The Conservative Cave

Current Events => General Discussion => Topic started by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 04:53:29 PM

Title: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 04:53:29 PM
He meant the president politicizes everything about himself because Obama is a power-grubbing ego-maniac. All liberals do, you people can't help yourselves.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 04:56:28 PM


Oklahoma city?

Where do you want me to stop?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 05:04:04 PM
Oklahoma city?

Where do you want me to stop?

You can stop whenever you choose.

Course we haven't provided any proof to the premise.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: BadCat on January 16, 2010, 05:09:04 PM
A Navy moonbat.

Jeezus, this country is more ****ed up than I thought.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 05:12:52 PM

You can stop whenever you choose.

Course we haven't provided any proof to the premise.


Katrina was blamed on President Bush even though the evidence has clearly proven that the Federal government was there and ready to go...and the failure was in the state and local government in helping the people.

Hell Obama and his cronies are STILL playing the Blame Bush game on Katrina 5 years later.

Oklahoma City...perhaps you forget President Clinton whining incessantly that people like Tim McVeigh were motivated by hateful right wing talk radio and specifically Rush Limbaugh.

I guess you forgot about his interview on KMOX from Air Force One.

Columbine...blamed on Conservatives and our blood lust for guns and the Second Amendment.

There hasn't been a tragedy in the last 30 years that I can think of that the Liberal Democrats in this country HASN'T blamed on Republicans/Conservatives...and that includes 9/11.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 05:15:36 PM

You can stop whenever you choose.

Course we haven't provided any proof to the premise.

Go wander the DUmp...they are falling all over themselves to say that "NO NO,Haiti is totally different then Katrina."
They sowed the seed and now that it is biting you in the ass you are still trying to politicize it.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 05:23:12 PM
Go wander the DUmp...they are falling all over themselves to say that "NO NO,Haiti is totally different then Katrina."
They sowed the seed and now that it is biting you in the ass you are still trying to politicize it.

Thank you but no thank you but still we are failing to see how that does not prove the above premise.

Pray tell what am I trying to politicize?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 05:23:59 PM

Katrina was blamed on President Bush even though the evidence has clearly proven that the Federal government was there and ready to go...and the failure was in the state and local government in helping the people.

Hell Obama and his cronies are STILL playing the Blame Bush game on Katrina 5 years later.

Oklahoma City...perhaps you forget President Clinton whining incessantly that people like Tim McVeigh were motivated by hateful right wing talk radio and specifically Rush Limbaugh.

I guess you forgot about his interview on KMOX from Air Force One.

Columbine...blamed on Conservatives and our blood lust for guns and the Second Amendment.

There hasn't been a tragedy in the last 30 years that I can think of that the Liberal Democrats in this country HASN'T blamed on Republicans/Conservatives...and that includes 9/11.


Still haven't proven the premise.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 05:26:56 PM


Still haven't proven the premise.

Just because YOU either refuse to see it...or it's beyond your level of comprehension doesn't mean it's not been proven.

Liberals...whether in politics or the media take every opportunity they can to politicize everything...and at the same time blame the Republicans.

Danny Glover is out there blaming an earthquake on Global Warming.

Keith Olberman is saying that the earthquake in Hati is proof positive why we need socialized medicine  in this country.

How much more friggin proof do you need?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 05:31:17 PM
Just because YOU either refuse to see it...or it's beyond your level of comprehension doesn't mean it's not been proven.

It has not been proven it is as simple as that.  At best you can prove some, that is a rather obvious reality, but the premise was "ALL"  wasn't it?

Liberals...whether in politics or the media take every opportunity they can to politicize everything...and at the same time blame the Republicans.

Danny Glover is out there blaming an earthquake on Global Warming.

Keith Olberman is saying that the earthquake in Hati is proof positive why we need socialized medicine  in this country.

How much more friggin proof do you need?

So this is supposed to prove that ALL do?

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 05:35:56 PM

It has not been proven it is as simple as that.  At best you can prove some, that is a rather obvious reality, but the premise was "ALL"  wasn't it?

You keep saying that...we keep showing you where your denial of reality continually trips over the facts.

The list of politicized tragedies...major disasters etc have been politicized for one use or another by Democrats over the years.

Since you're an FNG here...we were trying to be nice and list just a few in the hopes you would realize where you were wrong.

Seems you're one of the types that insists on learning EVERYTHING the hard way.

The proof to back up what we're talking about has been put out there.  Deny it all you want...doesn't make it any less true or your claim that nothing has been proven any less false.

But hey...if you think we're us where we are.  Show us you've got more critical thinking skills than your average deck mopper and lay out the case for your side of the argument.

Please tell me that the grand sum total of your case against what we've shown you isn't "No it's not".
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on January 16, 2010, 05:40:13 PM
The Liberal


Posts: 21
Wow. I didn't start pissing off people until at LEAST my 500th post.  :-)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 05:47:03 PM

Thank you but no thank you but still we are failing to see how that does not prove the above premise.

Pray tell what am I trying to politicize?

Playing the same word games as other trolls try. :whatever:

Okay fine then,YOU personally have never politicized anything.
How does it make you feel to see the political ideology you brag about being a part of do it on a non stop basis?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 05:51:49 PM
You keep saying that...we keep showing you where your denial of reality continually trips over the facts.

Ah so some=all is that a fact?

The list of politicized tragedies...major disasters etc have been politicized for one use or another by Democrats over the years.

But nothing proving "ALL"

Since you're an FNG here...we were trying to be nice and list just a few in the hopes you would realize where you were wrong.

By all means get as mean as you wish. 

It's a free country.  And I'm used to it anyway.

Seems you're one of the types that insists on learning EVERYTHING the hard way.

I simply request logical proof. 

The proof to back up what we're talking about has been put out there.  Deny it all you want...doesn't make it any less true or your claim that nothing has been proven any less false.

If the proof is out there I haven't seen it yet.

But hey...if you think we're us where we are.  Show us you've got more critical thinking skills than your average deck mopper and lay out the case for your side of the argument.

Please tell me that the grand sum total of your case against what we've shown you isn't "No it's not".

Oh I'd be happy to.

Ya ready?

In case this isn't obvious I'm an avowed Liberal.  I also happen to be a registered Democrat.

I don't blame Republicans, American Conservatives, or President Bush for........




Nor do I see Haiti as a proof of global warming or evidence that we need socialized medicine.

Frankly it's illogical to blame Republicans/American Conservatives for anything as they are a diverse group and blaming anything on a heterogenous demographic is the epitome of senseless.

That makes at least 1 Liberal Democrat out there that isn't inclined to politicize everything as you have insisted otherwise.

the existence of just one (course there are more) pretty much disproves the premise that all Liberals are inclined to politicize everything and/or blame Republicans for everything.

Thank you and have a fine Navy day!!!!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 05:55:11 PM
"All of that central to what the Obama administration says it wants to do differently than what Bush and Cheney did."

Read more:

That's Rachel Maddow politicizing the earthquake in Haiti.

Shall we continue?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 05:56:55 PM
Read more:

That's Rachel Maddow politicizing the earthquake in Haiti.

Shall we continue?

Go for it buddy.  Like I said it's a free country and I've proven my point.

I'm gonna go grab a beer.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:03:44 PM

Ah so some=all is that a fact?

I've just gotten started.  Just because I didn't take two pages and list all of them doesn't mean you're right.

But nothing proving "ALL"

So you REALLY want the entire list?  Your whole basis that we're wrong is because we haven't yet posted all of the tragedies the left has chosen to politicize?

You're kidding right?

By all means get as mean as you wish.  

It's a free country.  And I'm used to it anyway.

If that's mean to you than you have bigger issues than what can be addressed here.'re telling me that in your military career you've NEVER been referred to int hat way?  Or when the mean ol Chief Petty Officer referred to you as that did you go running to your Division Officer to complain?

Jeeze...good thing I didn't refer to you in the same manner I refer to my new soldiers.  You might have cried.

I simply request logical proof.  

Logical proof is being given to you.  Perhaps if your eyes weren't shut quite as tightly you'd realize this.

If the proof is out there I haven't seen it yet.

There's an easy explanation for that. And it has nothing to do with a lack of factual evidence being presented.

In case this isn't obvious I'm an avowed Liberal.  I also happen to be a registered Democrat.

So you're also a Statist.

I don't blame Republicans, American Conservatives, or President Bush for........




Nor do I see Haiti as a proof of global warming or evidence that we need socialized medicine.

Frankly it's illogical to blame Republicans/American Conservatives for anything as they are a diverse group and blaming anything on a heterogenous demographic is the epitome of senseless.

That makes at least 1 Liberal Democrat out there that isn't inclined to politicize everything as you have insisted otherwise.

the existence of just one (course there are more) pretty much disproves the premise that all Liberals are inclined to politicize everything and/or blame Republicans for everything.

Thank you and have a fine Navy day!!!!

:rotf:  That's it?  That's all you've got to prove that Liberals don't politicize tragedies and natural disasters?

Because YOU don't do it is proof that no Liberal does it?

OMG...from what I'd heard about you prior to your arrival I thought you might be a smart troll.  Someone that might try to make an intelligent argument.

Looks like Thor lied to us.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 06:06:32 PM

Ah so some=all is that a fact?

But nothing proving "ALL"

By all means get as mean as you wish. 

It's a free country.  And I'm used to it anyway.

I simply request logical proof. 

If the proof is out there I haven't seen it yet.

Oh I'd be happy to.

Ya ready?

In case this isn't obvious I'm an avowed Liberal.  I also happen to be a registered Democrat.

I don't blame Republicans, American Conservatives, or President Bush for........




Nor do I see Haiti as a proof of global warming or evidence that we need socialized medicine.

Frankly it's illogical to blame Republicans/American Conservatives for anything as they are a diverse group and blaming anything on a heterogenous demographic is the epitome of senseless.

That makes at least 1 Liberal Democrat out there that isn't inclined to politicize everything as you have insisted otherwise.

the existence of just one (course there are more) pretty much disproves the premise that all Liberals are inclined to politicize everything and/or blame Republicans for everything.

Thank you and have a fine Navy day!!!!

Then as a high minded liberal you will condemn what those who represent you have done?

Katrina alone is an abomination to a thinking person,pleas to get out,a mayor that didn`t execute the evacuation plan,a governor that had to be begged to follow the protocols laid down for assistance.
Those are the facts but liberals immediately were in gear to bury them and politicize it.
Are you proud and supportive of that.

Clinton appeared at Oklahoma City a few days after the bombing and climbed on the bodies of the dead not to say a word of condolence but make a speech intended to demonize critics of his policies.
Are you proud and supportive of that?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:08:47 PM
Then as a high minded liberal you will condemn what those who represent you have done?

Katrina alone is an abomination to a thinking person,pleas to get out,a mayor that didn`t execute the evacuation plan,a governor that had to be begged to follow the protocols laid down for assistance.
Those are the facts but liberals immediately were in gear to bury them and politicize it.
Are you proud and supportive of that.

Clinton appeared at Oklahoma City a few days after the bombing and climbed on the bodies of the dead not to say a word of condolence but make a speech intended to demonize critics of his policies.
Are you proud and supportive of that?

But Carl...don't you see...because Navy Troll doesn't believe that's proof...PROOF that Liberals as a whole don't politicize and demonize!

How could we have been so blind to not see the beauty of that logic?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 06:12:32 PM
Sorry to anyone it may offend but these folks are just plain useless ****ing idiots.
If you are all so damned sure of yourselves then come in here and make arguments and defend positions but you can`t.
You try to play coy little games as diversions...have some spine and put your best argument forward if you dare.

None of you will.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:13:36 PM
Sorry to anyone it may offend but these folks are just plain useless ******* idiots.
If you are all so damned sure of yourselves then come in here and make arguments and defend positions but you can`t.
You try to play coy little games as diversions...have some spine and put your best argument forward if you dare.

None of you will.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 06:16:03 PM
But Carl...don't you see...because Navy Troll doesn't believe that's proof...PROOF that Liberals as a whole don't politicize and demonize!

How could we have been so blind to not see the beauty of that logic?

I want to see how he rationalizes  the fact that his political ilk does at every turn but he is still somehow pure in support of them.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:17:13 PM

If that's mean to you than you have bigger issues than what can be addressed here.'re telling me that in your military career you've NEVER been referred to int hat way?  Or when the mean ol Chief Petty Officer referred to you as that did you go running to your Division Officer to complain?

Jeeze...good thing I didn't refer to you in the same manner I refer to my new soldiers.  You might have cried.

All I said was "feel free to be as mean as you want."    

:rotf:  That's it?  That's all you've got to prove that Liberals don't politicize tragedies and natural disasters?

Because YOU don't do it is proof that no Liberal does it?

OMG...from what I'd heard about you prior to your arrival I thought you might be a smart troll.  Someone that might try to make an intelligent argument.

Looks like Thor lied to us.

I wasn't trying to prove that "Liberals don't politicize tragedies and natural disasters,"  In fact I stated it was an "obvious reality" that some do.

What I PROVED is that not all do.

Oh and Thor never lies.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:17:38 PM
I want to see how he rationalizes  the fact that his political ilk does at every turn but he is still somehow pure in support of them.

They live off of the simple premise that "The ends justify the means".
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:19:59 PM
I wasn't trying to prove that "Liberals don't politicize tragedies and natural disasters,"  In fact I stated it was an "obvious reality" that some do.

No you said the premise was false...despite the fact that evidence was given to prove that we were indeed correct.

What I PROVED is that not all do.

What you proved...and the only thing you that you don't politicize these things.

Pardon me if I remain skeptical.

Oh and Thor never lies. your case...he has...even if it was by accident...he did.

Thought you were going to get a beer?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: BadCat on January 16, 2010, 06:20:07 PM
In case this isn't obvious I'm an avowed Liberal.  I also happen to be a registered Democrat.

He's gonna be REAL popular here.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:23:12 PM
Then as a high minded liberal you will condemn what those who represent you have done?

As a "high minded Liberal"  I find it pretty distasteful when any individual of any ideology politicizes a national/international tragedy.

That doesn't represent me, unless I voted for them.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Splashdown on January 16, 2010, 06:24:25 PM
Sorry to anyone it may offend but these folks are just plain useless ****ing idiots.
If you are all so damned sure of yourselves then come in here and make arguments and defend positions but you can`t.
You try to play coy little games as diversions...have some spine and put your best argument forward if you dare.

None of you will.

Once again, this is why I miss the hi-5 button.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:24:36 PM
Good God!  What is it with Liberals and their genetic inability to answer a simple yes or no question?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 06:25:31 PM

As a "high minded Liberal"  I find it pretty distasteful when any individual of any ideology politicizes a national/international tragedy.

That doesn't represent me, unless I voted for them.

So you condemn what was done in the wake of Katrina?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:28:12 PM
No you said the premise was false...despite the fact that evidence was given to prove that we were indeed correct.

The premise I repeatedly said and proved was false was "ALL."

What you proved...and the only thing you that you don't politicize these things.

Pardon me if I remain skeptical.

Quite alright, as I said before it's a free country.

Thought you were going to get a beer?

I did.  Couple a minutes ago.  Nice cold Rolling Rock.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Splashdown on January 16, 2010, 06:28:28 PM

As a "high minded Liberal"  I find it pretty distasteful when any individual of any ideology politicizes a national/international tragedy.

That doesn't represent me, unless I voted for them.

Then you didn't vote for Barack Obama?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:28:53 PM
So you condemn what was done in the wake of Katrina?

Pretty much.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:29:26 PM
Then you didn't vote for Barack Obama?

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 06:34:19 PM

Pretty much.

So what then do you support?
If you condemn that demagoguery do you support the policies of those that used and benefited from it?
Pelosi and her minions in Congress.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:35:26 PM
I want to see how he rationalizes  the fact that his political ilk does at every turn but he is still somehow pure in support of them.

Thing of it is Carl is that what my "political ilk" does or does not do is up to them as individuals.

They are culpable as individuals not as an "ilk."
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:35:52 PM

Pretty much.

That's not an answer. 
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:37:29 PM
That's not an answer. 

Yes it is an answer. 
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:37:52 PM

Thing of it is Carl is that what my "political ilk" does or does not do is up to them as individuals.

They are culpable as individuals not as an "ilk."

Right that explain the hive mentality and group think of the Liberal left in this country and the automatic ridicule slander and banishment of anyone who steps out of line.

Individualism is not allowed in Liberal land.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:39:24 PM
Right that explain the hive mentality and group think of the Liberal left in this country and the automatic ridicule slander and banishment of anyone who steps out of line.

Individualism is not allowed in Liberal land.

Much to learn you still have.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:42:07 PM

Yes it is an answer. 

No.  It's a nuanced cop out said in a way that gives you wiggle room either way depending on whom you're talking to.

yes or no.  Do you condemn the way the Democrat party wrongfully politicized the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 16, 2010, 06:42:45 PM

Much to learn you still have.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 06:44:26 PM

Thing of it is Carl is that what my "political ilk" does or does not do is up to them as individuals.

They are culpable as individuals not as an "ilk."

Fair enough but if you are a free and honest thinker when do you divorce yourself from that screed?
I am not talking policy differences here either but a fundamental reckoning that what those who say they share my political outlook are simply not correct in any of their motives and desires.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 06:50:48 PM
Fair enough but if you are a free and honest thinker when do you divorce yourself from that screed?
I am not talking policy differences here either but a fundamental reckoning that what those who say they share my political outlook are simply not correct in any of their motives and desires.

Very simple. 

It is a question of following the dictates of one's own conscience and being open minded.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: BadCat on January 16, 2010, 06:53:27 PM

Very simple. 

It is a question of following the dictates of one's own conscience and being open minded.

And what part of your conscience makes you think you're entitled to my money?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Splashdown on January 16, 2010, 06:59:56 PM

Very simple. 

It is a question of following the dictates of one's own conscience and being open minded.

What's the use of an open mind when it's filled with statist crap?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:02:15 PM
And what part of your conscience makes you think you're entitled to my money?

No part.

Any other questions?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 16, 2010, 07:05:40 PM
What's the use of an open mind when it's filled with statist crap?

Word to your Mothra!


And what part of your conscience makes you think you're entitled to my money?

No part.

Any other questions?

Maybe you're not really a liberal.

Maybe you're just a ***** who is too scared of the moniker "conservative".
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: BadCat on January 16, 2010, 07:07:50 PM

No part.

Any other questions?

Then why did you vote for a man who does?
Why are you a member of a political party that does?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 07:10:11 PM

Very simple. 

It is a question of following the dictates of one's own conscience and being open minded. does that equate to a position of the ends justifies the means?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:10:39 PM
Then why did you vote for a man who does?

Who did I vote for?

Why are you a member of a political party that does?

So I can vote in their primary elections.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Ree on January 16, 2010, 07:10:56 PM
This one is boring....bring back the crazy one
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:12:12 PM

Maybe you're not really a liberal.

Maybe you're just a ***** who is too scared of the moniker "conservative".

No I'm definitely a Liberal.

Perhaps a Liberal Conservative but I don't like to call myself a "Conservative" because it makes me feel old.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:13:07 PM does that equate to a position of the ends justifies the means?

Rather depends on the circumstances.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: BadCat on January 16, 2010, 07:14:47 PM

Who did I vote for?

So I can vote in their primary elections.

If you're a liberal and a dimocrat, you voted for the light skinned negro without a negro accent.
If you didn't they'll burn you at the stake at the next Huffington Post Convergence of the Planets convention.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 07:17:39 PM

Perhaps a Liberal Conservative but I don't like to call myself a "Conservative" because it makes me feel old.

Perhaps if you were to define "liberal conservative" briefly, it might save everybody a lot of typing........

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 07:18:55 PM

Rather depends on the circumstances.

Cute but enough of the dancing around words stuff.

What is your view of the role of government in this country?
Where do you stand on entitlements such as welfare?
Are you in favor of single payer,socialized healthcare?
Do you view capitalism as an evil?

Stand up for yourself and your beliefs and be prepared to debate them.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:20:03 PM
If you're a liberal and a dimocrat, you voted for the light skinned negro without a negro accent.
If you didn't they'll burn you at the stake at the next Huffington Post Convergence of the Planets convention.

Am I required to bring the matches?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:27:11 PM
Cute but enough of the dancing around words stuff.

What is your view of the role of government in this country?
Where do you stand on entitlements such as welfare?
Are you in favor of single payer,socialized healthcare?
Do you view capitalism as an evil?

Stand up for yourself and your beliefs and be prepared to debate them.

All I did was question an ill founded generalization.



What is your view of the role of government in this country?

Should be a help not a hindrance.  Should have some authority but limited authority.  I could go on but this is a rather long answer.

Where do you stand on entitlements such as welfare?

To be honest Reagan summed up my feelings on welfare:
“Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”

Are you in favor of single payer,socialized healthcare?
Yes and No.  

Do you view capitalism as an evil?
More of a pain in the ass reality of the world, better than the alternative in terms of maintaining a liberal society.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:38:17 PM
Perhaps if you were to define "liberal conservative" briefly, it might save everybody a lot of typing........


I don't think that would help.  LOL
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 16, 2010, 07:44:05 PM
Perhaps if you were to define "liberal conservative" briefly, it might save everybody a lot of typing........

I'm content to keep poking it with a sharp stick.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 07:50:18 PM
I'm content to keep poking it with a sharp stick.

You DO realize that he's jerking your chain, er......floppy ears, right??

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 07:57:39 PM
You DO realize that he's jerking your chain, er......floppy ears, right??


At this point only during the commercials.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 07:59:08 PM

All I did was question an ill founded generalization.



What is your view of the role of government in this country?

Should be a help not a hindrance.  Should have some authority but limited authority.  I could go on but this is a rather long answer.

Where do you stand on entitlements such as welfare?

To be honest Reagan summed up my feelings on welfare:
“Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”

Are you in favor of single payer,socialized healthcare?
Yes and No.  

Do you view capitalism as an evil?
More of a pain in the ass reality of the world, better than the alternative in terms of maintaining a liberal society.

First two I would agree with for the most part.

Single payer I would ask your exact position and extend that to the current legislation even though right now is not single payer.
What do you agree with regarding single payer and what do you disagree with?

If capitalism is a pain in the a$$ but the best there is then what would you propose different if doable and if not then why.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: USA4ME on January 16, 2010, 08:01:11 PM
Oh com'n.  When people say "all" in a conversaion, they often mean "a significant amount."  Let's not nitpick, this board is informal and fun.  If you have to measure every word because someone's might pick it to death it'll get ridiculous real quick.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 16, 2010, 08:12:13 PM

No I'm definitely a Liberal.

Perhaps a Liberal Conservative but I don't like to call myself a "Conservative" because it makes me feel old.

Who did I vote for?

So I can vote in their primary elections.

I think y'all would be shocked at Nick's answer. I know, but I ain't tellin'...... :fuelfire:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 08:15:44 PM
First two I would agree with for the most part.

Single payer I would ask your exact position and extend that to the current legislation even though right now is not single payer.
What do you agree with regarding single payer and what do you disagree with?

I haven't even read the whole damn thing so I don't feel I should comment on it.

2 things come to mind.  #1 I'm not thrilled with the idea of the government spending more #2 I would like to see that all Americans have access to affordable health care.  Is "Obamacare" the way to achieve that?  I'm not currently convinced that it is.

If capitalism is a pain in the a$$ but the best there is then what would you propose different if doable and if not then why.

Nothing that isn't a fantasy.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 08:23:40 PM

I haven't even read the whole damn thing so I don't feel I should comment on it.

2 things come to mind.  #1 I'm not thrilled with the idea of the government spending more #2 I would like to see that all Americans have access to affordable health care.  Is "Obamacare" the way to achieve that?  I'm not currently convinced that it is.

Nothing that isn't a fantasy.

Sounds reasonable to me......wouldn't be the way I'd answer those questions, but reasonable none the less.......what's the beef with the rest of you guys??

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 08:26:10 PM
I think y'all would be shocked at Nick's answer. I know, but I ain't tellin'...... :fuelfire:

Not sure you'd be believed.

Some seem to be of the misguided opinion that all Liberals are pot smokin, tree huggin,  tie dye t shirt wearin Obama worshipers regardless of the facts that prove otherwise.

oh well.

More fun for me.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Carl on January 16, 2010, 08:32:11 PM

I haven't even read the whole damn thing so I don't feel I should comment on it.

2 things come to mind.  #1 I'm not thrilled with the idea of the government spending more #2 I would like to see that all Americans have access to affordable health care.  Is "Obamacare" the way to achieve that?  I'm not currently convinced that it is.

Nothing that isn't a fantasy.

What then is your beef with conservatism?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 08:33:25 PM
What then is your beef with conservatism?

I don't have a beef with conservatism.  I just don't agree with it on all issues.

Mostly social conservatism.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 08:36:57 PM

Some seem to be of the misguided opinion that all Liberals are pot smokin, tree huggin,  tie dye t shirt wearin Obama worshipers regardless of the facts that prove otherwise.

oh well.

More fun for me.

I suspect that many here are used to the screeching trolls that we generally get here that either commit "suicide by administrator", or are kept around like curiosities to play with on 'ol Billy upthread....

Thor hasn't let us in on the secret, but I susbect that you may be "shinin us on" just a bit......I'll go along for the ride....

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 16, 2010, 09:06:21 PM

Thor hasn't let us in on the secret, but I susbect that you may be "shinin us on" just a bit......I'll go along for the ride....


Doc, I assure you that Nick is not "shining y'all on". He claims to be a "Liberal" and I take him for his word on that issue. He does have many traditionally conservative values. I'd be apt to suggest that he's more an early 60s type Liberal vs a modern day progressive Liberal.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Doc on January 16, 2010, 09:37:46 PM
Doc, I assure you that Nick is not "shining y'all on". He claims to be a "Liberal" and I take him for his word on that issue. He does have many traditionally conservative values. I'd be apt to suggest that he's more an early 60s type Liberal vs a modern day progressive Liberal.

You sure you don't mean the 50' I recall (and I'm old enough to remember).....the 60's liberal crowd were the "summer of love" sex, drugs, and rock and roll. anti-war crowd (now all grown up as "progressives") that wouldn't be caught dead in a Navy uniform.......let alone in a (gasp) war zone........

I can buy a "Harry Truman" liberal......

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 16, 2010, 09:46:26 PM
I was thinking early 60s, kind of like a JFK liberal. 50s could work, too, I suppose........

If I recall, the sex, drugs and rock and roll crowd didn't really come to the forefront until sometime around 1966.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 09:52:03 PM
I prefer to think of myself as more a George Washington Liberal Federalist with a 21st century perspective.

I hate 60's music.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 16, 2010, 10:00:03 PM
the 60's liberal crowd were the "summer of love" sex, drugs, and rock and roll. anti-war crowd (now all grown up as "progressives") that wouldn't be caught dead in a Navy uniform......

You need scare quotes around "grown up"
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 10:00:17 PM
I prefer to think of myself as more a George Washington Liberal Federalist with a 21st century perspective.

I hate 60's music.

You should fit in fine around here.......I'm not crazy about  60's music myself.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 16, 2010, 10:02:24 PM
I prefer to think of myself as more a George Washington Liberal Federalist with a 21st century perspective.

So what do you think about how president Washington sent the troops after the whiskey makers who didn't want to pay his higher taxes?

Are you okay with the federal government doing that?

Just asking.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 10:05:31 PM
You should fit in fine around here.......I'm not crazy about  60's music myself.


Well Steppenwolf is the exception.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 10:09:35 PM
Thor.....we really should split this thread.......we actually have a sensible discussion going on in the "Billy bashing thread"......we just can't interrupt the folks fun with their chew toy......

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 10:12:52 PM
So what do you think about how president Washington sent the troops after the whiskey makers who didn't want to pay his higher taxes?

Are you okay with the federal government doing that?

Just asking.

I'm NOT Ok with the government doing that


law and government are a necessity for any functional nation, his duty as chief executive was to enforce the laws of the land.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 16, 2010, 10:14:29 PM
Thor.....we really should split this thread.......we actually have a sensible discussion going on in the "Billy bashing thread"......we just can't interrupt the folks fun with their chew toy......


My apologies

Didn't mean to derail Billy Bash Fest. 

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 16, 2010, 10:17:50 PM

My apologies

Didn't mean to derail Billy Bash Fest. 

Quite alright......Its just hard to reconcile this conversation when you look at the previous eight pages......and Billy ain't around right now.....

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 16, 2010, 10:46:07 PM

So this is supposed to prove that ALL do?

That is the very basic concept of leftism as it has come to be. It is a fantasists utopianism that blames all the bad things on "others" while proclaiming to solve all the problems of the world, even though their ideology would make them all worse.

ALL? Yep. That is the whole point.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 17, 2010, 07:29:32 AM

I don't have a beef with conservatism.  I just don't agree with it on all issues.

Mostly social conservatism.

Okay, which aspects, specifically?

Abortion?  Criminal punishment?  Second amendment (obviously not given your other posts)?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: BadCat on January 17, 2010, 10:23:57 AM
Meh, I don't know what the **** this guy thinks he is...besides somebody who likes to type a lot.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Splashdown on January 17, 2010, 10:55:53 AM
Meh, I don't know what the **** this guy thinks he is...besides somebody who likes to type a lot.

He's "nuanced."

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 17, 2010, 10:58:44 AM

I don't have a beef with conservatism.  I just don't agree with it on all issues.

Mostly social conservatism.

Yeah God forbid things like morality values and the absolutes of life get in the way with your feel good Liberalism side right?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dutch508 on January 17, 2010, 12:04:20 PM

Am I required to bring the matches?

no...we have our own.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 17, 2010, 05:30:06 PM
Meh, I don't know what the **** this guy thinks he is...besides somebody who likes to type a lot.

That doesn't surprise me.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 17, 2010, 05:33:09 PM
Okay, which aspects, specifically?

Abortion?  Criminal punishment?  Second amendment (obviously not given your other posts)?

Well of what you've mentioned.....

Abortion  -  Pro Choice

Criminal punishment  -  Pro Death Penalty

And as you mentioned, you're already familiar with my stance on 2nd Am rights.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 17, 2010, 05:55:53 PM
Meh, I don't know what the **** this guy thinks he is...besides somebody who likes to type a lot.

Or.....perhaps he finds it entertaining to make you guys type alot........

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 17, 2010, 07:01:53 PM

Well of what you've mentioned.....

Abortion  -  Pro Choice

Criminal punishment  -  Pro Death Penalty

So how can you support punishment for crimes like murder in one instance yet defend murder in another?

Hypocrisy much?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 17, 2010, 07:06:18 PM
So how can you support punishment for crimes like murder in one instance yet defend murder in another?

Hypocrisy much?

They don't view the infant in the womb as a living human being, and therefore can't be murdered.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 17, 2010, 07:19:18 PM
They don't view the infant in the womb as a living human being, and therefore can't be murdered.

As the father of six who was there to witness four of them come into the world...I can't find the words to tell them how wrong they are.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 17, 2010, 07:36:23 PM
They don't view the infant in the womb as a living human being, and therefore can't be murdered.

well its not a dog or a cat or a horse or a pig or a flea...
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 17, 2010, 07:42:11 PM
As the father of six who was there to witness four of them come into the world...I can't find the words to tell them how wrong they are.

I know exactly what you mean.  I was there for the birth of both of my now adult children.  It is an experience that I lack the skills to properly convey on a message board.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on January 17, 2010, 10:49:01 PM
I prefer to think of myself as more a George Washington Liberal Federalist with a 21st century perspective.

I hate 60's music.

What is your rate?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 04:30:54 AM
What is your rate?

Information systems Technician.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 05:20:10 AM
well its not a dog or a cat or a horse

Ah very true.

or a pig or a flea...

My only concern with diminishing the population of pigs is that'll drive up the cost of sausage and pork chops.

**** fleas.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on January 18, 2010, 07:57:23 AM

Information systems Technician.

Radioman or straight computer guy?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 08:21:28 AM
Radioman or straight computer guy?

Actually, I've done both in equal measure.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 18, 2010, 08:24:38 AM
Then why not an RM?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 08:26:18 AM
Then why not an RM?

RM became IT in 1998 if I remember correctly. 
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 18, 2010, 08:30:29 AM

RM became IT in 1998 if I remember correctly. 

Not on the boats, IIRC.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 08:34:20 AM
Not on the boats, IIRC.

I could be incorrect about the date, but there are no RMs in the Navy any more,  we're IT's now as computer technology is the preeminent communications technology.  

*Nov 1999 was the merger date of RM and DP to IT
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 18, 2010, 09:35:49 AM
As I recall, it was the DP's who were behind the 8-ball and the RM's who were pretty much up to speed.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 09:44:28 AM
As I recall, it was the DP's who were behind the 8-ball and the RM's who were pretty much up to speed.

Perhaps that's why IT's wear RM sparks.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on January 18, 2010, 11:58:01 AM

Actually, I've done both in equal measure.

What platforms have you served on?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 12:13:17 PM

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 18, 2010, 12:18:29 PM


what makes me laugh about this entire thing is that everyone seems to fail on logic. This Absolut-whatshisname may be a Lib, but he's also 100% correct in this statement above. Unless y'all are going to prove every-single-case, then you can't prove "ALL." Sheesh - simple friggen logic.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 12:23:12 PM
what makes me laugh about this entire thing is that everyone seems to fail on logic. This Absolut-whatshisname may be a Lib, but he's also 100% correct in this statement above. Unless y'all are going to prove every-single-case, then you can't prove "ALL." Sheesh - simple friggen logic.  :whatever:

Well son of a bitch.................

THANK YOU!   :bow:

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 18, 2010, 12:25:29 PM

Well son of a bitch.................

THANK YOU!   :bow:


If you're a lib, we won't get along on most (almost all) things. But on logic and stupid bullshit, I'll support the person who is correct.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 18, 2010, 12:26:11 PM
If you're a lib, we won't get along on most (almost all) things. But on logic and stupid bullshit, I'll support the person who is correct.

Indeed, he will.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 12:28:56 PM
If you're a lib, we won't get along on most (almost all) things. But on logic and stupid bullshit, I'll support the person who is correct.

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 18, 2010, 01:36:32 PM
Being a leftist is political, period.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 06:57:11 PM
Being a leftist is political, period.


It is a political term.

Orginating from the time of the French Revolution, where in the National Assembly traditionalists and monarchists sat to the Right, moderates in the center, and Radicals, Republicans or Jacobins to the Left.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 18, 2010, 07:04:50 PM


No, I mean they want to control other people. If people like me were the majority the Congress would meet for a week and go home, the government would be so small that it would have no real impact on day to day lives. We have no desire for government to control anyone or anything.

'Makers vs Takers' is another good term for the differences between one side and the other.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 18, 2010, 09:27:39 PM
No, I mean they want to control other people. If people like me were the majority the Congress would meet for a week and go home, the government would be so small that it would have no real impact on day to day lives. We have no desire for government to control anyone or anything.

'Makers vs Takers' is another good term for the differences between one side and the other.

Everyone is naturally inclined to want to control other people, to impose their values on the public at large.  The main difference between the stereotypical established left and right are what aspects of life, culture, and society they look to regulate and or restrict and what they look to liberalize.

Fortunately not everyone melds into the stereotypical.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 18, 2010, 09:35:42 PM

Everyone is naturally inclined to want to control other people, to impose their values on the public at large.  The main difference between the stereotypical established left and right are what aspects of life, culture, and society they look to regulate and or restrict and what they look to liberalize.

Fortunately not everyone melds into the stereotypical.

And this is where you are completely incorrect.

BTW - since you called it, please PROVE that "everyone is naturally inclined...."

Play by your own rules, please.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 18, 2010, 09:39:19 PM

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Be aware - I agreed with you on your logic. But focusing on semantics rather than the actual topic also makes you a petty bitch.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 18, 2010, 11:40:46 PM
Be aware - I agreed with you on your logic. But focusing on semantics rather than the actual topic also makes you a petty bitch.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 19, 2010, 07:41:09 AM


Tell ya what--go get a Sea Service ribbon, THEN you can tell us what it's all about.

For the record, I had five.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 19, 2010, 09:53:36 AM

I may lean on logic, but I also told him I'd call people on their bullshit - he was warned.  :-)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 20, 2010, 09:11:37 PM
Tell ya what--go get a Sea Service ribbon, THEN you can tell us what it's all about.

For the record, I had five.

Got one.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 20, 2010, 09:11:59 PM
Be aware - I agreed with you on your logic. But focusing on semantics rather than the actual topic also makes you a petty bitch.

Fair enough
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 20, 2010, 09:50:44 PM
And this is where you are completely incorrect.

BTW - since you called it, please PROVE that "everyone is naturally inclined...."

Play by your own rules, please.

Simply a matter of basic human instinct.

From when we are born our basic instinct is exert some measure of control/influence over our environment and by extention the people in that environment to satisfy our basic needs and wants.

We're taught that we can't always have it our way but none the less the instinct remains.

Now as we grow older that instinct influences or has the capacity to influence the attitudes and sentiments we develope over time.  A baisc human want is a measure of conformity to one's own ideal environment, and again a basic human instinct is to exert control over one's own environment.  So at some level there is an underlying instinct to control the people around us to satisfy our want of conformity.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 20, 2010, 10:19:29 PM

Simply a matter of basic human instinct.

From when we are born our basic instinct is exert some measure of control/influence over our environment and by extention the people in that environment to satisfy our basic needs and wants.

We're taught that we can't always have it our way but none the less the instinct remains.

Now as we grow older that instinct influences or has the capacity to influence the attitudes and sentiments we develope over time.  A baisc human want is a measure of conformity to one's own ideal environment, and again a basic human instinct is to exert control over one's own environment.  So at some level there is an underlying instinct to control the people around us to satisfy our want of conformity.

Nice opinion. You haven't proven your statement. You said EVERYONE. Better start proving that - 7 Billion people in the world. You're going to be busy.

Either back up your shit, or stop playing pathetic symantical games.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 20, 2010, 10:48:32 PM
Confusion is neither an ideology nor is it a philosophy.

A lot of people are confused.  Ain't nothing special about any of them.  Even if they are adept at masking their own confusion via a web of vague semantics and capricious, ever-shifting rules of debate.  Anyone can impress their own self.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 20, 2010, 11:10:34 PM
Nice opinion. You haven't proven your statement. You said EVERYONE. Better start proving that - 7 Billion people in the world. You're going to be busy.

Either back up your shit, or stop playing pathetic symantical games.

Ok, let's be a little more nuanced in what counts as a logical argument, hmmm.  I am not saying, for the time being, that Absolut's argument satisfies the criterion for an indirect proof, but if inductive reasoning is good enough for proving statements regarding the natural numbers (or some infinite subset thereof) then they ought, in principle, to be good enough for indirectly proving statements regarding a mere 7 billion or so human beings, no?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 21, 2010, 01:53:20 AM
Nice opinion. You haven't proven your statement. You said EVERYONE. Better start proving that - 7 Billion people in the world. You're going to be busy.

Either back up your shit, or stop playing pathetic symantical games.

That isn't a semantical game, pathetic or otherwise.

That's hypothesis backed by observation supported by facts regarding basic human social psychology.

And until now one I thought that was more widely known and accepted.

Now if you have evidence to disprove the aforementioned hypothesis, I'm ready to open minedly hear your position.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 21, 2010, 05:38:05 PM

That isn't a semantical game, pathetic or otherwise.

That's hypothesis backed by observation supported by facts regarding basic human social psychology.

And until now one I thought that was more widely known and accepted.

Now if you have evidence to disprove the aforementioned hypothesis, I'm ready to open minedly hear your position.

I don't need to disprove your hypothesis - you need to prove it.

If you're going to call people out for using the word "ALL," then you better be prepared to backup usage of the word "EVERYONE." Either play by the rules you ask others to, or don't play at all, okay? I supported you earlier, now I'm holding you to the same accountability. Can't have it both ways, dude.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 21, 2010, 05:39:30 PM
Ok, let's be a little more nuanced in what counts as a logical argument, hmmm.  I am not saying, for the time being, that Absolut's argument satisfies the criterion for an indirect proof, but if inductive reasoning is good enough for proving statements regarding the natural numbers (or some infinite subset thereof) then they ought, in principle, to be good enough for indirectly proving statements regarding a mere 7 billion or so human beings, no?

Completely agree with you. But he wanted to play semantical games, so I assumed he was willing to play by his own rules, so I called him on it.  :-)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 21, 2010, 05:54:23 PM
Everyone is naturally inclined to want to control other people...

This is ironic as the genesis of this thread came from his taking umbrage with my declaration that ALL liberals exploit tragedy for political gain.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on January 21, 2010, 05:56:38 PM
This is ironic as the genesis of this thread came from his taking umbrage with my declaration that ALL liberals exploit tragedy for political gain.

hence my challenge.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 21, 2010, 06:00:54 PM

That isn't a semantical game, pathetic or otherwise.

That's hypothesis backed by observation supported by facts regarding basic human social psychology.

And until now one I thought that was more widely known and accepted.

Now if you have evidence to disprove the aforementioned hypothesis, I'm ready to open minedly hear your position.

Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.  Since you are championing the proposition in dispute, it falls to you to prove its truth; one does not get to allege controversial statements as fact, and then sit around on one's laurels and wait for one's opponents to disprove one's unproven allegations.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 22, 2010, 06:16:42 PM
I don't need to disprove your hypothesis - you need to prove it.

I don't see why not, regarding the generalization I challenged earlier I submitted evidence disproving it.

But anyway regarding my observation I suppose, we'll have to agree to disagree as I've presented the most compelling evidence to support it.

If you're going to call people out for using the word "ALL," then you better be prepared to backup usage of the word "EVERYONE."

I have no problem with that at all.

Either play by the rules you ask others to, or don't play at all, okay? I supported you earlier, now I'm holding you to the same accountability. Can't have it both ways, dude.

Beg pardon but what gave you the impression I wanted it both ways?  I wasn't opposing the use of "ALL,"  "EVERYONE," or the like in any observation just challenging a specific instance I demonstrated to be ill founded.

Course I would think it would go without saying that there is a fundamental difference between a politically motivated generalization intended to disparage and a politically neutral hypothesis on human social psychology.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 22, 2010, 07:09:54 PM
You know, a thief tends to view everyone else as a thief, thus justifying himself.  "Everybody does it" is the rallying cry of the Statist, thus justifying their peccadilloes and foibles.  And so are our true selves revealed in how we view "everyone."
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 22, 2010, 08:04:11 PM
You know, a thief tends to view everyone else as a thief, thus justifying himself.  "Everybody does it" is the rallying cry of the Statist, thus justifying their peccadilloes and foibles.  And so are our true selves revealed in how we view "everyone."

It's also a cop out knee jerk defense when you can't argue the facts.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 22, 2010, 08:33:57 PM
It's also a cop out knee jerk defense when you can't argue the facts.
Honestly, I don't think the guy is all that worth it.  As soon as I saw the "I'm a liberal conservative" or whatever, I knew he was either very young and confused or simply very, very confused and not improving with age.

It might even be worth it to tell him, "okay, you win." so he can go skipping away back to his liberal board bragging about his argumentative adequacy against we troglodyte cavians.

I've never met anyone at any time who reminded me more of the Monty Python argument skit.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 22, 2010, 09:16:35 PM
You know, a thief tends to view everyone else as a thief, thus justifying himself.  "Everybody does it" is the rallying cry of the Statist, thus justifying their peccadilloes and foibles.  And so are our true selves revealed in how we view "everyone."

Fascinating observation.   

Honestly, I don't think the guy is all that worth it.

Obviously worth it enough for you to share.  hmmmmmm
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 03:25:49 PM

It might even be worth it to tell him, "okay, you win." so he can go skipping away back to his liberal board bragging about his argumentative adequacy against we troglodyte cavians.

I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe that Nick belongs to any "Liberal" board. I DO know that he belongs to USMILNET and here. What I DO know of him, he's not that into forums and bringing him here was an effort in itself.

You know, we SAY that we have an "open" forum, but Lord forbid that anybody that thinks outside the group comes here. While I DO disdain some factions, like the Ron Paul robots, I'd like to consider myself open minded.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Splashdown on January 23, 2010, 03:41:11 PM
I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe that Nick belongs to any "Liberal" board. I DO know that he belongs to USMILNET and here. What I DO know of him, he's not that into forums and bringing him here was an effort in itself.

You know, we SAY that we have an "open" forum, but Lord forbid that anybody that thinks outside the group comes here. While I DO disdain some factions, like the Ron Paul robots, I'd like to consider myself open minded.

That's great and everything, but he hasn't actually said anything yet. It would be nice if he did something other than play with semantics.

Just sayin'.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 23, 2010, 04:13:53 PM
I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe that Nick belongs to any "Liberal" board. I DO know that he belongs to USMILNET and here. What I DO know of him, he's not that into forums and bringing him here was an effort in itself.

You know, we SAY that we have an "open" forum, but Lord forbid that anybody that thinks outside the group comes here. While I DO disdain some factions, like the Ron Paul robots, I'd like to consider myself open minded.
Maybe he's not that much into forums because he's not that good at being on them?  And that's fine.  Everybody has different strengths. 

If I needed someone to bore somebody to death by hair splitting, Nick would be the first person I called on.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 07:40:22 PM
I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe that Nick belongs to any "Liberal" board. I DO know that he belongs to USMILNET and here. What I DO know of him, he's not that into forums and bringing him here was an effort in itself.

For those concerned these are the forums I belong to:

USMILNET (as mentioned above)*
US Milvets*
Democratic Underground
Maryland Shooters*

*Indicates I have posted within the past few months.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 07:41:21 PM

For those concerned these are the forums I belong to:

USMILNET (as mentioned above)*
US Milvets*
Democratic Underground
Maryland Shooters*

*Indicates I have posted within the past few months.

Why does this not surprise me?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 07:42:58 PM
That's great and everything, but he hasn't actually said anything yet. It would be nice if he did something other than play with semantics.

Just sayin'.

I've said something, but it is obvious that it has fallen on a few deaf ears.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 07:44:39 PM
Why does this not surprise me?

Because you're allowing your preconceptions to do the thinking for you?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 07:52:35 PM

Because you're allowing your preconceptions to do the thinking for you?

Or perhaps your own words betray your position?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 08:00:22 PM
Or perhaps your own words betray your position?

Not really
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:15:53 PM
Come on Sparky, how many members here have accounts at DU???  Let's be objective about this.........
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:18:57 PM
As a matter of fact, y'all would be surprised at the various forums to which I belong (ed).  :o

I have reasons for joining them all.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:22:22 PM
Come on Sparky, how many members here have accounts at DU???  Let's be objective about this.........

I don't--not even moles.  Principles still count for something.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:24:46 PM

Not really

Maybe not--you actually have to SAY something or have an opinion rather than just post-whore.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 08:26:09 PM
Why am I not surprised objectivity was so easily dismissed?

Because you're allowing your preconceptions to do the thinking for you?

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:26:23 PM
Maybe not--you actually have to SAY something or have an opinion rather than just post-whore.

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Pot meet Kettle.   just sayin'...........  :-)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 23, 2010, 08:28:12 PM

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Pot meet Kettle.   just sayin'...........  :-)

Who's on first, whats on second and I don't know whose on third.....

Oh crap

Thats the bat boy..... hi crap!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:28:44 PM
Custom Title:    The Liberal
Posts:    79 (4.389 per day)
Position:    Jr. Member

Posts:    8436 (11.431 per day)
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Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:37:49 PM

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Pot meet Kettle.   just sayin'...........  :-)

Looking in the mirror again, Thor?  Seriously, I don't know why you defend someone like Mr. Seagull here.

And when I have something to say, I say it.  Ever known me to mince words, airedale?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:40:14 PM
Looking in the mirror again, Thor?  Seriously, I don't know why you defend someone like Mr. Seagull here.

And when I have something to say, I say it.  Ever known me to mince words, airedale?

Because you're both Sailors and I like you both. (Even though you're a Bubblehead Nuke and Nick's a Blackshoe geek) BTW, I'm not really defending Nick, just pointing out facts. ;)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:42:51 PM
Because you're both Sailors and I like you both. (Even though you're a Bubblehead Nuke and Nick's a Blackshoe geek) BTW, I'm not really defending Nick, just pointing out facts. ;)

I'll call him a sailor when he gets his first Sea Service Ribbon.  Till then...get some time on the ****ing pond, nub.

Meh--it's all good, Thor.  Even you too, Nick.  But don't expect me to cut you any slack--look how I treat my FRIENDS...  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:43:00 PM
Also, y'all can go at it all you care. If it gets too rough for GD, I'll move it to the FC and y'all can REALLY have fun.  :fuelfire:

 I'm trying to stay objective.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 08:43:28 PM

If I needed someone to bore somebody to death by hair splitting, Nick would be the first person I called on.

Throw out a statement like this:

"He meant the president politicizes everything about himself because Bush is a power-grubbing ego-maniac. All conservatives do."

And you'd be surprised the company I'd find at "hair splitting."


Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:44:52 PM
I'll call him a sailor when he gets his first Sea Service Ribbon.  Till then...get some time on the ****ing pond, nub.

Meh--it's all good, Thor.  Even you too, Nick.  But don't expect me to cut you any slack--look how I treat my FRIENDS...  :evillaugh:

Hmmm, do you have a Combat Action Ribbon??   Just askin'..........:stirpot:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:45:44 PM
Okay, Nick--how about this--would you or would you not consider many of Obama's public appearances (including yesterday's speech in Ohio) as liberals politicizing a bad situation for political gain?  

If not, why is it he is still so eager to pull out the "it's Bush's fault" card?  It's been a year now.  When do you think he'll start fixing problems and stop trying to fix blame?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:47:19 PM
Okay, Nick--how about this--would you or would you not consider many of Obama's public appearances (including yesterday's speech in Ohio) as liberals politicizing a bad situation for political gain?  

If not, why is it he is still so eager to pull out the "it's Bush's fault" card?  It's been a year now.  When do you think he'll start fixing problems and stop trying to fix blame?

Now THAT'S a good question.........

well, Nick??
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:47:55 PM

Hmmm, do you have a Combat Action Ribbon??   Just askin'..........:stirpot:

Sorry, no "been there with someone who got shot at" ribbon.  But I do have a bunch of stuff in my service record with the line, "on a mission of vital importance to national security" in it, if you want to compare dick sizes.   :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(You know I kid because I love, man...)

And yes, I'm also a VFW life member.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 08:48:31 PM
I'll call him a sailor when he gets his first Sea Service Ribbon. 

For the last time.  I have a sea service ribbon.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:50:45 PM
Sorry, no "been there with someone who got shot at" ribbon.  But I do have a bunch of stuff in my service record with the line, "on a mission of vital importance to national security" in it, if you want to compare dick sizes.   :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(You know I kid because I love, man...)

And yes, I'm also a VFW life member.

Not trying to compare dick sizes, just pointing out that some people don't necessarily have the same or similar quals as another. Nick hasn't been through the grinder on recruiting, but you & I have. Know what I mean, Vern ??
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:51:16 PM

For the last time.  I have a sea service ribbon.

One????  In how many years in?  ROFLMAO.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on January 23, 2010, 08:52:06 PM
Because you're both Sailors and I like you both. (Even though you're a Bubblehead Nuke and Nick's a Blackshoe geek) BTW, I'm not really defending Nick, just pointing out facts. ;)

Oh, really?  So what might you be, Thor?  Don't tell me you're a brownshoe...
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:52:57 PM
Oh, really?  So what might you be, Thor?  Don't tell me you're a brownshoe...

OK, I won't tell you...........   :tongue:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 08:55:26 PM
Not trying to compare dick sizes, just pointing out that some people don't necessarily have the same or similar quals as another. Nick hasn't been through the grinder on recruiting, but you & I have. Know what I mean, Vern ??

I hear ya--it's just I kind of chuckle when I hear about guys who never went closer than 100 miles to the coast sporting some sort of Rambo-like fruit salad, and I've got a bunch of shit saying, "You were never here, you'll never talk about it even with other people who were there, and if you do we'll put you into a dark hole in a federal prison for a long, long time," but no awards per se.

Hey, they don't call us the "Silent Service" for nothing.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:55:58 PM
BTW, Sparky, I only have THREE Sea Service awards out of twenty years. However, that doesn't count all of the short deployments I've been on that just barely didn't qualify for an award.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 08:59:43 PM
Okay, Nick--how about this--would you or would you not consider many of Obama's public appearances (including yesterday's speech in Ohio) as liberals politicizing a bad situation for political gain?  

If not, why is it he is still so eager to pull out the "it's Bush's fault" card?  It's been a year now.  When do you think he'll start fixing problems and stop trying to fix blame?

Well, Nick??? We're waiting.........
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:00:57 PM
Okay, Nick--how about this--would you or would you not consider many of Obama's public appearances (including yesterday's speech in Ohio) as liberals politicizing a bad situation for political gain?  

To be honest I didn't even pay attention to his public appearance yesterday in Ohio so I can't comment on that.

First off if anything it would be Obama politicizing a bad situation for political gain, not liberals en masse.  Individual accountability.  

Secondly I believe Pres Obama has politicized a myriad of bad situations and it seems to have gotten him elected.

I hope that answers your question satisfactorily.

If not, why is it he is still so eager to pull out the "it's Bush's fault" card?  It's been a year now.  When do you think he'll start fixing problems and stop trying to fix blame?

I have no idea when or if he'll start fixing problems.  I did not think he could to begin with.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:03:54 PM
One????  In how many years in?  ROFLMAO.

I apologize if my service lacks enough sparkle for your tastes, but so you know I am not in the Navy for chest candy or for your approbation.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:08:36 PM
BTW, Sparky, I only have THREE Sea Service awards out of twenty years. However, that doesn't count all of the short deployments I've been on that just barely didn't qualify for an award.

Same here, including PACEX, a few northern runs, a hop down to Australia for 2 1/2 months...BTDT, BTTS.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:09:41 PM

To be honest I didn't even pay attention to his public appearance yesterday in Ohio so I can't comment on that.

First off if anything it would be Obama politicizing a bad situation for political gain, not liberals en masse.  Individual accountability.  

Secondly I believe Pres Obama has politicized a myriad of bad situations and it seems to have gotten him elected.

I hope that answers your question satisfactorily.

I have no idea when or if he'll start fixing problems.  I did not think he could to begin with.

Yet funny how the liberals all seem to have almost word-for-word the same talking points.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:10:46 PM
I apologize if my service lacks enough sparkle for your tastes, but so you know I am not in the Navy for chest candy or for your approbation.

Yes, but sailors belong at SEA.  If you wanted to sit on your ass in an office for your entire career you should have joined the Air Force.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:11:43 PM
Yet funny how the liberals all seem to have almost word-for-word the same talking points.

You sure about that?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:16:47 PM
Yes, but sailors belong at SEA.  If you wanted to sit on your ass in an office for your entire career you should have joined the Air Force.

Live and learn.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:18:01 PM

You sure about that?

How many examples would you like?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:18:40 PM
How many examples would you like?

Every last one.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 23, 2010, 09:23:03 PM
Sparky, you have to give Nick SOME credit. At least he didn't come here under the guise of a "Conservative". He's a self-avowed Liberal and doesn't hide it. Better than I can say for some of our members.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:23:48 PM

Every last one.

Ah, yes--the asshattery begins.

How about a more obscure example, such as the "Jersey Girls"?  Who went on FIVE different MSM shows/networks and parroted the SAME EXACT WORDS later used, specifically, "Bush's watch..."

And let's not get into the, "selected not elected" meme...or the, "Bush lied" mantra...or (hell, you take your pick.)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:24:51 PM
Sparky, you have to give Nick SOME credit. At least he didn't come here under the guise of a "Conservative". He's a self-avowed Liberal and doesn't hide it. Better than I can say for some of our members.

I'll bet he's a hoot over at Beeman's on Aloha Fridays.

Oh wait--Beeman's is a submariner club.  Shore duty pukes not allowed...   :tongue:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:26:30 PM
Before you start, my point is that not every "Liberal" uses the word for word talking points.  Not every "Conservative" uses the same word for word talking points.  In each case some do.  I think that is a little sad, I believe in thinking for oneself and surrendering  oneself to the stereotypical left or right because their little boxes are so comfy is preposterous.

There are stereotypical leftists out there. That is a fact.

To believe that every "Liberal" and every "Conservative" fits into the stereotype is wrong, illogical, and downright stupid.

Challenge your preconceptions or they will challenge you.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:30:45 PM
Oh, stop with the ****ing semantics already.  You know good and ****ing well that the same shit is repeated ad nauseam by Media Matters, Kos, DU, the New York Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC/CNN, hand fed to them by the DNC and the White House.  In the case of the Jersey Girls, it WAS, quite literally, WORD FOR ****ING WORD.  In the news cycle, it's damn near word-for-word. 

Anderson Cooper uses the word "teabagger", no doubt reminiscing one of his hotter nights down in Soho, and within about 15 ****ing seconds the rest of the MSM outlets and a whole shitload of Dem pols (including my own Congressidiot) are using it, even when they know full well its meaning.

So spare me the, "Who, me?" innocent bullshit.  We're not buying it.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dutch508 on January 23, 2010, 09:32:42 PM
OK, I won't tell you...........   :tongue:

Brownshoe? Is that some sort of Navy code for 'flaming!!!!"

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:33:45 PM
So spare me the, "Who, me?" innocent bullshit.  We're not buying it.

Like I said,  challenge your preconceptions or as we see they will challenge you.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:36:19 PM
No, no, no, dutch.  How many times do I have to tell you mouth-breathers, that if you want to insult a sailor, you have to use THIS commercial:

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:37:26 PM

Like I said,  challenge your preconceptions or as we see they will challenge you.

Preconceptions?  Hey, smartass--up until 2000 I was pretty much apolitical.  It's my OBSERVATIONS which forged my beliefs.  Got an idea of what even transpired that made me as conservative as I am now?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:39:19 PM
Preconceptions?  Hey, smartass--up until 2000 I was pretty much apolitical.  It's my OBSERVATIONS which forged my beliefs.  Got an idea of what even transpired that made me as conservative as I am now?

We have that in common.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:40:22 PM

We have that in common.

So you can kindly take your little "preconceived" talking point, and shove it.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:43:16 PM
So you can kindly take your little "preconceived" talking point, and shove it.

But if the shoe fits
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:47:29 PM

But if the shoe fits

And what have you shown me otherwise to dissuade me from my "preconceptions" as to your political leanings, aside from possibly your expression regarding gun laws?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 09:56:46 PM
And what have you shown me otherwise to dissuade me from my "preconceptions" as to your political leanings, aside from possibly your expression regarding gun laws?

I shouldn't have to show you anything.

I don't assume (or at least try not not) that an individual identifying himself as a "Conservative" is going to invariably have identical "talking points," sentiments, attitudes, positions as the next "Conservative." 

In 33 years I've learned that is not the case. Same applies to "Liberals" and "Moderates" and near all demographics political or otherwise.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 09:58:03 PM
Well, let's play that game then.  You don't show shit, but you can demand I do?

**** that.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:00:18 PM
Well, let's play that game then.  You don't show shit, but you can demand I do?

**** that.

Beg pardon but what shit did I demand you show?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Chris_ on January 23, 2010, 10:01:04 PM
Geez.....not that I care.....but are you guys still trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper?

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:03:39 PM
Geez.....not that I care.....but are you guys still trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper?


He's still trying to tell us the shit doesn't stink.  We haven't got to the pepper part yet.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:04:43 PM

Beg pardon but what shit did I demand you show?

Every last one.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:06:08 PM
He's still trying to tell us the shit doesn't stink.  We haven't got to the pepper part yet.

If that's what you've gotten outa the conversation it ain no wonder you're a prisoner of your preconceptions.  Y'ain been payin attention.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 23, 2010, 10:08:05 PM
No, no, no, dutch.  How many times do I have to tell you mouth-breathers, that if you want to insult a sailor, you have to use THIS commercial:


Isn't that grounds for reconquering the land of the Rising Sun?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 10:08:12 PM

If that's what you've gotten outa the conversation it ain no wonder you're a prisoner of your preconceptions.  Y'ain been payin attention.


Surely, even you can do better than that!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:11:08 PM
Surely, even you can do better than that!

I can but look what I have to work with.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:16:27 PM

I can but look what I have to work with.

That's true, rich--poor brains rattling around in his head have completely atrophied.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 10:17:23 PM
That's true, rich--poor brains rattling around in his head have completely atrophied.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 10:19:20 PM
Hmmm. Tellichery peppercorns are the best. Course, you have to grind them sumbitches up your self but it's well worth it. Personally I like the hand grinder, but some folks prefer to use a mortar and pestle.

Mmm.mmm.mmm Tellicherry.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:19:48 PM
Let's play a new game.  Can you spot the differences?  

Yet funny how the liberals all seem to have almost word-for-word the same talking points.

You sure about that?

How many examples would you like?

Every last one.

And what have you shown me otherwise to dissuade me from my "preconceptions" as to your political leanings, aside from possibly your expression regarding gun laws?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:25:01 PM
That's true, rich--poor brains rattling around in his head have completely atrophied.

Beg your pardon but I've not yet completely sunken to your level.      :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:25:43 PM
Oh, I know that game--it's called, "Let's find the Liberal Asshole!!!"

I know, I know who it is!!!!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:26:18 PM

Beg your pardon but I've not yet completely sunken to your level.      :cheersmate:

Actually, you have, you just haven't noticed yet.  Poor sod.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:27:15 PM
Actually, you have, you just haven't noticed yet.  Poor sod.

No not completely
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 10:32:43 PM

No not completely

Yeah... you have.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:34:41 PM
Yeah... you have.

Negatory.  Not completely.  Close but no cigar. 
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 10:36:28 PM
You're out voted ya blasted swab. It's three to one.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:38:54 PM
Isn't democracy wonderful?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 10:40:37 PM
I even asked his patron saint.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:40:50 PM

and Liberty is a well armed Liberal contesting the vote.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:42:09 PM
well armed Liberal

An almost extinct species.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:43:46 PM
An almost extinct species.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 10:44:56 PM


Give them time... they will kill themselves off.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:45:31 PM


Your hero, I presume...


Tyrants and oligarchs mistrust the people, hence they deprive them of arms.  --Aristotle
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 10:46:18 PM
An almost extinct species.


Wow! Look at the guns on this lib. Too bad they don't, naturally.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:48:33 PM
Your hero, I presume...


Tyrants and oligarchs mistrust the people, hence they deprive them of arms.  --Aristotle

You would.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:49:42 PM

You would.

Hmmmmm...sounds like I've hit a nerve.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 10:52:27 PM
Hmmmmm...sounds like I've hit a nerve.


Perhaps his hero is:


Notice how the bitch has her finger on the trigger of an uncleared weapon in a room full of civilians.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:53:38 PM
Hmmmmm...sounds like I've hit a nerve.


Very true.

but given you're now just picking this up and on the wrong note reiterates that you haven't been paying attention.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:54:17 PM
Perhaps his hero is:


Try again.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:55:00 PM
Ah, yes--Senator "Freedom for me, but not for thee!" Feinstein, she of the, "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it."  She of the vote against the Vitter Amdenment.

Oh, those tolerant liberals!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:55:45 PM

Very true.

but given you're now just picking this up and on the wrong note reiterates that you haven't been paying attention.

To you?  Why waste the effort?  Not worth the time.  I see your lips moving, but all I hear is, "Blah, blah, blah..."
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 23, 2010, 10:55:58 PM
and Liberty is a well armed Liberal contesting the vote.

Sorry, but no, not as per the current working definition of a "liberal" - perhaps yes if we're talking about someone who's a member of the Australian Liberal Party (i.e., the customary opponents of the Labour Party, which I think should give you a clue as to their basic political philosophy), or liberalism from the time of John Stuart Mill, "an influential British Classical liberal thinker of the 19th century whose works on liberty justified freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control" - that is, someone who would be radically opposed to the connivings of the current crop of liberals in the Whitehouse and in Congress.

An armed American Liberal is a threat to the liberty of everyone around that liberal, not any sort of protection for that liberty.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 10:56:11 PM

Try again.

They aren't indicative of the armed liberals of which you speak?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:56:26 PM

Try again.

Well, dear boy, you are the company you keep.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:56:54 PM

The Thompson is pretty sweet.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 10:58:08 PM
Sorry, but no, not as per the current working definition of a "liberal" - perhaps yes if we're talking about someone who's a member of the Australian Liberal Party (i.e., the customary opponents of the Labour Party, which I think should give you a clue as to their basic political philosophy), or liberalism from the time of John Stuart Mill, "an influential British Classical liberal thinker of the 19th century whose works on liberty justified freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control" - that is, someone who would be radically opposed to the connivings of the current crop of liberals in the Whitehouse and in Congress.

An armed American Liberal is a threat to the liberty of everyone around that liberal, not any sort of protection for that liberty.

You're warm.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 10:58:18 PM

The Thompson is pretty sweet.

Yes, I know--I've fired one.  Of course, liberals would deny me that right.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 23, 2010, 10:59:10 PM
To you?  Why waste the effort?  Not worth the time.  I see your lips moving, but all I hear is, "Blah, blah, blah..."

Are you sure?  To me, that distinctly sounded like "Ba-a-a-h, ba-a-a-a-h, ba-a-a..."

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 11:00:34 PM

You're warm.

I identify most closely with the philosophy of Mill, which is why I laugh my ass off at the current crop of big-government statist hacks who claim to be "liberal", but in reality are anything but.

But back on topic--so would you agree with me that the political left in this country has made a habit over the past, say, quarter-century to turn national tragedy into political points for their agenda or not?

Please provide examples to support your conclusion.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 11:01:15 PM
To you?  Why waste the effort?  Not worth the time. 

The time already spent suggests otherwise.

I see your lips moving, but all I hear is, "Blah, blah, blah..."


Opps did it again with the semantics didn't I?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 23, 2010, 11:02:06 PM

You're warm.

And you're a fool, particularly if you think that the "liberalism" George Washington was referring to in the quotation you have in your signature line:
"As Mankind becomes more Liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and Liberality."     -George Washington

is anything other than the diametric opposite of what passes for "liberalism" today.  Liberals today are nothing more than latter-day King George the Thirds, without the powdered wigs (except for in certain circles in Soho and S.F., where powdered wigs are considered the ultimate accessory for the floppy wrist).
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 11:03:25 PM
Yes, I know--I've fired one.  Of course, liberals would deny me that right.

Many would deny you the right to own even a single shot firearm of any sort.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 11:03:57 PM
Hey! I got to fire a Thompson too. At the "unmarked" training facility out at Silver Springs. Sadly, no Tellicherry peppercorns were to be found.

Anyway, glad to see there is a topic for this thread. Wish Nicky would simply answer instead of playing coy.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 11:04:34 PM
I identify most closely with the philosophy of Mill, which is why I laugh my ass off at the current crop of big-government statist hacks who claim to be "liberal", but in reality are anything but.

But back on topic--so would you agree with me that the political left in this country has made a habit over the past, say, quarter-century to turn national tragedy into political points for their agenda or not?

Please provide examples to support your conclusion.

You have GOT to be kidding me?  

I tried havin a rational adult discussion on the subject and the issues.  

Look how ****in far that got.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 11:05:19 PM
I identify most closely with the philosophy of Mill, which is why I laugh my ass off at the current crop of big-government statist hacks who claim to be "liberal", but in reality are anything but.

But back on topic--so would you agree with me that the political left in this country has made a habit over the past, say, quarter-century to turn national tragedy into political points for their agenda or not?

Please provide examples to support your conclusion.

Quarter-century?  Closer to half from where I sit.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 11:06:58 PM
Bah. Thompsons are heavy as Hell. Tellicherries kick ass. And this thread is going nowhere.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 11:07:14 PM
Hey! I got to fire a Thompson too. At the "unmarked" training facility out at Silver Springs. Sadly, no Tellicherry peppercorns were to be found.

Anyway, glad to see there is a topic for this thread. Wish Nicky would simply answer instead of playing coy.

Honestly now...  Have you ever seen a liberal give a straight up answer on a message board?

I haven't and I've been on various boards for well over a decade now.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 11:08:02 PM
Quarter-century?  Closer to half from where I sit.

I was making it easy for him.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 11:09:08 PM
Honestly now...  Have you ever seen a liberal give a straight up answer on a message board?

I haven't and I've been on various boards for well over a decade now.

Hellfire. The reality clause regarding forums comes back to bite me on the ass. Well played Mr. T.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 11:10:01 PM
And you're a fool, particularly if you think that the "liberalism" George Washington was referring to in the quotation you have in your signature line:

Guess you haven't picked up that I was intent on making that EXACT distinction.

With all due respect.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 11:10:18 PM

I tried havin a rational adult discussion on the subject and the issues.  

You did?

Hard to tell that from many of your posts here.

I saw a lot of ducking and dodging and out-right wordsmithing and nit-picking from your side of the debate.

You have opted to play with semantics rather than give open and honest responses.

Your real name isn't Obama is it?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 11:13:50 PM
You did?

Hard to tell that from many of your posts here.

I saw a lot of ducking and dodging and out-right wordsmithing and nit-picking from your side of the debate.

You have opted to play with semantics rather than give open and honest responses.

Your real name isn't Obama is it?

Then you like so many before you have not been paying attention.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 11:16:43 PM

Then you like so many before you have not been paying attention.

Oh, I get it--we're supposed to "miracle" your intentions out of the screen, otherwise we're just not paying attention.  Kind of like how we're not "smrat" enough to understand what you say.

Then again, you really haven't said ANYTHING yet.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 23, 2010, 11:18:43 PM
Oh, I get it--we're supposed to "miracle" your intentions out of the screen, otherwise we're just not paying attention.  Kind of like how we're not "smrat" enough to understand what you say.

Then again, you really haven't said ANYTHING yet.

Just try paying attention.  Not as hard as you make it out to be.   K? 
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 11:19:35 PM
Well, I think he did mention how much he liked pepper. But check out how the Thompson works. It's all about the blowback....ahem.

Blam! Blam! Blam! (
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 11:19:46 PM
Humility--ur doin it wrong.

Lemme know when you actually say something worth a shit.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 11:21:21 PM

Then you like so many before you have not been paying attention.


you serioulsy need to find a new record to play.

We've heard this one several times.

And in case you ain't figured it out, we ain't buying into the tune.

How simplistic of you to accuse those that diagree with you of not "paying attention" to what you think you have clearly stated.

Here's a tip for you:

If a single person doesn't get your point, it might be them not paying attention.

If two people don't get your point, start thinking about your presentation.

If three or more people don't get your point, then you have done a piss poor job of conveying it.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Oceander on January 23, 2010, 11:23:07 PM

Guess you haven't picked up that I was intent on making that EXACT distinction.

With all due respect.

My dog respects me, too; for whatever that's worth.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 23, 2010, 11:37:31 PM
My dog respects me, too; for whatever that's worth.

Yeah, but at least with the dog we can rub his nose in it when he shits on the carpet.  Nick might yelp and cry when we try that, but he'll still keep shitting on the carpet anyway.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 23, 2010, 11:39:15 PM
Yeah, but at least with the dog we can rub his nose in it when he shits on the carpet.  Nick might yelp and cry when we try that, but he'll still keep shitting on the carpet anyway.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Aaron Burr on January 23, 2010, 11:46:13 PM
Well, it's 18 pages of evasion. And it looks like the discussion was snipped from somewhere else. I say keep rubbing that nose in the pile of dog squeeze.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 25, 2010, 05:43:43 PM
Yet funny how the liberals all seem to have almost word-for-word the same talking points.
Hive mind.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 25, 2010, 05:46:02 PM

There are stereotypical leftists out there. That is a fact.


There's a stereotypical leftist right here.  That is a fact.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 25, 2010, 05:47:14 PM

Like I said,  challenge your preconceptions or as we see they will challenge you.
The main theme of Star Trek:TNG.  Except they never really did it.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on January 25, 2010, 05:50:08 PM
The main theme of Star Trek:TNG.  Except they never really did it.

I think Nick might be the one with preconceptions, but I am not in this discussion. heh.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:23:55 PM

you serioulsy need to find a new record to play.

And you seriously need to learn how to spell "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ " correctly.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:26:48 PM
There's a stereotypical leftist right here.  That is a fact.

Apologies I didn't realize you were a leftist.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:32:00 PM

Lemme know when you actually say something worth a shit.

I gave you gold but you seem to be to dumb and deaf to have realized it.

So be it.

Have a fine Navy Day !!!!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 25, 2010, 07:34:25 PM

I gave you gold but you seem to be to dumb and deaf to have realized it.

So be it.

Have a fine Navy Day !!!!
If the stereotype fits...
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 25, 2010, 07:35:05 PM

And you seriously need to learn how to spell "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ " correctly.


That's your response?

I've seen it written both ways and I like the look of the one I use in my avatar.

Μολὼν λαβέ  is the spelling that wikipedia uses.

But I am not an expert on classical greek , nor I suspect are you.

But your little dig was highly amusing.

If only over it's lameness.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:37:00 PM

That's your response?

Seriously that is my response. Bout the only response you rate, but I'm glad to see that you paid attention.

That's progress.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 25, 2010, 07:38:18 PM
Allow me to iterate for Nick:

How simplistic of you to accuse those that disagree with you of not "paying attention" to what you think you have clearly stated.

Here's a tip for you:

If a single person doesn't get your point, it might be them not paying attention.

If two people don't get your point, start thinking about your presentation.

If three or more people don't get your point, then you have done a piss poor job of conveying it.

I will reiterate as I find needed.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 25, 2010, 07:39:50 PM

Seriously that is my response. Bout the only response you rate, but I'm glad to see that you paid attention.

That's progress.


What stunning wit you exhibit.

It's almost so blindingly brilliant that it is washing out the colors on my monitor.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:40:39 PM

What stunning wit you exhibit.

Thank you.  Much obliged.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 25, 2010, 07:41:44 PM

Thank you.  Much obliged.

You are legend in your own mind Nick.

It's kinda cute actually.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:43:21 PM
You are legend in your own mind Nick.

It's kinda cute actually.

Well thank you again.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Duke Nukum on January 25, 2010, 07:44:14 PM

Seriously that is my response. Bout the only response you rate, but I'm glad to see that you paid attention.

That's progress.
Poor little would-be Messiah.  We here are just too stupid to recognize the "gold" and "wisdom" you attempt to spew at us.  Maybe you should try Scientology.  Or just start your own cult!  Sure, you'll have to hold the had and wipe the nose of every sheep-like follower you manage to attract, but they'll appreciate your obtuseness and obstinacy.  Narcissism seems to be your strong suit so I'm sure you'll cope.

Either that or getting a gig as a dictionary editor.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 25, 2010, 07:47:14 PM
Poor little would-be Messiah.  We here are just too stupid to recognize the "gold" and "wisdom" you attempt to spew at us.  Maybe you should try Scientology.  Or just start your own cult!  Sure, you'll have to hold the had and wipe the nose of every sheep-like follower you manage to attract, but they'll appreciate your obtuseness and obstinacy.  Narcissism seems to be your strong suit so I'm sure you'll cope.

Either that or getting a gig as a dictionary editor.

Now now...  why should he continue to cast pearls before we mere swine?

We have clearly been bested and should therefore acknowledge his superiority.


Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 07:51:27 PM
Poor little would-be Messiah.  We here are just too stupid to recognize the "gold" and "wisdom" you attempt to spew at us.  Maybe you should try Scientology.  Or just start your own cult!  Sure, you'll have to hold the had and wipe the nose of every sheep-like follower you manage to attract, but they'll appreciate your obtuseness and obstinacy.  Narcissism seems to be your strong suit so I'm sure you'll cope.

Either that or getting a gig as a dictionary editor.

I don't care for scientology.  Thank you though.

Sad part is I don't think some, maybe most of the individuals I've had the pleasure or mispleasure of sparring with are necessarily too stupid to recognize the "gold" and "wisdom" I attempted to spew at them, just too prejudiced and too narrow minded.

Well it's a free country, be as prejudiced and as narrow minded as you wish.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: rich_t on January 25, 2010, 07:57:30 PM

Well it's a free country, be as prejudiced and as narrow minded as you wish.

How very gracious of you to admit that.

But then again:

Allow me to reiterate for Nick:

How simplistic of you to accuse those that disagree with you of not "paying attention" to what you think you have clearly stated.

Here's a tip for you:

If a single person doesn't get your point, it might be them not paying attention.

If two people don't get your point, start thinking about your presentation.

If three or more people don't get your point, then you have done a piss poor job of conveying it.

I will reiterate as I find needed.

Ya see Nick, all joking and kidding aside.  You haven't done a very good job of convincing folks to see things your way.

All you have resorted to merely claiming that it is "their" fault for not paying attention.

But what the hell.  It's a free county right?  At least it used to be until the Liberals ****ed it up.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 25, 2010, 08:08:11 PM
How very gracious of you to admit that.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 25, 2010, 10:41:03 PM
Don't bother with him, gents--douchebag is so full of himself he doesn't see that guy lurking around the corner with the ball peen hammer.

ETA: And while I've been listening, I still haven't heard you refute the assertion that liberals are far more likely to exploit a tragedy for political gain.  But run along, little boy, the adults are back in control here, so unless you want your nose rubbed in the shit again, either have something constructive to say, or just sit on the sidelines, m'kay?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 26, 2010, 07:01:33 AM
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 26, 2010, 08:10:42 AM

I don't care for scientology.  Thank you though.

Sad part is I don't think some, maybe most of the individuals I've had the pleasure or mispleasure of sparring with are necessarily too stupid to recognize the "gold" and "wisdom" I attempted to spew at them, just too prejudiced and too narrow minded.

Well it's a free country, be as prejudiced and as narrow minded as you wish.

You might not get quite the reaction you do...if you didn't act like such an arrogant prick who believes he is the smartest guy in the room.

When all you're doing in reality is coming off as the biggest dumb ass on the forum.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 26, 2010, 08:43:08 AM
You might not get quite the reaction you do...if you didn't act like such an arrogant prick who believes he is the smartest guy in the room.

When all you're doing in reality is coming off as the biggest dumb ass on the forum.
I guess he's upset about being out-classed by TNO and is vying for the No. 1 slot.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: TheSarge on January 26, 2010, 08:46:02 AM
I guess he's upset about being out-classed by TNO and is vying for the No. 1 slot.

I've tried to be civil to him since he's a friend of Thor's.  But you're right he's now competing with TNO for the prize of "Most Arrogant Libtard on the Internets".

My civility with him is about done.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on January 26, 2010, 09:29:05 AM

Sad part is I don't think some, maybe most of the individuals I've had the pleasure or mispleasure of sparring with are necessarily too stupid to recognize the "gold" and "wisdom" I attempted to spew at them, just too prejudiced and too narrow minded.

Well it's a free country, be as prejudiced and as narrow minded as you wish.

Wow.  No one falls at your feet to marvel at the profundity of your wisdom and you therefore label them "stupid", "prejudiced", and "too narrow minded"?

Yep, definitely a lib.  A typical, boorish, elitist liberal.

I have learned, through years of practical experience, that you really see the true character of a person when they are pushed.  You are no different.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on January 26, 2010, 04:02:35 PM
I've tried to be civil to him since he's a friend of Thor's.  But you're right he's now competing with TNO for the prize of "Most Arrogant Libtard on the Internets".

My civility with him is about done.

You don't need to be civil to Nick just because of me. Nick can handle himself. I'm just trying to remain objective when it comes to this thread.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 30, 2010, 06:33:02 PM

And while I've been listening, I still haven't heard you refute the assertion that liberals are far more likely to exploit a tragedy for political gain. 

Cause ya haven't been listenin.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 30, 2010, 06:36:08 PM
You might not get quite the reaction you do...if you didn't act like such an arrogant prick who believes he is the smartest guy in the room.

When in Rome.................

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 30, 2010, 06:41:16 PM
Wow.  No one falls at your feet to marvel at the profundity of your wisdom and you therefore label them "stupid", "prejudiced", and "too narrow minded"?

I'm inclined to label someone as "stupid," "prejudiced,"  and "too narrow minded" for actually believing my MO was to prompt "falling at my feet to marvel at the profundity of my wisdom."

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on January 31, 2010, 07:57:35 AM

Cause ya haven't been listenin.

It took you five days to come up with that retort?

Go suck a grenade, douchenozzle.  You can't answer my question, so please be kind enough to play hide and go **** yourself until you can.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on January 31, 2010, 08:09:40 AM

Ah so some=all is that a fact?

But nothing proving "ALL"

By all means get as mean as you wish. 

It's a free country.  And I'm used to it anyway.

I simply request logical proof. 

If the proof is out there I haven't seen it yet.

Oh I'd be happy to.

Ya ready?

In case this isn't obvious I'm an avowed Liberal.  I also happen to be a registered Democrat.

I don't blame Republicans, American Conservatives, or President Bush for........




Nor do I see Haiti as a proof of global warming or evidence that we need socialized medicine.

Frankly it's illogical to blame Republicans/American Conservatives for anything as they are a diverse group and blaming anything on a heterogenous demographic is the epitome of senseless.

That makes at least 1 Liberal Democrat out there that isn't inclined to politicize everything as you have insisted otherwise.

the existence of just one (course there are more) pretty much disproves the premise that all Liberals are inclined to politicize everything and/or blame Republicans for everything.

Thank you and have a fine Navy day!!!!

Are you a liberal Democrat?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on January 31, 2010, 08:13:23 AM
Word to your Mothra!


Maybe you're not really a liberal.

Maybe you're just a ***** who is too scared of the moniker "conservative".

Forgive me as I am late to the dance, and am going though the thread -- but I think the bolded section is clearly apparent.   Liberal democrat?   I am guessing no.   
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on January 31, 2010, 08:14:58 AM

No I'm definitely a Liberal.

Perhaps a Liberal Conservative but I don't like to call myself a "Conservative" because it makes me feel old.

Ok, now is this thread worth reading through 12 pages?     I am already  :yawn:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on January 31, 2010, 08:17:04 AM
I got to the social conservatism comments and the la-la-libertarian bell went off.   

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 31, 2010, 10:43:19 PM
It took you five days to come up with that retort?

Took about 2 seconds to come up with that retort.

5 days to muster up the interest to respond.   :-)

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 31, 2010, 10:45:02 PM
Are you a liberal Democrat?

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on January 31, 2010, 10:53:20 PM
Forgive me as I am late to the dance, and am going though the thread -- but I think the bolded section is clearly apparent.   Liberal democrat?   I am guessing no.  

Well I am a Liberal and a registered Democrat.  Although frankly I'm only a registered Democrat so I can vote in their primaries, since there is no viable Federalist party or old school Democratic-Republican party.

Maybe not an out and out stereotypical Liberal or Democrat but both do apply.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 05:00:06 AM

Well I am a Liberal and a registered Democrat.  Although frankly I'm only a registered Democrat so I can vote in their primaries, since there is no viable Federalist party or old school Democratic-Republican party.

Maybe not an out and out stereotypical Liberal or Democrat but both do apply.

Center for American Progress being self-described "liberal democrats."     You espouse their views? 

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 06:22:57 AM

Center for American Progress being self-described "liberal democrats."     You espouse their views? 

I'm not really familiar with all their views.  Having perused the provided website, I espouse some of their views others not.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 01, 2010, 06:46:24 AM
Don't bother, FL--he's not going to give you an answer.  He'd rather be an assmunch.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 01, 2010, 08:03:00 AM
BTW, ****knuckle, you still haven't answered my question with a yes or no answer.  You think you can manage one anytime in the next ****ing millenium, Nick?  Or are you just a smarmy little cocksmoker who thinks his IQ is about 80 points higher than it really is?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 09:00:30 AM

I'm not really familiar with all their views.  Having perused the provided website, I espouse some of their views others not.

Then you really aren't a liberal democrat -- why make the distinction when moderate or Democrat would suffice?   Is it just to get into a semantics debate on the commentary made about "all" liberal democrats?   


Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: The Village Idiot on February 01, 2010, 09:19:18 AM
Don't bother, FL--he's not going to give you an answer.  He'd rather be an assmunch.

CAP was launched for the mission of electing Hillary, it was full of Clintonistas. Now its no different than many other Soros-funded wacko groups, its more like an umbrella to many of them.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 10:05:54 AM
Then you really aren't a liberal democrat -- why make the distinction when moderate or Democrat would suffice?   Is it just to get into a semantics debate on the commentary made about "all" liberal democrats?   


I'm most definitely a Liberal Democrat.   

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 10:22:51 AM

I'm most definitely a Liberal Democrat.   

Whatever helps you through the day.   

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 10:29:52 AM

Whatever helps you through the day.   

That's usually coffee and/or beer.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 10:48:39 AM
The liberal democrat thinktank:

I think MSB's point has been made.  You can continue to insist that you are indeed a liberal democrat (even though you are unfamiliar with the ramblings of this political designation's leadership), and you do not politicize tragedies, but it is a weak argument on semantics.   

12 pages and counting worth.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 11:16:16 AM
The liberal democrat thinktank:

I think MSB's point has been made. 

And disproven.

You can continue to insist that you are indeed a liberal democrat (even though you are unfamiliar with the ramblings of this political designation's leadership), and you do not politicize tragedies, but it is a weak argument on semantics.   

Nothing in the definition of either "Liberal" or "Democrat" that even suggests that to be a definitive Liberal and/or Democrat one must be familiar with and embrace "the ramblings of this political designation's supposed leadership."  Well, perhaps more so with the term "Democrat" but not "Liberal" which was the focus of Bugs' original thoughtless generalization.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 11:23:37 AM

And disproven.

Nothing in the definition of either "Liberal" or "Democrat" that even suggests that to be a definitive Liberal and/or Democrat one must be familiar with and embrace "the ramblings of this political designation's supposed leadership."  Well, perhaps more so with the term "Democrat" but not "Liberal" which was the focus of Bugs' original thoughtless generalization.

Again -- you can continue to live in a cave (not familiar with John Podesta at all?  really? - hell as much as I try to block out the Clinton years, they keep slapping us in the face, rather hard to accomplish but atta boy for claiming you have), but ignorance of your party's political ramblings is hardly a defense. 

Please do tell who you believe the leadership is of the liberal democrats.   

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 11:35:46 AM

Again -- you can continue to live in a cave (not familiar with John Podesta at all?  really? - hell as much as I try to block out the Clinton years, they keep slapping us in the face, rather hard to accomplish but atta boy for claiming you have)  

Nope, no real familiarity with John Podesta.  I'm sure I can google him, find out what he's been up to, but haven't paid any attention to him.

So in order to recall the Clinton years one must be intricately familiar with the rhetoric of John Podesta?

Please do tell who you believe the leadership is of the liberal democrats.   


Honestly I really don't believe there is any definitive leadership.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 01, 2010, 11:41:55 AM
So speaketh the King of Denial, Nick the Stupid.

ETA: If you really expect us to believe that you don't know about Podesta, you're 1--expecting us to be the most gullible and/or stupid people on earth, 2--in no position to lecture anyone about anything regarding politics, particularly liberalism.

IOW, until you come correct, STFU.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 11:57:02 AM
Keep tryin Spanky.  I find this thoroughly amusing.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 11:58:56 AM

Nope, no real familiarity with John Podesta.  I'm sure I can google him, find out what he's been up to, but haven't paid any attention to him.

So in order to recall the Clinton years one must be intricately familiar with the rhetoric of John Podesta?

Honestly I really don't believe there is any definitive leadership.

1) You have no idea who John Podesta is -- how old are you? 

2) You have no idea who John Podesta is, yet claim there isn't any definitive leadership? 

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 01, 2010, 11:59:46 AM
Keep tryin Spanky.  I find this thoroughly amusing.

Of course you do--ignorance is bliss, which puts you in permanent ecstasy.

So are you just gonna keep tapdancing around the question, or will you answer it?  
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 12:01:23 PM
So speaketh the King of Denial, Nick the Stupid.

ETA: If you really expect us to believe that you don't know about Podesta, you're 1--expecting us to be the most gullible and/or stupid people on earth, 2--in no position to lecture anyone about anything regarding politics, particularly liberalism.

IOW, until you come correct, STFU.

He has no idea who Podesta is.  This boy is either 20 years old, or obscenely ignorant of all things political.     I am glad he is amused, but really not as amused as we are.  

Oh it is enjoyable when the youngsters try to play grownup.  
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 12:13:29 PM

1) You have no idea who John Podesta is -- how old are you?  

2) You have no idea who John Podesta is, yet claim there isn't any definitive leadership?  


Excuse you, I know who the man iswas, I don't follow his political exploits, I don't care to, and when to comes down to it the subject of John Podesta is irrelevant.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 12:15:34 PM
Of course you do--ignorance is bliss, which puts you in permanent ecstasy.

I'm sure you were hoping we'd have that in common, but that is your malfunction, not mine.

Sorry to disappoint.

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 01, 2010, 12:17:25 PM

Excuse you, I know who the man is, I don't follow his political exploits, I don't care to, and when to comes down to it the subject of John Podesta is irrelevant.


Nope, no real familiarity with John Podesta.

Sure you do junior.  :-)

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 12:18:20 PM

Sure you do junior.  :-)

Suit yourself old man. 
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on February 01, 2010, 03:03:15 PM

I'm inclined to label someone as "stupid," "prejudiced,"  and "too narrow minded" for actually believing my MO was to prompt "falling at my feet to marvel at the profundity of my wisdom."


Still didn't answer the question...
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 07:59:23 PM
Still didn't answer the question...

I don't care.

I've answered my fair share of questions. So at this point if'n someone wants an answer outa me on any subject they best demonstrate how they're worth a response.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Splashdown on February 01, 2010, 08:05:56 PM

I don't care.

I've answered my fair share of questions. So at this point if'n someone wants an answer outa me on any subject they best demonstrate how they're worth a response.

Yeah. Cause that's how DISCUSSION BOARDS work...  :whatever:

Why the hell are you even here?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 01, 2010, 08:28:42 PM
Why the hell are you even here?

At the request of a friend.

Who was kind enough to do a favor for me.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 02, 2010, 06:49:27 AM

I don't care.

I've answered my fair share of questions. So at this point if'n someone wants an answer outa me on any subject they best demonstrate how they're worth a response.

Hey, genius--you haven't answered DICK yet.  Just a bunch of snarky replies and a whole shitload of, "I know you are, but what am I?" bullshit.

Start coming correct, or hit the road.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on February 02, 2010, 08:34:56 AM

I don't care.

I've answered my fair share of questions. So at this point if'n someone wants an answer outa me on any subject they best demonstrate how they're worth a response.

I figured as much.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 02, 2010, 05:32:21 PM
Hey, genius--you haven't answered DICK yet. 

Just shows y'ain been payin attention, Dick. 

I've answered several of your questions.  If I haven't answered enough for ya or haven't answered them to your satisfaction, oh well guess you'll just have ta put on the big girl panties and get over it.

Thank you and have a fine Navy day !!!
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 02, 2010, 06:22:25 PM
Yes, but sailors belong at SEA.  If you wanted to sit on your ass in an office for your entire career you should have joined the Air Force.

My husband has been to every shithole on this planet Sparky -- has a chest full of medals.  Been there, done that and will be buried at Arlington for his efforts so stick it with the Air Force crap.   

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 02, 2010, 06:25:19 PM
Just finished reading the rest of the pages of this thread I didn't get to -- God what a waste of time.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 02, 2010, 06:27:11 PM
My husband has been to every shithole on this planet Sparky -- has a chest full of medals.  Been there, done that and will be buried at Arlington for his efforts so stick it with the Air Force crap.   

Lighten up, Francis.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 02, 2010, 06:31:34 PM

Just shows y'ain been payin attention, Dick. 

I've answered several of your questions.  If I haven't answered enough for ya or haven't answered them to your satisfaction, oh well guess you'll just have ta put on the big girl panties and get over it.

Thank you and have a fine Navy day !!!

GFY, dicknose.  I refer you to my earlier question, which after ten days you've still yet to answer...

But back on topic--so would you agree with me that the political left in this country has made a habit over the past, say, quarter-century to turn national tragedy into political points for their agenda or not?

Please provide examples to support your conclusion.

And in the ensuing six pages since I posted that query, you have yet to answer.  Time to put up, or STFU.  Answer the question, or stand by for a curb stomping.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on February 02, 2010, 08:08:47 PM
I don't see why not, regarding the generalization I challenged earlier I submitted evidence disproving it.

But anyway regarding my observation I suppose, we'll have to agree to disagree as I've presented the most compelling evidence to support it.

I've missed most of this thread, but did catch this reply. And here is my response:

You're incredibly stupid. I've observed that in this thread. I have evidence in this thread to support it - compelling evidence at that.

You owe me evidence of 7 Billion people who want to control others. You've offered nothing by hypothesis and opinion, and a lot of dodging. That is evidence of liberal-dumb-****eness. Please shut off your computer and go back to sucking your thumb... I"m sure mom will be downstairs with cookies soon.  :whatever: :whatever:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 03, 2010, 03:05:32 AM
I've missed most of this thread, but did catch this reply. And here is my response:

You're incredibly stupid. I've observed that in this thread. I have evidence in this thread to support it - compelling evidence at that.

Evidence that reflects less upon me and more upon you, my friend.

You owe me evidence of 7 Billion people who want to control others.

I gave you my evidence/reasoning you chose not to agree. I really couldn't prove 7 billion anyway.  There aren't that many people on planet Terra to date.

You've offered nothing by hypothesis and opinion, and a lot of dodging.

I had quite clearly stated that I offered you opinion and hypothesis in those words exactly.  I made no pretense I was offering anything else, and was quite upfront with my reasoning at that.  

If this is your "evidence," in my opinion (so as not to confuse you again), it is weak at best.

Thanks for the chat.  Was a pleasure.  

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 03, 2010, 07:00:21 AM
JesusHTapdancinChrist, Nick--do you ever know when to STFU?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: AbsolutNickUSN on February 03, 2010, 08:10:08 AM

You owe me evidence of 7 Billion people who want to control others.

I'm adding this to my last you want evidence so badly, and if this does not satisfy you well than you can kiss my left testicle because this is my last statement on the subject.  Capisce?

First off the only reason you are so on this is because you ignorantly believe my statement :"All people are naturally inclined to impose their beliefs on others" is of the same caliber as the partisan generalization:  "All Liberals do politicize national tragedies."  I guess you aren't an English major if you can't pick up on the damned difference.  Neither am I, but I've got one up on you.  Let me clarify this for you and I'll try to use small words.  I made an observation regarding attitudes that may or may not be acted upon. With me so far? "All Liberals do...." isn't just an observation of attitude but of behavior, behavior specific to a distinct, but diverse, group of people.   See the difference?  Inclination ( versus action (  

OK now that I've gotten that out of the way.  

I will now elaborate as to the evidence to support my HYPOTHESIS.  I have observed that in American culture the term "freedom" is often tossed around from all sides of the political arena, like it is the exclusive mantra of every possible party or ideology.  Each ideology/party though insists upon some form of law and order, which is logical, but they differ as to where the line between Liberty and law should be drawn and in most cases the line is drawn at the point between what is found to be morally acceptable or unacceptable.  How many people do you know that would stand up and defend the right to do or say something in opposition to their own values?

"I may disagree with what you have to say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

There are people who can and do live up to these lofty words, but in their minds is that their first inclination?  Would it be yours?  It's not mine.  If I believe in a sense of right and wrong choices, if anyone does, why would they believe those choices are inapplicable to others?  Who would want people to violate their moral or ethical values?  Look at how the stereotypical left and right break down along these lines.  In  the case of both, once again you hear "freedom" tossed around like a frisbee, but your average left winger draws the line at freedom to bear arms for example, as firearms clash with their moral choices, and for your average right winger the line is drawn at abortion for example, because that clashes with their moral choices.  What do you have?  Gun control and pro life.  It is easy to defend the freedom to act and believe in a manner that is morally and ethically acceptable, and difficult, to say the least to defend the freedom to act and believe in a manner that is morally and ethically unacceptable.  

If someone is able to defend individual liberty outside of their moral standards, they make a conscious choice to resist the natural inclination to oppose such activity, and the degree to which they are able to extend this sense of liberty is what distinguishes libertarian(since the word "Liberal" is such a dirty word even if it does apply by way of its original meaning) and authoritarian ideologies.  Even amongst anarchist schools of thought there exists a value based form of law and order where it rests upon individuals to enforce moral standards arbitrarily to the point of almost being the antithesis of a free society despite the lack of a central authority.  
Why do you think it was observed that "Power corrupts,"  human ****ing nature perhaps?  
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 03, 2010, 08:15:59 AM
11 days (and counting).
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on February 03, 2010, 08:43:33 AM
Yes, but sailors belong at SEA.  If you wanted to sit on your ass in an office for your entire career you should have joined the Air Force.

My husband has been to every shithole on this planet Sparky -- has a chest full of medals.  Been there, done that and will be buried at Arlington for his efforts so stick it with the Air Force crap.   

Formerlurker, this wasn't a slam on your husband, per se, but a statement reflecting the interservice rivalry that exists amongst those of us who have served in one of the branches of the military.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: dandi on February 03, 2010, 09:06:47 AM
Formerlurker, this wasn't a slam on your husband, per se, but a statement reflecting the interservice rivalry that exists amongst those of us who have served in one of the branches of the military.

Well, at least you didn't tell her to lighten up....   :-)
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: bkg on February 03, 2010, 09:22:32 AM

Evidence that reflects less upon me and more upon you, my friend.

I gave you my evidence/reasoning you chose not to agree. I really couldn't prove 7 billion anyway.  There aren't that many people on planet Terra to date.

I had quite clearly stated that I offered you opinion and hypothesis in those words exactly.  I made no pretense I was offering anything else, and was quite upfront with my reasoning at that.  

If this is your "evidence," in my opinion (so as not to confuse you again), it is weak at best.
Thanks for the chat.  Was a pleasure.  

Does the ducking and weaving make you dizzy? I can only assume it must. I defended your original claim, because you were correct, but now you're attempting to apply rules to others that you believe do not apply to yourself. That, in and of itself, makes you a complete moron. You're not smart enough to ttalk to.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on February 03, 2010, 10:31:54 AM

I'm adding this to my last you want evidence so badly, and if this does not satisfy you well than you can kiss my left testicle because this is my last statement on the subject.  Capisce?

First off the only reason you are so on this is because you ignorantly believe my statement :"All people are naturally inclined to impose their beliefs on others" is of the same caliber as the partisan generalization:  "All Liberals do politicize national tragedies."  I guess you aren't an English major if you can't pick up on the damned difference.  Neither am I, but I've got one up on you.  Let me clarify this for you and I'll try to use small words.  I made an observation regarding attitudes that may or may not be acted upon. With me so far? "All Liberals do...." isn't just an observation of attitude but of behavior, behavior specific to a distinct, but diverse, group of people.   See the difference?  Inclination ( versus action (   
OK, fine, you big baby.

ALL liberals EXCEPT YOU politicize tragedies.

Happy now?
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 03, 2010, 10:36:17 AM
Well, at least you didn't tell her to lighten up....   :-)

Meh.  She'll be mad at me for a while, then we'll get over it.  Hey, I've been to a lot of those shitholes, didn't get the fruit salad for it (because we weren't there, wink wink), and because I didn't retire or get a significant medal, am not eligible for burial at Arlington, but it's all good.

But even you have to admit, FL, that the cush factor is pretty high in the AF compared to the other services.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Eupher on February 03, 2010, 12:15:59 PM
Meh.  She'll be mad at me for a while, then we'll get over it.  Hey, I've been to a lot of those shitholes, didn't get the fruit salad for it (because we weren't there, wink wink), and because I didn't retire or get a significant medal, am not eligible for burial at Arlington, but it's all good.

But even you have to admit, FL, that the cush factor is pretty high in the AF compared to the other services.

Any military service that refers to its barracks as "dormitories" has the cush factor pretty well figured out.   :rotf:
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on February 03, 2010, 02:58:29 PM
If my trip to San Angelo is any example of what the Air Force "cush factor" is, they have it NICE when compared to all of the other services.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 03, 2010, 06:19:28 PM
Meh.  She'll be mad at me for a while, then we'll get over it.  Hey, I've been to a lot of those shitholes, didn't get the fruit salad for it (because we weren't there, wink wink), and because I didn't retire or get a significant medal, am not eligible for burial at Arlington, but it's all good.

But even you have to admit, FL, that the cush factor is pretty high in the AF compared to the other services.

Sparky my husband was in Spec Ops for a considerable time and flew for a living - he has been places he had to wear a black sheet over his head when they landed so no one could identify them.    There is a saying in special ops - we don't win wars, we prevent them.   There are no accolades or medals for the stuff they do.   

He will be buried in Arlington because he qualifies and deserves it.   Counting the military academy he has given his entire adult life to service, and not behind a desk (although I applaud and respect those who has done this for our country also).

The pissing match between the services is not anything I can understand.   

Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on February 03, 2010, 11:24:00 PM

The pissing match between the services is not anything I can understand.   

It's called "Inter-service Rivalry". Think of it as a brotherhood. Each service member considers their branch the best and pokes fun at the others. It really ain't much of a thing, just meant more in fun. Hell, in the Navy, we have an in-service rivalry between the surface ship folks, the aviation component and the submarine force. It can even be broken down further to the difference between each rating group.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 04, 2010, 08:31:37 AM
Sparky my husband was in Spec Ops for a considerable time and flew for a living - he has been places he had to wear a black sheet over his head when they landed so no one could identify them.    There is a saying in special ops - we don't win wars, we prevent them.   There are no accolades or medals for the stuff they do.   

He will be buried in Arlington because he qualifies and deserves it.   Counting the military academy he has given his entire adult life to service, and not behind a desk (although I applaud and respect those who has done this for our country also).

The pissing match between the services is not anything I can understand.   

It is what it is.

And as any submariner can tell you, we're not called the "Silent Service" for nothing.  Every deployment we did an Op or two.  It would go anywhere from 20 to 90 days, we'd have spooks, SEAL's, or weird shit hanging off the hull.  When we left and dove, we'd get a brief, which consisted of, "Here's where you're not going, here's what you're not doing, and if you talk about it, many years of federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison will be your reward."  On the way back, we'd sign debrief sheets saying, "Here's where you didn't go, here's what you didn't do, and if you discuss this even with crew members who were there with you, many years of federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison will be your reward."

That's why I don't have a chestful of medals.  It's why I won't get buried at Arlington.  It IS, however, how I qualified for membership in the VFW.  Just sayin.

And when you consider the working conditions of Air Force versus Navy, who admittedly have it better than our Army and Marine counterparts, yeah, I think I can safely say the AF has it pretty ****in cush.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Thor on February 04, 2010, 08:40:40 AM

And when you consider the working conditions of Air Force versus Navy, who admittedly have it better than our Army and Marine counterparts, yeah, I think I can safely say the AF has it pretty ****in cush.

I can safely say that us Sailors had it a little more "cush" than our USAF counterparts during Desert Shield/ Storm. At least that's what I noticed when we were shore based during Desert Shield.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on February 04, 2010, 08:43:45 AM
Sleeping in outside in -20 snow storms sux.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: Eupher on February 04, 2010, 09:59:08 AM
I can safely say that us Sailors had it a little more "cush" than our USAF counterparts during Desert Shield/ Storm. At least that's what I noticed when we were shore based during Desert Shield.

My ass was sitting in a cold-ass Combat Engineer Vehicle or walking a perimeter or checking on my peeps in 20 deg. temps for 12 hour days in Berlin while you guys were roasting your asses off.

Somebody had to guard the place against the evil hordes that were threatening to overrun the guard shack with balloons and baby strollers.

[/whiny mode]
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 04, 2010, 04:23:37 PM
Sleeping in outside in -20 snow storms sux.


Yes that is snow, and yes this is the south pole.    Not my husband however.  My brother just got back from hauling scientists down there (the ones who giggle their asses off over "global warming" nonsense).


The penguins come to greet the plane....
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: formerlurker on February 04, 2010, 04:27:53 PM

Living quarters in the south pole -- not exactly four star, but not a tent.  

My husband however has done the tent life in the sand box and Africa too many times to count (of course his tent had air conditioning.......  :-))
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: NHSparky on February 05, 2010, 11:26:16 AM
Two weeks, and he still hasn't answered the question.

It's official, dumbass.  Your time here is up.  Begone.
Title: Re: Liberals politicizing tragedies for political gain
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on February 05, 2010, 11:40:49 AM

Living quarters in the south pole -- not exactly four star, but not a tent.  

My husband however has done the tent life in the sand box and Africa too many times to count (of course his tent had air conditioning.......  :-))
When I first made it to Germany we slept in our tracked vehicles. They had space heaters but some dumbass left his on all night with the hatches closed and died of carbon monoxide poisoning. So then we were ordered to sleep outside the tracks.

Well, it was muddy as hell becuase when you move with an armored/mechanized unit they churn up the ground. Even the frozen hell that is Germany turns into a giant sludge pit once a battalion of tanks moves through.

But it is an odd thing: the ground is churned it is because tracks have been running through there...and where they run once, they run again.

And sometimes they would run over soldiers who were ordered to sleep on the ground because some dumb ass died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Of course I woud much rather die of CO poisoning than be mutilated to death by a 65 ton Abrams...but that's just how quirky I am.

So their next stoke of jeenyuss was to order us into tents and to hang chem lights and engineer's tape (actually a thick, white nylon-like ribbon material) around/over the tents.

Alas, mech/armor units are supposed to be highly mobile, meaning we had to be moving constantly and on short notice. Assuming we stopped for a few hours we had to put up and take down the dark...which took an hour-plus out of the 2 to 4 hours we were allowed to sleep.

I would have sodomized those penguins on youtube to have been allowed to sleep in those barracks.

Colorado sux too...not only is it cold as @#$% there are cactus and yucca plants everywhere.