The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => The DUmping Ground => Topic started by: franksolich on November 18, 2012, 01:50:37 AM

Title: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 18, 2012, 01:50:37 AM
Welcome to the nominating thread for the top Dummies of 2012!

This was a year of some great disappointments, discouragements, and setbacks.  No primitive went ballastic as much as one hoped; many primitives threatened to leave Skins’s island but never did; and a few primitives even threatened to end it all, but alas never did.

But regardless; another year has fallen away like the leaves in autumn, and mere chronology demands awards for even a lackluster annum.

Nominations for the Top DUmmies of 2012, along with the two special awards, will be accepted from circa supper-time Thanksgiving Eve, November 21, through supper-time December 1.  All nominations must be publicly given, out in the open.

Voting for the Top DUmmies of 2012, along with the two special awards, will take place from circa supper-time December 2 through supper-time December 12.  Voting may be done either publicly or by secret ballot, which will be explained in the voting thread.

Awards will be doled out beginning the afternoon of Christmas Eve, December 24, continuing through the afternoon of New Year’s Eve, December 31.

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There are twenty Top DUmmies elected, culminating in the Top DUmmie of 2012, the grand prize.

One may make as many nominations as one wishes, and such nominations may include primitives no longer on Skins‘s island, but who were around any time between late November 2011 and the present.

There are also two special awards, the William Rivers Pitt (the “Willie”) and the Steve Dawes (the “Steve”) awards, for whom the criteria are somewhat different. 

Top DUmmies are usually chosen based upon their performance of the past year, and can repeat from year to year if they put out enough.

The “Willie” however is award the primitive who did the most to spread and enhance the good name and reputation of Skins’s island on both the internet and in real life, and can be any primitive from any year since the beginning, 2001.

The “Willie” is a one-time award only, previous winners not eligible.

The previous winners of the “Willie” have been TomInTib, bobbolink, WilliamPitt, and nadinbrzezinski, so don’t bother nominating any of them; they’re not eligible.

There is a list of past winners of all awards here:,66225.0.html

The “Steve” is a new award, given the primitive who did the best job of making an ass of himself all by his own self, without the help of anybody else, during the past year.  Every primitive, prominent or not, does that to one extent or another, but the “Steve” is given to that primitive who did the best bang-up job of it, making an ass of himself.

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Nominations must be accompanied with an explanatory or descriptive phrase, such as “[name of primitive] because he was such a jerk to his own family.”  Mere names of primitives or vague statements such as “[name of primitive] because he’s a jerk” will not be accepted in placement on the ballot.

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If one wishes to nominate a certain primitive, but is not sure of the exact name, this nominating thread is where one should inquire; also, “campaigning” for one primitive or another is permitted here, and in fact encouraged.

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Rules for voting will be posted on the voting thread, to come up December 2; this thread is for nominations only, and if one has questions about voting, please withhold those for the voting thread.

Only members of conservativecave are allowed to nominate, although votes are accepted from any bona fide member of any bona fide site; how the latter is done will be explained on the voting thread.

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The Top DUmmies is an original creation of Ralph Wiggum many years ago, and is currently a joint operation of Mr. Wiggum and franksolich.  franksolich determines the ballot, and Mr. Wiggum counts the votes; each separate and apart from each other so as to ensure the integrity of the entire process.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 19, 2012, 07:58:34 AM

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it; I knew I forgot something.

On Sunday, while looking around for a certain miniature screwdriver in one of the desks in the unused part of this house, I came across a grocery list, from last March.  I was curious as to why I'd saved a grocery list, but when I flipped it over to the other side, mystery solved; there were some hand-written notes on it.

In addition to the "Willie" and the "Steve" as special awards--apart from the regular Top DUmmies--there's a third one I'd thought up last spring.

It's meant for the primitive who did the best job of making decent and civilized people :rotf: over the past year.

All primitives of course make us roll all over the floor laughing out loud, because of their utter stupidity.

But surely there's been a primitive this past year that stood out, making one laugh louder and longer, when compared with all other primitives. addition to the William Rivers Pitt award and the Steve Dawes award, there's also the Robyn McGrath award, for the primitive whose utter stupidity made one laugh and laugh and laugh all year long.

So we have the Top DUmmies, the "Willie," the "Steve".....and the "Rob."
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 03:34:17 PM
Okay now, I am really pissed off beyond pissed off, with the stupid paranoia of the primitives, who think "freepers" are "out to get" them.

"freepers" are "out to get" liars and thieves.

As long as a primitive is open and forthright and honest, "freepers" leave him alone in peace and quiet; don't even give him a second thought.

"freepers" have never--not once--mocked or ridiculed or derided a primitive who was honest.

So I'm opening up this nominating thread a day early, so "freepers" can go get 'em, the liars and thieves among the primitives on Skins's island.

I have my own nominations to make, for the top DUmmies, and for each of the three special awards, but I'll wait and post them as this thread moves along; there's about ten days to make nominations, and there'll be about ten days for voting, either publicly or privately.

Nominate away, folks.....after you've read the rules.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 20, 2012, 05:02:44 PM
Is it appropriate, in light of the election results, and the stupidity out there, that we can nominate all of DU for the DOTY? they voted for high unemloyment, high debt, high misery index, shouldn't they all :ownit:?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 05:45:42 PM
Is it appropriate, in light of the election results, and the stupidity out there, that we can nominate all of DU for the DOTY? they voted for high unemloyment, high debt, high misery index, shouldn't they all :ownit:?

I dunno why not, but it'd be a little hard writing an award for the whole of Skins's island; oceans of ink and vast forests of paper.

But if there's sentiment for it, I suppose.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 20, 2012, 05:54:57 PM
I'd hate to put you in a position that might be uncomfortable, it's just that the stupidity bothers me.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 05:56:07 PM
I'd hate to put you in a position that might be uncomfortable, it's just that the stupidity bothers me.

I'm adaptable.  Nominate away, and we'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 20, 2012, 05:58:49 PM
Let me think about it for a few days.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 20, 2012, 05:58:57 PM
Very disappointed in our candidates this year.   There really isn't one I feel good about supporting out of the whole lot.    :bawl:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 06:10:23 PM
Very disappointed in our candidates this year.   There really isn't one I feel good about supporting out of the whole lot.    :bawl:

Of course it's been a down year, what with the mediocre talent that crossed the stage in front of this audience.

There weren't any John Barrymores or Katharine Hepburns in the whole bunch this year.

But the end of 2012's on nigh, and one must give out the awards.

For starters, I have the honor of nominating my fellow Nebraskan, the big guy Omaha Steve, for top DUmmie, given his exaggerated reaction to a web-site his good friends set up for him; I really doubt had any effect on the primary race for the Bellevue city council, but the big guy obviously did, which made it so funny.

This nomination's for Top DUmmie only; not for any of the three special awards, the Willie, the Steve, or the Rob.  I'll make nominations for those later.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 06:20:35 PM
I also nominate the brain-damaged primitive, DainBramaged. for his laughable inability to see that he himself is the reason he's such a loser, such a wretched, contemptible, unhappy being with so much "bad luck" and misfortune.

The problem is, he hasn't gotten even a tenth of the grief he deserves for being the way he is.

And if he wins, I'm kind of hoping it's a posthumous award, because a tree weakened by the hurricane Sandy, or a power-line snapping, fell on him.  It'd put him out of his self-inflicted misery.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Splashdown on November 20, 2012, 06:34:46 PM
I'm going throw BanTheGOP out there. He made one post here and ran.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 20, 2012, 06:36:12 PM
Yeah, I'll agree with BanTheGOP, and raise you Taverner.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 06:36:26 PM
I'm going throw BanTheGOP out there. He made one post here and ran.

That's a good one.

And the deal is, I don't recall anybody here being rude to him, scaring him and causing him to run away.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 06:38:41 PM
.....and raise you Taverner.

But why the Taverner primitive?  He didn't do a damned thing all year long excepting get high, evading child support, shoplifting and purse-snatching, abusing his ex-wife, and dreaming about some stupid album.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Mr Mannn on November 20, 2012, 06:40:40 PM
I'm going throw BanTheGOP out there. He made one post here and ran.
Oh. I didn't know we had a "Cowardly Lion" category.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 06:46:53 PM
Oh. I didn't know we had a "Cowardly Lion" category.

I looked it up.

Hey all. Normally I don't bother with online forums of the enemy but I do have to say, I'm not one to hold back from criticism. I believe that the republican Party is, first and foremost, a criminal organization, rather than a political party. I'll take your word that you won't ban me for having an opinion like that.

For the record, you have one thing going on DU: I've been after them to open up a section for all posters, not just progressives. But them's the rules and I gotta follow them. So I've decided to engage here.

Anyway. that's it for now.

^^his first post here, on May 20.,73321

I don't see any of your responses that make sense. Only by taxing those who have enriched themselves throught he productive labor of our workers would justify allowing them to move in the first place. Making money is not like freedom of movement; you have to share it properly in order to be effective. It's not fair that a state would be penalized because they want their citizens to have a minimum level of protection.

^^his second, and final, post here, on July 12.,75242

It looks to me as if people here were rather nice to him, and so I have no idea why he hasn't been back.

And no, he's not banned.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 20, 2012, 07:02:53 PM
But why the Taverner primitive?  He didn't do a damned thing all year long excepting get high, evading child support, shoplifting and purse-snatching, abusing his ex-wife, and dreaming about some stupid album.

It was the stupid album that made me think of him.  One could record cow farts and sell more copies.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 07:04:23 PM
It was the stupid album that made me think of him.  One could record cow farts and sell more copies.

Okay, with that explanation, I'm putting the Taverner primitive on the ballot.

Remember the rules.

Thus far we got Omaha Steve, DainBramaged, Ban The GOP, and Taverner.

I think it's an auspicious start.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 20, 2012, 09:24:58 PM
Whatever the Award that is the a-hole award, I nominate Arctic Dave for this thread:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: EagleKeeper on November 20, 2012, 10:01:31 PM
I'd like to throw Aviationpro into the mix.

My reasoning is, even though I have never read the rude pundit, but it seems that the avpro misfit made his way on the island by stealing his shtick.

And I also think that if you can't make a point without every third word being some grotesque reference to  :censored: then you just can't make a point.

But the DUmmies did slurp it up though.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 10:08:43 PM
I'd like to throw Aviationpro into the mix.

My reasoning is, even though I have never read the rude pundit, but it seems that the avpro misfit made his way on the island by stealing his shtick.

And I also think that if you can't make a point without every third word being some grotesque reference to  :censored: then you just can't make a point.

But the DUmmies did slurp it up though.

Thank you; Aviationpro's on the ballot.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2012, 10:11:15 PM
Whatever the Award that is the a-hole award, I nominate Arctic Dave for this thread:

There's no special award for rectal aperturity, it being generally and accurately accepted that all primitives are such.

Perhaps you may wish to nominate for top DUmmie?

Remember, there's 20 top DUmmies.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: ChuckJ on November 20, 2012, 10:22:05 PM
My nominees

nadin. I nominate her because the only thing that she has NOT done in her life, other than act modest and intelligent, is be a multiple DOTY winner.

Stinky the Clown. He knows he smells badly. He knows he's clownish. And I think deep down he knows he really is an internet laughing stock.

Omaha Steve. If he had a six-shot revolver he'd still find a way to shoot himself in the foot seven times. He's brought us cutting edge inside info that no one else is aware of along the lines of: it's dark at night. Apparently, this year he got jealous of Stinky's role as internet laughing stock and worked at keeping Sticky company. Honestly though, I feel this nomination is wasted because he's never won any thing else that he's ran for.

William Pitt. No, he has not risen to the top, but that's what makes him special. He's found a way to be that most insignificant at a web site full of insignificance.

DemTenJeep (or whatever she's calling herself). She's been sick and/or dying longer than the a walker from the Walking Dead. This ought to count for something.

That janitor guy who pretends he's a dentist. I can't remember his name, but if he wins I'll make up a certificate of some sort so he'll finally have something to hang on the wall…of the broom closet.

The Magistrate. He's irritating as hell sir. Or in the words of Foghorn Leghorn: I say that boy’s just like a tatoo, gets under your skin
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: shadeaux on November 20, 2012, 10:26:40 PM
Hope Hoops for the Steve.  He's a nasty ass.  

DonRedwood for the Willie. He wants to be Mr. DU.

California Peggy for the Rob. She tries so hard to be so cool but fails and it makes me laugh.



Because he is the ultimate DUmmy.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: EagleKeeper on November 20, 2012, 10:27:27 PM
That janitor guy who pretends he's a dentist. I can't remember his name, but if he wins I'll make up a certificate of some sort so he'll finally have something to hang on the wall…of the broom closet.

I think your talking about PCIntern.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Revolution on November 21, 2012, 02:50:01 AM
I will 2nd Nadin's name out there for Top DUmmy of 2012 Why the hell not. She's been as hot as ever since last year's votes were cast. Her Sandy threads earthquake threads, her massive ignore list, and the fact that her absolute narcissistic craziness inspired Dummies to rip her to shreds in a giant thread that DIDN'T go down the Skimmer hole as far as I know have all made me laugh, roll my eyes, sigh in dismayed disappointment, and laugh some more.

She is truly the Top DUmmie. IMO, she's the Undisputed Top DUmmy
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 21, 2012, 04:12:54 AM
Whatever the Award that is the a-hole award, I nominate Arctic Dave for this thread:

He hates the military and if you dumpster dive you will find quite a bit more of his ranting against them. 

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 21, 2012, 04:16:21 AM
Sabrina numbers for being the consummate suck up to Nads.

The DU bully - they are legion, and a class of their own.   

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 21, 2012, 04:25:44 AM
I'll second the sabrinanumbers one, and also nominate Adbot, whose (sometimes, I suppose) inadvertent ads hawking the very thing that a certain DUnce is complaining about, bring unintended hilarity to the DUmp.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: txradioguy on November 21, 2012, 04:40:42 AM
I nominate Mr. Scorpio
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: whiffleball on November 21, 2012, 04:55:52 AM
Not easy this year, there's no real standouts to me, hence not as much enthusiasm.  I'll just throw out some names and reasons, but not sure what category to put them in.

Gnads - for being an insane balding dwarf with an ego the size of Mt Everest
Sabrinanumbers - for being the consummate compassionate prog and Gnads most devoted suckup
OS - for having a magnificent neck beard and being a *****
Demtenjeep - for failing to die even after promising to do so
MineralOil - for wanting to be so important on Skins that he manly endures their abuse in Meta on a regular   basis
darkangelnumbers - for trying so hard to matter by sucking up to Gnads and others
Grantcart - for thinking he's as important and effective as PittStain
The Meta Forum - for providing free entertainment
Skins, et al - for providing Meta

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 21, 2012, 05:06:54 AM
I'll second the sabrinanumbers one, and also nominate Adbot, whose (sometimes, I suppose) inadvertent ads hawking the very thing that a certain DUnce is complaining about, bring unintended hilarity to the DUmp.

...and expanding that thought, the DU ad goes hand in hand with the DU star - the island's very only version of class warfare.   
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 21, 2012, 05:08:12 AM
Not easy this year, there's no real standouts to me, hence not as much enthusiasm.  I'll just throw out some names and reasons, but not sure what category to put them in.

Gnads - for being an insane balding dwarf with an ego the size of Mt Everest
Sabrinanumbers - for being the consummate compassionate prog and Gnads most devoted suckup
OS - for having a magnificent neck beard and being a *****
Demtenjeep - for failing to die even after promising to do so
MineralOil - for wanting to be so important on Skins that he manly endures their abuse in Meta on a regular   basis
darkangelnumbers - for trying so hard to matter by sucking up to Gnads and others
Grantcart - for thinking he's as important and effective as PittStain
The Meta Forum - for providing free entertainment
Skins, et al - for providing Meta

I second that. While I can't see the forum as alas I have no mole ( :bawl:), it has been extremely entertaining this year. 

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Carl on November 21, 2012, 07:49:36 AM
I nominate for DOTY the rich bitch kpete.
Ms Peterson has displayed once again that she is such a complete dunce that the only time she could actually post something that originated in her empty head was when it was discovered she lives in the lap of luxery in silent mockery of the DUmp minions.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 21, 2012, 07:52:05 AM
There's no special award for rectal aperturity, it being generally and accurately accepted that all primitives are such.

Perhaps you may wish to nominate for top DUmmie?

Remember, there's 20 top DUmmies.

OK, I'll withdraw that nomination of ArcticDave since that's the only thread I think I've seen him in, so it's probably not worth a DOTY.

My nominations for the DOTY are:

Sarah Ibarruri
Sabrina whatever her name is

The Willie:


The Steve:


The Rob:

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 07:56:39 AM

We're moving along nicely here, and this was opened 24 hours before schedule.

<<takes clues from the Democrats about early voting.

I wish to nominate the dropsical LynneSin primitive for Top DUmmie of 2012.

I've followed the LynneSin primitive for a while, and until recently she impressed me merely as another shallow air-head.

But then when she started complaining about being plus-sized, I started looking at her closer than I had.

This primitive probably takes up half the acreage of Delaware--something I'd never really noticed until she began whining.

Sadly, it's not fat one sees wrapping around her; it's water.  The LynneSin primitive strikes one has being excessively dropsical, probably caused by her taking too many mood-altering and older-woman-problems pharmaceuticals.  I'll bet her kidneys work hardly at all.  I hope to God she's having it checked out.

The demise of some of the other fat primitives would bother one not at all, but hey, we barely got to know her, and want her to be around a while yet, to provide decent and civilized people some amusement.

Then last week the LynneSin primitive further cooperated in my campaign to get her selected when she posted some sort of "letter" to Barack Milhous, begging that he pay attention to the primitives.

It was a weird piece; it was as if a medieval serf were praying a favor from the king, this "liege lord and master" and "subservient servant" manner of writing.  It was a textbook example of how the primitives venerate and worship the Great Half-White Father in Washington.

Of course, the LynneSin primitive, like most other primitives, fails to understand something; Barack Milhous doesn't give a whit about the primitives, nor do professional Democrats and liberals. 

The primitives don't count to their betters; they're just crazy relatives kept locked up in the attic.

The primitives count only to decent and civilized people who read the DUmpster for amusement and entertainment.  The primitives count only to us.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 08:02:53 AM
By the way, the nominating and voting threads here draw primitives in crowds, mobs, hordes.

So if anyone wishes to vent some frustration or ridicule at the primitives, this thread is a great place to do so, and of course it's allowed.  Nominating isn't as serious as voting, and so have some fun--shout out to a primitive if one wishes, as it's pretty likely the primitive to whom one directs his comment will read it.

I have lots more nominations to make myself, but we got ten days to go, and so mine'll be parceled out.

Remember, while one can vote for only ten primitives to be the Top DUmmies, there is no limit on the number of primitives one can nominate.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Gina on November 21, 2012, 08:21:06 AM
I have to nominate Gnads.  I am just in awe of her adoration of herself.  It's amazing everything she thinks she can do.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: jtyangel on November 21, 2012, 08:52:24 AM
I'm going throw BanTheGOP out there. He made one post here and ran.

He was my nomination as well and I almost feel bad for doing it because he's straight jacket grade certifiable. His absolute jealousy and hatred of his fellow man for daring to have more ten him to the point he would ok genocide just puts him ahead of all the others. Where others ineffectively grumble banthegop seems most likely to unhinge in a very public way someday.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: njpines on November 21, 2012, 08:55:29 AM
Prosense for the tireless cheerleading and constant berating of any DUmmie who doesn't.

11Bravo for his fake military-all-knowingness

TheMastersNemesis for being batshit crazy

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Splashdown on November 21, 2012, 10:56:08 AM
I have to nominate Gnads.  I am just in awe of her adoration of herself.  It's amazing everything she thinks she can do.

As long as she or Omaha Steve don't win one of the major awards, I'm fine with it!

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 21, 2012, 10:56:15 AM
There is no serious candidate for DOTY but nadin.

There is no DOTY but nadin, and the crazy bald dwarf is her own prophet.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 21, 2012, 11:18:20 AM
There is no serious candidate for DOTY but nadin.

There is no DOTY but nadin, and the crazy bald dwarf is her own prophet.

I see what you did there . . . H5! :cheersmate:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Karin on November 21, 2012, 12:53:28 PM
I'm going to parcel mine out too, over the days. 

I would like to nominate a perhaps overlooked primitive for the ballot.  Big DUmb Darryl, one of my favorites.  Why?  'Cause he's just so DUmb, that's why.  He recently posted a whole new thread in GD about Miley Cyrus's hair.  It got hidden for being stupid, and he took offense:

bigdarryl (8,710 posts)
5. I though this was DISCUSSION LOUNGE it doesn't say what topics are off limits

I though something else besides stupid politics would be a breath of fresh air around hear.I'm sick off constant politics 

 :rofl:  He just makes me laugh and I have the perfect visual of him. 
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ptarmigan on November 21, 2012, 01:04:38 PM
Jack Rabbit-He has a rabbit in his user name.
NadinBrzezinski-Yes, I know she was number 1 last year.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 02:30:41 PM
For the William Rivers Pitt award, the "Willie," given the primitive who's done a really good job of spreading and enhancing the name and reputation of Skins's island throughout the years, I again, wearily, nominate poor stupid Beth, the now-gone "EFerrari" primitive, once known as "sfexpat2000."

Poor stupid Beth left Skins's island last August after having been there since November 2004, and gotten the highest number of comments by any primitive, ever.  She seemed destined to reach the quarter-million mark at the time she went away.

It's been years now, but it was poor stupid Beth who contrived the Scamdal involving the late red round one way back in April 2005, which rocked the internet for some months, involving several sites in addition to Skins's island, bringing down the scorn and laughter of tens of millions.

I dunno how many other sites eventually were involved; probably at least a hundred, it was that big, this really stupid stunt of hers.

It was bigger than Fitzmas.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 02:33:14 PM
.....That janitor guy who pretends he's a dentist. I can't remember his name, but if he wins I'll make up a certificate of some sort so he'll finally have something to hang on the wall…of the broom closet.....

As Eagle Keeper said, that's the PCIntern primitive, allegedly a dentist in Philadelphia.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Rebel on November 21, 2012, 02:36:15 PM
Are we sure BantheGOP isn't a mole? Wouldn't want to waste a nomination on him if he is. He seems to be great at exposing who the Progs at DU truly are and what they believe.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 02:44:15 PM
No point in listing the primitives nominated thus far for Top DUmmies of 2012--remember, twenty are selected, and duplicate nominations on this thread are perfectly okay, perfectly fine.

However, nominations for the three special awards seem to be lagging.

For the "Willie," the premier special award, given the primitive who did a really good job spreading the name and reputation of Skins's island all over the internet--any time since the beginning, January 2001--we have thus far:

the rich bitch the kpete primitive
poor stupid Beth, EFerrari

For the "Steve," a new award this year, given the primitive who did the best job of making an ass of himself, all by himself, this past year--we have thus far:

Hope Hoops

If the "Steve" had existed last year, the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive probably would've won hands down, given the way she made an ass of herself denigrating customers of the tea shoppe where she worked, which resulted in her losing her job there, but that was last year, and this is this year.

For the "Rob," the Robyn McGrath award, given the primitive who always makes one laugh and snort in derision no matter the subject, we have thus far:

the CalPig, the CaliforniaPeggy primitive
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 02:49:55 PM
The DU bully - they are legion, and a class of their own. 

Now, that's an interesting one, although I've amended it to "the bullies," as there's more than one.

It's a way of applauding primitives decent and civilized people tend to admire, given the way they've been bullied by the ultimate bully of Skins's island, without putting those primitives at risk--remember, a compliment of a primitive by decent and civilized people is generally a death-warrant for the primitive on Skins's island.

So yeah, sure, "the bullies" as a group.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Carl on November 21, 2012, 03:24:54 PM
For the Rob I think no one other then its namesake makes folks laugh in derision as much as the weeping,wailing pantywaist Cyrano.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 03:28:09 PM
For the Rob I think no one other then its namesake makes folks laugh in derision as much as the weeping,wailing pantywaist Cyrano.

The Robyn McGrath award's named after Atman, but Cryano's a good candidate for being the first winner.

After all, the Bostonian Drunkard didn't make it the first year the Willie was awarded--in fact, he wasn't even nominated--even though that award was named for him.

It's all good.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 03:36:35 PM
And oh yes, it shouldn't be any secret I'm nominating Atman for the "Rob," as the primitive who made one :rotf: the most this past year, no matter the subject.

Atman's a peculiar case; he comes from a good family, the right side of the tracks, the Country Club set, but he desperately seeks the approval of what was once known, in a kinder and gentler era, as the trailer court trash, the lumpenunterprimitiven, the faceless lynch mob on Skins's island.

But then he always mucks it up, obviously never having read any books about how to win friends and influence people.

His campfires are a riot as they start out reasonably well, but then half-way or two-thirds of the way through them, a primitive says something Atman doesn't like, and so he shoots of his mouth, earning the scorn and ill-will of the lesser primitive.

It happens nearly all the time.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: MoshMasterD on November 21, 2012, 04:27:30 PM
I assume, by the tone of Frank Solich's message, that Dob Bole is nominated for The Steve..
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 04:31:11 PM
I assume, by the tone of Frank Solich's message, that Dob Bole is nominated for The Steve..

No, but you just nominated him, I assume.

No problem.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Skul on November 21, 2012, 04:46:00 PM
For the Steve, the right-seat rider on an airport turdhearse. aviation pro, my rosy red one.
If that lindsay stone was a known DUmpmonkey, she'd get to nomination just for the self walldud.  :loser:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Freeper on November 21, 2012, 04:48:35 PM
For the Steve, the right-seat rider on an airport turdhearse. aviation pro, my rosy red one.
If that lindsay stone was a known DUmpmonkey, she'd get to nomination just for the self walldud.  :loser:

Maybe she can get a dishonorable mention.  :rotf:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 04:53:26 PM
Are we sure BantheGOP isn't a mole? Wouldn't want to waste a nomination on him if he is. He seems to be great at exposing who the Progs at DU truly are and what they believe.

Oh, but I'm sure some of the past winners--maybe two or three of them--of Top DUmmie of some year--were moles.

I'm not willing to hazard any guesses about which ones, but I'm sure there's been a few.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Freeper on November 21, 2012, 04:56:04 PM
Oh, but I'm sure some of the past winners--maybe two or three of them--of Top DUmmie of some year--were moles.

I'm not willing to hazard any guesses about which ones, but I'm sure there's been a few.

I am suspecting that one of your moles has made the list a time or 2, Frank.  :-)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 21, 2012, 05:02:10 PM
I am suspecting that one of your moles has made the list a time or 2, Frank.  :-)

Good reading comprehension, sir; please notice I said "I'm sure."
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: jtyangel on November 21, 2012, 05:11:12 PM
I would like to vote Pamela for 'the steve'. Between the food bank and asking for money hijinks all while touting her affluence. Not to mention her insane jealousy of Ann Romney for getting more attention for her diseases them she gets. And who can forget the willing slave girl. With every new post Pam not only makes an ass of herself but her chosen profession.

I'm on the midst cooking so my other nominations will trickle in.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 21, 2012, 05:34:13 PM
Good reading comprehension, sir; please notice I said "I'm sure."

Hey - is that a conflict of interest?   Should the ethics commission be consulted?    :wink:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: delilahmused on November 22, 2012, 03:52:01 AM
Okay here's mine
The Magistrate for being a vile piece of human waste
That fat ass in Nevada, the 400 lbs. one who's tried every diet on the planet for 5 minutes and never spent a day in his life not complaining. Livin' large with so much hate.
Middle Finger Mom just because
11Bravo cuz it's always fun to have a military expert though all have been a big disappointment since TiT
Sabrinawhatever she's a caricature of a real human being
Nads because she's just everywhere
Pam the Jeep because she's the resident hypochondriac
kpete because she a big ****ing bitch who tries to pretend she's one of the masses from atop her gated community
And of course Councilman wannabe loser Steve Dawes, he's just been so much fun this year

Have to think about the other awards

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 22, 2012, 04:12:11 AM
The Magistrate for being a vile piece of human waste.

It's very unfortunate most primitives don't know what the magisterial one really is.

Of course, given their wretched, Hate-filled attitudes and beings, it's probably just deserts that the primitives are saddled with the magisterial one, but then on the other hand, one does have at least a shred of compassion for the primitives.  Not much, but at least a shred.

If the magisterial one were a tree, dogs would seek a cleaner place to do their evacuatory business.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 22, 2012, 04:57:29 AM
Okay, it's very early Thanksgiving morning.  As the weather's clement, I kicked all the cats outside the house so I could turn on the natural-gas stove without fear of them going skyward in case it explodes, and inserted the first turkey into the oven.

The nominations thus far:

for the Willie, enhacing the reputation of Skins's island:

kpete, the rich bitch
EFerrari, poor stupid Beth

for the Steve, the primitive who's his worst enemy:

Hope Hoops
Dob Bole, the new mayor
demtenjeep, Pamela

for the Rob, the primitive who's always hilariously funny:

California Peggy, CalPig
Cyrano, Cryano (thanks to Revolution for inventing the better name)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 22, 2012, 05:08:01 AM
Okay, it's very early Thanksgiving morning.  As the weather's clement, I kicked all the cats outside the house so I could turn on the natural-gas stove without fear of them going skyward in case it explodes, and inserted the first turkey into the oven.

The nominations thus far:

for the Willie, enhacing the reputation of Skins's island:

kpete, the rich bitch
EFerrari, poor stupid Beth

for the Steve, the primitive who's his worst enemy:

Hope Hoops
Dob Bole, the new mayor
demtenjeep, Pamela

for the Rob, the primitive who's always hilariously funny:

California Peggy, CalPig
Cyrano, Cryano (thanks to Revolution for inventing the better name)

I'd like to add the Taverner primitive to the Steve.  Why?  Because he's finding out now that 'actions have consequences,' even if those actions were doing copious amounts of illegal pharmaceutical substances years in his past.  And he's as dumb as a rock (sorry, rocks everywhere) in not being able to learn from his mistakes.  Even single-celled organisms learn from their mistakes.

ETA:  I'd like to second Cindie's nomination of The Magistrate, Above, If Only For The Annoying Habit He Has Of Capitalizing The First Letter Of EVERY Effin' Word In The Titles Of His Posts.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 22, 2012, 05:08:17 AM
The nominations thus far for Top DUmmies, of which 20 are chosen:

big darryl
the bullies
DainBramaged, the brain-damaged primitive
demtenjeep, Pamela
Jack Rabbit
kpete, the rich bitch
the meta forum
MiddleFingerMom, the incredible bore
Mineral Man, the mineral oil primitive
MrScorpio, McDorkio, O'Dorkio, the dork primitive
nadinbrzezinski, Vlada Mitty, the oblate spheroid
Omaha Steve, the big guy
PCIntern, the dental office cleaning woman
Prosense, Baghdad Bob
Sabrina1, the oblate spheroid's best friend
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, and Elad, the big three
Stinky the Clown, the sparkling old dude
SystematicChaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan
WilliamPitt, the Bostonian Drunkard

That seems a long list, but now's the time--the next nine days--not only to make further nominations, but to "campaign" on behalf of one primitive or another.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 22, 2012, 05:12:51 AM
I'd like to add the Taverner primitive to the Steve.  Why?  Because he's finding out now that 'actions have consequences,' even if those actions were doing copious amounts of illegal pharmaceutical substances years in his past.  And he's as dumb as a rock (sorry, rocks everywhere) in not being able to learn from his mistakes.  Even single-celled organisms learn from their mistakes.


When reviewing the slate for the "Steve," however, I gotta add the inspiration behind the award, my fellow Nebraskan, the big guy Omaha Steve.

I've seen a lot of things on Skins's island, but nothing that ever left me as opened-mouth incredulous as the way the big guy repeatedly ignored rock-solid campaign advice and counsel, and went his own bumbling way.

And of course, inevitably he bumbled, and got humbled.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: whiffleball on November 22, 2012, 06:57:14 AM
It's very unfortunate most primitives don't know what the magisterial one really is.

Of course, given their wretched, Hate-filled attitudes and beings, it's probably just deserts that the primitives are saddled with the magisterial one, but then on the other hand, one does have at least a shred of compassion for the primitives.  Not much, but at least a shred.

If the magisterial one were a tree, dogs would seek a cleaner place to do their evacuatory business.

I want to put him in the running for something, but can't decide on the category.  He's not the least bit entertaining; he's just human garbage, a waste of skin, blood and bones, a useless eater.  His warm heart was displayed in full measure with his post on Andrew Breitbart's children.  There's not another Primitive I can think of who is as truly evil as that one.  I have no idea how to nominate a Demon.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: whiffleball on November 22, 2012, 07:06:09 AM
Campaign mode****

The Meta Forum truly deserves some recognition.  It never fails to provide entertainment.  The light shed on Primitive psyches is unparalleled.  Even their Lounge wars don't offer the insight Meta does.  $kammer outdid himself in the creation of it.  Making it 'safe' for registered members only was brilliant!  Even the Primitive Bully Pack posts there, hilariously and with regularity.   And where else could one observe the many psychoses of Gnads in such detail? 

Please give some thought on rewarding this truly deserving entity for the services it provides.

Thank you.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: jtyangel on November 22, 2012, 07:10:02 AM

When reviewing the slate for the "Steve," however, I gotta add the inspiration behind the award, my fellow Nebraskan, the big guy Omaha Steve.

I've seen a lot of things on Skins's island, but nothing that ever left me as opened-mouth incredulous as the way the big guy repeatedly ignored rock-solid campaign advice and counsel, and went his own bumbling way.

And of course, inevitably he bumbled, and got humbled.

Ahh, in that case, I nominate the Leviathan for the Steven. Same situation really. He has ignored the advice of countless people who have shed so much weight here and other places to continue on a starchy diet that's likely causing him joint inflammation in his knees. He ignores franks advice to work so to improve his lot in life and shed even more pounds under the yoke of a good honest day's work. The Leviathan just can not see a moon even through a clear sky. I almost want to nominate him for the Willie as well since he took the 'great' name of the DU over to the diet forums and even brought his 'war with CC' over there. Now that's free advertisement right there. Good going Leviathan...for once you did NOT disappoint.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Skul on November 22, 2012, 10:53:12 AM
The fake aviationass needs to be added for the Willy.
If anyone represents the collective thought of the hive, he does.
Hopepoops seems to be making a run for DOTY, and perhaps can be squeezed in.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Chris_ on November 22, 2012, 10:59:57 AM
My nominations so far...

grasswire, for her tireless service to the DU outing those dirty freepers,70733.0.html

Omaha Steve, for continually shooting himself in the foot, much to our enjoyment,68138.0.html

Iverglas, for getting herself exiled from the island and then starting up that feminist hosts board  where she probably still talks to herself.,73371.0.html

kpete, for her tireless work copying and pasting other people's writing and pretending to be the 99% from her 1% neighborhood,68587.0
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Delmar on November 22, 2012, 02:28:44 PM
I nominate stevenleser for the Willie, the primitive that has appeared on Fox News with Stuart Varney

Mon Nov 19, 2012, 07:17 PM
 stevenleser (10,971 posts)

xPost from V&M: Stuart Varney and I discuss the merits of a Carbon Tax on Fox News' Your World

Stuart Varney and I discuss the merits of a Carbon Tax. While a Carbon Tax is normally a regressive tax, can it be structured in a way that doesn't hurt the poor and middle class?,80986.0.html
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tucker on November 22, 2012, 04:08:03 PM
What a shitty year for DUmmies to rise to the top.

What does it say about a person who is a potential DOTY winner when the members of his own forum would agree with us?

The DUmmy collective (or is it collective DUmmies) think that OS is so DUmb that even they don't reply to his stupidity.

While his campaign was worthy reading, we put more effort into it than he did. His job transfer just hasn't panned out to what it could be.

Still, I guess it's between him and gNads.

Another [roblem is that there is 5K DUmbasses that I've never heard of.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 22, 2012, 04:52:08 PM
I nominate stevenleser for the Willie, the primitive that has appeared on Fox News with Stuart Varney,80986.0.html

I've got to agree with you, Delmar (thus seconding), plus I saw him debate Cavuto earlier in the year, and Cavuto was left utterly speechless by the lesser primitive's sheer stupidity.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: diesel driver on November 22, 2012, 06:26:47 PM
For the "Stevie", it's only fair the recipient of the award the first year be the person it was named after, Omaha Steve.  It's a wonder he doesn't have Athlete's Foot on his tongue, from constantly having his foot in his mouth.  Honorable mention for the "Stevie" goes to Google Search, who put OS on the net with the search results for that fantastic website,

For the "Willie", Taverner, the only primitive that consumes more mind-altering substances, in copious quantities, than W R Pitt.

For DOTY, nads (of course), Warren Stupidity, DainBramaged, demtenjeep (just for sheer nastiness), and SystematicChaos, the two-ton tub-o-lard, who is as agile as a cathedral, and as charming as a 4-alarm case of diaper rash.

(dis)Honorable mention goes to Skinner, for providing us with the petri dish of liberalism known as DU.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 22, 2012, 09:04:17 PM
.....and SystematicChaos, the two-ton tub-o-lard, who is as agile as a cathedral, and as charming as a 4-alarm case of diaper rash.

Now, that is funny.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 23, 2012, 07:36:29 AM
For the "Willie", Taverner, the only primitive that consumes more mind-altering substances, in copious quantities, than W R Pitt.

I am however confused by this nomination.

There is no doubt the Taverner primitive is a first-class top-notch DUmmie.....on Skins's island.

The "Willie" award is given the primitive who's done things to spread and enhance the name and reputation of Skins's island beyond Skins's island itself.

Previous winners: TomInTib, BouncyBall, WilliamPitt, nadinbrzezinski.

Get the idea?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Karin on November 23, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
I would like to second the nomination of HopeHoops.  First of all, he has the DUmbest, harebrained ideas I've ever seen.  Like this Walmart phone idea.   :mental:

But what has struck me the most over the years, has been the constant patting-himself-on-the-back for some slight kindness he reports that he does to someone else.  For example, recently he said he gave a couple bucks to a bum.  Said bum started kissing his hand and falling all over the place.  It was very embarrassing to read.   
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 23, 2012, 09:17:26 AM
I am really surprised--in fact, shocked--that no one's thought to nominate the pie-and-jam primitive, the "grasswire" primitive, for one of the top twenty DUmmies.

Think of her valiant--but futile--defense of the big guy.

Think of her valiant--but futile--quest to find those who murdered the late red round one.

Think of her valiant--but futile--investigation into the background of George Zimmerman.

And her recipes and household hints and used-goods adventures.

Given that track record, I thought grasswire would've been among the first nominated.

But anyway, as she wasn't, franksolich claims the honor of nominating grasswire; not for any special award, but for Top DUmmie of 2012.  I'm sure I could write a Hell of an award for her, if she places.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 23, 2012, 09:22:00 AM
Upon further contemplation of the nominated names thus far, I'm inclined to omit AdBot and Jack Rabbit from the ballot, as certainly those weren't serious nominations.

And also, for sure, the meta forum won't be on the ballot.

The meta forum is a place, not a primitive (or a group of primitives).

A place cannot be a Top DUmmie.

On the other hand, groups of primitives, such as "the bullies," can be.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 23, 2012, 09:53:40 AM
Upon further contemplation of the nominated names thus far, I'm inclined to omit AdBot and Jack Rabbit from the ballot, as certainly those weren't serious nominations.

And also, for sure, the meta forum won't be on the ballot.

The meta forum is a place, not a primitive (or a group of primitives).

A place cannot be a Top DUmmie.

On the other hand, groups of primitives, such as "the bullies," can be.

I was totally serious when I nominated AdBot.  Not sure if it should be in the Top Ten, or in the "special" awards, but it should definitely be included.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 23, 2012, 09:57:43 AM
I was totally serious when I nominated AdBot.  Not sure if it should be in the Top Ten, or in the "special" awards, but it should definitely be included.

My objection to AdBot is that we used to pay a great deal of attention to it, until my fellow alum Skins tweaked it, and it became less interesting.  I don't recall AdBot being mentioned more than two or three times here all this past year.

But, the ballot's not final.  I threw that out here, because I was curious what the motive might be, nothing more.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tess Anderson on November 23, 2012, 12:49:02 PM
for top ten:

horse with no name

Hopehoops is a good one, he posts every little detail of his life.
Title: Re: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on November 23, 2012, 01:14:16 PM
I hereby nominate the DU jury system as DUmmy of the year.
Title: Re: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Chris_ on November 23, 2012, 01:20:17 PM
I hereby nominate the DU jury system as DUmmy of the year.
I'd like to nominate the Meta forum for the Willie.  :-)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 23, 2012, 01:22:56 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like a "system" is a primitive?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Splashdown on November 23, 2012, 02:42:30 PM
I'm going to throw Stevenumbers out there. He needs to get lucky at something...

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOP Congress on November 23, 2012, 04:09:34 PM
Really a broad-based list to choose from, though the quality of the posts weren't as entertaining for some reason as those in the past. Anyway, I'd like to nominate the following:

For the Steve award, being the inaugural one and all, Omaha Steve Dawes should get it. I've been a bit disappointed in some of his posts as of late ever since his unceremonious thumpings from both the city council and union thug races, but in fairness the award was developed over years. So this time around, just give it to him; since it's a DUmmy award we can use their logic of feelings.

Taverner gets the Willy award just because after reading him, I feel like I toked some wacky weed from the 70's. So I don't have to pay or risk arrest to get high.

For DOTY, I think I'll go with Nadin. Pure lunacy and entertainment all wrapped into a body which even Roseanne Barr envies. Every time I see her highlighted here I guffaw. There. I said "guffaw" in perhaps the only place I could use it without sounding like a pretentious ass.

Special recognition goes to BantheGOP. He seems to have been here since Reagan yet still has less than 1,000 posts. Not my choice for the top spot, though, as his threadstarters have usually been vacuous and even pretentious, but if he IS a mole, then it is safe to say he is the best in the business.

Finally, a shoutout to Stinky the Clown, his perennial presence a modicum of lunatic stability for all to aspire to. 


Steve award: Omaha Steve
Willy award: Taverner

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: whiffleball on November 23, 2012, 04:15:02 PM
I'd like to nominate the Meta forum for the Willie.  :-)

I concur.  I understand that Meta is not a person, but it is a collective of persons.  Is there no special recognition it may be afforded?  My God, it's the only thing I've really enjoyed from The Island this year.  Even Gnads has become rote and boring.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tucker on November 23, 2012, 04:59:19 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like a "system" is a primitive?

Well it is a pretty primitive system.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 23, 2012, 06:33:05 PM
Well it is a pretty primitive system.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 23, 2012, 08:36:12 PM

When reviewing the slate for the "Steve," however, I gotta add the inspiration behind the award, my fellow Nebraskan, the big guy Omaha Steve.

I've seen a lot of things on Skins's island, but nothing that ever left me as opened-mouth incredulous as the way the big guy repeatedly ignored rock-solid campaign advice and counsel, and went his own bumbling way.

And of course, inevitably he bumbled, and got humbled.

He should be nominated for everything, and then, consistent with his entire life, he should be ignored and not get a single vote.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Charles Henrickson on November 23, 2012, 09:21:37 PM
I'm not nominating yet, but I thought I'd provide some grist for the nomination mill. As co-host of the DUmmie FUnnies, I pick out threads that I think will provide the most laffs per inch, whether in the DUmmie comments themselves or in the comebacks I can make off of them. Often the identity of the particular poster is not so important to the success of the DUFU. But sometimes the OP makes such a strong contribution that I go ahead and include that DUmmie's name in the DUFU byline. Looking back over all the DUFUs I have done so far this year, I notice 28 times when I have included the OP's name in the byline. Here are the names of those DUmmies, with their DU thread titles, in chronological order:

DeathToTheOil: "To us non-Americans, Obama is Doing a Pretty Good Job!"

undergroundpanther: "Why I hate the rich..."

kpete: "Why Not Rob The Rich?"

Sarah Ibarruri: "Every day I marvel at how poor and middle class Republicans vote against their self-interests"

WilliamPitt: "It just occurred to me: Cindy Sheehan was the first #Occupier."

Redstate Bluegirl: "This is...FUN!"

backscatter712: "Beware of sleazy 'progressive' McActivism sweatshops that chew up young progressives..."

Logical: "Face it, Most of them HATE Obama being a smart, good looking, successful and articulate Black Man!"

sabrina 1: "Wisconsin Recalls Worked! Walker and the Koch Brothers Have Been Defanged!"

Cary: "'Conservatives' are traitors."

TheMastersNemesis: "I Will Not Aid A Republican"

TheMastersNemesis: "I Guess I Am A Communist But I Am Proud Of It"

Laura PourMeADrink: "Obama Team had better get on Ellen, Letterman, Leno and FAST"

Hugabear: "The GOP is one of the most dire threats this country has ever faced"

OneAngryDemocrat: "That is how, folks, you talk to a do-nothing Tea Party Congressman."

Yavin4: "Is It Time to Leave America?"

cali: "Romney stands a good chance of being elected President"

darkangel218: "Today i told my rw bf to f*** off"

Aerows: "Weird episode with, I can almost assure you, was a right winger"

Aviation Pro: "F*** Off...."

Fgiriun: "Seriously, what idiot in the administration thought it would be a good idea to"

PCIntern: "This f***ing election best better f***ing work out in our favor..."

jsmirman: "Please, for the Love of God and all us children - Please Mr. President, Shoot to Kill Monday Night"


dawg: "A serious and sympathetic post for any lurking conservatives."

nadinbrzezinski: "Yay!!!! I am now starless!!!!!"

boston bean: "Do not laugh, I beg of you do not laugh!"


Like I say, I'm not nominating yet, but I do notice three repeat posters in this list--WilliamPitt, TheMastersNemesis, and nadinbrzezinski--so it's a good bet that they will be included among my nominees.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 23, 2012, 10:35:05 PM
OK, I've been thinking about this for a few days and I'm on the fence about it, would it be right in light of the election and the fools in this Country who by a very small percentage elected Obama, and in light of the few standouts this year, would it be right to nominate "all of DU" for the DOTY Award?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 24, 2012, 08:56:28 AM
As of Saturday morning, seven days and six hours before this thread's closed:

for the Willie, enhacing the reputation of Skins's island:

EFerrari, poor stupid Beth
kpete, the rich bitch

for the Steve, the primitive who's his worst enemy:

demtenjeep, Pamela
Dob Bole, the new mayor
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Rob, the primitive who's always hilariously funny:

Atman, Pedro Picasso, franksolich's evil twin
California Peggy, CalPig
Cyrano, Cryano (thanks to Revolution for inventing the better name)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 24, 2012, 09:07:12 AM
And for the Top DUmmies of 2012, of which twenty are selected:

big darryl

the bullies
cali, dear cali, the bitter old Vermontese primitive
DainBramaged, the brain-damaged primitive
darkangel218, who might be the gone-away Sarah Ibarruri primitive
demtenjeep, Pamela

grasswire, the pie-and-jam primitive
Hope Hoops
Horse With no Name, Ms. Ed the unappellated eohippus
iverlgas, the anti-gun nut

kpete, the rich bitch
MiddleFingerMom, the incredible bore
Mineral Man, the mineral oil primitive

MrScorpio, McDorkio, O'Dorkio, the dork primitive
nadinbrzezinski, Vlada Mitty, the oblate spheroid
Omaha Steve, the big guy
PCIntern, the dental office cleaning woman
Prosense, Baghdad Bob

Proud2BLibKansan, the Die alte Sau
Sabrina1, the oblate spheroid's best friend
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, and Elad, the big three

Stinky the Clown, the sparkling old dude
SystematicChaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

WilliamPitt, the Bostonian Drunkard
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 24, 2012, 09:17:15 AM
I'm still having some problems with the "Willie" award, and am not sure many understand the criteria for it.

The two other special awards, and the top DUmmies, no problems.

But the "Willie" is the second-highest award given, after the Top DUmmie of the Year.

EFerrari, poor stupid Beth
kpete, the rich bitch

EFerrari, poor stupid Beth, because of the way she so energetically spread the name and reputation of Skins's island during the Scamdal, and the stevenleser primitive, who's represented Skins's island on television shows with talking faces, I can understand; they meet the criteria for the award.

But DonRedwood, the rich bitch the kpete primitive, and Taverner, my question remains: what, exactly, have they done to publicize Skins's island outside of Skins's island?

These three are all rock-solid candidates for Top DUmmie of 2012 (although DonRedwood hasn't been nominated for that yet), and I myself may even yet vote for all of them with the ten votes I'll have, but there just doesn't seem any way they qualify for the "Willie."

Illuminate me, please.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Carl on November 24, 2012, 09:18:33 AM
Just because he is one of the stupidest people to infect our lives I have to nominate this complete idiot.

RB TexLa (15,837 posts)

What is the reason behind online social sites and people only wanting to hear everything is

a fantasyland?

I posted yesterday that I didn't have anything to be thankful for. A true statement.

I was showered with posts saying not to do things to "my day," and "only positive posts today." Some even told me I was too stupid to know if I have anything to be thankful for and they are so much smarter that they can better tell me what I am thankful for.

Are people just that selfish that they want to dictate what they see from everyone else?

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 24, 2012, 09:25:35 AM
Just because he is one of the stupidest people to infect our lives I have to nominate this complete idiot.

Ah, yes, the RB TexLa primitive.  He used to be "RBollen" or something similar before the name changes of late 2008.

He doesn't like rural folk, among other attributes.

He's an iconoclast among the primitives, insofar as one's allowed to be an iconoclast on Skins's island, which is to say he adheres to the party line, but once in a while makes a micro-millimeter deviation, and the primitives pick it up really quickly.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: tanstaafl on November 24, 2012, 10:03:40 AM
Please join me in waving "BUS AHEAD" signs as I nominate the spewer of inane congresscritter comments:

ALLEN GRAYSON for the Rob Award.

Alas and alack, Mr. Grayson did not post enough this year to garner a spot on the ticket for DOTY, as every post was a figurative hand out for donations, But he did make us laugh when he tagged the LYNX Bus.

And, if permissible, I'd like to also nominate the lurvable bumper-cruncher for the Stevie Award as he certainly made an ass of himself with that fine display of driving skills.

My only regret was that a bidding war didn't break out between Grayson and the tear-duct gusshing perrenial candidate for a seat on the Gravy Train during the runup to their respective elections. (
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Skul on November 24, 2012, 12:27:23 PM
Who was that lad up in Wisconsin that kept posting begs for campaign money, then gets banned, again?
Funny as all get out.
Ought to have an honorable mention for The Steve.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 24, 2012, 12:58:13 PM
Who was that lad up in Wisconsin that kept posting begs for campaign money, then gets banned, again?
Funny as all get out.
Ought to have an honorable mention for The Steve.

That was franksolich, jr., AsherHeimermann.

But unless he was around Skins's island after late November 2011, he can't be a top DUmmie.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Mr Mannn on November 24, 2012, 05:30:24 PM
I would be nice to bonus categories...

Like the AndyScam award for the biggest money grubbing mooch. I nominate Alan Grayson for that. He never engaged a single DUmmie in a conversation. He never answered a question. He tossed a few mini tacos, said what the rabble wanted to hear, and took their money. My Mole participated more in the DU culture than Grayson.

But DU always falls for a good scam.

The Baseball Bat Award. For the one most in need of a good...well you know. This would probably have way too many nominees. Most recently, its Arctic Dave for his recent avocation of disrespecting a military cemetery. His hate-filled rant likely had his name etched on baseball bats around the country.   :bird:

If only Arctic Dave had decent sporting equipment, he would have an outlet to spend his energy outside of DU. Someday some will find him and give him a much needed baseball bat. Learning to respect others needs to be driven in over and over. Sports can teach you that.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: formerlurker on November 24, 2012, 05:54:00 PM
I would be nice to bonus categories...

Like the AndyScam award for the biggest money grubbing mooch. I nominate Alan Grayson for that. He never engaged a single DUmmie in a conversation. He never answered a question. He tossed a few mini tacos, said what the rabble wanted to hear, and took their money. My Mole participated more in the DU culture than Grayson.

But DU always falls for a good scam.

The Baseball Bat Award. For the one most in need of a good...well you know. This would probably have way too many nominees. Most recently, its Arctic Dave for his recent avocation of disrespecting a military cemetery. His hate-filled rant likely had his name etched on baseball bats around the country.   :bird:

If only Arctic Dave had decent sporting equipment, he would have an outlet to spend his energy outside of DU. Someday some will find him and give him a much needed baseball bat. Learning to respect others needs to be driven in over and over. Sports can teach you that.


Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: jtyangel on November 24, 2012, 08:39:51 PM
Frank I put the leviathan in for the Willie. He not so eloquently interwoven not only his primitive drama but his feud with cc into the world of the hapless vegans at mcdougal world. No doubt he also touts his primitive home in whatever gamer forums he frequents instead of  working although we have yet to discover that free publicity. His reputation is also immortalized in video on YouTube.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 24, 2012, 09:00:47 PM
--Oh damn.  I did it again.  I was responding to GOBUCKS' excellent comment, but instead of hitting the "quote" button, I hit the moderator's "modify" button, and replaced GOBUCKS' whole comment with my reply.  My apologies.  franksolich

I'd nominate DUmmy cali. Anyone who's been wallduded has spread the fame of the DUmp.

For the same reason I'd nominate DUmmy Raven, wallduded from her cushy job up there in Rindge.

Also, the sobbing neckbeard, since running for public office with his participation at the DUmp being spread far and wide in Bellevue.

Well now, the big guy would be an excellent candidate for the Willie, given how his campaign for city council at the same time spread around the name and reputation of Skins's island on the internet, and out in the real world.

But I'm inclined to reject both the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive and the maternal ancestress of the Bostonian Drunkard for the Willie, because they didn't do anything to publicize Skins's island outside of Skins's island.

If this were 2011, and the Steve existed, both cali and Raven wouldn've made excellent candidates that prize, having shot themselves in the foot that year, all by their own selves.

However, it's now 2012, and while the Willie applies to "any time," the Steve applies to 2012 only.

So probably not cali and Raven, but you did nominate the big guy for the Willie, and that's on.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 02:48:35 AM
Frank I put the leviathan in for the Willie. He not so eloquently interwoven not only his primitive drama but his feud with cc into the world of the hapless vegans at mcdougal world. No doubt he also touts his primitive home in whatever gamer forums he frequents instead of  working although we have yet to discover that free publicity. His reputation is also immortalized in video on YouTube.

Right, that nomination meets the standards for the Willie.

The Las Vegas Leviathan spread himself outside of Skins's island.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 03:29:06 AM
Oh my.

A primitive who's been nominated is lurking on this thread.

The primitive can kiss franksolich's Republican ass.

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 04:49:06 AM
I would be nice to bonus categories...

But additional awards can wait until the Top DUmmies of 2013, sir, when someone else is at the helm.

Me, I'll have 23 awards to write as it is, in seven days, between December 24 and December 31.

Despite my easy wordosity, that's still a lot.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: jtyangel on November 25, 2012, 05:34:43 AM
Right, that nomination meets the standards for the Willie.

The Las Vegas Leviathan spread himself outside of Skins's island.

It's not hard for him to do given his girth.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Carl on November 25, 2012, 12:09:08 PM
Just because I have not seen him yet and the DUmbfuk deserves at least a mention I nominate old Don, NNN0LHI,for the Steve.
He was so happy about having a commie government in Illinois yet they ransacked his pension and raised his property taxes if I recall correctly.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 12:29:23 PM
Just because I have not seen him yet and the DUmbfuk deserves at least a mention I nominate old Don, NNN0LHI,for the Steve.
He was so happy about having a commie government in Illinois yet they ransacked his pension and raised his property taxes if I recall correctly.

Thanks for reminding me, sir; I meant to nominate him, but was on the road to forgetfulness.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ptarmigan on November 25, 2012, 12:53:45 PM
I would be nice to bonus categories...

Like the AndyScam award for the biggest money grubbing mooch. I nominate Alan Grayson for that. He never engaged a single DUmmie in a conversation. He never answered a question. He tossed a few mini tacos, said what the rabble wanted to hear, and took their money. My Mole participated more in the DU culture than Grayson.

But DU always falls for a good scam.

The Baseball Bat Award. For the one most in need of a good...well you know. This would probably have way too many nominees. Most recently, its Arctic Dave for his recent avocation of disrespecting a military cemetery. His hate-filled rant likely had his name etched on baseball bats around the country.   :bird:

If only Arctic Dave had decent sporting equipment, he would have an outlet to spend his energy outside of DU. Someday some will find him and give him a much needed baseball bat. Learning to respect others needs to be driven in over and over. Sports can teach you that.

I did not think of Arctic Dave.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Splashdown on November 25, 2012, 03:48:09 PM
Was it 2012 that the a post from our friend the DUde was mentioned by Rush?

If so, he's a natural choice for the Willie.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: sybilll on November 25, 2012, 04:38:12 PM
I would be nice to bonus categories...

Like the AndyScam award for the biggest money grubbing mooch. I nominate Alan Grayson for that. He never engaged a single DUmmie in a conversation. He never answered a question. He tossed a few mini tacos, said what the rabble wanted to hear, and took their money. My Mole participated more in the DU culture than Grayson.

But DU always falls for a good scam.

The Baseball Bat Award. For the one most in need of a good...well you know. This would probably have way too many nominees. Most recently, its Arctic Dave for his recent avocation of disrespecting a military cemetery. His hate-filled rant likely had his name etched on baseball bats around the country.   :bird:

If only Arctic Dave had decent sporting equipment, he would have an outlet to spend his energy outside of DU. Someday some will find him and give him a much needed baseball bat. Learning to respect others needs to be driven in over and over. Sports can teach you that.

Agreed.  I knew that phat phuck was just using the DUmmies, yet they were stupid enough to foist him upon us again.  Cali needs to be on the list, too, but they are such an odd bird, I am not sure where the placement should be. 
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 04:58:19 PM
Was it 2012 that the a post from our friend the DUde was mentioned by Rush?

If so, he's a natural choice for the Willie.

Nope, that was Atman, and that was way back in 2007, but he still qualifies for the Willie if nominated because one can go back to the beginning, 2001, for this award.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 05:53:47 PM
Before I forget, I have to nominate the defrocked warped primitive, warpy, for Top DUmmie of 2012.

She hasn't been so vociferous in expressing her Hate this year as she had in other years, but she still managed to keep a pretty brisk pace at it.

The defrocked warped primitive is the disgraced former registered nurse who lives in the New Mexico corner of the "four corners" where New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado meet.  About 61 years old, she's a native of Massachusetts.  She inherited her mother's gender, but her father's features and build.  She's the one with the face like Hindenberg's.

warpy is one of only four drek primitives, primitives with no redeeming social or economic or cultural value whatsoever, and whose Hate of s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o many things borders on the supernatural.

She lives only to Hate.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 25, 2012, 05:59:24 PM
It seems to me that poor addled grasswipe Judy Smith, up there in Oak Grove, Oregon, has really pulled in her DUmbass horns lately.

I think she's aware of her standing as coach's favorite for DOTY, and is trying to avoid the limelite.

While I don't believe she comes close to nadin when it comes to DOTY chops, she's a solid candidate for runnerup, even if she contines to keep her head down.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 06:17:29 PM
It seems to me that poor addled grasswipe Judy Smith, up there in Oak Grove, Oregon, has really pulled in her DUmbass horns lately.

I think she's aware of her standing as coach's favorite for DOTY, and is trying to avoid the limelight.

Yep, that's probably exactly what's happening.

While I don't believe she comes close to nadin when it comes to DOTY chops, she's a solid candidate for runnerup, even if she contines to keep her head down.

My attitude is, second place is better than no place.

I just checked, and the pie-and-jam primitive's never been even in the top twenty, nowhere.

I think she's long overdue for some recognition.  Second place is better than nothing, and one gets to second place by shooting for first place.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 06:27:35 PM
And here's a newcomer I'm nominating for Top DUmmies; the "Denninmi" primitive, the Dennis the Menace primitive.

He's been rather prominent recently in the mental health forum, but earlier in the year, he was equally prominent in the cooking and baking forum, and in his attempts to write a novel.

A great deal of amusement all year long, he gave.

What was funny on my end was that originally I'd thought him a few-years-younger and slightly less-addled grasswire primitive, because of his writing style.  It freaked me when he turned out a 47-year-old guy still living at home with his ancient mother, who bosses him around.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 25, 2012, 08:06:35 PM
And here's a newcomer I'm nominating for Top DUmmies; the "Denninmi" primitive, the Dennis the Menace primitive.

He's been rather prominent recently in the mental health forum, but earlier in the year, he was equally prominent in the cooking and baking forum, and in his attempts to write a novel.

A great deal of amusement all year long, he gave.

What was funny on my end was that originally I'd thought him a few-years-younger and slightly less-addled grasswire primitive, because of his writing style.  It freaked me when he turned out a 47-year-old guy still living at home with his ancient mother, who bosses him around.
He's a good one.

I only wish he could express his daily insane anguish in a few hundred less words.

He treads an unusual knife edge between hilarity and boredom.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 09:56:55 PM
As of late Sunday evening, with only six days before this thread's closed:

for the Willie, enhacing the reputation of Skins's island:

EFerrari, poor stupid Beth
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Steve, the primitive who's his worst enemy:

demtenjeep, Pamela
Dob Bole, the new mayor
NNN0LHI, my pal grouchy old Don
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Rob, the primitive who's always hilariously funny:

Alan Grayson
Atman, Pedro Picasso, franksolich's evil twin
California Peggy, CalPig
Cyrano, Cryano (thanks to Revolution for inventing the better name)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 25, 2012, 10:01:33 PM
And for the Top DUmmies of 2012, of which twenty are selected:

big darryl

the bullies
cali, dear cali, the bitter old Vermontese primitive
DainBramaged, the brain-damaged primitive
darkangel218, who might be the gone-away Sarah Ibarruri primitive
demtenjeep, Pamela

grasswire, the pie-and-jam primitive
Hope Hoops
Horse With no Name, Ms. Ed the unappellated eohippus

iverlgas, the anti-gun nut
kpete, the rich bitch
MiddleFingerMom, the incredible bore

Mineral Man, the mineral oil primitive
MrScorpio, McDorkio, O'Dorkio, the dork primitive
nadinbrzezinski, Vlada Mitty, the oblate spheroid
Omaha Steve, the big guy
PCIntern, the dental office cleaning woman

Prosense, Baghdad Bob
Proud2BLibKansan, the Die alte Sau
RB TexLa
Sabrina1, the oblate spheroid's best friend

Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, and Elad, the big three
Stinky the Clown, the sparkling old dude
SystematicChaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

warpy, the defrocked warped primitive, she with the face like Hindenberg's
WilliamPitt, the Bostonian Drunkard
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: RobJohnson on November 25, 2012, 11:10:20 PM
I would like to see SystematicChaos nominated for the Rob.

He is never happy, he has no plans of ever working again, he passes gas all day long with his roomate, and he is a picture perfect snapshop of a typical DUmmy. Everything the guy posts causes me to  :rotf:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ballygrl on November 26, 2012, 07:40:53 AM
darkangel218, who might be the gone-away Sarah Ibarruri primitive

I saw Sarah posting I think last week in a thread that wasn't worth bringing over.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 26, 2012, 08:37:47 AM
I gotta be a real asshole and nominate a poor crippled handicapped primitive, the Odin2005 primitive, for Top DUmmies of 2012.

The late Tangergine LaBamba three years ago told us all about the Odin primitive, but I choose to withhold her information for his award, if he's one of the top twenty.

The Odin primitive's the chunky lad of 28, 29, years, who has the mildest form of autism possible for which one can jump aboard the disability gravy train.  He's from Minnesota, right across the river from Fargo, North Dakota, and besides hanging around Skins's island, he's also been in occupational protests.

He hangs around bothering the employees of the local Goodwill thrift store, and apparently once boasted (I have no confirmation, though) of shoplifting from Wal-Mart.

The last I saw of the Odin primitive, which is fairly recent (like within the past two weeks), he was talking about attending college to get a degree in.....psychology.  Which I guess is sort of like franksolich attending college to learn to become a music critic, or Revolution to become an art critic.

However, the Odin primitive insists attending classes tires him out, wears him down, and so he's taking only one three-credit-hour course a semester.  I dunno what the credit-hour requirements for a bachelor's degree are now, but when I got mine, it was 128 hours.  At that rate, it's going to take the Odin primitive 42+ years to get that degree.

Lest anyone think franksolich is being a mean nasty repuke making fun of a "handicapped" primitive, it needs pointed out that franksolich's autism is worse than the Odin primitive's autism.  It's just that franksolich has always worked around his problem so it's hardly a problem, rather than milking the taxpayers.  So the lame Odin primitive can shove that up his rectal aperture and smoke it.  
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 26, 2012, 08:46:30 AM
I would like to see SystematicChaos nominated for the Rob.

He is never happy, he has no plans of ever working again, he passes gas all day long with his roomate, and he is a picture perfect snapshop of a typical DUmmy. Everything the guy posts causes me to  :rotf:

Okay, he's on.

My favorite of course is Atman, who makes me side-splittingly laugh, but if I needed a second choice, yes, it'd be the Las Vegas Leviathan.  The whale's comedy gold.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 26, 2012, 08:50:15 AM
I saw Sarah posting I think last week in a thread that wasn't worth bringing over.

We probably saw the exact same campfire by the La Pasionaria primitive, but it's really odd that she hasn't been posting nearly as much as she used to.  Since George Bush won re-election back in November 2004, and she promised to leave the country if he did, I was sort of hoping she was packing.

But darkangel218 sounds like her identical twin at least.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 26, 2012, 08:56:39 AM
Using my prerogative to determine the ballot, I took DonRedwood and Raven (the maternal ancestress of the Bostonian Drunkard) off the ballot for the "Willie," because neither meet the stated requirements for that award.

However, I'm putting them both in for the Top DUmmies of 2012.

The bitter old Vermontese cali primitive had also been nominated for the "Willie" and disqualified, but as she'd already been nominated for one of the slots as a Top DUmmie of 2012, no need to tamper with that.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 26, 2012, 11:04:59 AM
Dennis the Menace should be on the list for the Rob.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Ptarmigan on November 26, 2012, 01:15:08 PM
Salinen should be considered DUmmy of the year for his anti-military screed.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: MoshMasterD on November 26, 2012, 03:36:25 PM
I say DUmp's resident tough guy Great Caesars Ghost should be Newbie, Rob and DOTY.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Revolution on November 27, 2012, 05:47:07 AM
For the Willie, I'd like to nominate what I would like to christen the "Military Morons" of DU. This thread (,81187.0/topicseen.html#top) gave me the idea, but I wanted to run it by you for your approval, Frank.

The Military Morons. Quite a prevalent group at DU, and possibly growing. Those who believe the U.S. Military are a bunch of war mongering bullies who do nothing for them, have done nothing for them, and never will do anything for them.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 27, 2012, 07:40:08 AM
For the Willie, I'd like to nominate what I would like to christen the "Military Morons" of DU. This thread (,81187.0/topicseen.html#top) gave me the idea, but I wanted to run it by you for your approval, Frank.

The Military Morons. Quite a prevalent group at DU, and possibly growing. Those who believe the U.S. Military are a bunch of war mongering bullies who do nothing for them, have done nothing for them, and never will do anything for them.


"Military morons" is a group of primitives, so yeah, sure, it can go on the ballot.

Just as "the bullies" already are, and the BOG (the 0bamaites) have been in the past.

Forums (the meta forum, for example) and practices (the jury system, for example) of Skins's island are not a defineable group of primitives, however.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 27, 2012, 07:57:04 AM
I still have a few more nominations to make, but this morning I want to campaign for a primitive on the ballot--as is perfectly permissible on both the nominating and voting threads.

While many here are familiar with the LynneSin primitive, probably too many don't think she's worthy of being a Top DUmmie.  Or perhaps it's just because franksolich knows her better than most here do.

The LynneSin primitive, a lounge lizard on Skins's island, is notorious for whining about people who look negatively upon plus-sized women.  It's true it's not nice to make fun of fat people, but primitives who politicize their fatness open themselves up wide open to critical observation and analysis.

It's the LynneSin primitive's own fault that decent and civilized people see, and remark upon, her fatness; she's the one who calls attention to it, and makes a political issue out of it.

If the LynneSin primitive were a decent and civilized person, nobody would notice she's fat; probably they'd think of "blonde" or "tall" or "Lynne" or "chatty" or "nice hairdo" or "good nose" long, long, long before they'd think of "fat," if they ever come around to thinking of "fat" at all.

Primitivity does that; it compels decent and civilized people to look at the undesirable aspects of a primitive.

But her whining's not why I nominated her for Top DUmmiehood.

I nominated the LynneSin primitive because shortly after the elections, she posted an "open letter" to Barack Milhous, asking that His High Mightiness at long last pay attention to the opinions and feelings of the primitives on Skins's island.

Yeah, sure, like that's going to happen.

Anyway, the "open letter" to The Supreme Being was couched in groveling subservient language and style suggestive of how a medieval serf might petition the king.  It was very telling, the way she wrote it. 

I thought it a textbook example of how the primitives look at Barack Milhous as their Lord and Savior.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: delilahmused on November 27, 2012, 02:31:55 PM
Did The Magistrate not make the nomination list?

For the Willie:
Alan Grayson Granted, he usually only posts when he wants a handout but he's the essence of DUmmie.

For the Steve I'm torn between the Las Vegas Leviathan, stevenumbers and PCIntern.

For the Rob...poor stupid Beth, Doug's ex wife. Crazy bitch threw away a perfectly good husband to run a fundraiser for a guy she'd never met, who by every measure seemed healthy as a horse and was certainly in no rush to have surgery and whose partner had $50,000 he spent on remodeling the bathroom instead of paying for the scammer's surgery. After that Beth was never the same. Despite her post count, her popularity waned. She became a punchline whose every new post was loonier than the one before. Of course all of the above would also make her a prime candidate for the Steve but since I still laugh about some of this woman's stupidity, well I still go with the Rob.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 27, 2012, 02:49:57 PM
Did The Magistrate not make the nomination list?

Whoa, I thought he did, but I've gone through the list with a fine-toothed comb and listed everyone who's been properly nominated.  I haven't seen it.

By the way, just naming a primitive doesn't hack it.  One has to name the award for which the primitive's being nominated, too.  I can't read minds.

The Willie, the Steve, the Rob, or a top DUmmie (of which one gets to vote for ten, but can nominate as many as one wishes).

The same rule will apply for voting too; one will have to specify which award.

I dislike being anal about this, but it's caused confusion and problems in the past, and as this is franksolich's last year of doing the Top DUmmies, and as the rules are pretty simple and easy, and given the second-string slate of primitives we have this year, I'm going to have to write some silk purses out of sow's ears as it is.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: delilahmused on November 27, 2012, 04:08:42 PM
Whoa, I thought he did, but I've gone through the list with a fine-toothed comb and listed everyone who's been properly nominated.  I haven't seen it.

By the way, just naming a primitive doesn't hack it.  One has to name the award for which the primitive's being nominated, too.  I can't read minds.

The Willie, the Steve, the Rob, or a top DUmmie (of which one gets to vote for ten, but can nominate as many as one wishes).

The same rule will apply for voting too; one will have to specify which award.

I dislike being anal about this, but it's caused confusion and problems in the past, and as this is franksolich's last year of doing the Top DUmmies, and as the rules are pretty simple and easy, and given the second-string slate of primitives we have this year, I'm going to have to write some silk purses out of sow's ears as it is.

I'm sorry, I thought I did but reading my first post I can see how it would be confusing as to what they were nominated for. Here's my DOTY nominations:

The Magistrate for being a vile piece of human waste
That fat ass in Nevada, the 400 lbs. one who's tried every diet on the planet for 5 minutes and never spent a day in his life not complaining. Livin' large with so much hate.
Middle Finger Mom just because
11Bravo cuz it's always fun to have a military expert though all have been a big disappointment since TiT
Sabrinawhatever she's a caricature of a real human being
Nads because she's just everywhere
Pam the Jeep because she's the resident hypochondriac
kpete because she a big ****ing bitch who tries to pretend she's one of the masses from atop her gated community
And of course Councilman wannabe loser Steve Dawes, he's just been so much fun this year

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 27, 2012, 05:13:48 PM

Thank you, heart of my heart; that's much clearer now.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Revolution on November 27, 2012, 08:26:05 PM
and as this is franksolich's last year of doing the Top DUmmies

NO!!! :panic: :(
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 28, 2012, 07:50:43 AM
Okay, as of Wednesday morning, this is the line-up for the ballot.

Please check it carefully to be sure all of one's favorite primitives have been nominated; one has until about supper-time this coming Saturday to nominate.

for the Willie, enhacing the reputation of Skins's island:

EFerrari, poor stupid Beth
the military-bashing primitives
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Steve, the primitive who's his worst enemy:

demtenjeep, Pamela
Dob Bole, the new mayor
NNN0LHI, my pal grouchy old Don
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Rob, the primitive who's always hilariously funny:

Alan Grayson
Atman, Pedro Picasso, franksolich's evil twin
California Peggy, CalPig
Cyrano, Cryano (thanks to Revolution for inventing the better name)
Denninmi, the Dennis the Menace primitive
Great Caesar's Ghost
Sytematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 28, 2012, 07:58:05 AM
And for the Top DUmmies of 2012, of which twenty are selected:

big darryl

the bullies
cali, dear cali, the bitter old Vermontese primitive
DainBramaged, the brain-damaged primitive
darkangel218, the Sarah Ibarruri wannabe
demtenjeep, Pamela

grasswire, the pie-and-jam primitive
Great Caesar's Ghost

Hope Hoops
Horse With no Name, Ms. Ed the unappellated eohippus
iverglas, the anti-gun nut
kpete, the rich bitch

The Magistrate, the magisterial primitive
MiddleFingerMom, the incredible bore
Mineral Man, the mineral oil primitive
MrScorpio, McDorkio, O'Dorkio, the dork primitive

nadinbrzezinski, Vlada Mitty, the oblate spheroid
Odin2005, the aspie lad
Omaha Steve, the big guy
PCIntern, the dental office cleaning woman
Prosense, Baghdad Bob

Proud2BLibKansan, the Die alte Sau
Raven, the maternal ancestress of the Bostonian Drunkard
RB TexLa
Sabrina1, the oblate spheroid's best friend

Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, and Elad, the big three
Stinky the Clown, the sparkling old dude

SystematicChaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan
warpy, the defrocked warped primitive, she with the face like Hindenberg's
WilliamPitt, the Bostonian Drunkard
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Chris_ on November 28, 2012, 08:01:58 AM
Has the formica DUmmy, formercia, made an appearance this year?  I remember his drooling rants and his shout-out to the Cave but  I don't remember if that was this year or last year.

Funny stuff.  He deserves a nomination.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 28, 2012, 08:47:04 AM
I'd like to submit Allan Grayson for the Willie, too.  His being on the island can do nothing but 'help' both his and the island's reputations.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Karin on November 28, 2012, 10:33:17 AM
For the Rob, the hilariously funny one, I have to nominate RSmithnumbers.  Every bouncy is pure comedy gold, and the cover letter was a classic. 

I have to say, the "one's own worst enemy" award is going to be very difficult choosing. 
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Carl on November 28, 2012, 11:34:55 AM
After reading through the newest part of this thread...

I nominate ProSense for the Rob.
It is worth a look even though the DUmps idiotic posting format can make your head spin.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: wasp69 on November 28, 2012, 01:42:26 PM
I would like to take a moment and nominate W8liftinglady for DOTY.  Anyone who can present herself as a badass super woman that needs to be provided "benefits" by someone else is so cognitively dissonant that it strains credulity as to why the space/time continuum has not ripped apart.

My second nomination for DOTY is the military hating, 99% wannabe, oilfield trash, all around idiot arctic dave.  How anyone can work in a petroleum profession, in a state where you get paid for just being a citizen, and whine about the lack of govt interference is a mystery that no civilized person could ever hope to solve.

Since the fine citizens of the Cave have nominated most of my selections for the special awards, I would like to add DUmbass lunatica for the Rob.  She is so far out of phase with reality, I'd be amazed if she cast a shadow in sunlight.  Anything she types is comedy gold.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Delmar on November 28, 2012, 04:08:39 PM
I nominate zappaman for DOTY.  He doesn't really fit in with the other nominees, but I think he deserves some kind of recognition for all of the fun he provides at nadin's expense.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 28, 2012, 04:20:15 PM
I nominate zappaman for DOTY.  He doesn't really fit in with the other nominees, but I think he deserves some kind of recognition for all of the fun he provides at nadin's expense.

Well, if you want him on the ballot, he goes on the ballot.

However, I have to warn you of something.

Any time decent and civilized people say something nice about a primitive, it's the primitive's death warrant on Skins's island.

So yeah, he can go on the ballot, but I hope you give this some thought before holding to his nomination or withdrawing it.

The choice is yours, I'm here to serve, but I thought that needed pointing out.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 28, 2012, 04:26:32 PM
By the way, even though I'm not going to vote for him--conflict of interest--I need to put in a plug for one the perennial stars of the Top DUmmies, the sparkling old dude, Stinky the Clown.

He's made the Top DUmmies since forever, and it'd be a pity to see him no more.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Delmar on November 28, 2012, 04:34:25 PM
Well, if you want him on the ballot, he goes on the ballot.

However, I have to warn you of something.

Any time decent and civilized people say something nice about a primitive, it's the primitive's death warrant on Skins's island.

So yeah, he can go on the ballot, but I hope you give this some thought before holding to his nomination or withdrawing it.

The choice is yours, I'm here to serve, but I thought that needed pointing out.

I can't see him winning, but he does deserve some kind of recognition.  Maybe it could be thought of as enough of an honor for him "just to be nominated" like at the academy awards for the movies?  As I said, he doesn't really fit in with the other nominees, but he posts at DU so he's still a DUmmy, right?  I always enjoy reading his responses to nadin and I consider him a prominent DUmmy, not a lumpenprimitive and thus deserving of something--what, I'm not sure.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 28, 2012, 04:35:17 PM
I can't see him winning, but he does deserve some kind of recognition.  Maybe it could be thought of as enough of an honor for him "just to be nominated" like at the academy awards for the movies?  As I said, he doesn't really fit in with the other nominees, but he posts at DU so he's still a DUmmy, right?  I always enjoy reading his responses to nadin and I consider him a prominent DUmmy, not a lumpenprimitive and thus deserving of something--what, I'm not sure.

Okay, he's on the ballot.

I just wanted to be sure everyone understands possible ramifications for primitives.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 28, 2012, 04:39:31 PM
Okay, he's on the ballot.

I just wanted to be sure everyone understands possible ramifications for primitives.

By the way, "the bullies" is also on the ballot for the Top DUmmies.

I forget who nominated the bullies, and need clarification in case the bullies win a spot, and I have to write an award for them.

Are we talking about the oblate spheroid and her gang of thugs, or are we talking about who the oblate spheroid considers "bullies" on Skins's island?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 28, 2012, 04:57:12 PM
Okay, he's on the ballot.

I just wanted to be sure everyone understands possible ramifications for primitives.

There are people who never learned the lesson of Obamanaut.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 02:24:53 AM
I'm nominating the cbayer primitive for one of the spots as Top DUmmie of 2012.

She hasn't been really outrageous, and while she's been funny to read, she hasn't been funny in the same rib-tickling, rolling on the floor guffawing sense as Atman.

The cbayer primitive used to be called "the thread slayer" back on the old DU, where she was a moderator.

Always on the job, always quick to douse campfires before they got out of hand.

I've for a very long time thought that if franksolich knew the cbayer primitive in real life, just as with the sparkling old dude, other than her stupid politics, the cbayer primitive and franksolich would get along robustly well.

She was strongly criticized sometime this past year in the closed meta forum, and it was a wondrous thing to watch, cbayer alone against a whole lot of primitive malcontents.  The sheer force of numbers didn't intimidate her; she was rather spirited in her own defense, proving the old adage that right makes might.

However, she's a pretty typical primitive in her silly pretensions; the English husband, the esoteric cooking and baking, living on a small crowded squalid boat so as to save the planet.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 05:32:46 AM
Even though it's only Thursday morning, I'm going to wrap up my own nominations suggesting that the malarial primitive, the "malaise" primitive, would be a good fit in the top DUmmies of 2012.

Maybe not in the top ten, but at least in the top twenty somewhere.

The malarial primitive is a pompous conceited ass, although she has little about which to be vain.

She lives down in Jamaica, although she may at one time have lived temporarily in the United States.  I'm not sure if she's an American citizen, but she sure yaps and whines and complains about America and Americans as if she's "entitled" to.

The malarial primitive is of a racial group that's not to be criticized on Skins's island; but for some reason I get the impression she's got a tinge of yellow to her skin.  Perhaps what Democrats in the Old South used to call a "a yeller gal," a brash and sulky and not very bright one?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 06:36:42 AM
Excuse me folks, but we got a live one here, a primitive who's been nominated.

The primitive can kiss franksolich's Republican ass.

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: micmac on November 29, 2012, 10:02:30 AM
Has there ever been an award for best suspected mole?  That could be fun.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 10:08:35 AM
Has there ever been an award for best suspected mole?  That could be fun.

Moles have been nominated, and in two or three cases actually won a spot in the Top DUmmies of some particular year.

However, it's never a good idea to expose moles, as they're on our side.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: njpines on November 29, 2012, 11:03:47 AM
Moles have been nominated, and in two or three cases actually won a spot in the Top DUmmies of some particular year.

However, it's never a good idea to expose moles, as they're on our side.

That's some good mole-ing!!  :-)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Karin on November 29, 2012, 12:56:30 PM
Are they still alive?  Y/N?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 12:57:59 PM
Are they still alive?  Y/N?

I'll have to check the list.

Back later, like later this afternoon.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 04:34:24 PM
Are they still alive?  Y/N?

I carefully checked the list of past winners, which is to be found here:,66225.0.html

In answer to your question, madam, yes and no.

I hope that helps.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 29, 2012, 07:29:31 PM
Coach's favorite:

My fave:

Grasswipe is an addled old lady, bundled in multiple overcoats, mumbling to herself about pie shops, franksolich, and PayPal.

Nadin is an offensive, obnoxious, hilarious, raving lunatic.

To me, the choice is clear, but anyone who can get proud2BDUmb elected DOTY has a lot of clout.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 29, 2012, 07:34:27 PM
To me, the choice is clear, but anyone who can get proud2BDUmb elected DOTY has a lot of clout.

You know, it needs pointed out however that the year the Die alte Sau made Top DUmmie (2010) was the only time the selections went my way.

<<doesn't have nearly as much clout as alleged.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 30, 2012, 10:04:18 AM
Coach's favorite:


Grasswipe is an addled old lady, bundled in multiple overcoats, mumbling to herself about pie shops, franksolich, and PayPal.

To me, the choice is clear, but anyone who can get proud2BDUmb elected DOTY has a lot of clout.

I just took an informal poll; it's discouraging, as even the Las Vegas Leviathan seems to be ahead of the pie-and-jam primitive for inclusion among the Top DUmmies of 2012.

So much for franksolich's "clout."
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 30, 2012, 12:47:52 PM
So much for franksolich's "clout."
"Clout" is when you can put a round red sodomite in the ground from a thousand miles away.

I think coach protests too much.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tucker on November 30, 2012, 03:32:42 PM
DUmmy of the year.

10-Iverglas for getting ts'd- Once skimmer got corporate sponsors, he didn't need her money. After he TSed her, he realized he still needed the little people.

9-Cali for keeping her personal info private while still managing to be a condescending bitch. I like the old gals though.

8-Hoyt for getting herself banned from the gungeon. She posts negative gun stuff in GD but it gets moved to the gungeon, where she can't go.

7-Madfloridian for finally giving up on andrea and sneaking back to the DUmp, hoping no one had noticed that she had left.

6-Systematic Chaos- AKA Las Vegas Leviathan- AKA Kirk- Had a so-so year but still better than most of the dreks. Loved his advice on how to beg for a star.

5-W8liftinglady- My benevolent benefactor.

4-HockeyMom- for being one of the biggest liars at the DUmp. That takes some real effort. One day she's in FL with her Republican husband. The next day she in in NY in the middle of the hurricane with no power and back in FL the next day.
Gonna keep a close eye on her next year. She's good.

3-Alan Grayson- has a bigger dickhead ever been born? Would love to see him win something. Send it to his DC office.

2-Dr. nadin- She's so well know that Google was renamed in her honor.

1-Omaha Steve- AKA Neckbeard- His half-assed attempt at a political seat was the stuff legends are made of.

The “Willie”

Alan Grayson- Him using DU as a GOTV and begging for donations from DUmmies who don't have a collective 3.98.

The “Steve”

Gotta be Neckbeard- His campaign and our counter campaign was a beautiful thing to behold.

The "Rob."

Dr. Nadin- Her traveling all over SoCal in the name of first hand reporting. Almost getting killed in a fire was a bonus.


Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 30, 2012, 03:47:30 PM
Tucker, I gotta tell you, every year, every single year, you compile one of the most-excellent slates of nominations.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 30, 2012, 04:16:57 PM
Okay, as of Friday, about 24 hours before nominations close, this is the line-up for the ballot.

Please check it carefully to be sure all of one's favorite primitives have been nominated.

for the Willie, enhancing the reputation of Skins's island:

Alan Grayson
EFerrari, poor stupid Beth
the military-bashing primitives
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Steve, the primitive who's his worst enemy:

demtenjeep, Pamela
Dob Bole, the new mayor
NNN0LHI, my pal grouchy old Don
Omaha Steve, the big guy
Systematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan

for the Rob, the primitive who's always hilariously funny:

Alan Grayson
Atman, Pedro Picasso, franksolich's evil twin
California Peggy, CalPig
Cyrano, Cryano (thanks to Revolution for inventing the better name)
Denninmi, the Dennis the Menace primitive
Great Caesar's Ghost
nadinbrzezinski, the oblate spheroid, Vlada Mitty
Prosense, Baghdad Bob
Sytematic Chaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on November 30, 2012, 04:23:01 PM
And for the Top DUmmies of 2012, of which twenty are selected:

Arctic Dave

big darryl
the bullies
cali, dear cali, the bitter old Vermontese primitive
cbayer, the Bayer aspirin primitive
DainBramaged, the brain-damaged primitive

darkangel218, the Sarah Ibarruri wannabe
demtenjeep, Pamela
formercia, the formica primitive

grasswire, the pie-and-jam primitive
Great Caesar's Ghost
Hockey Mom
Hope Hoops

Horse With no Name, Ms. Ed the unappellated eohippus
iverglas, the anti-gun nut
kpete, the rich bitch

The Magistrate, the magisterial primitive
malaise, the malarial primitive, the yeller gal
MiddleFingerMom, the incredible bore

Mineral Man, the mineral oil primitive
MrScorpio, McDorkio, O'Dorkio, the dork primitive
nadinbrzezinski, Vlada Mitty, the oblate spheroid
Odin2005, the aspie lad
Omaha Steve, the big guy

PCIntern, the dental office cleaning woman
Prosense, Baghdad Bob
Proud2BLibKansan, the Die alte Sau
Raven, the maternal ancestress of the Bostonian Drunkard
RB TexLa

Sabrina1, the oblate spheroid's best friend
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, and Elad, the big three

Stinky the Clown, the sparkling old dude
SystematicChaos, the Las Vegas Leviathan
w8liftinglady, the generous benefactor

warpy, the defrocked warped primitive, she with the face like Hindenberg's
WilliamPitt, the Bostonian Drunkard
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tucker on November 30, 2012, 05:20:47 PM
That is a distinguishing list. Skimmer should be proud.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Delmar on November 30, 2012, 09:56:18 PM
I'd like to sneak a couple more DOTY nominations in before the lock:

1StrongBlackMan, probably a white, pimply faced OWS type that tells lame bouncy balls.

Major Hogwash, for blaming Rush for the Colorado movie theatre theater shooting.

edited to change pretentious wanna be continental DUmmy type spelling to a more american spelling.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on December 01, 2012, 04:40:42 AM
That is a distinguishing list. Skimmer should be proud.

For a down year, for a year noted by lackluster primitive performance, I agree; it's a pretty solid list, higher quality than what I'd expected ten days ago.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 01, 2012, 06:37:13 AM
That is a distinguishing list. Skimmer should be proud.

Distinguishing, disgusting--it's all the same.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on December 01, 2012, 06:48:00 AM
Distinguishing, disgusting--it's all the same.

Who do you suppose is going to win the Top Spot, the Number One DUmmie of 2012?

In about twelve hours from now, this leaves franksolich's hands and goes into the hands of Mr. Wiggum, who starts counting the votes over the next ten days.

Mr. Wiggum of course is of impeccable, undeniable character and integrity, but I'm contemplating sending him a crate of Florida oranges, or a jug of Haig & Haig whiskey, or twenty pounds of Omaha Steaks, to see if he'll count the votes the way I want it to turn out.

It's the Democrat way.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 01, 2012, 08:01:07 AM
Who do you suppose is going to win the Top Spot, the Number One DUmmie of 2012?

In about twelve hours from now, this leaves franksolich's hands and goes into the hands of Mr. Wiggum, who starts counting the votes over the next ten days.

Mr. Wiggum of course is of impeccable, undeniable character and integrity, but I'm contemplating sending him a crate of Florida oranges, or a jug of Haig & Haig whiskey, or twenty pounds of Omaha Steaks, to see if he'll count the votes the way I want it to turn out.

It's the Democrat way.

As much as I want to see someone else hit the Top spot, I think that we might have a consecutive-repeat winner. :banghead: :rant:
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tucker on December 01, 2012, 08:44:47 AM
As much as I want to see someone else hit the Top spot, I think that we might have a consecutive-repeat winner. :banghead: :rant:

I'm pulling for the neckbeard.

Since we're dealing with democrats, can I vote twice?
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: Tucker on December 01, 2012, 10:25:12 AM
No Elephants should get the "Last one out, turn out the lights" award. (non existent award)
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on December 01, 2012, 12:00:47 PM
No Elephants should get the "Last one out, turn out the lights" award. (non existent award)

Yeah, it's stupid, how some primitives cling to the old DU, but I guess it shouldn't be surprising, given that a principal characteristic of primitivity is that of being fossilized, petrified, on the brain-cells.

They don't like change.  They can't handle it.  They want things to go on and on forever as they've always gone on.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 01, 2012, 01:49:29 PM
Nutcase nadin's hairdresser has done a masterful job with what she had to work with.

In fact, this hairstyle won an award for excellence, displayed here by the crazy bald dwarf herself.

Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on December 01, 2012, 05:14:40 PM
Forty-five minutes to go, and then this is shutting down.
Title: Re: nominating thread (11-21 through 12-01) for Top DUmmies of 2012
Post by: franksolich on December 01, 2012, 06:07:03 PM
Nominations for the Top DUmmies of 2012 are now locked.

This nominating thread will stay "stickied" along with the voting thread, for the next ten days, until voting is over, in case anyone needs more information on a primitive.

The voting thread will be launched tomorrow, Sunday, December 2, and voting will be allowed until about supper-time Wednesday, December 12.

Thank you to all who participated!