the girls "learn" doesn't go against our principles or beliefs. It hasn't happened yet, but if there comes a time when they hear something we don't approve of, we'll address it.

Also, i guess it's important that you know that I'm approaching this from a Catholic perspective. I know we have our own problems when it comes to this issue.

1. If this is a religious issue, here's a question. Should gay men be allowed to worship in your church? If yes, ok. If no, how about heterosexual fornicators? If it's the act not the person that God hates, aren't both equally abhorrent in His Eyes?

2. I'm unfamiliar with the Boy Scouts, so these are honest questions, not hand grenades, I promise. Has the oath changed? Has the Boy Scouts' stance on any issues changed? Or have they simply allowed a certain "type" of boy to be allowed in?

You can see my problem from that angle.

From the other side, where have we come as a society when an 10-year-old is even aware of these deep sexual questions? We've really screwed up.

I'm a former altar boy. I spent four years living away at a high school seminary, discerning whether the priesthood was for me. I know there are gay men wearing the priestly collar, but the rules are always the same. Chastity is what matters--not choice of partners, as far as the sin goes.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: J P Sousa on June 03, 2013, 08:01:54 PM
I haven't commented on this because I'm really of two minds. For the record, I don't have sons. I'm the father of daughters, Girl Scouts, and my wife and I watch very closely what they learn there. We make sure that what the girls "learn" doesn't go against our principles or beliefs. It hasn't happened yet, but if there comes a time when they hear something we don't approve of, we'll address it.

Also, i guess it's important that you know that I'm approaching this from a Catholic perspective. I know we have our own problems when it comes to this issue.

1. If this is a religious issue, here's a question. Should gay men be allowed to worship in your church? If yes, ok. If no, how about heterosexual fornicators? If it's the act not the person that God hates, aren't both equally abhorrent in His Eyes?

2. I'm unfamiliar with the Boy Scouts, so these are honest questions, not hand grenades, I promise. Has the oath changed? Has the Boy Scouts' stance on any issues changed? Or have they simply allowed a certain "type" of boy to be allowed in?

You can see my problem from that angle.

From the other side, where have we come as a society when an 10-year-old is even aware of these deep sexual questions? We've really screwed up.

I'm a former altar boy. I spent four years living away at a high school seminary, discerning whether the priesthood was for me. I know there are gay men wearing the priestly collar, but the rules are always the same. Chastity is what matters--not choice of partners, as far as the sin goes.

I'm a Catholic and a former Boy Scout. The problem as I see it, is the "sleep over" camping trips and we did a lot of them.

It's very different from going to church and such.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Splashdown on June 03, 2013, 08:26:45 PM
I'm a Catholic and a former Boy Scout. The problem as I see it, is the "sleep over" camping trips and we did a lot of them.

It's very different from going to church and such.

True. I was addressing churches' refusal to house the Scouts any more.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Mike220 on June 03, 2013, 08:38:17 PM
Makes me wonder what's going to happen to the troop I grew up in. It was one of the largest in town at that time so if they fold, that's a big chunk of kids.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 04, 2013, 06:50:44 AM
True. I was addressing churches' refusal to house the Scouts any more.

Right.  That is my problem.  My church isn't going to tell gay people they can't come to church and participate yet they are going to kick the Boy Scouts to the curb?????

They are going to follow those teachings yet not the teachings that a woman isn't supposed to be over a man in power?  That a woman is supposed to dress modestly?  Hell, the preacher is in for a world of hurt because hubby has been studying up on the Bible and he will be at the meeting with some fabulous bells on!  :rant:

eta:  I am pissed off about the boys......sorry but I am.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on June 04, 2013, 10:08:54 AM
Right.  That is my problem.  My church isn't going to tell gay people they can't come to church and participate yet they are going to kick the Boy Scouts to the curb?????

They are going to follow those teachings yet not the teachings that a woman isn't supposed to be over a man in power?  That a woman is supposed to dress modestly?  Hell, the preacher is in for a world of hurt because hubby has been studying up on the Bible and he will be at the meeting with some fabulous bells on!  :rant:

eta:  I am pissed off about the boys......sorry but I am.

Your church sponsors a Boy Scout troop (or did, until recently), right?

That's not the same thing as the Boy Scouts themselves who may or may not be members of your church.

Your church is able to discern the difference between organizations and people.

As an organization, the Boy Scouts have decided they're going to allow boys who are already confused about sexuality yet declare themselves fudgepackers to remain members of the BSA.

I call that an actual threat to the teachings of your church. And as long as a church has the option of sponsoring or not sponsoring an actual organization that threatens their teachings, I'd say they're in full accord by opting to throw the BSA out.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 04, 2013, 10:19:36 AM
Your church sponsors a Boy Scout troop (or did, until recently), right?

That's not the same thing as the Boy Scouts themselves who may or may not be members of your church.

Your church is able to discern the difference between organizations and people.

As an organization, the Boy Scouts have decided they're going to allow boys who are already confused about sexuality yet declare themselves fudgepackers to remain members of the BSA.

I call that an actual threat to the teachings of your church. And as long as a church has the option of sponsoring or not sponsoring an actual organization that threatens their teachings, I'd say they're in full accord by opting to throw the BSA out.

They why doesn't the church push all the other "rules" of the bible?  that is why I am upset.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on June 04, 2013, 10:20:50 AM
Your church sponsors a Boy Scout troop (or did, until recently), right?

That's not the same thing as the Boy Scouts themselves who may or may not be members of your church.

Your church is able to discern the difference between organizations and people.

As an organization, the Boy Scouts have decided they're going to allow boys who are already confused about sexuality yet declare themselves fudgepackers to remain members of the BSA.

I call that an actual threat to the teachings of your church. And as long as a church has the option of sponsoring or not sponsoring an actual organization that threatens their teachings, I'd say they're in full accord by opting to throw the BSA out.

Good point, eupher.

Gina, your church must be sensitive to the potential for accusations of allowing (or even promoting) sexual molestation if it continues to support a BSA troop. Catholic dioceses are already dealing with it, with pedophile priests; although the number and percentage of offender priests is lower than the general population, it only takes one to destroy the credibility of the church.

You also need to ask yourself how you would respond if you learned your son was molested by another boy on a campout. Your church may decide to continue to sponsor a troop, but you must make the decision as a parent to do what's best for your son(s).
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 04, 2013, 10:26:45 AM
Good point, eupher.

Gina, your church must be sensitive to the potential for accusations of allowing (or even promoting) sexual molestation if it continues to support a BSA troop. Catholic dioceses are already dealing with it, with pedophile priests; although the number and percentage of offender priests is lower than the general population, it only takes one to destroy the credibility of the church.

You also need to ask yourself how you would respond if you learned your son was molested by another boy on a campout. Your church may decide to continue to sponsor a troop, but you must make the decision as a parent to do what's best for your son(s).

I get that.  I am just really upset over them just screwing over the kids this way.  If they love the boys then they should reach out to another organization that will follow the Biblical teachings instead of just kicking them out and making them feel unwanted.  These boys have worked very hard. 

On the last thing, there is a buddy rule and also they can't be alone with any adult.  The BSA does have those rules...molestation could have happened without the gay's allowed ruling. 

I am told the reason the BSA voted for it was because they didn't want to turn "all" boys way.  That they could use guidance.  Now the greater majority are going to be susceptible to diversions because the church is turning it's back on the established scouts.

I am just pissed for the boys.  I know I am not thinking clearly.  I know this.  I am just at a maddening loss that they are doing this. I am really more mad that when I asked my pastor point blank what the church's thoughts on gay marriage were they told me that they wouldn't turn someone way but they wouldn't condone it.  So basically they take a hands off stance in that situation but they decide they are going to put their fooot down when it comes to the bsa. Does anyone understand what I am saying?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on June 04, 2013, 10:31:48 AM
I get that.  I am just really upset over them just screwing over the kids this way.  If they love the boys then they should reach out to another organization that will follow the Biblical teachings instead of just kicking them out and making them feel unwanted.  These boys have worked very hard. 

On the last thing, there is a buddy rule and also they can't be alone with any adult.  The BSA does have those rules...molestation could have happened without the gay's allowed ruling. 

I am told the reason the BSA voted for it was because they didn't want to turn "all" boys way.  That they could use guidance.  Now the greater majority are going to be susceptible to diversions because the church is turning it's back on the established scouts.

I am just pissed for the boys.  I know I am not thinking clearly.  I know this.  I am just at a maddening loss that they are doing this. I am really more mad that when I asked my pastor point blank what the church's thoughts on gay marriage were they told me that they wouldn't turn someone way but they wouldn't condone it.  So basically they take a hands off stance in that situation but they decide they are going to put their fooot down when it comes to the bsa. Does anyone understand what I am saying?


The "two-deep rule" applies to adult leaders. I'm  talking about situations where older Scouts can molest younger Scouts.

So, why don't you and your husband push for keeping the group, but leaving BSA?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on June 04, 2013, 10:38:29 AM
They why doesn't the church push all the other "rules" of the bible?  that is why I am upset.

I don't understand your question.

The church, by allowing the Boy Scouts to use, meet in, and otherwise occupy their facilities, tacitly approves of that organization by doing so.

They are withdrawing their approval of the organization by disallowing that organization from using, meeting in, and otherwise occupying their facility since that organization apparently allows behaviors that the church cannot approve of.

I don't know how else to say it.

You apparently believe your church is attacking the boys. The church is not, as I see it. They are withdrawing their support of the organization.

The same boys that are not allowed in the facility as Boy Scouts are most certainly allowed in the facility as worshipers.

What else do you want?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 04, 2013, 11:11:57 AM
I don't understand your question.

The church, by allowing the Boy Scouts to use, meet in, and otherwise occupy their facilities, tacitly approves of that organization by doing so.

They are withdrawing their approval of the organization by disallowing that organization from using, meeting in, and otherwise occupying their facility since that organization apparently allows behaviors that the church cannot approve of.

I don't know how else to say it.

You apparently believe your church is attacking the boys. The church is not, as I see it. They are withdrawing their support of the organization.

The same boys that are not allowed in the facility as Boy Scouts are most certainly allowed in the facility as worshipers.

What else do you want?

I know you are right.....  :bawl:  I just am fighting senseless for the boys.  Please forgive my pussiness.  :bawl:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 04, 2013, 11:14:41 AM

So, why don't you and your husband push for keeping the group, but leaving BSA?

Well we are already in discussion that IF they do kick us out that we will band together and sponsor the group ourselves.  It's not because we agree with the BSA it's because those boys are good kids and we don't want to see them with no guidance and nothing to do but get into trouble.  My son has worked really hard to get to Eagle, he is a gung ho scout.  I want the "My son is an Eaglescout" bumper sticker! 

Are there other organizations that have as much clout say on a resume as the BSA?  He wants to go into the military, even mentioned being an astronaut.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Big Dog on June 04, 2013, 11:41:24 AM
Well we are already in discussion that IF they do kick us out that we will band together and sponsor the group ourselves.  It's not because we agree with the BSA it's because those boys are good kids and we don't want to see them with no guidance and nothing to do but get into trouble.  My son has worked really hard to get to Eagle, he is a gung ho scout.  I want the "My son is an Eaglescout" bumper sticker! 

Are there other organizations that have as much clout say on a resume as the BSA?  He wants to go into the military, even mentioned being an astronaut.

Good for you, thinking about forming your own youth program. You and your church can go all-in and make it something great!

Scouting is good on a resume, and Eagle Scout is very good- but not having it is not a bad thing.

Your son can enlist, apply for a service academy, and apply for ROTC scholarships without it.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 04, 2013, 04:48:36 PM
Well we are already in discussion that IF they do kick us out that we will band together and sponsor the group ourselves.  It's not because we agree with the BSA it's because those boys are good kids and we don't want to see them with no guidance and nothing to do but get into trouble.  My son has worked really hard to get to Eagle, he is a gung ho scout.  I want the "My son is an Eaglescout" bumper sticker! 

Are there other organizations that have as much clout say on a resume as the BSA?  He wants to go into the military, even mentioned being an astronaut.

Same situation here. Our group hasn't commited to our own sponsorship just yet. We only got the news last night but we knew it was coming.

Another scout parent (from another troop in the area) told me about a group that will meet in Louisville this summer as an alternative to the BSA. I am trying to get info on it.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 04, 2013, 04:51:48 PM
Good for you, thinking about forming your own youth program. You and your church can go all-in and make it something great!

Scouting is good on a resume, and Eagle Scout is very good- but not having it is not a bad thing.

Your son can enlist, apply for a service academy, and apply for ROTC scholarships without it.

I'm personally concerned about my son making Eagle scout but he is. He is constantly working toward that goal with every intention of making Eagle. My son is a very goals driven kid. He is also always thinking about working toward his Tae Kwon Doe black belt even though he is only an orange belt right now.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 07, 2013, 11:31:23 AM
Here is a link to a potential organization as an alternative to the BSA.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 08, 2013, 06:18:46 PM
Here is a link to a potential organization as an alternative to the BSA.

The site has some interesting info. It looks like it is being built by BSA defectors. District level down to scoutmasters and parent members defecting from the BSA and forming a different group.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: cattlebaron on June 10, 2013, 12:14:32 AM
I think it will affect it badly.  Boy Scouts is a religious based organization.  Once the LGBT crowd moves in and starts making their demands, it will no longer be an attraction to the typical members.   

I didn't hear about this until today on the cave. That's the beginning of the end for them. My father and grandfather were both scouts, my grandfather making it to Eagle. I never had the honor based on my remote location, however it would have been on my list to make as a opportunity for my sons. No, I wouldn't be interested now since the integrity of the group has been broken. Why is adhering to Christian values so offensive to some that they must destroy Christian institutions? Deplorable. The LGBT crowd asks for tolerance, well...I can offer none since they offer none to us. Damn.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: RobJohnson on June 10, 2013, 01:18:35 AM

eta:  I am pissed off about the boys......sorry but I am.

I don't blame you for being upset. Many young men have worked very hard to attain achievements within the Boy Scouts and wish to continue the same.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on June 15, 2013, 05:17:20 PM
An Eagle Scout is sentenced after molesting another Boy Scout
By Tyler May

OROVILLE, Calif. -

A 20-year-old Eagle Scout was sentenced one year behind bars in Butte County on Tuesday after he admitted that he had molested a Boy Scout.

Dustin Hedrick was not at his sentencing on Tuesday in Butte County Court because he is facing a felony charge in Tehama County for another child molestation charge.

Because the victim of the molestation lives in Butte County, the Tehama County courts forbid Hedrick from going there.

Investigators said he assaulted two teenagers during a two year period at Camp Lassen in Butte Meadows.

And it starts…. (
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: J P Sousa on June 15, 2013, 06:36:23 PM
And it starts…. (

Wow, didn't see that coming.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 15, 2013, 08:28:41 PM
I have talked about this recent BSA decision with a fellow that works BSA at the district level. He is looking into the On My Honor group and is willing to help re-org BSA troops into their new Org.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 16, 2013, 09:11:28 AM
And it starts…. (

I posted this article in another forum. Like clockwork, the progressives started claiming that it was as inconsequential as linking Bengazi to abortion. The truth really is incorrect to those loathsome creatures.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on June 16, 2013, 11:34:24 AM
I recently read where the Baptists voted to pull their support of the BSA.

However, I also read where Caterpillar pulled their support because the BSA doesn't allow gay scout leaders.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on June 16, 2013, 11:59:27 AM
I get so pissed, when I read about this. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts were founded on ethics and morals, and how to be a better person, allowing gay members, does quite the opposite. One person's sexual orientation is a life's choice. Is this about getting funding from 3rd party sponsers(?)like the government? They threatened the troops with no funding if they didn't allow gay members??
It is a trajedy, all these young men worked so hard to get their badges and merits(no easy feat either. )All the work thru the years, will go to waste, because, of a bunch of whiny babies, and political correctness got in the way!! :hammer: :hammer: :argh:
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on June 16, 2013, 12:16:40 PM
It is a trajedy, all these young men worked so hard to get their badges and merits(no easy feat either. )All the work thru the years, will go to waste, because, of a bunch of whiny babies, and political correctness got in the way!! :hammer: :hammer: :argh:

The kids shouldn't suffer if they have a lot invested in the Scouts.  Currently they can't deny gay kids from joining, but not leaders.  (Although you know that will change too).  But their current leadership, troop members, etc are still in tact.  If my son had been in for a troop for a long time and wanted to finish his Eagle, I would support that.

It's going to take awhile for the gay thing to take control, and probably even go after the spiritual aspect of scouts too.  Also remember, as much crap as we hear about gays, there really aren't that many of them compared to the majority, and I see even fewer of them wanting to become a Scout.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on June 16, 2013, 12:29:12 PM
The kids shouldn't suffer if they have a lot invested in the Scouts.  Currently they can't deny gay kids from joining, but not leaders.  (Although you know that will change too).  But their current leadership, troop members, etc are still in tact.  If my son had been in for a troop for a long time and wanted to finish his Eagle, I would support that.

It's going to take awhile for the gay thing to take control, and probably even go after the spiritual aspect of scouts too.  Also remember, as much crap as we hear about gays, there really aren't that many of them compared to the majority, and I see even fewer of them wanting to become a Scout.

So, based on your logic, it's acceptable to allow gays in the Boy Scouts because there aren't that many of them. Is that about right? Oh, and that it's inevitable that the BSA will ultimately be led by gays because that's inevitable too.

Do you have a towel that you can throw into the ring?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on June 16, 2013, 12:40:55 PM
The kids shouldn't suffer if they have a lot invested in the Scouts.  Currently they can't deny gay kids from joining, but not leaders.  (Although you know that will change too).  But their current leadership, troop members, etc are still in tact.  If my son had been in for a troop for a long time and wanted to finish his Eagle, I would support that.

It's going to take awhile for the gay thing to take control, and probably even go after the spiritual aspect of scouts too.  Also remember, as much crap as we hear about gays, there really aren't that many of them compared to the majority, and I see even fewer of them wanting to become a Scout.

Trouble is people have to stand their ground. If the government is NOT putting any funding into the dens, it should be put to a vote to the individual troops, and how they feel. I believe Gina, is fighting this very thing in regards to the pastor of her church...
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on June 16, 2013, 12:51:10 PM
So, based on your logic, it's acceptable to allow gays in the Boy Scouts because there aren't that many of them. Is that about right? Oh, and that it's inevitable that the BSA will ultimately be led by gays because that's inevitable too.

Do you have a towel that you can throw into the ring?

Throwing in the towel? obviously haven't read any of my prior posts regarding this decision by the BSA. 

What I was addressing, is that if I had a son heavily invested (years) with his troop and leadership and he wanted to complete his Eagle, that I would support his decision to stay.  I also support those who hate what's happened and want to start their own scouting groups.   
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 16, 2013, 01:07:16 PM
The discussions within the On My Honor organization, as it is being formed, will most likely find a way to transfer achievements to similar levels of accomplishment.

I posted a link to this org earlier in the thread. I looks like much of our local district will defect to this org if they can get their act together in time.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on June 16, 2013, 06:00:41 PM
Throwing in the towel? obviously haven't read any of my prior posts regarding this decision by the BSA. 

What I was addressing, is that if I had a son heavily invested (years) with his troop and leadership and he wanted to complete his Eagle, that I would support his decision to stay.  I also support those who hate what's happened and want to start their own scouting groups.   

I most certainly have read your stuff on the issue, but I was directing my comment to the specific post I quoted -- not what you wrote elsewhere.

Specifically, this comment:

It's going to take awhile for the gay thing to take control, and probably even go after the spiritual aspect of scouts too.  Also remember, as much crap as we hear about gays, there really aren't that many of them compared to the majority, and I see even fewer of them wanting to become a Scout.

Just looking for clarification. It looked to me like you were shrugging your shoulders, allowing your son to finish what he started (definitely an advisable thing, IMHO) and then encouraging him to vacate the BSA, ergo tossing in the towel.

Speaking as an Eagle Scout myself (Sept. 1970), half or more of Scouting is leadership exhibited by the boys themselves. When you allow your son to finish what he started and then invite him to pull the plug, there goes a leadership opportunity right out the window.

But of course, it's the right thing to do.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: freedumb2003b on June 16, 2013, 06:09:53 PM
The kids shouldn't suffer if they have a lot invested in the Scouts.  Currently they can't deny gay kids from joining, but not leaders.  (Although you know that will change too).  But their current leadership, troop members, etc are still in tact.  If my son had been in for a troop for a long time and wanted to finish his Eagle, I would support that.

So you're cool with boys overnight camping with gay boys -- that is the same as allowing girls and boys to sleep together, shower together, etc.  I mean with so much invested, a little boy-on-boy slap and tickle+ is no big deal. 

That is what the gays would have us think.

It's going to take awhile for the gay thing to take control, and probably even go after the spiritual aspect of scouts too.  Also remember, as much crap as we hear about gays, there really aren't that many of them compared to the majority, and I see even fewer of them wanting to become a Scout.


So it isn't principles, just simple risk/reward.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on June 16, 2013, 09:32:10 PM
I am upset, maybe because I was in the GSA for 9 years, and we had a brother troop of which, my lead girl scout leader's husband was the head scout master. I never saw any improper behavior. Those young men were very well behaved, and quite disciplined.
 Mr Lafond didn't put up with any shit!! He taught me how to waltz actually...
On one side, you are teaching these young men, ethics, morals, character building, and leadership. Now this small minority of boys are being allowed to join a respected, established, private organization that now is willing to compromise their beliefs.
There are many churches out there, of whom sponser these troops to have use of the basement. Now we are asking the clergymen to contradict their beliefs in allowing this to happen.

Why should young men have to defect the BSA, because a few young men are homosexual, and why can't those young men find their own group?? They could call it Rainbow Scouts.  And that could be coed, you wouldn't have to worry about birth control.
I think it is selfish of this group to ask a large organization to compromise, their beliefs
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on June 17, 2013, 12:18:28 AM
Interesting responses I've gotten here.  First off, The average age of Eagle is 17 and fewer than 7% make it that far.  If my sons had put in 10 years with his troop and the troop's leadership and they all wanted to complete their Eagle, I would not interfere with that  decision.  I have always tried to teach my kids to finish what they started.  Just like joining a sports team or taking a class.  If you start something, you are making a commitment to not only your team but to yourself, to see it through.  Quitters don't build character.  There are two sides to "throwing in the towel".

For me as a parent of young men, I allow them to make their own decisions, without undo criticism on my part. That doesn't mean we don't discuss the pros and cons of these issues. The gay issue is just as important as the birds and the bees and not taking candy or rides from strangers.   

As far as gays at large go, what if they had gay guys in their gym class at school, or if they joined the military?  How are you going to stop that? 

Now if my boys were really young, and had only been in the program a short time, I would be looking for a different avenue, because I don't like the course the BSA has taken.  I took my kids out of public school because I didn't like what I saw there either. I guess my point is, you can make decisions for your kids up to a point, but there also comes the transition period where they have to start making their own decisions. 

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 17, 2013, 05:43:12 AM
Interesting responses I've gotten here.  First off, The average age of Eagle is 17 and fewer than 7% make it that far.  If my sons had put in 10 years with his troop and the troop's leadership and they all wanted to complete their Eagle, I would not interfere with that  decision.  I have always tried to teach my kids to finish what they started.  Just like joining a sports team or taking a class.  If you start something, you are making a commitment to not only your team but to yourself, to see it through.  Quitters don't build character.  There are two sides to "throwing in the towel".

For me as a parent of young men, I allow them to make their own decisions, without undo criticism on my part. That doesn't mean we don't discuss the pros and cons of these issues. The gay issue is just as important as the birds and the bees and not taking candy or rides from strangers.   

As far as gays at large go, what if they had gay guys in their gym class at school, or if they joined the military?  How are you going to stop that? 

Now if my boys were really young, and had only been in the program a short time, I would be looking for a different avenue, because I don't like the course the BSA has taken.  I took my kids out of public school because I didn't like what I saw there either. I guess my point is, you can make decisions for your kids up to a point, but there also comes the transition period where they have to start making their own decisions. 

I see your point.

My son has been in the scouts for ~1.5 years. He has a good and small troop and really enjoys it. He has done well and is always thinking of making Eagle. Most of the troop is in the same boat. If the troop decided to defect to On My Honor, I would support that. From what I have read, It is a big thing amongst  the defectors that achievements and/or levels be grandfathers in some way.

Also, Even though a scout is close to making Eagle, That level probably won't mean as much as it use to now that the BSA has tainted itself.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on June 17, 2013, 10:03:27 AM
Interesting responses I've gotten here.  First off, The average age of Eagle is 17 and fewer than 7% make it that far.  If my sons had put in 10 years with his troop and the troop's leadership and they all wanted to complete their Eagle, I would not interfere with that  decision.  I have always tried to teach my kids to finish what they started.  Just like joining a sports team or taking a class.  If you start something, you are making a commitment to not only your team but to yourself, to see it through.  Quitters don't build character.  There are two sides to "throwing in the towel".

I'm going to quibble a little with your numbers for obvious reasons. A boy may become a Boy Scout at age 11 (unless he's completed Cub Scouts' "Arrow of Light", at which he can join at age 10). By age 17, he's got to leave Boy Scouts and become a "Venture" Scout, which he can participate in till age 20.

Wow. Never heard of this "Venture Scout" stuff. Sounds like cream puff stuff, frankly, but whatevs.

So anyway, are you saying your son will have participated in Boy Scouts/Venture Scouts from age 10 till age 20? Really?

For me as a parent of young men, I allow them to make their own decisions, without undo criticism on my part. That doesn't mean we don't discuss the pros and cons of these issues. The gay issue is just as important as the birds and the bees and not taking candy or rides from strangers.   


As far as gays at large go, what if they had gay guys in their gym class at school, or if they joined the military?  How are you going to stop that? 

Straw man. Stick to the topic at hand, mmmkay?

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 17, 2013, 10:20:46 AM
I found out where I will not donate any more money. United Way.  They were one of the big ones that threatened to pull sponsorship if BSA didn't lockstep with them.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on June 17, 2013, 11:26:06 AM
I found out where I will not donate any more money. United Way.  They were one of the big ones that threatened to pull sponsorship if BSA didn't lockstep with them.

United Way f'd up 9/11 to such an extent that since then, they can go pound sand. The Red Cross as well.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Lacarnut on June 17, 2013, 11:34:42 AM
I most certainly have read your stuff on the issue, but I was directing my comment to the specific post I quoted -- not what you wrote elsewhere.

Specifically, this comment:

Just looking for clarification. It looked to me like you were shrugging your shoulders, allowing your son to finish what he started (definitely an advisable thing, IMHO) and then encouraging him to vacate the BSA, ergo tossing in the towel.

Speaking as an Eagle Scout myself (Sept. 1970), half or more of Scouting is leadership exhibited by the boys themselves. When you allow your son to finish what he started and then invite him to pull the plug, there goes a leadership opportunity right out the window.

But of course, it's the right thing to do.


Throwing in the towel is a hell of a lot better than having your kid exposed to queers who may want to have gay sex  or a larger kid raping a smaller kid. If you have not experienced this type of behavior, you do not know how much this impacts their lives forever as adults. I do not think you understand the dangers of that happening.  Since these perverts have gotten their foot in the door, the next step is to allow these misfits to infiltrate this organization as scoutmasters. You okay with that or how about the scout who marched in the gay parade. Anyone that approves of gays in the scouts is a POS IMO.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on June 17, 2013, 12:36:55 PM
United Way f'd up 9/11 to such an extent that since then, they can go pound sand. The Red Cross as well.

I completely agree, with both points!
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: obumazombie on June 17, 2013, 01:10:11 PM
United way has a sneaky way of using donations if you don't specify the exact organization you want your money to go to. In the case of a non specified donation the left wing organizations that dominate the list will have those donations diverted to them.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 17, 2013, 02:22:34 PM
When United Way quit giving funds to Boy Scouts, I quit giving to United Way. The wife is required to work for and give to United Way at her place of work.....or I should say "STRONGLY INCOURAGED" to do so by management.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Gina on June 17, 2013, 03:21:09 PM
When United Way quit giving funds to Boy Scouts, I quit giving to United Way. The wife is required to work for and give to United Way at her place of work.....or I should say "STRONGLY INCOURAGED" to do so by management.

Is she in a union or is there a union there?
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 17, 2013, 04:14:30 PM
Is she in a union or is there a union there?

No union there but the head of the company says it is best for you to show some "community spirit"....hint-hint know.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: J P Sousa on June 17, 2013, 04:33:35 PM
When United Way quit giving funds to Boy Scouts, I quit giving to United Way. The wife is required to work for and give to United Way at her place of work.....or I should say "STRONGLY INCOURAGED" to do so by management.

Yeah, I had a supervisor criticize my contribution to UW way back I took it back and tore it up........said they get nothing.  :-)

I'm fed up with all the left wing idiots that get money. I now only give to my church or Salvation Army. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: obumazombie on June 17, 2013, 04:35:46 PM
^Bravo !
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 17, 2013, 07:55:05 PM
they push similar donation scams at my work too. I always tell them that I pick and choose the specific charities of which I intend to donate. They don't bother me.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Chris_ on June 17, 2013, 08:15:23 PM
they push similar donation scams at my work too. I always tell them that I pick and choose the specific charities of which I intend to donate. They don't bother me.
I want a tax-deductible receipt. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 17, 2013, 08:40:00 PM
I want a tax-deductible receipt. 

I wasn't clear. I only donate directly to charities with which I agree and have a high percentage of donations going to recipients. I DO NOT donate via direct access to my paycheck.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Lacarnut on June 17, 2013, 09:33:02 PM
After the donations poured in to the Red Cross and United way for the 9/11 victims, they decided to keep a part of it in reserves. That was the end of my donations to those two chicken sh!t outfits. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 17, 2013, 09:40:16 PM
After the donations poured in to the Red Cross and United way for the 9/11 victims, they decided to keep a part of it in reserves. That was the end of my donations to those two chicken sh!t outfits. 

I stopped giving to the United Way 25 years ago. When the actual percentage of the donations that went to recipients for all of their charities was first published. I really good one may actually have ended up at 5%.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: seahorse513 on June 17, 2013, 09:45:44 PM
I remember, when I went to a Catholic school, the nuns asked if we could collect money for Unicef. I thought that was tacky, asking for money when I was getting free candy. it took the fun out of the holiday!! I was such a rebel!!! :-)
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Lacarnut on June 17, 2013, 11:21:36 PM
I stopped giving to the United Way 25 years ago. When the actual percentage of the donations that went to recipients for all of their charities was first published. I really good one may actually have ended up at 5%.

AARP, Red Cross, United Way, UNICEF are run by liberals who pay their top brass big bucks. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: obumazombie on June 17, 2013, 11:27:55 PM
AARP, Red Cross, United Way, UNICEF are run by liberals who pay their top brass big bucks. 

The libs caterwaul about the 1%, but they give a complete pass to their own when they vote buy, collect on campaign contributions. Then they arrange for the owebuma 1%ers who bring in the most donations to be repaid by taxpayer dollars through a variety of legal and borderline legal means. It's a perfect storm of scams brought to you by the most transparent Chicago style crime syndicate thugocracy.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Splashdown on June 18, 2013, 04:42:44 AM
The libs caterwaul about the 1%, but they give a complete pass to their own when they vote buy, collect on campaign contributions. Then they arrange for the owebuma 1%ers who bring in the most donations to be repaid by taxpayer dollars through a variety of legal and borderline legal means. It's a perfect storm of scams brought to you by the most transparent Chicago style crime syndicate thugocracy.

Hypocrisy is one of the defining pillars of liberalism. Whether it be life, "tolerance," racism, free speech, or wealth, libs have two definitions depending on whom they're talking about. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on June 18, 2013, 09:23:23 AM
I was "required" to give a percentage of my pay to the United Way when I was in the Coast Guard. Well, required if I wanted leave, liberty, etc., so the CO could show that 100% of the people under his command were "donating" to them.

We called it our insurance policy.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Conservative Libertarian on June 18, 2013, 10:49:50 AM
I was "required" to give a percentage of my pay to the United Way when I was in the Coast Guard. Well, required if I wanted leave, liberty, etc., so the CO could show that 100% of the people under his command were "donating" to them.

We called it our insurance policy.

I have been able to avoid it and have stated my reasons to my supervisors. Thus far, they have been OK with that. I donate directly to cancer research and do not want a middle-man org to take anything from my donations. Thus far, based upon what our family has been through with my wife's cancer, no one has caused me any problems over it. If they do, I will fight them.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: obumazombie on June 18, 2013, 11:29:59 AM
I was "required" to give a percentage of my pay to the United Way when I was in the Coast Guard. Well, required if I wanted leave, liberty, etc., so the CO could show that 100% of the people under his command were "donating" to them.

We called it our insurance policy.
I got the dirty job of being collection officer on more than 1 occasion. The 100% number wasn't a suggestion. Supposedly there was no command pressure. In reality it was more of an awkward shakedown process. It never felt good or right to be asking young service members who were just scraping by to pony up.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: CG6468 on June 18, 2013, 02:46:36 PM
I got the dirty job of being collection officer on more than 1 occasion. The 100% number wasn't a suggestion. Supposedly there was no command pressure. In reality it was more of an awkward shakedown process. It never felt good or right to be asking young service members who were just scraping by to pony up.

"Shakedown" is an excellent term.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: rich_t on June 18, 2013, 03:03:14 PM
The DI tried that UW shakedown crap with me when I was in boot camp.  I told him that I was a newly wed with a child on the way.  I was keeping my money for myself.

I was sort a a target for him until graduation, but I kept my $.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Lacarnut on June 18, 2013, 07:17:29 PM
We had a savings account called soldiers deposit in Germany. My pay was only $110 per month. That was a long, long time ago as a PFC. The CO would pay you and the SFC would hit you up for $10. My mom bugged me about getting her a set of china. So, the last 3 months before getting shipped back to the states, I told the Sarge why I was not contributing. So, he put on garbage duty picking up all the cans on post and I did not get a pass for almost 2 weeks. Told him to mark me down for the next two paydays also. Maybe I should not been a smart ass but I did not care. The Army was not my cup of tea.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: rustybayonet on April 02, 2014, 07:07:06 AM
Well almost 1 year gone by since 'new scout rules' whats happened --- y'all talked at length about what might happen - and it has.  My predictions within this district are happening - troops count -down, scout membership- down, adult volunteers -down, funding -down.  Before the 'new rules went into effect, a older scout made advances on a younger scout within this district, and the first thing the DE of this district wanted to know was how I found out.  Recently  Disney dropped funding Boy Scouts because Scouting ' would not let adult gays in as leaders'  [ Disney in Florida has a 'Gay Day' set aside].  Have not kept up with the "On My Honor' movement, but this district keeps trying to get me to return [ this Thursday is the adult awards banquet - " come on and stop by we'd be glad to see you again" -  NO THANKS.  And then this morning- here comes the lawsuits - my question 'why did it take Scouting Headquarters 4 months to follow their own new policy' [effective date was Jan. 1, 2014]? - [could it be they know they f*cked up--- naw - headquarter chuckleheads don't NAKE mistakes-paperwork probably got misplaced; [Entire article is long, but telling]------

Boy Scouts removes gay troop leader in Seattle
The Associated Press - By PHUONG LE - Associated Press

Geoff McGrath points out an "inclusive scouting" badge worn on his Boy Scout scoutmaster uniform shirt for the Seattle troop he led, Tuesday, April 1, 2014, in Bellevue, Wash. The Boys Scouts of America has removed McGrath, an openly gay troop leader, after saying he made an issue out of his sexual orientation. The BSA told McGrath in a letter Monday that “it has no choice but to revoke your registration” after he told news media he was gay in connection with a news story. McGrath, who earned the rank of Eagle Scout, has been leading Seattle Troop 98 since its application was approved last fall. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Wineslob on April 02, 2014, 08:59:13 AM
Anything the "progressive movement" touches, turns to shit.

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: JohnnyReb on April 02, 2014, 10:07:57 AM
I'm glad my son aged out of the scouts last year before all this happened. He had two of the best, most upright stalwart leaders ever....and they resigned a few days after he aged out and this came about. During my sons time in the scouts he earned his eagle, his God and Country, Order of the Arrow Virgil Honors. The highlight of his time in scouting was their 22 day trip out to and back from Philmont when he was age 14. He was crew leader on that trip and the responsibility heaped upon him in training for that position before hand and the exercise thereof during that trip really helped later while he was an officer in JROTC.

Son's old troop has gone from being the best in this council to being just another run of the mill troop like most of the others. Son has been trying to help the new leader but it seems fruitless. Half of the troop quit, all the older boys, leaving a small number of very young boys. I don't see his old troop lasting much longer and it's sad.

A fine organization for young boys shot all to hell by liberals and queers. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on April 02, 2014, 10:17:49 AM
The only problem is, BSA has already factored in the losses they'll sustain by their acceptance of buggery among the Scouts. They are completely okay with it; they'll lose some but they'll likely gain many more after those of us who don't accept faggotry as being normal pass on. In other words, the proglodytes will eventually win this battle. And the boys that wind up smoking poles because it's a fad or their friends are doing it and won't it be grand?  :whatever:  will be scarred for life, if somehow they can ultimately reject faggotry as being the scourge it is.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: obumazombie on April 02, 2014, 12:32:31 PM
Redefining normalcy, and defining deviancy down.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Zathras on April 02, 2014, 01:08:15 PM
Redefining normalcy, and defining deviancy down.

It's the liberal way of life.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Dori on April 02, 2014, 01:58:39 PM
A fine organization for young boys shot all to hell by liberals and queers. 

Girl Scouts went down the liberal drain a long time ago.  :(

Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: YupItsMe on April 02, 2014, 02:16:30 PM
When United Way quit giving funds to Boy Scouts, I quit giving to United Way. The wife is required to work for and give to United Way at her place of work.....or I should say "STRONGLY INCOURAGED" to do so by management.

  Years ago here  in Vermont, United Way gave directly to Planned Parenthood.  A big fuss was made about it, so they changed.  I then discovered that they just found a backdoor way to give them money.. I never gave again no matter how hard it was pushed by my employer.  That and what someone else here said their overhead is ridiculous.  I imagine their annual convention is in Las Vegas with bubble baths and champagne.  I give to our church to support foreign missionaries.  97% gets to the missionaries in the field. 
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: rustybayonet on April 02, 2014, 04:38:21 PM
Many posts ago, CG6468 talked about the 'united way' scheme within the Coast Guard.  Well he got out after I did, but things didn't change.  My CO at Government Island, Alameda California dropped the same on us --quote by the CO that was part of the board of United Way in San Francisco-  " regulations say I can not make you give to any charity, but they don't say I have to give you liberty, or sign advancement papers -- so based on rank, if you want any of the above, your donation 'will be what is recommended'.  
I have not donated to them one cent since then and never will.  
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: obumazombie on April 02, 2014, 04:59:19 PM
Many posts ago, CG6468 talked about the 'united way' scheme within the Coast Guard.  Well he got out after I did, but things didn't change.  My CO at Government Island, Alameda California dropped the same on us --quote by the CO that was part of the board of United Way in San Francisco-  " regulations say I can not make you give to any charity, but they don't say I have to give you liberty, or sign advancement papers -- so based on rank, if you what any of the above, your donation 'will be what is recommended'. 
I have not donated to them one cent since then and never will. 
That Co needed to be relieved. That is one of the most outrageous cases of intimidation I have ever heard.
Title: Re: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members
Post by: Eupher on April 03, 2014, 07:32:33 AM
The United Way had such a horrific record in handling the millions of dollars that poured in after 9/11 that I'm quite sure there never was a full accounting. Somebody in the organization filched a big pile of money and it was never addressed.

My own company has a big push for United Way every year. I don't contribute one red cent, but there's no pressure to contribute, either.