The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => The DUmping Ground => Topic started by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:26:28 AM

Title: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closed)
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:26:28 AM
Welcome to the Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011!

Voting begins now, Sunday December 4, and ends at 11:59 p.m. central time Wednesday December 14.

Mr. Wiggum counts the votes and franksolich writes the awards; there is an ironclad wall between the two of us involving these functions, neither knowing exactly what’s going to happen until it happens.  Mr. Wiggum and I like some excitement too, and if we both knew all, there’d be no excitement for us.

One may publicly vote on this thread, or on the Official Voting Thread at the brother site, or one may vote privately via e-mail to Mr. Wiggum at  The voting is open to all members of conservativeunderground and conservativecave, and to all regular commenters on P-J Comix’s most-excellent DUmmie Funnies, although in the third instance, one can only vote via e-mail.

The votes are counted by Mr. Wiggum between December 14, and December 24, and the awards are written and given out by franksolich between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, generally two of them per day.  It all makes for a very festive Christmas season.

After one has voted, but it’s still before the deadline of December 14, and one wishes to change one’s votes, one is free to do so.  However, one must explicitly state that it is a change, an alteration, from how one has voted before, so as to ameliorate any problems with the counting.

If you change your votes, make it clear you’re changing your votes.

Tentatively, the schedule is this:

24 December—top Dummies #11-20 (one thread)
25 December—the Willie
25 December—the newbie
25 December—the broken elbow
25 December—the golden bong
26 December—top DUmmie #10
26 December—top DUmmie #09
27 December—top DUmmie #08
27 December—top DUmmie #07
28 December—top DUmmie #06
28 December—top DUmmie #05
29 December—top DUmmie #04
29 December—top DUmmie #03
30 December—top DUmmie #02
31 December—top DUmmie of 2011
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:29:26 AM
It is with some regret that franksolich had to exercise his own judgement and disqualify some nominees for the special awards (but NOT nominees for the top Dummies) because they didn’t meet the criteria for the award.

The most-common deletions were for the newbie award, in which DUmmies who had in fact been recognized in past years were eliminated—the award is for DUmmies never heard of, or never paid attention to, prior to this past year; new names.

cali was nominated a few times for the golden bong award, but deleted because what cali did, all cali did, during the past year, she was utterly credible; there was no instance of her making something up, and the award is for DUmmies indulging in creative story-telling—in other words, lying or stretching the truth, usually so as to make the individual DUmmie look good.

cali is remembered for having gotten herself fired from her occasional part-time job—and because of a DUmmie, no less—but that was no bouncy, no made-up tale.  That was cali sticking her foot into her mouth, with less-than-desirable consequences to herself.  Perhaps next year there can be a foot-in-the-mouth award, but this year there isn’t.

Tavener was more of a grey area, for the broken elbow award, which is given the DUmmie who drove one nuts the most with his or her whining and complaining the past year; a DUmmie who really got on one’s nerves, all the bitching and moaning he or she did.

The drug-addled freeloading Taverner has been many things this past year, but one is hard-pressed to describe him as a “whiner,” he’s just overwhelmingly a drug-addled freeloading DUmmie.  He doesn’t even come near to the bawling and griping of the other DUmmies nominated for this award.

As unqualified DUmmies could dilute votes for qualified DUmmies, franksolich on his own did this; if anyone has any complaints, bring down the wrath upon franksolich’s, and only franksolich’s, shoulders.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:30:39 AM
For the Willie, the award given the DUmmie who’s done the most, throughout this year and past years, to enhance the reputation and good name of democraticunderground (i.e., a primitive who made Skins’s island look good, real good):


911 forum
Alan Grayson
Andy Stephenson
atheist forum
Israel/Palestinian forum
Omaha Steve
sabrina 1
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
underground panther
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:31:42 AM
For the newbie, the award given a DUmmie who hasn’t ever heretofore been noticed by decent and civilized people; a new face, or at least a mug that’s been around for a while, but hasn’t ever been in any of the Top DUmmie awards past years:


Sub Atomic
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:32:55 AM
For the broken elbow, the award given the DUmmie who’s most grated on one, gotten on one’s nerves, by his or her constant whining, complaining, moaning, bitching, carrying on:


Firebrand Gary
Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
Systematic Chaos
The Straight Story
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:34:05 AM
For the golden bouncy, the award given the DUmmie who wrote the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies, during this past year, 2011:


Dreamer Tatum
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
Twix Voy
underground panther
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 09:35:49 AM
And finally, for the Top DUmmies of 2011; there’s two standards one can use when voting—(a) a primitive who especially impressed one, for any reason or reasons, during 2011 or (b) a primitive who’s usually been pretty reticent in past years, but it’s about time the primitive got recognized and rewarded for his or her yeoman’s work:


note: incumbents in bold

bobbolink (#04 top DUmmie)
Cyrano (#18 top DUmmie)
DainBramaged (#07 top DUmmie)
Eferrari (#03 top DUmmie)
Horse With no Name
Judi Lynn
kentuck (#13 top DUmmie)
Larry R. Burks
Mineral Man (#19 top DUmmie)
nadinbrzezinski (#17 top DUmmie)
Omaha Steve
Proud2BlibKansan (top DUmmie)
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown (#02 top DUmmie)
Sub Atomic
Tavener (#14 top DUmmie)
The Straight Story
underground panther (#09 top DUmmie)
William Pitt
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Carl on December 04, 2011, 10:09:41 AM
Asking for a clarification Frank and if this was explained earlier and I missed it my apologies.

Is the voting going to be counted as a total or are we to vote for individual slots?
My thinking is that while I would consider the dude worthy of a position I don`t think he should be DUmmy of the year but if he gets the most mentions he will be unless the votes are specified for a distinct position.

No matter regardless but will affect how many votes a person may decide to cast.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 10:13:52 AM
Asking for a clarification Frank and if this was explained earlier and I missed it my apologies.

Is the voting going to be counted as a total or are we to vote for individual slots?
My thinking is that while I would consider the dude worthy of a position I don`t think he should be DUmmy of the year but if he gets the most mentions he will be unless the votes are specified for a distinct position.

No matter regardless but will affect how many votes a person may decide to cast.

You didn't miss anything, sir.

One votes for one each in the special awards.

One votes for ten in the Top DUmmies.

Votes for the Top DUmmies are simply totalled, nothing more.

One doesn't "rank" DUmmies when voting for them; one just votes for ten, and leaves it go at that.

A DUmmie's rank in the top ten depends upon its total votes overall.

This is the way it's aways been done; there's been talk before of having voters "rank" DUmmies, but that's a great deal of time and trouble in counting.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 10:25:16 AM

I'll open the voting, sir, as an example.

These are my votes for the Top DUmmies; I'll cast votes for the special awards later:

Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown

Notice, please, I didn't rank them; this is just a list of primitives I found especially remarkable during 2011.

And notice also there's a "strategy" here; I of course think Doug's stupid ex-wife and the yenta were remarkable in 2011, but I'm not voting for them as top primitives; I'll be voting for them for one of the special awards.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: tanstaafl on December 04, 2011, 10:46:14 AM
After partaking of a biscuit/pancake and sausage breakfast at the local American Legion hall with several of my brothers and some of their families, I find that the election is in full swing. As this is my first ever DUmmy Awards referendum I am exercising my right to vote, as qauranteed by franchise, the mere fact that I have joined the CC.

For the Willie, my choice (and I pray to the heavens above it's her only award):


Who has kept us so wonderfully informed of any and all disasters right up the the most vile and DUmmy humiliating, the Occupy movement. Too bad that nads couldn't actually stay at the OSD encampment for any overnights. But she kept in touch by twitter and was able to propagate several rumors that fizzled before her (and our) very eyes.

For the newbie


Could this n00b be nads' twin? Maybe a deep cover sockpuppet of nads? Who knows, she seemed to be in an almost mechanical lockstep with nads on a lot of nads' disaster OPs.

For the broken elbow

Omaha Steve

To me, there is only one choice. Plus it may be possible for the Weeping Husker to garner a repeat next year as he whines like a electric motor with a bad bearing following his sure to be third place finish in a two man race in Bellvue NE city council elections next Fall.

For the golden bouncy

Sarah Ibarruri

What can one say. Put off as I am that she never successfully concluded her tale of woe, touched with a bit of sexual one upmanship, about her Rethug Boyfriend that was so good to her and a regular stud in bed, I cast my vote for Sarah because when the Rethug Boyfriend saga stopped, we saw her cheerleading the NAGs.

for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (In no particular order of distaste.)

cali For wallduding herself after bragging about the Foo-Foo Teahouse, then dragging her butt down a sodden lane when she broke her leg in an obvious drunken adventure at home.

cbayer No. 1 thread killer. Nobody can kill a thread like cbayer, the thread slayer.

DainBramaged An idiot, extraordinaire. What more can I say.

grasswire Exactly how many coats can one woman wear while shuffling down the streets of Milwaukie pulling a little red wagon? Hey, grasswire! How's the Pie Shop coming along?

Horse With no Name Did your idiot kid get a job yet? When can I get an appointment to have someone's dick inspected at the trailer? I got to avenge some things.

mike_c No Comment.

Omaha Steve Whiny b*stard. Make sure you brag about this award in your campaign pamphlet.

Raven Only because your drolling, slacked jawed kid could barely get himself a sympathy nomination. Hey! Get a new job yet?

W8liftinglady You only get my vote because some unterprimitivem mentioned me in your weak-assed shoutout thread at the DUmp. And you were another of the nads appreciation gang, what I call the NAGS. So, how did the trial go with you vandalizing daughter?

The Straight Story Not just another slobbering milquetoast, but a slobbering milquetoast with no talent!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Chris_ on December 04, 2011, 10:49:07 AM
I am exercising my right to vote, as qauranteed by franchise, the mere fact that I have joined the CC.
Voting is open to guests and non-members as well. :tongue:

one may vote privately via e-mail to Mr. Wiggum at 

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: tanstaafl on December 04, 2011, 10:56:47 AM
Voting is open to guests and non-members as well. :tongue:

TY chris_, I agree.

I was explaining my participation, others may do as they please.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Freeper on December 04, 2011, 11:46:39 AM
And as always Diebold will be counting the votes.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 12:28:36 PM
And as always Diebold will be counting the votes.

Now, Mr. Wiggum makes Abe Lincoln look dishonest.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 12:34:27 PM

Now that, sir, is a most excellent presentation of votes.  Congratulations!

By the way, as with the nomination thread, campaigning for a certain primitive for a certain award is eminently allowable, although by the time we reach this point, it's pretty late in the day.  It's okay though.

But remember to clearly delineate one's votes from other comments. 

Neither Mr. Wiggum nor franksolich like hanging chads; we like the votes to be plainly obvious.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 04, 2011, 12:42:15 PM
I think it's very fishy that nadin is absent from the DUmp this weekend.

Knowing full well when the polls open, and knowing that decent and civilized people will vote early and often, she's trying to skew
vote totals away from her candidacy, despite being clearly the most contemptible DUmpmonkey since TiT's heyday.

She's decided the embarrassment of winning Top DUmmy outweighs the attention it will command.

It's understandable. Would you want to be mentioned in the same breath with Ann Pritchett, Pam Dawson, and TiT?

Vote nadin. Trust me, I know.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Minky on December 04, 2011, 01:07:54 PM
Is campaigning so close to the polls allowed?  :lmao:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 01:09:22 PM
Is campaigning so close to the polls allowed?  :lmao:

Until 11:59 p.m. central time, Wednesday, December 14, it is.

But it's kind of late in the day.

Usually the "campaigning"'s done on the nomination thread, but it's okay here too--but remember when voting, to clearly state one's voting, not just commenting.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 02:44:59 PM
I'm going to do a little last-minute campaigning on behalf of one of my pet favorites this year:

NNN0LHI--Don, the grouchy old primitive, from Chicago.

Don, who's 58, almost 59, years old, is a former autoworker who retired at the age of 48 years, having spent the requisite 30 years working the assembly lines.  That's a little early to retire, and most don't have that luxury, but no need to begrudge Don; he followed the rules, kept his nose clean.

Don had anticipated 30, 40, years of living in retired luxury; after all, his pension was good.

But ten years after retirement, Don's finding his modest house in Chicago is costing him more in local property taxes per month, than what his whole mortgage ever amounted to.  It's very possible if property taxes in Chicago keep increasing at the same pace, by the time Don's 68, a mere twenty years after he retired with a good pension, he'll either be homeless or have to take a job greeting customers at Wal-Mart, to pay those taxes.

And that's just Don's taxes regarding his real-estate; other local, county, and state taxes in Illinois continue skyrocketing, and Don's pretty much giving the machine as much money as he's keeping himself.

But it's Don's own fault.

Ever since he got to vote about forty years ago, Don's been a hearty and stalwart supporter of the machine; he figured if he'd take care of the machine, the machine'd take care of him.

Oooops.  The machine's not taking care of Don in his approaching old age.

One wonders what's up with that.

There is however an element of humor in Don's predicament.  Actually two.  For one, Don persists in blaming the Republicans of Chicago and Cook County and Illinois for his problems, as if the Republicans there had any say in how things are run.

The other is that Don, in his approaching old age with its flawed nostalgia, constantly confuses the hard times of the 1970s with Ronald Reagan and the Republicans, and the good times of the 1980s with Jimmy Carter and the Democrats.

So this is my plea to other voters to help me in electing grouchy old Don one of the top primitives of 2011; he's long overdue for the honor.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 04, 2011, 05:17:20 PM
No use delaying.

I'll get the vote out there and maybe influence a vote or two with my nominee's.

Willie- Redstone, posthumously.

newbie- MiddleFingerMom- Male living in AZ. This guy is truly certifiable.

broken elbow
- Systematic Chaos- Changing my vote here. He hasn't mentioned Jeanette in a while now.

golden bouncy- snoutport- His bird on a stretcher is the best in years. it should be in the DUmbass hall of fame.

Top DUmmies of 2011
- I'm going to limit it to the top 5. The also rans can fight it out amongst themselves.


4- Taverner

3- Stinkythe Clown (He needs to pick it up next year)

2- Horse with no brain (If her offspring would register, she would be a hands down winner of the newbie)

1- Omaha Ed Norton- He began his campaign for this award before last years college Bowl games were played.

(later, on edit)

I have reconsidered and have decided to add the following 5 DUmmies to my DOTY selection.

6- Sarah Ibarruri- Conservative play toy.

7- snoutport

8- Iverglas- Disbarred canadian lawyer and gun grabber.

9- SidDithers

10- Beth
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Delmar on December 04, 2011, 06:04:35 PM
Could someone please refresh my feeble memory on which DUmmy it was a few months back that was revealed to have claimed membership in almost every conceivable religion that there is over a period of just a few short years?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 06:34:10 PM
Willie- Redstone, posthumously.

You know, Tucker, sir, next year, in the manner of corporations that attach their names to football bowl games, this annual contest will be the "Redstone Memorial Top DUmmies of 2012," and for every year thereafter, in commemoration of the Great Primitive Ever, to habituate Skins's island.

The late Chief S itting Bull is truly worthy of the Willie, but one is compelled to think things over.

Now, the Bostonian Drunkard, bobbolink, and TomInTit aren't eligible for the Willie, having won it in past years.

The list of candidates for this year's Willie is outstanding, but one name stands above them all.

And thus I'm compelled to cast my vote for EFerrari for the Willie.

As most here know, Doug's stupid ex-wife and franksolich go back a long way, and so intimately. 

The purpose of the Willie is to reward a primitive who's done a great deal--not only this year, but in all past years--to enhance the reputation and good name of Skins's island.

EFerrari, first as sfexpat2000 and then as EFerrari, has thus far garnered circa half a million comments on Skins's island, despite that she joined late, in November 2004, after the presidential election of that year.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe she's the all-time champion poster there.

And it was remarkable how she, in just a few short months, had Skins, EarlG, and Elad wrapped around her little finger; they did everything she wanted them to do, and she wanted them to do a lot of things.  It was as if she had some sort of "power" over them, a power no primitive, other than collectively the unhappy gay primitives, has ever had.  EFerrari can get away with anything on Skins's island.

There was the Scamdal of May, June, July 2005, her ill-fated and much-publicized attempt to get some bucks to rescue her mother's real-estate from its mire of debt, and perhaps probably to pay some of the expenses involved with her then-husband, and the subsequent divorce.  The illness of the late red round one was the superficial excuse, but really, the scam was for this other thing.

Even though she came out of that looking like an idiot, EFerrari has since then gone on with no shame, no embarrassment, at all, as if the Scamdal hadn't happened.  Her activities on Skins's island still persist, covering a wider range of terrain than before.

But there's something else here; a personal plea.  To me, it seems important that EFerrari get the Willie this year, because the cerebral deterioration in her--she chomps down handfuls of mood-altering pharmaceuticals like most people dine on popcorn--has been showing for quite some time. 

If she has to wait until next year to win the Willie, it might be too late, all of her cerebral veins permanently petrified and fossilized.  I think it would be good for EFerrari to get the award while she's still at least slightly compos mentis, so she can understand she's won an award, and the prestige and honor connected with it.

Giving an award to a person on the other side of senility seems a little bit cold.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 04, 2011, 07:20:06 PM
I'm unsure about any rumors as to a suicide or not. It really doesn't matter. Redstone was a powder keg waiting to explode. There was an aneurysm with his name all over it. He was dead before the body knew when to lay down.

Beth's stupidity isn't going anywhere. She will be in the running for years to come.

Besides, it's not nice to pick on the mentally challenged.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 07:25:35 PM
Beth's stupidity isn't going anywhere. She will be in the running for years to come.

Besides, it's not nice to pick on the mentally challenged.

By the way, I'm not trying to get you to change your vote; as I said, it's a good vote, a great vote, and the late Chief S itting Bull's a stellar candidate for the Willie.

But given your comment, I thought it would be good for me, on my side, to argue the "humanitarian" angle of voting for my candidate, to tug at heart-strings reminding other voters that next year might be too late for Beth, that by next year she'll probably be totally gaga and unable to appreciate the award.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 07:28:11 PM
Could someone please refresh my feeble memory on which DUmmy it was a few months back that was revealed to have claimed membership in almost every conceivable religion that there is over a period of just a few short years?

Now, that one's news to me.

Perhaps someone else can identify.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Evil_Conservative on December 04, 2011, 07:42:06 PM
Willie - Stinky the Clown

Newbie - socialist_in_TN

Broken Elbow - Omaha Steve

Golden Bouncy - Sarah Ibarruri

Top DUmmies

- Horse with no Name
- kpete
- cali
- DainBramaged
- Mineral Man
- grasswire
- nadinbrzezinski
- progressiveinaction
- Sub Atomic
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 04, 2011, 07:56:39 PM

As you know, madam, lots and lots of lurking primitives read this thread; in fact, by the time it's over and done with, it'll be one of the top threads in the DUmpster, just like similar ones from past years.

And there's an educational lesson (for the primitives; decent and civilized people already know this stuff) here.

Probably what's going to happen is Tucker is going to battle for his candidate for the Willie, and franksolich is going to battle just as hardly for his candidate.  It's probably a pretty good guess that neither of us is going to budge; we'll go to the bitter end.

And it's a disagreement over a pretty important issue.




Unlike the primitives, decent and civilized people don't let such things interfere with friendship; friends don't demand that everybody think as they do; one can be friends even in the presence of serious disagreement.

Probably the primitives don't know this, but Tucker and franksolich go back a very long way, a friendship and association based upon more than just ideology.  A serious disagreement between the two of us isn't even going to cause a ripple in relations between us.

And so as mentioned, probably the next ten days the two of us are going to fight over this, neither of us giving ground.  But after it's over, no matter who the winner is, there's going to continue, as there always has been, that mutual respect for, and confidence in, each other.

You know this stuff, and other members here know this stuff, but surely it must blow the minds of primitives away, this notion that one can disagree and still be good and close friends.

The primitives should stick that up their rectal apertures and contemplate it.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Revolution on December 04, 2011, 10:57:44 PM

Skinner, EarlG, Elad

These were my 3 finalists. Ultimately, I voted for The BIG 3. Ironic, huh?

Golden Bouncy

Sarah Ibarruri

Broken Elbow

Omaha Stevie



Top DUmmies of 2011

Horse With no Name
Judi Lynn
Larry R. Burks
Mineral Man
nadinbrzezinski -#1 IMHO
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown  
Sub Atomic
The Straight Story
underground panther
William Pitt
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BattleHymn on December 05, 2011, 12:01:58 AM
There were so many good choices this year.  I've settled on these:






The Weeper (Omaha Steve)


Dreamer Tatum


The Weeper (Omaha Steve)



Sarah Ibarruri


Horse With no Name

NNNOLHI, on coach's advice.  I'm pretty indifferent between this primitive and kentuck, which is who this spot would have went to otherwise.


Finally, last but not least, nadinbrzezinski.  I wasn't going to vote for her for anything, but GOBUCKS' appeal convinced me, and so I put her name out there for my final vote. 

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 05, 2011, 12:28:22 AM
Is campaigning so close to the polls allowed?  :lmao:


Now copy my votes!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 05, 2011, 12:33:20 AM
Here are my votes:

911 forum


Broken Elbow
Horse With no Name

Golden Bouncy
Dreamer Tatum

Top DUmmies of 2011
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Sub Atomic

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 05, 2011, 12:33:44 AM
I really wanted to cheat and vote for Sarah 10 times.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: diesel driver on December 05, 2011, 04:32:40 AM
For the "Willie", I vote for the - 911 forum.  It's nice to keep the "crazies" in one nice, small, easily watched area.

For the "Newbie" - socialist_in_TN.  A resident of a bordering state.  He lives a little close to me for comfort, but it's nice to know "they" are out there, and where "they" are.  

For the "Broken Elbow" - The Straight Story.  Now, maybe, he can get those sky diving lessions to his ex-wife.

For the "Golden Bouncy" - 11bravo.  He's full of "Bravo Sierra".

And now (drum roll), for DOTY, my top 10 is -
Mineral Man,
Eferrari (always a DUmmies' DUmmie),
kentuck, (Border state resident.  Just keepin' it "in the hood")
Proud2BlibKansan (I weep for the generation that has her for a teacher),
nadinbrzezinski (Google's #1 customer in 2011),
Horse With no Name (vile creature),
Omaha Steve (Fat, DUmb, and Lazy is no way to go thru life, son.),
Sarah Ibarruri,
ThomWV (Another native of a bordering state.  He MUST live in the northern part of WV, because the ones I know in the southern part are NOTHING like him!)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 08:42:21 AM

Uh, Revolution, sir, please re-cast your ten votes for the top primitives.

You've got 20 in red, 15 in black, which isn't computing.

I know what your problem is, no need to worry.

But we need ten names.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on December 05, 2011, 09:39:37 AM
Could someone please refresh my feeble memory on which DUmmy it was a few months back that was revealed to have claimed membership in almost every conceivable religion that there is over a period of just a few short years?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 05, 2011, 10:11:52 AM
I just noticed there's no nomination this year for Adbot, a perennial contender.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 05, 2011, 10:14:32 AM
For the Willie, the award given the DUmmie who’s done the most, throughout this year and past years, to enhance the reputation and good name of democraticunderground (i.e., a primitive who made Skins’s island look good, real good):

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 05, 2011, 10:16:27 AM
For the newbie, the award given a DUmmie who hasn’t ever heretofore been noticed by decent and civilized people; a new face, or at least a mug that’s been around for a while, but hasn’t ever been in any of the Top DUmmie awards past years:


Sub Atomic

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 05, 2011, 10:17:48 AM
For the broken elbow, the award given the DUmmie who’s most grated on one, gotten on one’s nerves, by his or her constant whining, complaining, moaning, bitching, carrying on:


Stinky the Clown

Stinky the Clown
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 05, 2011, 10:18:40 AM
For the golden bouncy, the award given the DUmmie who wrote the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies, during this past year, 2011:


Dreamer Tatum
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
Twix Voy
underground panther

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 05, 2011, 10:21:59 AM
And finally, for the Top DUmmies of 2011; there’s two standards one can use when voting—(a) a primitive who especially impressed one, for any reason or reasons, during 2011 or (b) a primitive who’s usually been pretty reticent in past years, but it’s about time the primitive got recognized and rewarded for his or her yeoman’s work:


note: incumbents in bold

bobbolink (#04 top DUmmie)
Cyrano (#18 top DUmmie)
DainBramaged (#07 top DUmmie)
Eferrari (#03 top DUmmie)
Horse With no Name
Judi Lynn
kentuck (#13 top DUmmie)
Larry R. Burks
Mineral Man (#19 top DUmmie)
nadinbrzezinski (#17 top DUmmie)
Omaha Steve
Proud2BlibKansan (top DUmmie)
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown (#02 top DUmmie)
Sub Atomic
Tavener (#14 top DUmmie)
The Straight Story
underground panther (#09 top DUmmie)
William Pitt

Eferrari (#03 top DUmmie)
Judi Lynn
nadinbrzezinski (#17 top DUmmie)
(top DUmmie)
Stinky the Clown (#02 top DUmmie)
Tavener (#14 top DUmmie)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 10:22:06 AM
I just noticed there's no nomination this year for Adbot, a perennial contender.

Calpeg as well.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: whiffleball on December 05, 2011, 10:34:33 AM
Newbie - fire_walk_with_me

Willie - lonestarnot

Golden Bong - Sarah Ibarruri

Broken Elbow - Horse With No Name

For DOTY - -

Skinner/Elad/Earl G
Omaha Steve
The Straight Story
Stinky the Clown


                         !!!!!!!!! JUST SAY "NO" TO NADIN FOR DOTY !!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on December 05, 2011, 10:42:20 AM
For the Willie:


For the newbie:

Sub Atomic (middlefingermom came in a close 2nd)

For the broken elbow:


For the golden bouncy:

Sarah Ibarruri

Top DUmmies of 2011
Sub Atomic
underground panther
Omaha Steve<-------Needs to at least win one election
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Carl on December 05, 2011, 10:44:57 AM

911 forum



broken elbow


golden bouncy


Top DUmmies of 2011

Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Stinky the Clown
underground panther
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: RWKindaGuy on December 05, 2011, 11:04:08 AM
Newbie - White_Wolf

Willie - Tavener

Golden Bong - Sarah Ibarruri

Broken Elbow - Sub-Atomic

For DOTY - -

Omaha Steve
The Straight Story
Stinky the Clown
Mineral Man

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 11:46:45 AM
I gotta ask, what's with all of these votes for Sarah Ibarruri for the Golden Bong?

I didn't take her tales as a bouncy. I think that her stories are true. No stretching or embellishment.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: USA4ME on December 05, 2011, 12:38:37 PM
Top 10:

Stinky a/k/a hubs2sparkly

Willie - Redstone (I wrote a poem to him on his on-line memorial book explaining how stupid he, and liberals in general, are and he gave me the best response he could by keeping his idiot mouth shut.  For that, he gets a vote.)

Noob - Socialist_n_TN

Broken Elbow - Stinky a/k/a hubs2sparkly

Golden bouncy - Horse with no Brain

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 05, 2011, 01:38:41 PM
I gotta ask, what's with all of these votes for Sarah Ibarruri for the Golden Bong?

I didn't take her tales as a bouncy. I think that her stories are true. No stretching or embellishment.

I'm surprised there's not more votes for her for the DOTY, but I also think she's a mole too, so I guess bouncy would fit LOL! DreamerTatum's bouncy mocking the bouncy's was pure gold.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 02:05:06 PM
DUmmie nadinbrzezinski is my choice for DUmmie of the Year. There, I've said it. I'm committed. The Rubik's Cube has been crossed. I will ride this horse till the cows come home and reach their tipping point.

Now I know many people have an animus against Know-it-all Nadin. True, she is condescending, annoying, and paranoid, and she talks out her ass half the time. (The other half, she merely mangles what she finds on the google.) But these are the very qualities--the very qualities, I say!--that make her so amusing and so DOTY-worthy. So I urge you: VOTE NADIN.

Look at her body of work since last year's DUmmie of the Year competition. These are the DUFUs I have done in which Know-it-all Nadin was the featured performer (I include a DUFU from December 17, 2010, since that was after the DOTY deadline of last year):

DUmmie FUnnies 12-17-10 (Know-it-all Nadin makes late run for DUmmie of Year! PLUS breaking news!) (
DUmmie FUnnies 02-02-11 (Palinoia strikes deep: DUmmies DUped by Palin-invade-Egypt spoof!) (
DUmmie FUnnies 02-03-11 (Know-it-all Nadin off to strong start for DUmmie of the Year) (
DUmmie FUnnies 02-05-11 (Lady NaDa gives a shout out: "DUmmy FUNNIES... Hey Freepers") (
DUmmie FUnnies 03-18-11 (Know-it-all Nadin the Drama Queen is BACK!) (
DUmmie FUnnies 03-29-11 (Know-it-all Nadin is BACK, saying "Told you so"!) (
DUmmie FUnnies 06-28-11 (Know-it-all Nadin, "On alien life, and whether it is possible") (
DUmmie FUnnies 07-19-11 (Know-it-all Nadin wants to know: "How long until we take to the streets?") (
DUmmie FUnnies 08-25-11 (Know-it-all Nadin, the Master of Disaster, takes on quakes) (
DUmmie FUnnies 08-26-11 (Hurricane Nadin hits DUmmieland!) (
DUmmie FUnnies 12-02-11 (DUmmie of the Year nominee shows her stuff: Nadin knows . . . human waste) (

The literary output of this woman! Impressive. Gargantuan. The stuff of legend. And the depth of wisdom! The Sage of San Diego, I call her.

And this is just the tip of the icebergzinski. Think of all the other posts Naddie has made, providing us with an endless stream of laffs and gaffes. Indeed, no one has provided more entertainment this past year than our gal Nads!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 02:11:17 PM
I know I get ten (10) votes for Top DUmmies of the Year. And there are the other awards, too. I'll do my other votes later, but for now I wanted especially to highlight Know-it-all Nadin as my TOP Top choice.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: TVDOC on December 05, 2011, 03:13:11 PM
Willie - Taverner

Newbie - white_wolf

Broken Elbow - ThomWV

Golden Bong - PCIntern


Omaha Steve
Horse With No Name
Sub Atomic
Stinky the Clown
Sarah Ibarruri
The Straight Story

NOTE:  In the interest of liberal "fairness" I have tried, where possible, to avoid voting for winners of past awards, so that all could have an "equal opportunity".  In a couple of cases I failed.....

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Mike220 on December 05, 2011, 03:46:57 PM
Willie: I wasn’t going to vote for him, but since he crawled out of his lair to address the DUmmies again as he gears up for another ass kicking, I gotta go with Allen “’scumbag’ isn’t harsh enough”  Grayson.

Newbie: Sub Atomic ran a good campaign this year. I mean, who else managed to get themselves cast off the island? But that’s too obvious. Gotta give it to socialist_in_TN.

Broken Elbow: Stinky “The Dude” The Clown. Bitching about being called “dude” wins it for him.

Golden Bouncy: Sarah Imabitch. Obviously.

Top Dummies:
1. The ruling troika of DUmbassia, Skins, the soon to be superfluous Elad, Lord Marblehead
2. The Whiner, Omaha Steve
3. The Strait Story
4. The Bostonian Drunkard, Billy the ArmPitt
5. The Bitch Anne Pritchett, P2B
6. The Big as a Mountain Man, Thom WV
7. She who knows everything about everything, Nadin Brzybrzy
8. Yugo’s personal call girl, the DUmbest bitch on the planet and Doug’s stupid ex-wife, EFerrari
9. Since I blanked and forget to nominate the Craziest Inmate in the Asylum (BantheGOP), his understudy Larry Burke.
10. You may have waldudded your way out of a job, but you also may have waldudded yourself into a major honor, cali.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Karin on December 05, 2011, 04:05:42 PM
I would also like to echo:  What's with Sarah and the Golden bong bouncy?  She has told no bouncy tales!   Are you referring to her dating a republican for a time?  There was no elements of the bounce to that. 
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Mike220 on December 05, 2011, 04:12:16 PM
I would also like to echo:  What's with Sarah and the Golden bong bouncy?  She has told no bouncy tales!   Are you referring to her dating a republican for a time?  There was no elements of the bounce to that. 

I personally think it wasn't true, which is the most basic requirement for a bouncy.

If it was true though, I would bet that she was hoping to eventually post a story of how she converted her Rethuglican bf to socialism, with a public confession of his on the DUmp, followed by his first bouncy when he went out to the grocery store and shut down a fundy Rethug with his new found "logic". Conversion and public beat down of Rethug? Check. But he was able to stand up to her bullshit and kicked her to the curb.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 04:17:06 PM
I personally think it wasn't true, which is the most basic requirement for a bouncy.

If it was true though, I would bet that she was hoping to eventually post a story of how she converted her Rethuglican bf to socialism, with a public confession of his on the DUmp, followed by his first bouncy when he went out to the grocery store and shut down a fundy Rethug with his new found "logic". Conversion and public beat down of Rethug? Check. But he was able to stand up to her bullshit and kicked her to the curb.

Her ordeal with the bf spanned several months. It wasn't a one time tale. She was asking the DUmp, much like Ann landers, how to deal with him.

I believe that her saga was true.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: mamacags on December 05, 2011, 04:20:37 PM
Willie= Nadin

Newbie= Snoutport

Broken Elbow= bobbo

Golden Bouncy= Hoserwithstupidname

Top 10
Omaha Steve
Sir EarlG
William Pitt
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 05, 2011, 04:21:49 PM
For the Willie - nutcase nadin - She has guided her flock of DUmpmonkeys through no less than three apocalypses this year. If that doesn't burnish the DUmp brand, I don't know what does. The world as we know it has repeatedly vanished, but she's remained a beacon of lunacy.

For the Newbie - socialist_in_TN - He perseveres as a Stalinist in the heart of red state hell.

For the Broken Elbow - The Straight Story - I was tempted to go with the transplant whiner WCGreen, but Straight Story manages to whine about himself, his ex-wife, her new husband, and a whole host of other losers. He adds the qualification of using his whining to scam money from the DUmmies.

The Golden Bong - snotspout - His crippled bird bouncy was an instant classic. On top of that, he very nearly wallduded himself.

Top DUmmy - nutcase nadin brzhzhzhzzcski - She is in a class by herself. A worthy heir to TiT's mantle. So far beyond the DUmmitude of any other DUmmy, I cannot bring myself to cast a vote for anyone else.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 04:25:47 PM
I gotta ask, what's with all of these votes for Sarah Ibarruri for the Golden Bong? I didn't take her tales as a bouncy. I think that her stories are true. No stretching or embellishment.

Regretfully, I must concur. While I would like to give Sarah Ibuprofen her own award--her story about the rethug boyfriend who treats her nice was one of the best stories of the year--the Golden Bong is for "the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies." While I found her story to be highly entertaining, one of the best, at the same I time I found it also highly credible. I think some of us are thinking of a bouncy as simply "a tale from real life," which it is not.

I intend to vote Sarah one of my top DUmmies--indeed, runner-up to Nads--but I question her bounciness.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Telecon on December 05, 2011, 04:32:25 PM
First post on CC!  Happy to use it on this thread.  Keep up the good work!

On to the awards:

The Willie

Sabrina_1 - A good example of somebody who seems to believe EVERYTHING you'd think someone like her would believe.


white_wolf - String all of his posts together and you get a C-minus freshman term paper on Marxism

Broken Elbow

Cyrano - Nobody says the sky is falling with quite as much desperation

Golden Bouncy

Sarah Ibarruri - Politics and love don't mix


Dain Bramaged - Apt username
Taverner - Second only to Cyrano in the complaining department
Skinner/EarlG/Elad - I suspect these guys are more ashamed than they let on
EFerrari - Close second for the Willie
Omaha Steve - Vote Steve 2012!
Judi Lynn - Hugo's liason up north
Sub Atomic - Who would have thought a nuclear sub could have a meltdown?
Larry R. Burks - Poor guy.  Seriously. 
Cbayer - 'Locking'

And finally, the one, the only

Nadinbrzezinksi - What can I say that hasn't been said already?  Nobody deserves this more than her.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Airwolf on December 05, 2011, 04:35:42 PM


Willie - Nadine
Newbie - No vote

Broken Elbow - Omaha Steve

Golden Bouncy - Nadine

Top DUmmies

Stinky The Clown
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 04:50:29 PM
The Willie

Tough call. My finalists, in ascending order:

5. Andy Stephenson: The Late Lamented One really helped put DUmmieland--and the DUmmie FUnnies--on the map. But he is dead, after all, or else he would rank higher.
4. Raven: Mother Pitt brought Wee Willie into the world and still hides him out in her cabin in the woods when he needs to be disappeared.
3. CaliforniaPeggy:  My dear CaliforniaPeggy! The Perle Mesta of DUmmieland, the hostess with the mostest. What a gracious spirit. The poet laureate of DUmmieland, to boot.
2. EFerrari: Doug's ex-wife, sfexpat2000, Andy's treasurer, franksolich's secret love. She is like a persistent boil on the rump of the DUmp.
1. Skinner, EarlG, Elad: I mean, how can we have a lifetime achievement award and never have awarded it to the Big Three? If I could give it to just one, it would be to frank's fellow alum, the Head DUmmie himself, $kimmer. If just two, then add in his mini-me, DUAC Earl. Assistant TechnoDUmmie Elad I just spit upon. He is not worthy of anything. But since he is one of the Troika, he gets in on the coattails of the other two.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 04:53:32 PM
Calpeg finally gets a vote...

...on page 5  :-)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:12:19 PM
I just noticed there's no nomination this year for Adbot, a perennial contender.

That happens once in a while.

The very first year I did this, the Bostonian Drunkard didn't get a single nomination, either; I think that's the only time it ever happened.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:14:31 PM
Willie - Redstone (I wrote a poem to him on his on-line memorial book explaining how stupid he, and liberals in general, are and he gave me the best response he could by keeping his idiot mouth shut.  For that, he gets a vote.)

That by the way was a great poem; one wonders if it's still up there.

Damn, you're good, sir.  It was awesome.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 05:15:17 PM
The Newbie

Most of the nominees I have not paid too much attention to, or don't recognize them by name. But there is one that jumps out:


This clown got himself tombstoned from The Lounge. From The Lounge, d*mmit! Imagine! How do you do that?? In his case, it was teh ghey slur that wasn't. Later reinstated, after the MFM fans pleaded his case and loaded The Lounge with dozens of his past threads.

Besides, what a DUmb name for a guy--MiddleFingerMom.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:17:35 PM
I know I get ten (10) votes for Top DUmmies of the Year. And there are the other awards, too. I'll do my other votes later, but for now I wanted especially to highlight Know-it-all Nadin as my TOP Top choice.


You know, I'm really surprised at the early results.

If I was the yenta, I'd start sweating.

I thought for sure she'd be doing better, by far leading the pack.

Of course, there's still nine more days to campaign.

As GOBUCKS pointed out, though, it's really odd that, as nominations wound down, and voting geared up, some particular primitives of prominence were absent this weekend from Skins's island.  One wonders what's up with that.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:23:59 PM
NOTE:  In the interest of liberal "fairness" I have tried, where possible, to avoid voting for winners of past awards, so that all could have an "equal opportunity".  In a couple of cases I failed.....

That was the ulterior motive behind highlighting the incumbents on the ballot; not only for purposes of illumination, but at least a little bit to make voters think a little bit harder about their choices. 

Sometimes people, even decent and civilized ones, can be so Massachusettsian, voting for familiar names over and over again, not because they're good, but simply because they're names familiar to them.

It's true that on one hand a primitive's so good the primitive warrants re-election after re-election, and if a repeating primitive truly deserves it, nothing wrong with that.

It was a complaint last year--and one I personally thought legitimate--that the Top DUmmies can get stale with the same stale old primitives, and we want to avoid that this year.

Next year, 2012, however should be entirely and wholly different.  I'm guessing most of the awards will be going to the 0bamaite primitives (not as a group, but as individual primitives), whether the Magic One wins or loses.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:29:13 PM
I personally think it wasn't true, which is the most basic requirement for a bouncy.

The matter of Sarah and the golden bong's been an issue since nominations first started.

Just as I'd kept the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive off the ballot for the golden bong (she was wallduded, and famous for that--but that was her putting her foot into her mouth, no bouncy), I thought about removing Sarah from the ballot for the golden bong too.

But then I didn't.  Some believe the stories are true, which makes them not bouncies, others believe the stories aren't true, which makes them bouncies.  I suggest voters cast their votes for this particular award accordingly.

The Top DUmmies is always in evolution, and I'm thinking forward to next year.  The bitter old Vermontese cali primitive's inspired me to think about a "foot-in-the-mouth" award, and the sparkling husband dude's inspired me to think of a "laughingstock" award.  We'll see.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 05:33:09 PM
frank, I've got to ask: For the Golden Bong, you give as criteria, "the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies." I think we need some clarification from the judges on this, and I refer specifically to the case of Sarah Iburruri. Her tale of the rethug boyfriend was clearly and highly entertaining, surely one of the most entertaining. But there are many of us who find her story to be at least mostly credible. Should that be taken into consideration?

What IS a "bouncy," precisely? Is it any supposedly real-life tale that we find interesting, whether factual, fictional, or highly embellished? I have always thought of it as one that is fictional or highly embellished. And so therefore I will probably not vote for SI for the GB.

What say you?

And then there is Dreamer Tatum's bouncy,which was an extremely entertaining send-up of the typical grocery-store bouncy, so good that it might deserve the award. It was meant to be satire, though, which puts it in a questionable place.

- - - - - - - -

EDIT: I see, frank, that you just answered my question as to Sarah and the Golden Bong. I guess it's in the mind of the voter.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 05:40:26 PM
I think that Sarah is too DUmb to make anything up that spans a few months. Hell. She has to look at her voter ID to see if the name and picture match her drivers license.

I think her story is true.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 05:42:33 PM
The Broken Elbow

Trying to pick the best whiner in DUmmieland is like trying to find the best grain of sand in the sandhills of Nebraska. They all qualify! And there are so many of them! In DUmmieland, it's always the Daze of Whine and Poses. But to pick a whiner winner, I will go with . . .


His posts run together in my mind, but I do have an impression of him being especially whiny.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:43:40 PM
frank, I've got to ask: For the Golden Bong, you give as criteria, "the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies." I think we need some clarification from the judges on this, and I refer specifically to the case of Sarah Iburruri. Her tale of the rethug boyfriend was clearly and highly entertaining, surely one of the most entertaining. But there are many of us who find her story to be at least mostly credible. Should that be taken into consideration?

What IS a "bouncy," precisely? Is it any supposedly real-life tale that we find interesting, whether factual, fictional, or highly embellished? I have always thought of it as one that is fictional or highly embellished. And so therefore I will probably not vote for SI for the GB.

What say you?

And then there is Dreamer Tatum's bouncy,which was an extremely entertaining send-up of the typical grocery-store bouncy, so good that it might deserve the award. It was meant to be satire, though, which puts it in a questionable place.

You know, sir, there used to be a very strict and limited definition for "bouncy;" it had to involve a cop jumping out of the bushes--that was mandatory--and conversion of a conservative or a Republican to the primitive's point of view.

That was the original meaning.

But over time (and in fact in a very short time), the definition got blurred, and I myself, when at the old home, was somewhat to blame for that.  I, along with many others, started using the term "bouncy" to describe just about any tale a primitive told that patently was a lie.

But then the definition tightened up again; now it seems to mean any tale created by a primitive that's probably a lie, and involves making the primitive look good in some manner.  This of course can include "conversions," but apparently conversion, while a nice touch, doesn't matter.  Just a tale that makes a primitive look good.

On the matter of Sarah and the golden bong, I think it's up to the voter.  If the voter believes it's a lie, or mostly a lie, and thinks it merits the golden bong, the voter should vote accordingly.  If the voter believes it's true, or mostly true, then the voter should consider the other candidates.

This one's giving me the most distress, although at the moment I'm thinking of voting for Ms. Ed the unappellated eohippus, but that can change.  I've already cast my votes for the top ten primitives, and for the Willie, but still have yet to vote for the other three special awards.

I'm still tug-of-warring with Tucker about the Willie.  
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 05:50:41 PM
I'd like to change my Golden Bong vote to Wiley50. I nominated him and forgot about him. He penned this tale in Jan. There were 11 months worth of bouncies to overshadow his tale, but it's just too worthy to overlook.
Not this is a bouncy.

Wiley50 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Click to send private message to this author Click to view this author's profile Click to add this author to your buddy list Click to add this author to your Ignore list    Mon Jan-24-11 09:29 PM
Original message
I've Been Missing for 6 months third try at Cure
This was my last chance, I had tried twice before.

Liver biopsy in 91 was Stage two, tried but was too busy trying to save my home from foreclosure to incapacitate myself like that

Second try, in 2006 ended with no sleep, food,or drink and dry heaving for 9 days before I hit the Emergency room.

Another Liver Biopsy last summer. Doctor gave me 6-8 years to live without completing treatment

Stage Four they start digging a hole to put you i, as that is all they can do for you.

Third attempt, I told my doctor's I wanted to use pot, even though I don't live in a Med Pot state, they looked the other way.


never had anything worse than semi-constant mild to sometimes moderate nausea. Big difference from last time.

Baseline (before therapy) viral count was over 12 million of those little virus' in every milliliter of my blood.

2 weeks after starting treatment, viral load blood test came back " NO VIRUS FOUND and every 2 week blood test came back thew same way.
so my treatment has a strong remission so far

5 months from now, if it still comes back, NO VIRUS FOUND


PS, anyone got a 1 ton dually with a big engine and a ball hitch that would pull my 28 ft sailboat from Nashville to the California Delta (back Bay between around August 1st or I will arrive there without my home. I'm being evicted because the people who own the land I'm on worry about me wintering in an uninsulated sailboat, when I've got snug electric heat with a gas back up. Oh Well, I have little contact with them anyway and my kids arere out there
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 05:55:37 PM
The Broken Elbow

Trying to pick the best whiner in DUmmieland is like trying to find the best grain of sand in the sandhills of Nebraska. They all qualify! And there are so many of them! In DUmmieland, it's always the Daze of Whine and Poses. But to pick a whiner winner, I will go with . . .


His posts run together in my mind, but I do have an impression of him being especially whiny.

Oscar Wilde is probably going to get my vote for this award (note to Mr. Wiggum: this is not my vote yet, so don't count it), as his whining has gotten on my nerves for years.

Whine, whine, whine.

Of course, I can't hear, but when reading the large-proboscised primitive, I get the impression of a "noise" he makes, a sort of jagged, serrated humming drone that goes on and on and on.....

The Cyrano primitive by the way was re-baptized "Oscar Wilde" some years ago--I consider it the second-best re-christening I've ever done, next only to "Fat Che"--because of an experience he had, shutting the cat up in his bedroom without access to sanitary facilities, and then Cyrano got all upset and bent out of shape when the poor cat pissed on him in bed.

The way Cyrano told that story, one immediately had a "picture" of high-collared Oscar Wilde in his bedroom with the four-postered canopied bed, thick quilts, ruffled curtains, dainty things on top of the bureau, jumping up-and-down in vexation, his curls and fancy-lace cuffs flapping in his insulted indignation.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 05:56:49 PM
The Golden Bouncy, aka the Golden Bong

Perhaps this year's most controversial of the minor awards.

Sarah Ibuprofen's tale of the rethug boyfriend: Highly entertaining, but perhaps true.

Dreamer Tatum's send-up of the typical grocery-store bouncy: Highly entertaining, but meant as a satire.

Worth a mention is Nadin's bouncy of the submarine commander at the triage milk store, etc. That gets lost in the shuffle of all her other accomplishments.

Well, decision time. While it was meant as satire, some bought it, and it was so highly entertaining, it deserves an award. So I'm going to go with . . .

Dreamer Tatum
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 05:58:50 PM

I'm still tug-of-warring with Tucker about the Willie.  

Redstone got another vote. My vote must have some merit.

Quote from: USA4ME on Today at 01:38:37 pm
Willie - Redstone (I wrote a poem to him on his on-line memorial book explaining how stupid he, and liberals in general, are and he gave me the best response he could by keeping his idiot mouth shut.  For that, he gets a vote.)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 06:03:19 PM
I'd like to change my Golden Bong vote to Wiley50. I nominated him and forgot about him. He penned this tale in Jan. There were 11 months worth of bouncies to overshadow his tale, but it's just too worthy to overlook.

Note this is a bouncy.

The freeloading bum the wily primitive's always been a favorite of mine, but as you noted, sir, alas he sees to have gone away from Skins's island the past ten months.  In past years, he'd been a superlative story-teller.

The freeloading bum the wily primitive was the one building an ark up in the mountains and forests of Tennessee, hoping eventually to float it out to sea, where he'd stay beyond U.S. territorial waters (but still collecting that good old U.S. welfare check).

He spent years building that ark, and then had to abandon it, moving out to California early in 2011.

The wily primitive had done mostly manual labor for under-the-table cash, as he was wanted by authorities all over the country, for children he'd fathered (by various women) during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.  He was always hiding from regular employment where he'd get caught, and presented a rather big bill for child support.

When he announced he was moving out to California, he expressed the hope that one of his long-ago abandoned sons would take him in.

One wonders if anything happened with that.

Come back, wily!  Tell us the rest of the story.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 05, 2011, 06:09:28 PM
Redstone got another vote. My vote must have some merit.

Of course.

You're using the logical, rational argument here, sir, on behalf of the late Chief S itting Bull, and it's a very good argument.  The bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive was the Greatest Primitive Ever, and surely deserves the Willie, for having so well demonstrated those traits that make the primitives so interesting, so amusing.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again--when a Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Primitives is ever sculpted out of the side of a mountain in South Dakota, the mug of Redstone would be where George Washington is, on the real Mount Rushmore.

On my side, I'm using the emotional, the humanitarian, argument on behalf of Doug's stupid ex-wife.

I've no doubt even you, sir, would agree that EFerrari is worthy of the Willie (but not this year).

My concern is that, given her constant cerebral degeneration into senility, this might be the last year she's a sentient being, and so we should hurry up and give her the award before she's too far gone to appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 05, 2011, 06:24:20 PM
Of course.

My concern is that, given her constant cerebral degeneration into senility, this might be the last year she's a sentient being, and so we should hurry up and give her the award before she's too far gone to appreciate it.

Too late.

Kind of a moot point now.

Given that, it matters not if she gets it this year or the next. Kinda like a Dog waiting for his master. They have no concept of time.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Airwolf on December 05, 2011, 06:44:15 PM
I seemed to have left a few off for the voting. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the worthless assmeat that lives at the DUmp. So the final 5 picks for Top Dummies are

Underground Panther- She probably doesn't need it or meet the rules.

Bobo Gone but not forgotten

Sub Atomic


Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 06:53:45 PM
And now the Big One . . .

The Top Ten DUmmies of 2011

I know the tally will be by total votes, not by ranking, but I will rank my choices nonetheless, in ascending order:

(BTW, *last year* my top choice for #1 DOTY was bobbolink, aka Bobo the Hobo, aka The Woman Who Tombstoned Wee Willie Pitt, aka the back-of-the-Buick dweller who somehow was on the internets day and night and who turned every thread into a whine about people--including the DUmmies themselves--not caring for the homeless. But *this year* Bobo has been relatively strangely silent, so she has dropped out of my top ten.)

10. Raven: Mother of Pitt, which should be enough for one life.
9. EFerrari: The boil on the rump of the DUmp. A constant presence, going back to the days of AndyScam.
8. Skinner, EarlG, Elad: The Big Three. The Troika. The Triumvirate. The Brain Trust. $kimmer, DUAC Earl, and Elad (although Elad doesn't contribute much to the mix). There is no DUmmieland without them. I've got them down jointly for the Willie.
7. WilliamPitt: The 40-Year-Old Insurgent, who stresses the importance of the OWS protests but who can't pull himself out of his Barcalounger long enough to actually *go* to one of the things. All through the years, Mr. Pitt has never failed to give us material. He is the all-time all-star of the DUmmie FUnnies.
6. Mineral Man: Former freeper, and I think somewhere on Nads's iggy list.
5. kentuck: Just because. He's always posting some DUmb thread about how the Democrats aren't progressive enough, I think.
4. Cyrano: My choice for the Broken Elbow.
3. SidDithers: Nadin's witty archnemesis and #1 on her iggy list, no doubt.
2. Sarah Iburruri: DUmmieland's sweetheart. Advice for the lovelorn needed, especially when you've got a rethug boyfriend who treats you nice. "I'm so conflicted!"
1. nadinbrzezinski: What more can be said? Know-it-all Nadin will find a way to say it. I've posted my reasons at length upthread. I think Nads as DOTY this year is a no-brainer. And I don't think she has *campaigned* for the DOTY. I think it's just Nadin being Nadin.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Revolution on December 05, 2011, 06:57:44 PM

Skinner, EarlG, Elad

These were my 3 finalists. Ultimately, I voted for The BIG 3. Ironic, huh?

Golden Bouncy

Sarah Ibarruri

Broken Elbow

Omaha Stevie



Top DUmmies of 2011
Horse With no Name
nadinbrzezinski-#1 IMHO
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri
Stinky the Clown  

Did it wrong the first time. :( Very tired. However, I re-did it, and this is my FINAL ballot.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Duke Nukum on December 05, 2011, 07:27:25 PM
Willie Award:


Newbie Award:

Sub Atomic

Broken Elbow Award:

The Straight Story

Golden Bouncy Award:

Dreamer Tatum

Top Ten DUmmie List:

Stinky the Clown
Horse With no Name

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BattleHymn on December 05, 2011, 07:28:56 PM
There were so many good choices this year.  I've settled on these:



I'm not sure how I missed Redstone's name on the list, but I'd like to cancel my vote for EFerrari, and recast my WILLIE vote to Redstone. 
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Chris_ on December 05, 2011, 07:38:09 PM
Taverner, for representing the best and brightest Democratic Underground has to offer.  Voted "Most Likeyly To Inhale Bong Water" in high school.

MiddleFingerMom.  We hardly knew ye... and thank God for small favors.

Broken Elbow:
Stinky the Clown.  Don't go away mad, just go away.

Golden Bouncy:
nadinbrzezinski.  She's full of more shit than the New York City sewer system.

Top Dummy:
Larry R. Burks
Nadin Brschzinschsky

Pretty slim pickings for Top DUmmy this year.  Damn recession.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 05, 2011, 07:52:25 PM
As GOBUCKS pointed out, though, it's really odd that, as nominations wound down, and voting geared up, some particular primitives of prominence were absent this weekend from Skins's island.  One wonders what's up with that.
Nutcase nadin is still in hiding! It's an honest-to-goodness attempt to tank the election. She's embarrassed to be singled out as the looniest of the loons, the craziest of the crazy. Sorry, nadin, as ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Of course, it could be an act of serenity, like when W went to bed at his normal early hour on election night, but I doubt it.

There is no serenity in nadin's world of evil conspiracy and imminent apocalypse.

She's in hiding, in an attempt to avoid the humiliation of being designated Top DUmmy .
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 08:21:25 PM
Nutcase nadin is still in hiding! . . . She's in hiding, in an attempt to avoid the humiliation of being designated Top DUmmy.

Nadin sighting from this afternoon: (

nadinbrzezinski  (1000+ posts)

Mon Dec-05-11 04:23 PM

41. No the solution is not insurance companies

But single payor healthcare. Enough of this.

I am sorry. All I could do is keep fighting for that.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Boudicca on December 05, 2011, 09:38:46 PM
Wow, so many DUmmies, so few ballots.  Bummer.

For the Willie, I vote for Skimmer, Elad and the other guy whose name I forgot :???:  Without them we wouldn't be having these elections.

Newbie award vote to iverglas

Broken Elbow to Omaha Steve, I know he won't win his real election so hope he's luckier here at CC

Golden Bouncy vote to Dreamer Tatum; he was hilarious and so outclassed Sarah Imaboobie

Although, I do cast a vote for her in my Top Ten DUmmies

Sarah Imaboobie
Dain Bramaged
E Ferrari
Judi Lynn
Horse With No Name

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 05, 2011, 10:41:42 PM
You know, over the past twelve months (since this time last December), PJ-Comix and I have posted 177 editions of the DUmmie FUnnies.  I myself have done 106 of them this past year, an average of two a week. And we've been doing the DUFUs, PJ and/or I, since September of 2004. Hundreds and hundreds of DUFUs.

But the thing is, compared to what happens here at the DUmpster, we at DUmmie FUnnies put more attention on the DUmmie comments than on the particular DUmmie characters by name. The big thing about the FUnnies is that they be FUnnie. PJ and I endeavor to make some witty comebacks, wisecracks, one-liners, ripostes, and assorted bon mots, in response to what the DUmmies say. We don't always spend a lot of time on the peculiarities of all the particular personalities at the DUmp.  To be sure, many personalities do emerge, as a matter of course.  Over the past seven-plus years, Pied Piper Pitt, Andy Stephenson, benburch, Head DUmmie Skinner, DUAC Earl, madfloridian, Bobo the Hobo, Know-it-all Nadin--they all have become "stars" of the DUFUs.

So, for example, some of the primitives prominent in the voting here--e.g., Omaha Steve, Stinky the Clown, Proud2BlibKansan, Taverner, underground panther--are not so well-defined in my mind, probably because we did not feature them as lead performers in the DUmmie FUnnies.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Revolution on December 05, 2011, 10:42:53 PM
Sarah Imaboobie


That made me giggle immaturely.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Revolution on December 05, 2011, 10:49:06 PM
^ Am now reading your last article on Nadin, Charles, and you/you guys nailed down exactly how I feel in this paragraph:

DUmmie nadinbrzezinski is my choice for DUmmie of the Year. There, I've said it. I'm committed. The Rubik's Cube has been crossed. I will ride this horse till the cows come home and reach their tipping point.

A-MEN!! I've been campaigning these guys to vote for NadaBrain for a few months now knowing these elections were coming up. Haven't pestered, or oversold anything, but they know how I feel. ;)

If she doesn't win, it should be a sin. An affront to everything just in this world.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 05, 2011, 11:15:51 PM
Vote Sarah Ibuprofen! she's a mole and has them all fooled!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GCBill on December 05, 2011, 11:21:27 PM
Omaha Steve


Broken Elbow:
Sub Atomic

Golden Bouncy:
Sarah Ibarruri

Top DUmmies of 2011:
Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri
underground panther
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: movie buff on December 06, 2011, 04:55:43 AM
Alan Grayson (Don't get me wrong, he's a scumbag, but getting elected to congress, even if just for two years, is more than any DUmmy I've known has been able to do with their lives)
MiddleFingerMom (Don't believe I've ever come across a post by her or any of the other nominees, yet her charming moniker alone is more than enough to get my vote)
For the Broken Elbow award, I'm surprised underground panther didn't get nominated. Whining and griping are what she does best. However, among the official nominees, I vote for bobbolink.
Golden Bouncy:
underground panther
Top DUmmies of the year:
underground panther
Stinky the Clown (I bet he lives up to his moniker in real life)
William Pitt
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Mike220 on December 06, 2011, 09:31:42 AM
MiddleFingerMom (Don't believe I've ever come across a post by her or any of the other nominees, yet her charming moniker alone is more than enough to get my vote)

The best part is "she's" a he.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: AprilRazz on December 06, 2011, 10:33:01 AM
For the Willie I am going to have to go with Doug's stupid ex-wife, the Eferrari primitive.
My vote for the newbie goes to someone near and dear to my heart. The disbarred Canadian lawyer Iverglas.
For the broken elbow honors I am going to have to go with Bobo.
The golden bouncie would be the subway cat, the undergroundpanther primitive.
And my ten for the top honors are in no particular order...
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Stinky the Clown
underground panther

This was a hard choice for DOTY because there were so many worthy candidates.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Boudicca on December 06, 2011, 10:52:29 AM

That made me giggle immaturely.

I like it.  When I saw some other CC poster use it awhile back, I also giggled immaturely. :rotf:
Wish I could remember who came up with that well deserved moniker.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on December 06, 2011, 11:47:39 AM
For the Willie, the award given the DUmmie who’s done the most, throughout this year and past years, to enhance the reputation and good name of democraticunderground (i.e., a primitive who made Skins’s island look good, real good):


911 forum
Alan Grayson
Andy Stephenson
atheist forum
Israel/Palestinian forum
Omaha Steve
sabrina 1
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
underground panther
I gotta go with Stinky here
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on December 06, 2011, 11:48:36 AM
For the newbie, the award given a DUmmie who hasn’t ever heretofore been noticed by decent and civilized people; a new face, or at least a mug that’s been around for a while, but hasn’t ever been in any of the Top DUmmie awards past years:


Sub Atomic
Firewalkwith me
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on December 06, 2011, 11:49:39 AM
For the broken elbow, the award given the DUmmie who’s most grated on one, gotten on one’s nerves, by his or her constant whining, complaining, moaning, bitching, carrying on:


Firebrand Gary
Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
Systematic Chaos
The Straight Story
Bobbo for the win!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on December 06, 2011, 11:57:45 AM
For the golden bouncy, the award given the DUmmie who wrote the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies, during this past year, 2011:


Dreamer Tatum
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
Twix Voy
underground panther
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 06, 2011, 06:19:36 PM
Nutcase nadin is still in hiding! It's an honest-to-goodness attempt to tank the election. She's embarrassed to be singled out as the looniest of the loons, the craziest of the crazy. Sorry, nadin, as ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Of course, it could be an act of serenity, like when W went to bed at his normal early hour on election night, but I doubt it.

There is no serenity in nadin's world of evil conspiracy and imminent apocalypse.

She's in hiding, in an attempt to avoid the humiliation of being designated Top DUmmy.

I suspect the yenta should resign herself to her fate; accept, adapt, and move on.

I didn't vote for her because I have a practice of not voting for which primitive I think is going to end up the winner, so as to not make it too easy for the front-runner.

Last year, for example, I refrained from voting for the sparkling husband dude, because I thought he'd end up on top anyway--it was a total surprise to me when the miserable old bitch won instead, because I wasn't confident most were really aware of her vileness, her gross depravity, her evil.  After all, she'd only ranked top primitive #19 the year before.

And the year before, I withheld my vote from the eventual winner, the greenbriar primitive, for the same reason; I wanted her to work harder to win.

This year however, it looks a little more clear-cut, and franksolich has already started writing the award for the Top DUmmie of 2011.  I hope nadin enjoys reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 06, 2011, 06:23:56 PM
I suspect the yenta should resign herself to her fate; accept, adapt, and move on.

I didn't vote for her because I have a practice of not voting for which primitive I think is going to end up the winner, so as to not make it too easy for the front-runner.

Last year, for example, I refrained from voting for the sparkling husband dude, because I thought he'd end up on top anyway--it was a total surprise to me when the miserable old bitch won instead, because I wasn't confident most were really aware of her vileness, her gross depravity, her evil.  After all, she'd only ranked top primitive #19 the year before.

And the year before, I withheld my vote from the eventual winner, the greenbriar primitive, for the same reason; I wanted her to work harder to win.

This year however, it looks a little more clear-cut, and franksolich has already started writing the award for the Top DUmmie of 2011.  I hope nadin enjoys reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

I tried to give her a lot of exposure. Although some of us knew about her evil, evil ways, it was time for her to enter the center ring.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 06, 2011, 06:26:55 PM
I tried to give her a lot of exposure. Although some of us knew about her evil, evil ways, it was time for her to enter the center ring.

She's obviously not going to end up top DUmmie of 2011, but I'm still hoping she ends up in the top ten, so that I have to write a special award for her (DUmmies #11-20 get one award combined; each of the top ten get their individual award), because I still have a lot to say about Anne.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Telecon on December 06, 2011, 06:47:35 PM
Oh she's going to win.  Nobody else deserves it as much.  If she doesn't, you can compare it to any number of historical travesties.

Metallica not winning the 'Best Metal' grammy way back when. 

Any number of boxing decisions.

LSU vs. Kentucky in 2002.

You get the drift :)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Chris_ on December 06, 2011, 06:49:12 PM
Oh she's going to win.  Nobody else deserves it as much.  If she doesn't, you can compare it to any number of historical travesties.

Metallica not winning the 'Best Metal' grammy way back when. 
1989 :mad:

I still have two open spots on my ballot.  I'm not done yet.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 06, 2011, 06:51:14 PM
Oh she's going to win.  Nobody else deserves it as much.  If she doesn't, you can compare it to any number of historical travesties.

Metallica not winning the 'Best Metal' grammy way back when. 

Any number of boxing decisions.

LSU vs. Kentucky in 2002.

You get the drift :)

At this point, I don't see where it's possible for the yenta not to win.

However, she did cripple herself by her campaigning "too much;" if she'd been a little more modest, she would've won in a landslide.  But she overplayed her hand, and is probably going to win only by a decent margin, but not by any landslide.

Sometimes one can overdo things.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 06, 2011, 07:01:26 PM
1989 :mad:

I still have two open spots on my ballot.  I'm not done yet.

Redstone for the Willie

Hint-hint. :whistling:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 06, 2011, 07:06:40 PM
Redstone for the Willie

Hint-hint. :whistling:

You know, franksolich is probably perhaps the only living person who's ever read every single word Doug's stupid ex-wife's ever posted on Skins's island since she first joined in November 2004.

It was one of my responsibilities as a member of Scamdy; to read all, because somewhere there inevitably were clues as to the nature of the mischief she was brewing during the Scamdal.

And of course after the Scamdal, I kept it up, so as to be on guard against any other silly business a madwoman would try.

(The guy from Scamdy assigned to read the Bostonian Drunkard eventually dropped out from sheer drunkenness, but that's another story altogether.)

I tell you, this woman's on the brink of fading away, and winning it next year won't mean a thing to her, because by then, Doug's stupid ex-wife will be utterly senile, lost to the world.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 06, 2011, 07:17:19 PM
You know, franksolich is probably perhaps the only living person who's ever read every single word Doug's stupid ex-wife's ever posted on Skins's island since she first joined in November 2004.

It was one of my responsibilities as a member of Scamdy; to read all, because somewhere there inevitably were clues as to the nature of the mischief she was brewing during the Scamdal.

And of course after the Scamdal, I kept it up, so as to be on guard against any other silly business a madwoman would try.

(The guy from Scamdy assigned to read the Bostonian Drunkard eventually dropped out from sheer drunkenness, but that's another story altogether.)

I tell you, this woman's on the brink of fading away, and winning it next year won't mean a thing to her, because by then, Doug's stupid ex-wife will be utterly senile, lost to the world.

Well it's not like Redstone will be elated or dejected either way. Just he fact that he got the big mausoleum should count for something.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Boudicca on December 06, 2011, 07:36:05 PM

If/When nutcase nads wins the DOTY, do you think she could use her award as a reference to represent the National Dairy Council as a spokesperson?  After all, she did elevate milk to a position of prominence at the DUmp.  I mean, if I've learned ANYTHING this year, I've learned I need to stock up on milk before the next Japanese tsunami takes out a nuclear reactor.  Or something like that.  Well, I do remember she posted something about milk and it was IMPORTANT. :ohmy:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 06, 2011, 08:03:35 PM
If/When nutcase nads wins the DOTY, do you think she could use her award as a reference to represent the National Dairy Council as a spokesperson?  After all, she did elevate milk to a position of prominence at the DUmp.  I mean, if I've learned ANYTHING this year, I've learned I need to stock up on milk before the next Japanese tsunami takes out a nuclear reactor.  Or something like that.  Well, I do remember she posted something about milk and it wasMPORTANT.

That would have been the episode where she and the nuclear submarine captain exchanged knowing glances as they frantically bought a store's entire inventory of shelf-stable milk.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Boudicca on December 06, 2011, 08:10:55 PM
That would have been the episode where she and the nuclear submarine captain exchanged knowing glances as they frantically bought a store's entire inventory of shelf-stable milk.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: USA4ME on December 06, 2011, 08:28:18 PM
Quote from:

The bitter old Vermontese cali primitive's inspired me to think about a "foot-in-the-mouth" award, and the sparkling husband dude's inspired me to think of a "laughingstock" award.  We'll see.

I like to consider an award for any/all primitive(s) that fell over dead during the year.  Call it "The World's A Better Place Because You're Not Here Anymore" award.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: NHSparky on December 07, 2011, 07:19:45 AM
Casting my ballot(s) in no particular order:

Willie--Stinky the Clown

Newbie--Sub Atomic

broken elbow--nadin



nadin (who I hope wins going away)
Omaha Steve (perhaps he can parlay this into a job?)
Proud2blibKansan (send her a certificate to put on the wall of her classroom)
Raven (rooting for my NH homegirls!!!)
Stinky the Clown
Will Pitt (ever find out who dimed you out on that plagairism of Douglas Adams?  I'll give you a hint--ME, mother****er.)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Splashdown on December 07, 2011, 07:37:35 AM
I forgot to nominate Name Removed, a perennial top poster at the DUmp. Sorry. Real life gets in the way from time to time.

I'm writing him in.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 07, 2011, 03:14:31 PM
I forgot to nominate Name Removed, a perennial top poster at the DUmp. Sorry. Real life gets in the way from time to time.

I'm writing him in.

Write-ins are acceptable, but to be honest, in the whole history of the Top DUmmies going back seven years, a write-in's never won anything, not even the bottom of the list.

However, what are you voting for Name Removed for?  A top primitive, or one of the special awards?

Some of these races--especially last year--get so close, so narrow, down to a single vote, and hanging chads, trying to determine the "intent" of a voter, gets a little hairy.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Karin on December 07, 2011, 03:55:04 PM
OK, here's my ballot:

Willie, for who burnished the reputation of Skin's Island.  In that sense, I vote for Nadin.  Her work made it both to here and DUFU, so her internet presence became known and cherished.  And I really did enjoy the Nadisms. 

Newbie; this was between Snoutport and White Wolf.  I'm going with Snoutport because he entertained me (as long I just skimmed).  White Wolf caused me to want to bring back HUAC, go on McCarthy witchhunts, and he just generally pissed me off.  Commies, I hate 'em. 

Broken Elbow Tough choice between Cyrano and Omaha.  50/50.  I toss it to Omaha Steve Dawes.  Did you know he's always supported socialism?

Golden Bong  Just because it was a masterpiece, Dreamer Tatum. 

Top Dummies:

Sarah Ibarurri
Horse with No Brain
NNNOLHI, Old grouchy Don
Stinky the Clown
Eferrari, lol

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Splashdown on December 07, 2011, 07:38:12 PM
Write-ins are acceptable, but to be honest, in the whole history of the Top DUmmies going back seven years, a write-in's never won anything, not even the bottom of the list.

However, what are you voting for Name Removed for?  A top primitive, or one of the special awards?

Some of these races--especially last year--get so close, so narrow, down to a single vote, and hanging chads, trying to determine the "intent" of a voter, gets a little hairy.

NameRemoved for the Willie, I think. Other votes will be forthcoming.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 07, 2011, 08:05:09 PM
NameRemoved for the Willie, I think. Other votes will be forthcoming.

From family and friends, both dead and alive.

John Doe, Johnny Doe, John Dough and Juan Doh
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 07, 2011, 11:50:41 PM
From family and friends, both dead and alive.

John Doe, Johnny Doe, John Dough and Juan Doh

I suppose it's a good time for me to cast another vote, this one for the newbie.

I've been torn between the anti-gun nut the iverglas primitive, who's actually a long-time disruptor on Skin's island, but never received the notoriety she deserves, and the snoutport primitive, who came-and-went during the past year.

Since I'm reasonably confident--I hope to God that confidence isn't misplaced, as I have plenty to write about her--the iverglas primitive is going to end up in the top ten, and since the snoutport primitive isn't a candidate in that category, for the newbie, I'm voting for the snoutport primitive.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: delilahmused on December 08, 2011, 01:30:25 AM
Willie: Nads the DUmmie every man (or every wimmin)

newbie: MiddleFingerMom

Broken Elbow: The Straight Story

Golden Bong well, since my Golden Bong choice (Firebrand Gary) didn't make it into the choices I guess my next favorite would be snoutport

Top 10 DUmmies
Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri
Mineral Man

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 04:34:51 AM
Golden Bong well, since my Golden Bong choice (Firebrand Gary) didn't make it into the choices I guess my next favorite would be snoutport

But you'd nominated him for the broken elbow award, madam, where he's at on the ballot, not for the golden bong.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 04:38:06 AM
Damn, damn, damn.

Because the yenta lied about giving us a break yesterday, but then didn't, I wanted to change one of my votes for top primitive to her.....but my original list of ten is too good, too solid, to change, and so I'm sticking with it.

I'll get my revenge on the yenta for lying to us, when I write her award, whatever her award's going to be (it's going to be one of them, I just don't know which one).
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 08, 2011, 06:59:41 AM
I am still boycotting her.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 07:04:49 AM
I am still boycotting her.

Well, whereas I'd planned on giving the yenta my usual treatment when writing the award, now I'm planning on giving her the unusual treatment.  That pisses me off, the way she lied like that, promising to stay away for a day, giving us a break.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Aristotelian on December 08, 2011, 09:27:03 AM
For the Willie
cali - there's something extra special about a DUmmy who drags innocent bystanders in to see the true horrors of the DUmp, when it's to such an extent that the DUmmy gets wallduded it shows such great self-sacrifice which should not go unrewarded.

For the newbie
SubAtomic - a small flash in the pan really, but burned with such intensity of hatred to all...when even teh gheys want one of their own kicking out it's really something.

For the broken elbow
Stinky the Clown

For the golden bouncy
underground panther - ***** is now being vindicated. I gave serious thought to SarahI., but like others can't class her bile ridden rants about a kind and patient man as being a bouncy.

For the DUmmy of the Year
cali - as above
cbayer - wielding his trusty sword of death to any offending threads
nadinbrzezinski - is there nothing that nadin doesn't know?
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri - when a whiney attention seeking thread results in a DUmmy being called an abuser by other DUmmies...
Skinner, EarlG, Elad - these poor hard-working money grubbers deserve some recognition for giving the DUmmies somewhere to play
Taverner - the unemployed striking socialist who'll smoke/inject anything, before posing as a feminist to try and get some
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Chris_ on December 08, 2011, 09:34:08 AM
For the broken elbow
Stinky the Clown

If there's an award he deserved, it's that one.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: wasp69 on December 08, 2011, 10:01:45 AM
I am casting my votes as thus:

The Willie

Taverner - If there was anyone who represented "the island" better than a lazy, stupid, arrogant, self righteous, do-nothing, drug using, all around leech on society, I have yet to see them.


Sub Atomic - While this particular flamer managed to burn brighter than his own balloon knot as viewed with an IR camera after a post fag pride day party in San Francisco for an all too brief period of time, it was a furious and entertaining time.  Too bad he didn't survive swallowing the granite sword to see the results of his actions.

Broken Elbow

Cyrano - For being the whiniest bitch in a den of whiny bitches.

Golden Bouncy

Dreamer Tatum - The grocery store bouncy with the subsequent beatdown was one of the greatest moments I have ever witnessed in DUmp history.

Top DUmbass of 2011

Sub Atomic
Sarah Ibarruri
Omaha Steve

Personally, I hope nadinbrzezinski takes it running away this year.  When everyone else thought she was going to burn out back in March and April, she surprised many by pouring on the stupid and picking up speed.  Never have I witnessed such a display of mentally deranged focus, maniacally misguided energy, and pure insanity combined with a sublime refining of hatred for all things decent and civilized in my entire life. 

That's saying something - I have raised (and am still raising) teen-aged boys.

Nadin, you have impressed me deeply with your being switched on all year.  Go, nads!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 10:06:42 AM
Nadin, you have impressed me deeply with your being switched on all year.  Go, nads!

It seems almost a supernatural force, the yenta's passionate energy.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: NHSparky on December 08, 2011, 10:40:33 AM
It seems almost a supernatural force, the yenta's passionate energy.

Or just a bad case of gas.  Meh.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 08, 2011, 10:44:30 AM
An open message to all voting members.

I'm abandoning my push to get Redstone crowned the Willie Winner. I'm focusing on getting W8liftinglady to fininsh somewhere in the top twenty. If you're undecided on your number 10 vote for DOTY, give her some consideration. She will need about 5 more votes to make the top twenty.

United for a worthy cause,
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 10:55:30 AM
I'm abandoning my push to get Redstone crowned the Willie Winner.

Oh now, don't do that, not when you're on the verge of winning that one, sir.

I'm focusing on getting W8liftinglady to finish somewhere in the top twenty. If you're undecided on your number 10 vote for DOTY, give her some consideration.

franksolich wishes to add that the w8liftinglady is another case of a primitive who's been around for a long time, but usually outshone by flashier louder primitives, but she's surely accumulated enough points over the years to finally get the honor of being a top primitive.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Revolution on December 08, 2011, 10:56:52 AM
Well, whereas I'd planned on giving the yenta my usual treatment when writing the award, now I'm planning on giving her the unusual treatment.  That pisses me off, the way she lied like that, promising to stay away for a day, giving us a break.

Never trust a DUmmie, sir. You know this better than most. Honestly, I'm astonished it slipped your mind.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 08, 2011, 11:00:55 AM
Oh now, don't do that, not when you're on the verge of winning that one, sir.

You're right. No need to as they're up for awards in different categories.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 11:01:14 AM
Never trust a DUmmie, sir. You know this better than most. Honestly, I'm astonished it slipped your mind.

Well, just so you know, Revolution, sir, franksolich has never given a primitive unusual treatment.


Why use an atomic bomb when a BB pellet will work just as well?

<<has only ever used BB pellets on primitives.

<<gearing up to be sure, uh, something bigger than that is ready to go.

I'm tired enough of Ms. Ed's constant compulsive lying; there's no need for the yenta to compete with the unappellated eohippus in that category.

The yenta promised us a yenta-free day yesterday, and didn't deliver.

I'm pissed like you can't believe.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Revolution on December 08, 2011, 11:06:22 AM
Well then we must pull out all the stops, musn't we?

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 08, 2011, 11:16:26 AM
Well then we must pull out all the stops, mustn't we?


Remember, the deal is NOT the yenta's overbearingness all these past twelve months.

The deal is that she lied, and didn't give us, as promised, a nadin-free day.

That's what pisses me off.  Royally.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 08, 2011, 11:50:25 AM
It's beyond my comprehension how anyone can think "Top DUmmy" without immediately thinking "nutcase nadin".

She is so far beyond any of the other candidates, it's like she's in a different dimension.

Just think, seventy-eight thousand DUmp posts! Seventy-eight thousand! And probably a third of them during the past twelve months of
apocalypse after apocalypse.

Compared to nadin, TiT and IanDB could run a mental health clinic. With Warpy as a receptionist. And Taverner as a staff counselor.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: delilahmused on December 08, 2011, 09:24:50 PM
But you'd nominated him for the broken elbow award, madam, where he's at on the ballot, not for the golden bong.

Ah, okay, blonde moment from a redhead! Still, they're so interchangeable sometimes. I'm happy with my choices though. Firebrand  only had one really good bouncy.  Corporate profits are talked about all the time after all. This one just happened to take place in a grocery line. Still, I really wish one would have had a cop. They've forgotten all about their importance in a good story.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: ChuckJ on December 08, 2011, 10:58:53 PM
My votes are in.



Broken Elbow:

Golden Bouncy:

Top DUmmie of 2011:
Stinky the Clown
Horse with no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Omaha Steve
The Straight Story
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 09, 2011, 06:29:44 AM

You know, sir, Pedro Picasso, the "Atman" primitive, my evil twin, has been my perennial favorite for years, ever since he showed up at our old home under the guise of another primitive, the "TexasToast" primitive.  

There were some questions about the identity of this "TexasToast," many thinking it was the real thing from Skins's island, but several alarms went off in this head.  Whoever it was, wasn't doing a credible masqueradement of the real TexasToast.

With his constant references to women's underwear and women's personal sanitary products, I at first suspected he might be Marc Rich, a former women's fashion photographer, and the Bostonian Drunkard's then-boss at that truther site, but for whatever reasons, subconsciously, I wasn't comfortable with that.

It took a while to connect the dots.

Pedro Picasso still has hissy fits about that.

He forgot that franksolich, when we were separated at birth, not only got both sets of brains, but also the whole repertoire of acting skills, leaving him none.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Traveshamockery on December 09, 2011, 06:29:55 AM
Having an award co-named for my yearlong predicament is an honor and I must thank my parents, my husband, my son, and the academy for this honor.  It has also been a predicament deciding who to vote for, for this prestigious award.  

One week after having surgery to remove some of the metal from my original broken elbow, I was taken back to surgery after my incision burst at the seams and spewed forth a beach-towel's worth of serosanguinous fluid, and while under the influence of Versed, Valium and an appetizer of Propofol, the winner came to me.  

The Broken Elbow Award:
The Straight Story.  Even though he has not been as clearly vocal this past year about his various and sundry complaints for himself, his daughter, and his ex-wife, his past rants and obvious attempts at milking money from the other DUmmies are one for the ages.  From shooting innocent kittens and being subjected to living in his fundie father's basement, TSS is the ultimate chronic complainer.  He appears to save up his whining and passive aggressive modes for getting money from other DUmmies for Christmastime so he may still score big points after the votes for this award are due.  

Oh, and since I had an IV during every one of my surgeries filled with various chemicals, does that mean I, too, was receiving chemotherapy just like demtenjeep (aka Greenbrier, aka Pam Dawson)?  I think so.  
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 09, 2011, 06:36:44 AM
The Straight Story.

My introduction to the straight story primitive was circa the autumn of 2004, when he took the wife, the child, and himself to New York City, a fistful of credit cards in hand.

They stayed at a moderately-expensive hotel in mid-town Manhattan.

He maxed out all those credit cards in a hurry.  He was surprised at how expensive New York City was, and brought the family back to Ohio, utterly broke.....right in time for Christmas, and no money to buy the child something from Santa Claus.

I don't recall if the straight story primitive begged for funds from the primitives at that time, or if another primitive at that campfire suggested he do that.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 09, 2011, 06:42:36 AM

By the way, you're doing well, I hope.

I've oftentimes thought about taking a poll among members here, to learn if anyone else besides you and I ever suffered a broken elbow.  Not a fracture or anything, but a total complete breakage.

If any other decent and civilized person has, there's no doubt in this mind he or she bore it with a great deal of fortitude and stoicism, whining a great deal less than a primitive would with an ingrown nasal hair.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Traveshamockery on December 09, 2011, 06:44:08 AM
Now, for the remainder of my votes:

The Willie:


Golden Bouncy:

Top Ten DUmmies:
Stinky the Clown
Sarah Ibarruri
Horse With No Name
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Traveshamockery on December 09, 2011, 06:53:33 AM
I am doing well this morning.  I went back to the doctor yesterday and he said the incision is healing well but there is still some more of that yucky serosanginous fluid present, though not as much as earlier this week, and I must keep my right arm quite inactive and held with a compression wrap for the next week to make sure the incision doesn't fail once again.  Those who know me know this is quite difficult for me as that means no cooking or cleaning. My career as a Victoria's Secret model has also come to an end because of this latest incident as well.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Traveshamockery on December 09, 2011, 06:56:25 AM
My introduction to the straight story primitive was circa the autumn of 2004, when he took the wife, the child, and himself to New York City, a fistful of credit cards in hand.

They stayed at a moderately-expensive hotel in mid-town Manhattan.

He maxed out all those credit cards in a hurry.  He was surprised at how expensive New York City was, and brought the family back to Ohio, utterly broke.....right in time for Christmas, and no money to buy the child something from Santa Claus.

I don't recall if the straight story primitive begged for funds from the primitives at that time, or if another primitive at that campfire suggested he do that.

Ahhhh, so TSS is one of those DUmmies who was taken advantage of by the dastardly credit card companies and millionaires and billionaires.  Poor guy.  He must not know how to read those agreements he signs. 
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 09, 2011, 07:18:05 AM

Ahhhh, so TSS is one of those DUmmies who was taken advantage of by the dastardly credit card companies and millionaires and billionaires.  Poor guy.  He must not know how to read those agreements he signs. 

I got the impression, the first time I encountered the straight story primitive, that he got his idea of hotel rates in mid-Manhattan from 1930s editions of Time magazine; you know, $3 a night standard room, $8 a night two-room suites, 25-cent luncheon specials, and the right to refuse service.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 09, 2011, 07:20:22 AM

Ahhhh, so TSS is one of those DUmmies who was taken advantage of by the dastardly credit card companies and millionaires and billionaires.  Poor guy.  He must not know how to read those agreements he signs. 

He was also taken advantage of by his ex wife. As soon as his money ran out, so did she.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Karin on December 09, 2011, 07:26:14 AM
Oh Trav, what a tough road you're on!   :bawl:  Hope every day gets a little better. 

TSS:  That sly begging shtick is a hoot.  I myself am quite averse, allergic, to any sort of begging.  I couldn't even sell Girl Scout cookies very well.  So to see it come from him is cringe-worthy and entertaining at the same time.   This year's performance was just not quite up to snuff, however.  Better luck to TSS in 2012.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 09, 2011, 07:29:38 AM
Hokay--I've got some time to sit down and do this.  There may be some explanations; there may not be.

Willie:  Stinky The Clown  (Oh--Stinky-- :bird: )

Newbie:  SubAtomic  He hates everybody--including other gays, it would seem.

Broken Elbow:  Bobbolink  No comment.

Golden Bouncy:  Nadin!  I had to put her somewhere, as I, too, am boycotting her.  I don't want to be the voter that puts her in the Top 10. :banghead: :o

Now, the Top 10 Dummies:

--Personally, I hope he gets the Top One.

Horse With No Brain Name


Omaha Steve
--This way, he'll win something.

Larry R. Burks--A loon's loon.

NNN0LHI--Maybe this'll piss him off even more! :-) O-)

Sarah Ibarruri--Hopefully, this will put her over the edge so she can make another mistake--getting rid of her Republican boyfriend, so he can go find a hot conservative chick to appreciate him.

grasswire--How 'bout that pie shop?

DainBramaged--Just because I needed another, and I was boycotting Nadin.

Skinner, EarlG, Elad--Two of those three are going to be unemployed soon!  And they don't even know!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 09, 2011, 09:45:04 AM
My career as a Victoria's Secret model has also come to an end because of this latest incident as well.
Those catalogs come here, about three of them per week, it seems.

I have once in a while paged through them, so as to keep current on trends and tipping points in women's fashion.

It's very important to stay current.

Anyway, I examine these catalogs with great attention to detail.

I honestly could not tell you if the models have elbows, or, for that matter, arms.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Traveshamockery on December 09, 2011, 09:49:32 AM
Those catalogs come here, about three of them per week, it seems.

I have once in a while paged through them, so as to keep current on trends and tipping points in women's fashion.

It's very important to stay current.

Anyway, I examine these catalogs with great attention to detail.

I honestly could not tell you if the models have elbows, or, for that matter, arms.

What got me fired from that modeling job is the fact that my right elbow doesn't have full range of motion so I am not able to use my hands to do that push-up maneuver to make my boobies have that squished look that you men like so much. 

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: wasp69 on December 09, 2011, 10:20:10 AM

What got me fired from that modeling job is the fact that my right elbow doesn't have full range of motion so I am not able to use my hands to do that push-up maneuver to make my boobies have that squished look that you men like so much. 


And then there are those of us that look at the push-up, squished look as nothing more than the appetizer for the uncovered and naturally free "look" which, incidentally, is my personal favorite.


Natural, of course, has nothing to do with range of motion.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 09, 2011, 10:34:34 AM
And then there are those of us that look at the push-up, squished look as nothing more than the appetizer for the uncovered and naturally free "look" which, incidentally, is my personal favorite.


Natural, of course, has nothing to do with range of motion.


That sounds like moonbat fahion.

Sagging to their knees by age 30. We all know it wasn't childbirth that dropped em.
Title: Re: Horse with no brain pandering for DOTY votes with Walmart bouncy
Post by: Tucker on December 09, 2011, 10:54:40 AM
If there were a death (TS- not real life) pool for DUmmies for 2012, madmom would surely be on it. She's closer to the cemetery than the WV mountain man.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: wasp69 on December 09, 2011, 11:06:35 AM
That sounds like moonbat fahion.

Nope, that is the final outcome of appetizer underthings when two are behind closed doors.

Not unshaven, unbathed, and unbra-ed womyn flopping around in public.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 09, 2011, 11:19:43 AM
Nope, that is the final outcome of appetizer underthings when two are behind closed doors.

Not unshaven, unbathed, and unbra-ed womyn flopping around in public.

my first image was of some women's libber and a burning bra.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 09, 2011, 11:59:09 AM
Man, did this thread ever get off track fast!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 09, 2011, 12:09:50 PM
Man, did this thread ever get off track fast!

Well, I'll put it back on track.

For the golden bong award, the best bouncies ever told, I'm torn between the worthless freeloading bum the wily primitive, the late "Wiley50," and Ms. Ed, the unappellated eohippus, "Horse With no Name."

I always found crazy Sarah pretty boring, and so ignored her tales, fact and fiction.

Ms. Ed is such a ****ing liar I don't feel like giving her anything but the Top DUmmie award, if she can ever win it.

For the golden bong then, I'm casting my vote for the late Wiley50.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: wasp69 on December 09, 2011, 12:18:28 PM
Man, did this thread ever get off track fast!

I blame Bush!

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 09, 2011, 12:22:11 PM
Golden Bong-wise, I truly wish the hopelessly unemployable alcoholic Pitt would have saved today's effort for January 1, so as to be eligible for a 2012 Bong. As an unnominated write-in, he hasn't a chance this year, but has nevertheless delivered himself of a monumental bouncy tale:

I have, since these wars began, spent countless hours at countless bars with countless service members from every branch, with their arms slung around my shoulder, well-met in their ever-temporary homecoming, ....
blah, blah, blah
These troops and I would get nice and drunk, more often than not, and they would spend the later hours of the evening leaning into me to whisper the horrors they had seen and done into my ear.
Between dry heaves, Pitt listens to the secrets of countless heroes.

With some editing, you can ferret the "Truth Out":

I have spent countless hours at countless bars. I get nice and drunk.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: whiffleball on December 09, 2011, 01:27:48 PM
I'm not changing my votes because that's far too much trouble for those tabulating them, but since NutcaseNadin's washing machine thread of today I feel she is the most likely to be the poster child for not only Primitivism, but liberalism as a whole.

I was feeling kind of sorry for the DUmmies who suffer the condescension, education, correction and elitism that Know-It-All serves up to them daily.  Sort of an underdog thing I guess.  Poor downtrodden DUmmies being further trodden upon by Know-It-All-Nadin. 

I now must admit how wrong I've been to boycott her for DOTY.  I also have to regret the teeny, tiny bit of compassion I felt for the idiots who let her walk all over them.  Lesson learned.

If the Google Queen walks away with a win in every category it's no more than she deserves and no less than the other DUmmies deserve for either not trying harder or standing up to their forum bully.

Let the ever thinning pate of NutcaseNadin shine forth as an example of what Skins Island and liberalism does to the mind and the soul!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: delilahmused on December 09, 2011, 02:07:26 PM

What got me fired from that modeling job is the fact that my right elbow doesn't have full range of motion so I am not able to use my hands to do that push-up maneuver to make my boobies have that squished look that you men like so much. 


Actually, it's not a hand thing, though you'd probably need elbow strength because you do use your upper arms. It's can impress your friends, even those of us who've gotten a little squishy from nursing a baby or two or more and if you've got boulders you're gonna need support from a little more than your arms. Put your arms at your side then push your upper arms in towards your boobs. Instant cleavage! But of course one can't walk around like that all day. However, for those of us with working elbows you can bend your arms up and grab your collar on each side like the fashion models do. Looks perfectly natural...feels stupid.

Cindie   :whistling:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: notaDUmmie on December 09, 2011, 07:47:41 PM
For the Willie, the award given the DUmmie who’s done the most, throughout this year and past years, to enhance the reputation and good name of democraticunderground (i.e., a primitive who made Skins’s island look good, real good):


911 forum
Alan Grayson
Andy Stephenson
atheist forum
Israel/Palestinian forum
Omaha Steve
sabrina 1
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
underground panther

No other choice for me - has to be nadin...along with her pre-OWS ability to foresee the upheaval and destruction of American society as we know it, she has single handedly kept OWS going with her keen insights and first hand (well, through Twitter and streaming video, at least) observations of the I'm-a-dirty-hippie-and-no-one-will-hire-me-but-that's-ok-because-I-don't-want-to-work-anyway movement.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: notaDUmmie on December 09, 2011, 07:50:15 PM
For the newbie, the award given a DUmmie who hasn’t ever heretofore been noticed by decent and civilized people; a new face, or at least a mug that’s been around for a while, but hasn’t ever been in any of the Top DUmmie awards past years:


Sub Atomic

Has to be seems that whenever I notice a particularly stupid thread title, fire_walk_with_me is the author.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: notaDUmmie on December 09, 2011, 07:51:54 PM
For the broken elbow, the award given the DUmmie who’s most grated on one, gotten on one’s nerves, by his or her constant whining, complaining, moaning, bitching, carrying on:


Firebrand Gary
Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
Systematic Chaos
The Straight Story

bobbolink, hands down.  Seriously, I can't think of anyone that whines as much as Bobo the Hobo.  Every thread she enters turns into a "oh, poor me" thread.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: notaDUmmie on December 09, 2011, 07:53:18 PM
For the golden bouncy, the award given the DUmmie who wrote the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies, during this past year, 2011:


Dreamer Tatum
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
Twix Voy
underground panther

Hors With No Name...I think that says it all.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: JakeStyle on December 09, 2011, 09:23:46 PM
Newbie = Snoutport.  I kind of feel bad about voting for this fag since he is no longer posting at the DUmp, but he was damn entertaining while he was there.

Golden Bong = Sarah Ibuprophen and her rethug boyfriend bouncy.

Broken Elbow = Omaha Steve.  C'mon the guy cries when he goes to Starbucks and can't find a unionized coffee-fetcher to take his order.  There is no bigger whiner out there.

DOTY = nadin.  I was honestly hoping that another DUmbass would step up and give me a reason not to vote for nadin, but it hasn't happened.  IMO she is the obvious winner.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 10, 2011, 08:34:15 AM
There are still plenty of people whp have not voted. If you're undecided on your number 10 vote for DOTY, give W8liftinglady some consideration. She is most deserving.

If she makes it into the top 20, there is a special tribute awaiting her.

Thanks, Tucker
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 10, 2011, 08:36:00 AM
Oops, and a reminder to folks.

Top DUmmie, or DUmmie of the Year, is not limited to one choice; one has ten votes.

Many here have voted for one Top DUmmie, not using their other nine votes.

Please use those votes if you want, as remember, last year there were a lot of close-run races.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: md11hydmec on December 10, 2011, 09:15:38 AM
Ok here's my vote.  Thanks for the reminder Frank.

Willie --- Cali (I mean, getting fired for insulting your employer on a "democrat" website)
Newbie--Sub Atomic (new on the scene, but came in with a bang)
Broken Elbow -- Horse with no name (for obvious reasons)
Golden Bouncy -- Sarah Iburruri (She seems to have more "encounters" than anyone else besides TiT)

My Top 10
Mike C
Sub Atomic
Skinner, Elad, Earl G (I swear these guys are the greatest moles around using capitalism to control the communists)
Omaha Steve
Sarah Iburrui
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: FreeBorn on December 10, 2011, 11:18:17 AM
Tough tough tough but here we go~

First of all my hat is off to franksolich for enduring the massive undertaking of sifting through the legions of loonies on the island and paring it all down to the most deserving cretins for our scrutiny. Sheesh! Talk about picking up a turd by the clean end, this sordid task is worthy of having its own entire  episode on "Dirty Jobs".
 :greet: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

WILLIE: Stinky the Clown for being the E-pity-me of self aggrandizement at the expense of all others.

NEWBIE: MiddleFingerMom. Much like Stinky, she thinks an awful lot of herself.

BROKEN ELBOW: nadinebrzezinski. Crusty Unmitigated Nagging Troll that she is.

GOLDEN BOUNCY: nadinbrzezenski. No contest. Like a bad fart in a crowded elevator, she just won't go away.

Stinky the Clown
Whore With No Brain
OMG Steve
The Straight Story
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 10, 2011, 11:35:31 AM
MiddleFingerMom is a he.  :whistling:

Glad to see W8liftinglady reappear.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: FreeBorn on December 10, 2011, 11:45:50 AM
MiddleFingerMom is a he.  :whistling:

Glad to see W8liftinglady reappear.

Coulda fooled me! Gotta be a Kalifornican. Like, fer sure. Totally.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 10, 2011, 11:54:00 AM hat is off to franksolich for enduring the massive undertaking of sifting through the legions of loonies on the island and paring it all down to the most deserving cretins for our scrutiny. Sheesh! Talk about picking up a turd by the clean end.....

I always considered my humble task to be for the Good of Humanity, sir; to illuminate decent and civilized people everywhere about the rectal apertures in our midst.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 10, 2011, 12:15:31 PM
Coulda fooled me! Gotta be a Kalifornican. Like, fer sure. Totally.

Phoenix, AZ.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: zeitgeist on December 10, 2011, 12:48:57 PM


CaliforniaPeggy  X


fire_walk_with_me  X

Broken Elbow:

Stinky the Clown  X

Golden Bouncy:

snoutport         X

Top Ten:

cali  X
cbayer X
kpete X
mike_c X
Mineral Man (#19 top DUmmie) X
nadinbrzezinski (#17 top DUmmie) X
Omaha Steve  X
Sarah Ibarruri X
Sub Atomic X

I think both MM an Nads put in the extra effort this year to improve their standings. 
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: LC EFA on December 10, 2011, 02:19:12 PM
For the Golden Bong  award : Nadin

For the Newbie : Fire_walk_with_me

For the Willie : Stinky.

For the Broken Elbow : Nadin

DU Top 10 :

The Administrative Triumvirate (Group Award)
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
The Straight Story
Wee Willie Washout.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Crazy Horse on December 10, 2011, 04:23:02 PM
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: miskie on December 10, 2011, 05:33:54 PM
My votes are as follows :

Willie - Omaha Steve : His campaign is setting in place a massive embarrassment to DU - as people who wouldn't know or care about Skin's island suddenly become interested in it as good, decent & civilized people use DU to point out who OS really is..

Newbie - Sub Atomic : His posts are like listening to the Village People's 'In The Navy' over and over again - with lots of extra rage thrown in. He may be a mole - but even if he isn't, his sub is quickly reaching Crush Depth at DU.. Damn it, now that song is stuck in my head.. Time to put on my construction worker outfit and hit the disco..  

Broken Elbow - the not quite dead yet bobbolink : no poster at skins island has the talent to make any post about his/her one pet issue like her. I hope the award makes its way to bobbolink as a broken PCV valve elbow from a junkyard Buick.. Sloppily glued to a piece of cardboard, and spray-painted paint-huffer silver.

Golden Bouncy - nadinbrzezinski - well, there is not any of them bouncies she sieves up that arent altered or totally fabricated from hole cloth. Yes, it could be conintrelpro who is responsible - or mabye the radioactive 1% milk's fault..

Top Ten Primitives :

Atman - the perfect example of a 1%er pretending to be 'po, and fighting Da Man. but since he is a primitive, he gets a pass. Where's my hand carved bust of The Impeached One, bitch ?

bobbolink - I suspect that DU3 will spell the end of Bobbolink - her pet cause is annoying to many, and I am certain that anti-bobbo primitives will send nearly every post of hers to jury.

cbayer - Oh Noes !!!11!!! what's cbayer the thread slayer to do ??? DU3 has ended you. Bitch.

Eferrari - lol. or at least that's what she would write in response to this nomination, or any slam against her favorite South American dictators. lol indeed...

mike_c - one day..when this dude passes away... I believe they are going to find there are limits to how enamored one can be with insects.. And that he has broken most of them.

nadinbrzezinski - well, I gotta hand it to Nads - NOBODY has had more carrers than she has. and them offers keep coming - you go girlfirend !

progressiveinaction - progressive inaction is a perfect mole name. I nominate this primitive for that alone.

Raven - PittMomma needs a new life. Watching her grown son's activity on a messageboard is lame at best, oppressive at worst. Insert lyrics to Pink Floyd's 'Mother' here....

Stinky the Clown - So angry. SO very Angry. Also does a great job advertising conservativecave.

Tavener - Christian Jew Athiests Unite !!!

well, thier you have it, all them nominations from me. Now I have lots of things to read to get better educated fist.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Mr Mannn on December 10, 2011, 07:44:45 PM
Willie - cali. She got herself fired with her own words. She deserves something.

Newbie - Sub Atomic...the flaming gay who flamed out.

Broken Elbow - one can grate nerves like nadin

Golden Bouncy -nadinbrzezinski...sorry to the nadin haters, but the submarine captain and canned milk still tops it all for me

Top DUmmies

1) cali...for getting herself fired in a most spectacular way! I laughed until my smile muscles hurt.
2) nadinbrzezinski...nobody likes a know-it-all who can't spell
3) Stinky the Clown...for bringing the mob's training and experience to DU
4) Sub Atomic...who inserted his flaming gayness where it wasn't wanted
5) Omaha Steve....LIARS!
6) Tavener...the drugie who wants money for nuthin, and the chicks for free
7) Skinner, EarlG, Elad...for turning the trainwreck of DU into an even MORE unworkable mess in DU3
8) bobbolink...for running herself over in her own buick
9) DainBramaged...for living up to his name
10) William Pitt...sympathy vote
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: notaDUmmie on December 10, 2011, 10:51:46 PM
DOTY votes:

cali - I read through the entire thread from July where she got herself fired, and I was laughing so hard, my husband thought I was hitting the sauce.

W8liftinglady - there is something to be said for consistency...I *know* when I see a thread title that starts off with "Does anyone have research on xxxxx for a LTTE that I'm writing?", the author will be W8liftinglady

William Pitt - loving how he fancies himself a great writer, yet every screed deteriorates into a profanity-laced rant against the people that pay for this country (the 53%)

nadinbrzezinski - ah nads, you've been saying for years now that the revolution is coming...sad...but even sadder, you believe that OWS is it.

Omaha Steve - his slavish dedication to unionized thugs will no doubt provide a fascinating backdrop to his campaign for public office.

NNN0LHI - I just love how he, along with Romulox constantly throw digs at Anne for driving a foreign car and not supporting their union while she pleads for support of her union.

iverglas - indicative of Canadians that want the U.S. to follow the same stupid path that Canada has gone down with regards to medicine and guns.

bobbolink - the epitome of liberal do nothing...while claiming to be homeless, she wants to dictate what type of housing she sharing for her...whe wants her own place, for free, along with everything else she needs to survive.  Let her stay in the Buick.

Proud2BlibKansan - a teacher?  I weep for  the future.

SidDithers - consistenly cracks me up.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: DefiantSix on December 10, 2011, 11:14:44 PM
For the Willie:
911 forum

For the n00bie:

For the Broken Elbow:

For the Golden Bouncy:
Horse With no Name

And, For Top DUmmy:
Larry R. Burks
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
William Pitt

And may God have mercy on their souls.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 10, 2011, 11:25:07 PM
You people are really disappointing me, hardly any votes for Sarah (she has to be a mole) Ibuprofen! :(
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BattleHymn on December 11, 2011, 12:26:20 AM
You people are really disappointing me, hardly any votes for Sarah (she has to be a mole) Ibuprofen! :(

I cast one of my DOTY votes in her direction.  Certainly not Top DUmmie material (yet), but I think she deserves more votes, too.  Maybe you need to kick your electioneering up a notch.  :-)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: chitownchica on December 11, 2011, 01:09:29 AM

By the way, you're doing well, I hope.

I've oftentimes thought about taking a poll among members here, to learn if anyone else besides you and I ever suffered a broken elbow.  Not a fracture or anything, but a total complete breakage.

If any other decent and civilized person has, there's no doubt in this mind he or she bore it with a great deal of fortitude and stoicism, whining a great deal less than a primitive would with an ingrown nasal hair.

Yes. I broke my elbow when I was in kindergarten. Broke that sucker clean in half by falling from the top of a backyard swingset.  Good times.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Tucker on December 11, 2011, 04:45:57 AM
You people are really disappointing me, hardly any votes for Sarah (she has to be a mole) Ibuprofen! :(

In what category?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 04:48:51 AM
You people are really disappointing me, hardly any votes for Sarah (she has to be a mole) Ibuprofen! :(

Well, one can't tell how it's all going to come out just from this thread.

Remember, some vote privately, via e-mail to Mr. Wiggum, and there's another voting thread over at our old home.

At the moment, I'm guessing you-know-who is leading for the number one spot, but not in the landslide I'd expected, or feared, or dreaded, or whatever.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 07:42:58 AM
I cast one of my DOTY votes in her direction.  Certainly not Top DUmmie material (yet), but I think she deserves more votes, too.  Maybe you need to kick your electioneering up a notch.  :-)

Awwwwww, Thank You BH!

In what category?

For the DOTY.

Well, one can't tell how it's all going to come out just from this thread.

Remember, some vote privately, via e-mail to Mr. Wiggum, and there's another voting thread over at our old home.

At the moment, I'm guessing you-know-who is leading for the number one spot, but not in the landslide I'd expected, or feared, or dreaded, or whatever.

Well that's good, she just totally hogged the spotlight and she should've held back to give others a chance. Do we have to start affirmative actioning the candidates?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 07:55:49 AM
Well that's good, she just totally hogged the spotlight and she should've held back to give others a chance. Do we have to start affirmative actioning the candidates?

Actually, that's what I've been trying to do--please notice, madam, franksolich has posted very little, if at all, about the yenta, giving me more time to accentuate other candidates.

I've pretty much written the yenta's award--although I dunno if for Top DUmmie, DUmmie #02, or DUmmie #03; we'll see--but it has a lot of bad words, in Yiddish, so as to not offend the sensibilities of decent and civilized people.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 08:56:12 AM
Actually, that's what I've been trying to do--please notice, madam, franksolich has posted very little, if at all, about the yenta, giving me more time to accentuate other candidates.

I've pretty much written the yenta's award--although I dunno if for Top DUmmie, DUmmie #02, or DUmmie #03; we'll see--but it has a lot of bad words, in Yiddish, so as to not offend the sensibilities of decent and civilized people.

I noticed that you haven't been promoting her and it's appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Minky on December 11, 2011, 09:41:45 AM
I don't know any of the players here, but I did read extensively the rantings of dear Sarah thanks to the campaigning of BG. Good stuff!

I am going to support my friend, BG, and offer one vote this year and nothing more.

DOTY: Sarah Iburrari

Next year I will fill in a full and complete ballot based on my own personal knowledge of the players. This year I'm trusting BG. :)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 11, 2011, 10:18:41 AM
Well, Sarah Imaboobi really didn't stand a chance. She's Top Ten material maybe, but no real competition for nadin. If Imaboobi had pursued her boyfriend storyline all the way through proposal, marriage, domestic violence, Kardashianesque divorce, and reconciliation, it could not have matched even one of nutcase nadin's numerous "End Of The World As We Know It" apocalypses.

Remember, with nutcase nadin, you not only get the preposterous impending calamity, you also get the arrogant condescension AND the hilarious nadinese language.

It's less filling, and it tastes great!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 10:22:09 AM
This year I'm trusting BG. :)

You might want to change that, madam.

Ballygrl's promoting crazy Sarah for the golden bong award, not the top primitive.

It's pretty much a "given" that crazy Sarah's going to end up in the top primitives anyway, so if convenient for you, change your vote to that for the golden bong--although you're perfectly free to keep your vote for crazy Sarah for top primitive, too.

We don't want to confuse the vote-counter, Mr. Wiggum, as he has enough hassles anyway, with no time to try to decipher the "intent" of a voter.

That all being said, Ballygrl's a good person, a wonderful person, a delightful person, to trust.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 10:33:47 AM
I don't know any of the players here, but I did read extensively the rantings of dear Sarah thanks to the campaigning of BG. Good stuff!

I am going to support my friend, BG, and offer one vote this year and nothing more.

DOTY: Sarah Iburrari

Next year I will fill in a full and complete ballot based on my own personal knowledge of the players. This year I'm trusting BG. :)

Thank You Minky! I actually think Sarah's a mole so I find her amusing.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 10:34:38 AM
You might want to change that, madam.

Ballygrl's promoting crazy Sarah for the golden bong award, not the top primitive.

It's pretty much a "given" that crazy Sarah's going to end up in the top primitives anyway, so if convenient for you, change your vote to that for the golden bong--although you're perfectly free to keep your vote for crazy Sarah for top primitive, too.

We don't want to confuse the vote-counter, Mr. Wiggum, as he has enough hassles anyway, with no time to try to decipher the "intent" of a voter.

That all being said, Ballygrl's a good person, a wonderful person, a delightful person, to trust.

OMG! I think she should be the DOTY LOL.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 10:34:54 AM
Thank You Minky! I actually think Sarah's a mole so I find her amusing.

But you need to correct her, madam.

She voted for crazy Sarah for top primitive, which is okay.

You wanted her to vote for crazy Sarah for the golden bong.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 10:36:51 AM
OMG! I think she should be the DOTY LOL.

Now I'm confused.

I thought you wanted crazy Sarah for the golden bong--remember the argument some pages back, where there was disagreement about whether or not her stories were bouncies?

Crazy Sarah's pretty much in for inclusion with the top primitives anyway, and so if you're serious about her winning the golden bong, too, be sure votes are cast correctly.

<<thinks the world of Ballygrl.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 12:24:35 PM
Now I'm confused.

I thought you wanted crazy Sarah for the golden bong--remember the argument some pages back, where there was disagreement about whether or not her stories were bouncies?

Crazy Sarah's pretty much in for inclusion with the top primitives anyway, and so if you're serious about her winning the golden bong, too, be sure votes are cast correctly.

<<thinks the world of Ballygrl.

No LOL, I wanted Sarah for the DOTY, here are the people I voted for:

911 forum


Broken Elbow
Horse With no Name

Golden Bouncy
Dreamer Tatum

Top DUmmies of 2011
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Sub Atomic
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 12:40:48 PM
No LOL, I wanted Sarah for the DOTY, here are the people I voted for:

Well now, I am more confused than a pig sliding on ice.

How come you started that argument about whether or not crazy Sarah's tales were fact or fiction, then, since her bounciness wasn't relevant for the Top DUmmies award?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 01:55:30 PM
Well now, I am more confused than a pig sliding on ice.

How come you started that argument about whether or not crazy Sarah's tales were fact or fiction, then, since her bounciness wasn't relevant for the Top DUmmies award?

You sure it was me who started an argument? For some weird reason I think Sarah is a mole, but if I didn't think that I didn't doubt the validity of her thread on the Republican boyfriend who treats her nice boyfriend.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 11, 2011, 01:55:56 PM
Remember, with nutcase nadin, you not only get the preposterous impending calamity, you also get the arrogant condescension AND the hilarious nadinese language.

She's the complete package.

Also, Ballygrl, please note that I *did* vote for Sarah Ibuprofen--she was among my ten votes, and even a #10 ranking counts as much as #1 ranking. Indeed, Sarah Imadummi was my #2 choice for DOTY, second only to Nosey Nadin.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Ballygrl on December 11, 2011, 02:55:21 PM
She's the complete package.

Also, Ballygrl, please note that I *did* vote for Sarah Ibuprofen--she was among my ten votes, and even a #10 ranking counts as much as #1 ranking. Indeed, Sarah Imadummi was my #2 choice for DOTY, second only to Nosey Nadin.


Thank You Charles!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Minky on December 11, 2011, 04:40:56 PM
Adding a vote for Sarah Imaboobi (I love that, by the way)

Golden Bong: Sarah Imaboobi

Can I vote her in both places?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 04:41:41 PM
Adding a vote for Sarah Imaboobi (I love that, by the way)

Golden Bong:[/u] Sarah Imaboobi

Can I vote her in both places?

Yes, you may, madam.

She was nominated for both.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 11, 2011, 05:38:59 PM
Vote Change

I still believe snotspout's bird funeral is the funniest bouncy in years, but he's no longer with us and cannot enjoy the honor.

So, I change my vote for Golden Bong to Sarah Imaboobi.

There's no way a nut like her has a boyfriend for longer than it takes to say wham! bam!

Last minute campaigning by a respected campaign manager really can make a difference, as coach proved last year.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2011, 05:43:23 PM
Last minute campaigning by a respected campaign manager really can make a difference, as coach proved last year.

You know, I consider that my most-impressive accomplishment ever, here.

Catapulting the wretched Anne from Top DUmmie #19 in 2009 to Top DUmmie of 2010; yanked her up eighteen rungs on the ladder, clear to the top.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on December 11, 2011, 08:16:54 PM
For the golden bouncy, the award given the DUmmie who wrote the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies, during this past year, 2011:


Dreamer Tatum
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
Twix Voy
underground panther

I've got to support Ben Dayho here.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: WinOne4TheGipper on December 11, 2011, 08:21:34 PM
1. Nadin
2. Stinky
3. Taverner
4. Sarah Ibarra
5. Cali

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: jukin on December 11, 2011, 08:25:39 PM
Nadinthebrain for sure.  IMHO, she wrapped up the DOTY with Japanese radiation crisis. But did she quit, rest on her laurels? HELL NO! She jumped out to an early lead and just kept putting more and more distance between her and second best. That, my friends, is dedication. Dedication taken to a zealous level. Heck she looking at DOTY 2012. I think her crazy is going to 11.

This year is not even close.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: dandi on December 11, 2011, 08:45:40 PM
Willie: The 9/11 Forum

Newbie: socialist_in_TN

Broken Elbow: bobbolink

Golden Bouncy: PCIntern

Top DUmmies Of 2011: bobbolink
                               Horse With No Name
                               Sarah Ibarruri
                               Stinky The Clown
                               The Straight Story
                               underground panther
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: chitownchica on December 11, 2011, 11:13:14 PM
My votes:

It was a tough decision between gonads Brzezinski, Omaha Steve, and the ever whiny Stinky the Clown, but in the end I believe that Nadin's sheer amount of work spotlighting the brilliance of liberal thought process put her over the top.

This was another tough choice for me.  Snoutsport and his corn nut lunch outrage and multi-hour beatdown from a student vs. a college student who, after one semester, has become the world's foremost authority on the merits of communism.  His schooling of DUmmies who haven't joined him in welcoming a totalitarian state was especially entertaining.

broken elbow
Stinky the Clown
Although Omaha Steve cast a great light on belligerent union members everywhere,  I'm casting my vote for Stinky the Clown.  That little bitch whines more than a preteen girl.  It was his constant moaning about everything from Conservative Cave to SDuderstadt calling him dude too much that pushed my vote to him.  His crying in the ATA forum about the word dude was classic.  Recently he used the Pam Dawson method of bragging on his wealth by complaining about his two expensive espresso machines.  He's pathetic but funny.

golden bouncy
Horse With no Name
The resident pecker checker really made me laugh with some of her tales this year. She tells bouncies like nobody's business.  I especially liked how careless she was when telling the stories of her daughter's car repo.  She wasn't smart enough to use the nadin search feature to check her facts.

Top DUmmies of 2011
Bobbolink - miss her
cali- walldudding herself was priceless
Horse With no Name
iverglas- disbarred Canadian lawyer who loves stirring up the gungeon. 
Nadinbrzezinski - for all she's done this past year to provide hours of entertainment. I give her extra points for going to Andrea's place and telling people they were racist if they referred to Obama as anything but President Obama.  For ****s face!
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown
- I'd donate my airline miles for a one-way trip to North Korea for this one.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: Karin on December 12, 2011, 10:15:23 AM
Chitown, I enjoyed your little write-ups!

Frank, that was me who started the argument, not Bally.  I stand by my assertion that Sarah told no bouncies.  I am aware that the polls are closed.  Maybe I'm a purist, but I think bouncies have to have certain elements.  Just having a Republican boyfriend is not a bouncy. 
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: FaC on December 12, 2011, 12:26:02 PM
Wille - Spooked911 (sheer persistence)
Newbie - socialist_in_TN (I am surprised the state's immune system has not already dealt with this)
Broken Elbow - Stinky the Clown
Golden Bouncey - snoutport

Top 10
Proud2BLibKansan (same surprise around the state's immune system as with socialist in tn)
Sarah Ibarruri
Stinky the Clown
Omaha Steve (I figure that placing in this will only help his opponent in the upcoming election)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: ConservativeMobster on December 12, 2011, 12:37:54 PM
For the Willie:
911 forum

For the n00bie:

For the Broken Elbow:

For the Golden Bouncy:
Horse With no Name

And, For Top DUmmy:
Larry R. Burks
Omaha Steve
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
William Pitt

And may God have mercy on their souls.

I was hoping someone would vote my nominations, I'm lazy.  Thanks, DS!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: chitownchica on December 12, 2011, 02:42:50 PM
Chitown, I enjoyed your little write-ups!

Frank, that was me who started the argument, not Bally.  I stand by my assertion that Sarah told no bouncies.  I am aware that the polls are closed.  Maybe I'm a purist, but I think bouncies have to have certain elements.  Just having a Republican boyfriend is not a bouncy. 

Thanks Karin  :cheersmate:!
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BEG on December 12, 2011, 03:05:10 PM
I am too overwhelmed by the craziness to pick just one.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 12, 2011, 04:01:27 PM
I am too overwhelmed by the craziness to pick just one.

Tell ya what, BEG . . . just copy my choices. :whistling:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2011, 06:16:46 PM
Tell ya what, BEG . . . just copy my choices. :whistling:

You're ex-military; you'd know this stuff.

As I like to maintain rigorous accuracy when giving the background of winners of the Top DUmmies, naturally I've been looking into the potential winners, to see what I can discern of their socioeconomic status.

The yenta's a problem.  Apparently she lives in an "average," or perhaps even "a little bit less than average," neighborhood in San Diego.  Say, a place that was once "trendy," but now's slowly slipping down.  Not a bad place, but a place that's seen some better days.

As you know, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the yenta's husband; no doubt he's a nice guy, one of the nicest guys one can ever hope to meet.  And probably he has no idea, no idea at all, what his wife's up to, that makes he himself look bad.

Her husband once directed submarines through treacherous waters, for which we thank him; he attained the highest rank (E-8; I have no idea what that means) that a non-commissioned officer in the Navy can get, and as it appears to have been a pretty high rank, one assumes he retired with a reasonably good pension.

So the yenta has the opportunity to luxuriate, on this pension--if he does in fact get one--rather than getting callouses on her hands from honest labor.

Too, her husband works for the post office.  He's not the postmaster of San Diego, but it's reasonable to assume he's much more than just a mailman or counter-clerk or mail-sorter.  After all, his years in the Navy gave him much education, experience, and skills that would be wasted doing that.....and so one assumes he's somewhere in between the postmaster and the front-desk people at the post office.

Which further frees the yenta from having to fray her fingernails doing honest work.

There might be other benefits of being ex-military and in a reasonably high-level job in San Diego, but I have no idea what those might be--other than if they're there, the yenta takes full advantage of them, to the hilt.

One can only speculate, but what might those be?

My own expertise in this area is rather limited.  The neighbor was in the Air Force National Guard for some years, and says the only benefit he got from it--other than, of course, maturity and doing his duty--was that his college degree (B.S. in mathematics) was nearly all paid for.  He was always going to be a farmer anyway, but had this fringe benefit--paid college education--and so took it for fun, before he had to hunker down and work.

The senior business associate was in the Navy, active duty, six years, during the 1990s, and says the only benefit he got from it--other than, of course, maturity and doing his duty--was that his college degree (B.S. in accounting) was nearly all paid for. 

But these are Nebraskans we're talking about; other than greedy union members in Omaha, Nebraskans tend not to be avaricious, not to grab as much as they can as fast as they can.

So one assumes that while the yenta's not among the Country Club set in San Diego, she's not among the trailer-courters either.....but she is closer to the County Club set than she is to the other end of the socioeconomic spectrum.

Any illumination you can give me, sir, would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 12, 2011, 07:25:08 PM
You're ex-military; you'd know this stuff.

As I like to maintain rigorous accuracy when giving the background of winners of the Top DUmmies, naturally I've been looking into the potential winners, to see what I can discern of their socioeconomic status.

The yenta's a problem.  Apparently she lives in an "average," or perhaps even "a little bit less than average," neighborhood in San Diego.  Say, a place that was once "trendy," but now's slowly slipping down.  Not a bad place, but a place that's seen some better days.

As you know, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the yenta's husband; no doubt he's a nice guy, one of the nicest guys one can ever hope to meet.  And probably he has no idea, no idea at all, what his wife's up to, that makes he himself look bad.

Her husband once directed submarines through treacherous waters, for which we thank him; he attained the highest rank (E-8; I have no idea what that means) that a non-commissioned officer in the Navy can get, and as it appears to have been a pretty high rank, one assumes he retired with a reasonably good pension.

So the yenta has the opportunity to luxuriate, on this pension--if he does in fact get one--rather than getting callouses on her hands from honest labor.

Too, her husband works for the post office.  He's not the postmaster of San Diego, but it's reasonable to assume he's much more than just a mailman or counter-clerk or mail-sorter.  After all, his years in the Navy gave him much education, experience, and skills that would be wasted doing that.....and so one assumes he's somewhere in between the postmaster and the front-desk people at the post office.

Which further frees the yenta from having to fray her fingernails doing honest work.

There might be other benefits of being ex-military and in a reasonably high-level job in San Diego, but I have no idea what those might be--other than if they're there, the yenta takes full advantage of them, to the hilt.

One can only speculate, but what might those be?

My own expertise in this area is rather limited.  The neighbor was in the Air Force National Guard for some years, and says the only benefit he got from it--other than, of course, maturity and doing his duty--was that his college degree (B.S. in mathematics) was nearly all paid for.  He was always going to be a farmer anyway, but had this fringe benefit--paid college education--and so took it for fun, before he had to hunker down and work.

The senior business associate was in the Navy, active duty, six years, during the 1990s, and says the only benefit he got from it--other than, of course, maturity and doing his duty--was that his college degree (B.S. in accounting) was nearly all paid for. 

But these are Nebraskans we're talking about; other than greedy union members in Omaha, Nebraskans tend not to be avaricious, not to grab as much as they can as fast as they can.

So one assumes that while the yenta's not among the Country Club set in San Diego, she's not among the trailer-courters either.....but she is closer to the County Club set than she is to the other end of the socioeconomic spectrum.

Any illumination you can give me, sir, would be appreciated.

Coach, if he retired as an E-8 or E-9 (more likely, if he was the highest a NCO could go in the military), he'd have access to free medical care on post, PX priveleges (which can be substantial on groceries), the NCO Club, etc.  He'd also have a wealth of contacts all over the country--probably the world--that he could call for assistance if he ever needed it, on almost anything.  Seeing that he's a submariner, NHSparky would probably be in a better position to answer this.  Sparky, if I missed anything (and I most likely did), please chime in.

'Course, one does have to remember that ol' Nadin tends to . . . "embellish" things.  It's just as likely that her husband left her because of her pompous, condescending attitudes and has found some drop-dead gorgeous beach blonde to shack up with, and ol' Nads is receiving alimony.  But, the husband didn't get to E-9 by being an idiot, so he probably feels that the alimony is a small price to pay for getting Nadin out of his house, and a really hot young blonde is worth the bullshit he's had to put up with all these years.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: CC27 on December 12, 2011, 07:59:46 PM
Willie:Alan Grayson


broken elbow:ThomWV

For the golden bouncy:Horse With no Name

3.Stinky the Clown
5.Horse With no Name
6.Mineral Man
7.Omaha Steve
9.The Straight Story
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Ptarmigan on December 12, 2011, 09:09:15 PM
DUmmy of 2011

She wins hands down for 2011.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Revolution on December 12, 2011, 10:08:24 PM
If Nominations were still up, I'd put just Skimmer in without the other doofuses. It appears he has either intentionally, or mistakenly let the animals out of their cages, and they are seeking other alternatives. Why would he do this to the public? I believe it to be either stupidity, he has no moral compass anymore, or he's just plain evil.

Seriously though, letting loose the Primitives to scatter about the interwebz is a very bad thing. He knows not what he does.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Odin's Hand on December 13, 2011, 06:14:36 AM



Sub Atomic

broken elbow:


golden bouncy:


Top 10:

1. Nadin
2. Taverner
3. Omaha Steve
4. Stinky the Clown
5. Sub Atomic
6. Larry R. Burks
7. Mineral Man
8. mike_c (bugsy)
9. cbayer the thread slayer
10. Proud2BlibKansan

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: miskie on December 13, 2011, 06:30:14 AM
If Nominations were still up, I'd put just Skimmer in without the other doofuses. It appears he has either intentionally, or mistakenly let the animals out of their cages, and they are seeking other alternatives. Why would he do this to the public? I believe it to be either stupidity, he has no moral compass anymore, or he's just plain evil.

Seriously though, letting loose the Primitives to scatter about the interwebz is a very bad thing. He knows not what he does.

Most of them will be back once they realize they cant live without their fellow islanders, and skins knows it. He also knows that about half of the 5000 actual members will give him money in the end.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 13, 2011, 06:59:31 AM
But, the husband didn't get to E-9 by being an idiot.....

You know, sir, I got so much material on the yenta--kindly provided by the yenta herself, no other person--when doing the award, I can write it in just about any form; long essay, short story, three-act play, lengthy poem, half-hour situation-comedy script for television, haikus, limericks.

And because the yenta pissed me off the other day, I'd promised to give her award "special treatment," as she's likely to be a top primitive, the only question being #03 DUmmie or #02 DUmmie or Top DUmmie of 2011.  The yenta pissed me off when she promised the primitives and decent and civilized people everywhere that she was going to take a one-day "break" from Skins's island.....and then she didn't.

And here, I'd been hoping for a yenta-free day.  At least one day, God, please.

I'm not saying it'll come out this way, but right now, right at the moment, I'm leaning towards making her award an open letter to her husband.  I think the guy goes to work every day innocently believing the wife is tending to household chores while he's gone.  I don't think the poor guy has the slightest idea that his own wife is making him look like an ass, by her conduct.

Someone needs to tell him, so he may correct the matter.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: JohnnyReb on December 13, 2011, 07:20:26 AM
This is like standing at the dessert table at homecoming....there's just to much to choose from.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Ballygrl on December 13, 2011, 08:24:55 AM
Votes via DUFU at FR:

Choose Ye This Day votes for Nads

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 13, 2011, 01:15:00 PM
Anyone who hasn't yet voted for Top DUmmy may want to refresh their memory with this thread:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 13, 2011, 01:28:54 PM
04-30-2011, 03:42 PM Post: #27
Wandering Albatross

 Posts: 529
Joined: Jul 2008 
Re: 10 Ways That the Birthers Are an Object Lesson in White Privilege
(04-30-2011 03:18 PM)Andrea link Wrote:
author=nadinbrzezinski link=topic=21459.msg226465#msg226465 date=1304192484
Please delete my account...

I really do not want to be associated with a site, where a valid discussion on the reality of this country, not just birthers, is hijacked.

Suffice it to say... from this day forth, I now have proof that yes it is also in the \"left.\" Yes, it is alive and well... and wiggling.

It is not a distraction... it is current reality, going back to the very real slave pens in Colonial America.

Have a good day.

Nadin, you have repeatedly called members here racists and then used their denial as proof they are racists. This isn't Salem circa 1692.

Please close my account...

given how a valid matter was hijacked, please do. I really do not want to be associated with this site.

I brought a valid issue... and there is more... the whole papers please, prove you are an American... show me ONE US President who has been subjected to that. IT WAS, IT IS racism.

Have a good life.
Please delete the account

I do not want to be associated with this site and a few members.

Good bye


In the words of a famous poster at DU.


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 13, 2011, 03:29:42 PM
This is like standing at the dessert table at homecoming....there's just to much to choose from.

Well, you'd better hurry, sir.

You've got only like 33 more hours to vote.

Now, if the Taverner primitive hurries up himself and does something really stupid, I fully anticipate a flurry of changed votes at the last minute.

He's still got 33 hours.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Tucker on December 13, 2011, 03:53:16 PM
This means nothing. Just throwing it out there for a peek.

EFerrari (157,926 posts)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 13, 2011, 03:55:01 PM
This means nothing. Just throwing it out there for a peek.

I wondered, but I'd guessed wrong.

I'd guessed it was closer to half a million.

But still, that probably makes Doug's stupid ex-wife the champion lol'er on Skins's island, even though she's been there only since November 2004.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Tucker on December 13, 2011, 04:58:09 PM
I wondered, but I'd guessed wrong.

I'd guessed it was closer to half a million.

But still, that probably makes Doug's stupid ex-wife the champion lol'er on Skins's island, even though she's been there only since November 2004.

That many LOLs are worthy of a top ten finish.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 13, 2011, 05:04:21 PM
That many LOLs are worthy of a top ten finish.

Actually, even though I nominated, and voted for, Doug's stupid ex-wife for the Willie, I'm half-and-half about the matter.

At times I want her to win (either the Willie or one of the top ten primitives, or both), and at other times, I hope she doesn't.

I've been writing about Doug's stupid ex-wife for years now, three years shy of a whole decade, and it's harder and harder to find anything new to say about her.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: MoshMasterD on December 13, 2011, 09:58:29 PM
For the Willie- It came down to Nadin And Redstone, but I vote for Nadin on this.

For Newbie-  Fire Walk With Me

For Broken Elbow- no contest, Stinky "Vinny The Dude" Clown

For Golden Bouncy- Another no contest, Nadin

and the ten DOTYs are (not in any order)-


Stinky "Vinny The Dude" Clown




The indocterinator Proud2Blib

Omaha Steve

Horse With No Name


Sarah Ibarruri
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: jukin on December 14, 2011, 12:55:09 PM
Nada by a mile. She came out of the gate hard, never let up, and then still had a kick in the last of the race.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Skul on December 14, 2011, 01:16:36 PM
DOTY top 10
Obamaha steve
stinkdude the clown
the nameless horse

Nads of course. Has to be nadsletters

fire walking

Golden bouncy

Broken elbow

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: formerlurker on December 14, 2011, 03:37:55 PM
For the Willie, the award given the DUmmie who’s done the most, throughout this year and past years, to enhance the reputation and good name of democraticunderground (i.e., a primitive who made Skins’s island look good, real good):


911 forum
Alan Grayson
Andy Stephenson
atheist forum
Israel/Palestinian forum
Omaha Steve
sabrina 1
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
underground panther

Omaha Steve
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: formerlurker on December 14, 2011, 03:38:38 PM
For the newbie, the award given a DUmmie who hasn’t ever heretofore been noticed by decent and civilized people; a new face, or at least a mug that’s been around for a while, but hasn’t ever been in any of the Top DUmmie awards past years:


Sub Atomic

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: formerlurker on December 14, 2011, 03:39:32 PM
For the broken elbow, the award given the DUmmie who’s most grated on one, gotten on one’s nerves, by his or her constant whining, complaining, moaning, bitching, carrying on:


Firebrand Gary
Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown
Sub Atomic
Systematic Chaos
The Straight Story

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: formerlurker on December 14, 2011, 03:40:16 PM
For the golden bouncy, the award given the DUmmie who wrote the most entertaining, the least credible bouncy, or bouncies, during this past year, 2011:


Dreamer Tatum
Horse With no Name
Sarah Ibarruri
Sub Atomic
Twix Voy
underground panther

nadinbrzezinski   Sarah Ibarruri
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: formerlurker on December 14, 2011, 03:43:11 PM
And finally, for the Top DUmmies of 2011; there’s two standards one can use when voting—(a) a primitive who especially impressed one, for any reason or reasons, during 2011 or (b) a primitive who’s usually been pretty reticent in past years, but it’s about time the primitive got recognized and rewarded for his or her yeoman’s work:


note: incumbents in bold

bobbolink (#04 top DUmmie)
Cyrano (#18 top DUmmie)
DainBramaged (#07 top DUmmie)
Eferrari (#03 top DUmmie)
Horse With no Name
Judi Lynn
kentuck (#13 top DUmmie)
Larry R. Burks
Mineral Man (#19 top DUmmie)
nadinbrzezinski (#17 top DUmmie)
Omaha Steve
Proud2BlibKansan (top DUmmie)
Sarah Ibarruri
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
Stinky the Clown (#02 top DUmmie)
Sub Atomic
Tavener (#14 top DUmmie)
The Straight Story
underground panther (#09 top DUmmie)
William Pitt

Omaha Steve

Bullet vote.    :-)
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Tess Anderson on December 14, 2011, 03:54:14 PM
Willie - Skinner, EarlG, Elad

newbie - socialist_in_TN

broken elbow - Omaha Steve

golden bouncy - Horse With no Name

Top DUmmies of 2011:

Horse With no Name
Omaha Steve
Stinky the Clown
William Pitt

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 03:54:44 PM
Omaha Steve

Bullet vote.    :-)

Well now madam, you still got nine more votes.

Don't waste them.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: oldcrow on December 14, 2011, 05:03:42 PM
Well seeing that I only vote for someone that I know something about, I will have to cast only one vote. I just don't know enough about the other primitives, yet, to make an informed vote for the other categories. My vote goes to Nadin for DUmmy of the Year. 
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Delmar on December 14, 2011, 07:29:03 PM

Willie:              EFerrari
newbie:            Sub Atomic
broken elbow:   Omaha Steve
golden bouncy:  PCIntern
Sub Atomic
underground panther
Mineral Man
Stinky the Clown
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Kimberly on December 14, 2011, 08:01:08 PM


Broken elbow
Stinky the Clown

Golden bouncy

Top DUmmies of 2011
Horse With no Name
Mineral Man
Omaha Steve
The Straight Story
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 14, 2011, 10:46:20 PM
Votes via DUFU at FR:
Choose Ye This Day votes for Nads

And I don't know if you or frank caught this vote over at the DUFU at FR on Monday, by NYpeanut:

So, I’m sticking with my vote for Nadin.

As Nadin's campaign manager, I want to make sure I get this DOTY vote for her in before the polls close.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 10:47:49 PM
And I don't know if you or frank caught this vote over at the DUFU at FR on Monday, by NYpeanut:

So, I’m sticking with my vote for Nadin.

As Nadin's campaign manager, I want to make sure I get this DOTY vote for her in before the polls close.

Duly recorded, sir.

I'm thinking about honoring you with the appointment of tallying votes from the DUmmie FUnnies next year.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 14, 2011, 10:57:25 PM
Comparable to butterfly ballot confusion in Palm Beach County, I must register a complaint about how the voting here has been INADEQUATELY--and some would say, UNFAIRLY--explained. To wit: Some are voting for my candidate, Ms. Brzezinski, for the Willie--or the Broken Elbow, or the Golden Bong. Which is all well and good. But some of these same people are NOT voting for her for one of the Top DUmmies! How can this be?? I think some have been laboring under the misapprehension that, if you vote for Nadsie for the Willie, for instance, you cannot ALSO vote for her for the DOTY! But no! That is not true! OF COURSE you can vote for Nadin for the DOTY too! Please do! And if you run out of time, I will file a formal protest with the election judges that you have been disenfrenchfried.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 14, 2011, 11:01:56 PM
Less that one business hour to go. Get those Nadin-for-DOTY votes in, people. I'm expecting a late surge of votes coming in from some of the urban precincts.

Dead people can vote here, right?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 11:04:25 PM
Comparable to butterfly ballot confusion in Palm Beach County, I must register a complaint about how the voting here has been INADEQUATELY--and some would say, UNFAIRLY--explained. To wit: Some are voting for my candidate, Ms. Brzezinski, for the Willie--or the Broken Elbow, or the Golden Bong. Which is all well and good. But some of these same people are NOT voting for her for one of the Top DUmmies! How can this be?? I think some have been laboring under the misapprehension that, if you vote for Nadsie for the Willie, for instance, you cannot ALSO vote for her for the DOTY!

Well now, her name appears on the ballot in the appropriate places.

I think many voters think as franksolich does; yeah, one's good enough to be a top primitive, but on the other hand one's even better for one of the special awards.....and so one votes for a primitive for the special award, and uses another vote for another primitive for the top primitive.

In fact, I blatantly admitted that's what I do, when voting.

This way, it might work out that 24, rather than only 20, primitives get acknowledged.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 14, 2011, 11:08:38 PM
I just know that if Ms. Brzezinski does NOT get Top DUmmie #1 for 2011, there will be hell to pay. We'll know the fix was in.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: thundley4 on December 14, 2011, 11:10:47 PM
Okay, I'm convinced.  I cast one vote for nadinletters for DOTY.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 11:11:37 PM
I just know that if Ms. Brzezinski does NOT get Top DUmmie #1 for 2011, there will be hell to pay. We'll know the fix was in.


I'm guessing she's coming in as primitive #03, primitive #02, or top primitive, at least.

Remember, none of us have any idea how the secret balloting went, other than Mr. Wiggum, and he's not telling.

And then there's voting over at our old home to be counted too.

I'm guessing it'll be the yenta for top primitive, but I've been wrong every year but one.

Last year, for example, it looked to me as if the generalissimo dude had won.

But nope, he had to settle for second place.

The deal is, voting can be very narrow, just one or two votes separating two primitives.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: compaqxp on December 14, 2011, 11:11:51 PM
Willie - Taverner
Newbie - MiddleFingerMom
Broken elbow - bobbolink
Golden - Sarah Ibarruri

Ten - DainBramaged, nadinbrzezinski, Tavener, Horse With no Name, Sarah Ibarruri, Stinky the Clown, Omaha Steve, ThomWV, NNN0LHI, mike_c

Nadin must win!  :p
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 14, 2011, 11:12:10 PM
Okay, I'm convinced.  I cast one vote for nadinletters for DOTY.

Thank you. Where do you want the carton of triage milk delivered?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Chris_ on December 14, 2011, 11:13:36 PM
I added two additional DUmmies to my ballot and emailed a moderator.  I never got a response.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 11:14:46 PM
I added two additional DUmmies to my ballot and emailed a moderator.  I never got a response.

Sorry about that, sir.  I remembered.  I'll pass it on to Mr. Wiggum, to be sure they're counted, but he probably already noted them.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Chris_ on December 14, 2011, 11:15:11 PM
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Charles Henrickson on December 14, 2011, 11:17:11 PM
Ten - [some putz], nadinbrzezinski. . . .

Thank you. I see that vote.

Nadin must win!

Precisely, sir. Or there will be rioting in the streets. Overturned cars. Looting. That sort of thing.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 11:18:06 PM

My other guess is that Chief S itting Bull took the Willie.

But we don't know yet.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 14, 2011, 11:20:37 PM
It isn't clear to me whether the ten votes for Top DUmmy must include ten individual DUmmies.

In recognition of our muslim President being a product of the Cook County democrat machine,
one should be allowed to cast ten votes for a single DUmbass.

If nadin doesn't win, couches will burn in the streets.

Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 11:22:06 PM
It isn't clear to me whether the ten votes for Top DUmmy must include ten individual DUmmies.

In recognition of our muslim President being a product of the Cook County democrat machine,
one should be allowed to cast ten votes for a single DUmbass.

If nadin doesn't win, couches will burn in the streets.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

One vote for one primitive.  Ten votes for ten different primitives.

Can you imagine the nightmare your suggestion would cause, in tallying votes?
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2011, 11:24:59 PM
Again, my fear is that my fellow alum, Lord Marblehead, and the elusive enigmatic Elad will end up in the top ten, meaning my having to write an award for them.

I can't say anything but nice stuff about Skins, and can write only half a paragraph on Elad, so I'd be in a pretty pickle there.  If they come in somewhere as top primitives #11-20, it'd be okay. 

I'm sweating on this one.
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: Revolution on December 14, 2011, 11:40:54 PM
Sorry about that. I had to. :shucks:
Title: Re: Official Voting Thread for the Top DUmmies of 2011 (closes Wednesday p.m.)
Post by: franksolich on December 15, 2011, 12:00:29 AM
Voting has now closed; may the best primitives win!

Thank you--very much--to all who participated.

Tentatively, the schedule is this:

24 December: the runners up for Top DUmmies of 2011 (top primitives #11-20)
25 December: the Willie
25 December: the newbie
25 December: the broken elbow
25 December: the golden bong
26 December: Top DUmmies #10 and #09
27 December: Top DUmmies #08 and #07
28 December: Top DUmmies #06 and #05
29 December: Top DUmmies #04 and #03
30 December: Top DUmmie #02
31 December: Top DUmmie of 2011

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Oh my.

Lurking primitives are still reading this closed thread.

The primitives can kiss franksolich's ass.

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: