The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Breaking News => Topic started by: crockspot on September 30, 2009, 08:55:07 PM

Title: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: crockspot on September 30, 2009, 08:55:07 PM
 30 Sep 2009 23:57:07 GMT
Source: Reuters
WASHINGTON, Sept 30 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will take several weeks to review U.S. strategy on Afghanistan and Pakistan, the White House said on Wednesday after a meeting between top U.S. officials about the region.

"When it comes to decisions as important as keeping this country safe and putting our troops into harm's way, the president has made it clear that he will rigorously assess our progress," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement.

"That is why he held this meeting today and will take the next several weeks to review our strategy." (Reporting by Jeff Mason, editing by Chris Wilson)

Obama has had the General's request on his desk for a MONTH, and 43 of our soldiers have died waiting. Now he needs another few weeks? He is unable to carry out his duty as Commander in Chief. Impeach him NOW. Is there a congresscritter with enough balls to file the articles?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: djones520 on September 30, 2009, 08:58:27 PM
Maybe he should work on this instead of pimping himself in Copenhagen.  Words cannot describe what I'm feeling towards our President right now.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: crockspot on September 30, 2009, 09:04:03 PM
Maybe he should work on this instead of pimping himself in Copenhagen.  Words cannot describe what I'm feeling towards our President right now.

I'm sure while he's in Copenhagen, his minions will be furiously running focus groups, and sticking their wet fingers in the air. Then they will send the focus results to some head-up-their-asses liberal think tank for analysis. They should come up with a strategery that will be the most likely to get O reelected in a few weeks. THEN Jugears can take action.  :censored:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: RightCoast on September 30, 2009, 09:04:51 PM
What's the carbon footprint of POTUS and entourage traveling 1/2 way around the globe for 4 hours on the ground??

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Hawkgirl on September 30, 2009, 09:10:49 PM
WOW...did someone forget to tell the "President" that swift decision making was part of his job description? This idiot wouldn't make it as a corporate hack...yet he's the President of the greatest country on Earth.  This makes me want to punch each and every person who voted for him. :banghead:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: RightCoast on September 30, 2009, 09:32:21 PM
WOW...did someone forget to tell the "President" that swift decision making was part of his job description? This idiot wouldn't make it as a corporate hack...yet he's the President of the greatest country on Earth.  This makes me want to punch each and every person who voted for him. :banghead:

How about the fact that he ran for president for almost 3 years while the war was going on - didn't ever occur to him to think about some options in case he won??????
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Splashdown on September 30, 2009, 09:49:04 PM
It sounds to me like he's planning to vote "present."
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on September 30, 2009, 10:16:05 PM
He's trying to find a corner to piss in, in a round room.  None of the possible options that might actually involve anything but cutting and running will produce results quickly or cheaply.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Airwolf on September 30, 2009, 10:38:07 PM
I'm betting he is looking very strongly at doing this.


When he should be doing this.

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: 5412 on September 30, 2009, 10:55:12 PM
30 Sep 2009 23:57:07 GMT
Source: Reuters
WASHINGTON, Sept 30 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will take several weeks to review U.S. strategy on Afghanistan and Pakistan, the White House said on Wednesday after a meeting between top U.S. officials about the region.

"When it comes to decisions as important as keeping this country safe and putting our troops into harm's way, the president has made it clear that he will rigorously assess our progress," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement.

"That is why he held this meeting today and will take the next several weeks to review our strategy." (Reporting by Jeff Mason, editing by Chris Wilson)

Obama has had the General's request on his desk for a MONTH, and 43 of our soldiers have died waiting. Now he needs another few weeks? He is unable to carry out his duty as Commander in Chief. Impeach him NOW. Is there a congresscritter with enough balls to file the articles?


Let me share what really irritates me about this.  His review will have nothing to do with winning the battle.  They will be reviewing the POLITICAL strategies, trying to figure out who to placate and who is expendable.....will have nothing to do with the war at all.

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: thundley4 on September 30, 2009, 11:10:33 PM

Let me share what really irritates me about this.  His review will have nothing to do with winning the battle.  They will be reviewing the POLITICAL strategies, trying to figure out who to placate and who is expendable.....will have nothing to do with the war at all.


There will be some heavy duty polling done in the next couple of weeks to determine just what Lord Zero's positions should be.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Flame on October 01, 2009, 06:02:31 AM

Let me share what really irritates me about this.  His review will have nothing to do with winning the battle.  They will be reviewing the POLITICAL strategies, trying to figure out who to placate and who is expendable.....will have nothing to do with the war at all.


Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 06:06:25 AM
The Zero is showing more and more each day his total lack of knowledge for his job it is waaaaay above his head
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 06:24:36 AM
will take the next several weeks to review our strategy

And here is the reason he's doing that. 

Winter is fast descending on that part of the world.  For the last 8 years the Taliban move back up into the mountains in Pakistan before the passes get snowed in.  They spend the winter training refiitting and re-arming.

In other words things are about to quiet down...this administration knows that and thus they can afford a delay in any action.

With no fighting going on in the "necesary war" the President kow tow's to his anti-war base and in turn gets them in line for Healthcare "reform".
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: JohnnyReb on October 01, 2009, 06:27:30 AM
And here is the reason he's doing that. 

Winter is fast descending on that part of the world.  For the last 8 years the Taliban move back up into the mountains in Pakistan before the passes get snowed in.  They spend the winter training refiitting and re-arming.

In other words things are about to quiet down...this administration knows that and thus they can afford a delay in any action.

With no fighting going on in the "necesary war" the President kow tow's to his anti-war base and in turn gets them in line for Healthcare "reform".

True.....but then also, the boy is a little slow on the uptake.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: cottondress on October 01, 2009, 06:53:33 AM
They have come out with War Strategy for DUMMYS???
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Eupher on October 01, 2009, 07:33:35 AM

Let me share what really irritates me about this.  His review will have nothing to do with winning the battle.  They will be reviewing the POLITICAL strategies, trying to figure out who to placate and who is expendable.....will have nothing to do with the war at all.


Well, I'd point out that it's not to purview of the CiC to get involved with the operational art and the military strategy end of things. I'd say leave the Jug-eared Kenyan out of stuff that he doesn't understand. But it's always been the CiC's purview to get involved with political strategies - that goes with the job, seems to me.

What amazes me is how the JEK can move with warp speed on all matters socialist, but it's going to take him "several weeks" to review his "strategy".

As DAT states, he's looking for a corner to piss in, realizing he's in a round (oval?) room. He's waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of his element and knows it. So he's stonewalling for time to gauge the political winds - the tragedy is, he doesn't KNOW what those political winds are blowing through his jug-ears.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 07:43:29 AM
There will be some heavy duty polling done in the next couple of weeks to determine just what Lord Zero's positions should be.
Too bad he won't take the same approach to the insurance "reform" scam he's pushing.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 09:28:25 AM
Why has he not been more prepared is what I want to know
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: debk on October 01, 2009, 10:08:41 AM
He's trying to find a corner to piss in, in a round room. 

this is a topic that makes me quite angry....but I did have a good  :lmao: over your statement DAT!
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: NHSparky on October 01, 2009, 11:00:07 AM
Hmmmm...we could always be like the little goons and keep a rolling body count of how many have died while Obumble dithers in a Copenhagen hash bar.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: thundley4 on October 01, 2009, 11:14:16 AM
Hmmmm...we could always be like the little goons and keep a rolling body count of how many have died while Obumble dithers in a Copenhagen hash bar.

I think more have died in Afghanistan under 0Bama than had died in the last several years under President Bush.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 11:20:10 AM
I think more have died in Afghanistan under 0Bama than had died in the last several years under President Bush.

And more of us will continue to die unless something is done and done quickly.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 11:31:46 AM
How many has it been in the Zero's time in office
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 12:13:55 PM
How many has it been in the Zero's time in office

I can't find exact numbers for the entire year because of all the anti war BS that closgs the searh engine...but I did find one factoid that said that in the first two months of 2009 there were 29 KIA's in Afghanistan versus 8 for the first two months of 2008.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: thundley4 on October 01, 2009, 12:19:04 PM
How many has it been in the Zero's time in office

From what I've found, there have been about 730 total deaths since the invasion of 2001, with over 220 occurring since 0Bama took office. This past August was the deadliest month since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 12:23:53 PM
Wow thank you and helping me prove a point
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on October 01, 2009, 12:49:58 PM
They have come out with War Strategy for DUMMYS???


Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: NHSparky on October 01, 2009, 03:28:45 PM
Obozo is gonna get more good people killed by at least an order of magnitude more than anything the left ever accused Bush of doing, and yet we'll never hear a peep of it.

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Splashdown on October 01, 2009, 04:22:55 PM
Obozo is gonna get more good people killed by at least an order of magnitude more than anything the left ever accused Bush of doing, and yet we'll never hear a peep of it.


Worse, even, you KNOW the left'll blame all of this--this "necessary war" (Obama's words)--on the Bush administration.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 04:26:56 PM
True.....but then also, the boy is a little slow on the uptake.

On most things yes.  But someone has gotten in his ear on this and told him that politically he needs to wait this out until things quiet down and that way he won't have to mess with it again until April 2010.

And given the beating he's taken from his own party...he's listening to whoever is telling him this crap.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 04:34:21 PM
On most things yes.  But someone has gotten in his ear on this and told him that politically he needs to wait this out until things quiet down and that way he won't have to mess with it again until April 2010.

And given the beating he's taken from his own party...he's listening to whoever is telling him this crap.

Someone with true knowledge needs to tell him the truth and in a quick and a hurry before more precious troops die
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: WMD Owl on October 01, 2009, 08:18:21 PM
Someone with true knowledge needs to tell him the truth and in a quick and a hurry before more precious troops die

Here is something for you... What if the Taliban DON'T pull back into the mountains this winter?  That would be the equivalent of a "Tet" and an excuse for Obama's  media whores to demand a pullout NOW.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 01, 2009, 08:33:51 PM
Here is something for you... What if the Taliban DON'T pull back into the mountains this winter?  That would be the equivalent of a "Tet" and an excuse for Obama's  media whores to demand a pullout NOW.

Which was rewritten history by the left in this country. The Tet Offensive was a win for the US as the Viet Cong was essentially annihilated during Tet. The left portrays is as a win for North Vietnam. ...but what the hell, they try to rewrite everything. History be damned if it doesn't go along with their warped viewpoint.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 08:38:32 PM
Here is something for you... What if the Taliban DON'T pull back into the mountains this winter?  That would be the equivalent of a "Tet" and an excuse for Obama's  media whores to demand a pullout NOW.

If they were to do that...unless they've established supply bases of a size we don't know about yet in Afghanistan....then they'll cut off their only guaranteed escape route away from coalition forces.

Haji does some dumb stuff...but they aren't stupid.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 01, 2009, 08:40:21 PM
Haji does some dumb stuff...but they aren't stupid.

Well, they did dress up a GI Joe doll to film a video of a "captured American GI".  :lmao:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 08:41:01 PM
If they were to do that...unless they've established supply bases of a size we don't know about yet in Afghanistan....then they'll cut off their only guaranteed escape route away from coalition forces.

Haji does some dumb stuff...but they aren't stupid.

Can you explain why they are called Haji?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: WMD Owl on October 01, 2009, 08:41:20 PM
Which was rewritten history by the left in this country. The Tet Offensive was a win for the US as the Viet Cong was essentially annihilated during Tet. The left portrays is as a win for North Vietnam. ...but what the hell, they try to rewrite everything. History be damned if it doesn't go along with their warped viewpoint.

True, and I have no doubt that we will wipe out 70% of the Taliban just like we did VC back in 68.

But in context of today's "in the tank" Media we may have a win, but once again Media will spin it into a loss.

All Obama needs is an excuse to pull out.. legit or not.  The Media spin gives him the excuse.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 01, 2009, 08:41:57 PM
Can you explain why they are called Haji?

The pilgrimage to Mecca is called Hajj. 
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 08:43:55 PM
Can you explain why they are called Haji?

For the same reason Vietnam Vet's called the NVA "Charlie".  It's a slang term.  Generic catch all term for Muslim bad guys.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 08:44:20 PM
Thank you I never understood why it was called that. I hope you will be safe when you are are in that awful place.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: WMD Owl on October 01, 2009, 08:45:38 PM
If they were to do that...unless they've established supply bases of a size we don't know about yet in Afghanistan....then they'll cut off their only guaranteed escape route away from coalition forces.

Haji does some dumb stuff...but they aren't stupid.

They will take 65-70% casualties if they can influence American public opinion with the help of the Leftists in the News Media.  

The headlines in the NY Times and  Washington Post:  US unprepared for Taliban Offensive, and the lefties in Congress pull the plug.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 08:49:33 PM
They will take 65-70% casualties if they can influence American public opinion with the help of the Leftists in the News Media.

True.  They don't have the same value on human life that we do.  they use that against us all the time.  

The headlines in the NY Times and  Washington Post:  US unprepared for Taliban Offensive, and the lefties in Congress pull the plug.

Hopefully I can get there before the idiots from the lefty fish wrap shift their base of operations from the Green Zone in Baghdad to Kandahar and get some journalists pointed in a direction that doesn't lead to that kind of lazy story writing.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: WMD Owl on October 01, 2009, 08:58:05 PM
True.  They don't have the same value on human life that we do.  they use that against us all the time.  

Hopefully I can get there before the idiots from the lefty fish wrap shift their base of operations from the Green Zone in Baghdad to Kandahar and get some journalists pointed in a direction that doesn't lead to that kind of lazy story writing.

It will take a hardy soul to embed at a forward operating base in the middle of the Afghan winter.   Most Press I know wouldn't leave the "comfy" confines of Kabul or Bagram.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 08:58:17 PM
True.  They don't have the same value on human life that we do.  they use that against us all the time.  

Hopefully I can get there before the idiots from the lefty fish wrap shift their base of operations from the Green Zone in Baghdad to Kandahar and get some journalists pointed in a direction that doesn't lead to that kind of lazy story writing.

Is that your job a journalist for the military?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 08:59:35 PM
It will take a hardy soul to embed at a forward operating base in the middle of the Afghan winter.   Most Press I know wouldn't leave the "comfy" confines of Kabul or Bagram.

To a certain extent that could work to our advantage.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 09:02:02 PM
Is that your job a journalist for the military?

Yes one of them.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 09:02:53 PM
To a certain extent that could work to our advantage.
Less input from the Lib media would be a advantage for our troops wouldn't it
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 01, 2009, 09:03:47 PM
It will take a hardy soul to embed at a forward operating base in the middle of the Afghan winter.   Most Press I know wouldn't leave the "comfy" confines of Kabul or Bagram.

Yeah, Tx kinda has no choice. He's military.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 01, 2009, 09:05:24 PM
Yeah, Tx kinda has no choice. He's military.

True.  But out there at the front of everything is where I'd rather be.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 09:10:11 PM
True.  But out there at the front of everything is where I'd rather be.

Don't you get worried about being shot at?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 09:24:53 PM
Why has he not been more prepared is what I want to know
He's been stuck in campaign mode for the last 3 years.  He just doesn't know anything else.  That's why he jumped on the plane to campaign for Chicago.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 09:28:35 PM
He's been stuck in campaign mode for the last 3 years.  He just doesn't know anything else.  That's why he jumped on the plane to campaign for Chicago.

Then it is about damn time he got off the trail and started doing his  :censored: job as the POTUS
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 01, 2009, 09:56:20 PM
Don't you get worried about being shot at?

Everyone in the military is worried about that, but I'm pretty sure he didn't tell his recruiter he wouldn't enlist unless he was promised not to be shot at. It's always a possibility, but people in uniform know the risks. It's what separates the weak from the willing. Make no mistake about it, troops don't die for their country. They die for their comrades in arms. They serve for their country. There isn't just one reason people serve. It's a good job, it pays fairly, the camaraderie is unmatched, and the honor of serving the country is an honor.

No one goes to war expecting, or wanting, to get shot or "die for their country". Everyone wearing the uniform is worried about that. However, fear isn't the absent of courage. It's the other way around. Fear is what drives us. Fear that evil will prevail. Fear that we'll lose to an evil entity. Fear that your brothers' in arms will be killed.

The price of liberty is, sadly, measured in blood. I wish it weren't so, but there's always some asshole who thinks his life is worth more than yours. The moral compass, however, is on our side.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 01, 2009, 10:24:39 PM
Everyone in the military is worried about that, but I'm pretty sure he didn't tell his recruiter he wouldn't enlist unless he was promised not to be shot at. It's always a possibility, but people in uniform know the risks. It's what separates the weak from the willing. Make no mistake about it, troops don't die for their country. They die for their comrades in arms. They serve for their country. There isn't just one reason people serve. It's a good job, it pays fairly, the camaraderie is unmatched, and the honor of serving the country is an honor.

No one goes to war expecting, or wanting, to get shot or "die for their country". Everyone wearing the uniform is worried about that. However, fear isn't the absent of courage. It's the other way around. Fear is what drives us. Fear that evil will prevail. Fear that we'll lose to an evil entity. Fear that your brothers' in arms will be killed.

The price of liberty is, sadly, measured in blood. I wish it weren't so, but there's always some ******* who thinks his life is worth more than yours. The moral compass, however, is on our side.

That brought chill bumps to my arms thank you
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: 5412 on October 01, 2009, 10:46:14 PM
There will be some heavy duty polling done in the next couple of weeks to determine just what Lord Zero's positions should be.


More I think about your remark, more I suspect the polls will be taken among democrats.  Does he frost the anti-war crowd or those who want to get re-elected and know his position is one more nail in THEIR coffin.

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: atruevoice on October 02, 2009, 12:41:51 AM
I want our boys to stop dying for an unjustified war, bring them home already, the country doesn't want us there and its a mess, no one is helping us and we are just continuing to make people hate us when we could just use some dipolomacy so they see our point, trust me we have discussed this in the class im in on tuesday nights and most studens and the teacher agree with me that the war should be over its been like ten years and its done, we are just asking to get attacked here at home if we keep pushing the world arond.  :heart:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: docstew on October 02, 2009, 02:55:28 AM
Every time I come on here (about once every 2 days) it seems we have a new troll...

TRG, you gonna be at Kandahar?  If you are, look me up at FOB Lagman or Wolverine.  I'll buy ya dinner at the DFAC
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 02, 2009, 06:05:03 AM
Every time I come on here (about once every 2 days) it seems we have a new troll...

TRG, you gonna be at Kandahar?  If you are, look me up at FOB Lagman or Wolverine.  I'll buy ya dinner at the DFAC

I'm not sure where I'm gonna be yet.  Where ever they tell 2nd Cav to go.

Hey if you run across a major by the name of Cole or a CSM by the name of McCray...they are Old Guard folks on a one year tasking over there...take good care of them.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 02, 2009, 06:08:44 AM
I want our boys to stop dying for an unjustified war,

What is unjustified about it?

Oh and they aren't "boys" they are men and women who volunteered to serve and in instances like this deploy into combat for their country.

the country doesn't want us there and its a mess,

And you know this because?

no one is helping us and we are just continuing to make people hate us when we could just use some dipolomacy so they see our point,

Really General Armchair?  No one?  You wanna make a bet onthat?

Oh and "diplomacy" by the Administration that was in the WH prior to Bush 43 gave us Khobar Towers...the U.S.S. Cole attack...the bombing of the two embassies and...oh yeah...9/11.

trust me we have discussed this in the class im in on tuesday nights and most studens and the teacher agree with me that the war should be over its been like ten years and its done, we are just asking to get attacked here at home if we keep pushing the world arond.  :heart:

Your teacher and your fellow students...who besides sucking at math...are a bunch of mindless idiots.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 02, 2009, 06:15:26 AM
This little troll needs a hammer to the head
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: atruevoice on October 02, 2009, 06:51:17 AM
I said "LIKE" ten years slight exaggeration, its been 8 sorry i rounded up but when you carry a pitch fork and gun im not sure you would understand the word exaggeration.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 02, 2009, 06:53:34 AM
I said "LIKE" ten years slight exaggeration, its been 8 sorry i rounded up but when you carry a pitch fork and gun im not sure you would understand the word exaggeration.
Ahh yes and the arrogance begins.   :whatever:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: WMD Owl on October 02, 2009, 06:56:06 AM
I want our boys to stop dying for an unjustified war, bring them home already, the country doesn't want us there and its a mess, no one is helping us and we are just continuing to make people hate us when we could just use some dipolomacy so they see our point, trust me we have discussed this in the class im in on tuesday nights and most studens and the teacher agree with me that the war should be over its been like ten years and its done, we are just asking to get attacked here at home if we keep pushing the world arond.  :heart:

Unjustified? WTF are you smoking kid?  Do the events of 9/11 ring a bell?  Diplomacy?  How do you negotiate with a jihadi who just wants you dead?   I'd prefer to kill Haji Jihadi in his back yard instead of waiting until he is in MY front yard.

You are obviously a product of brainwashing public education system.  Go sing a song to your Kenyan God you jackass.   mmm mmmmm mmm
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: rich_t on October 02, 2009, 06:59:38 AM
Make no mistake about it, troops don't die for their country. They die for their comrades in arms. They serve for their country. There isn't just one reason people serve. It's a good job, it pays fairly, the camaraderie is unmatched, and the honor of serving the country is an honor.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I got out in 92 and I still miss the camaraderie.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: atruevoice on October 02, 2009, 07:00:55 AM
Im a jackass because I dont agree with you, typical conservative rhetoric, instead of stating facts you resort to name calling... :loser:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: rich_t on October 02, 2009, 07:05:36 AM
Im a jackass because I dont agree with you, typical conservative rhetoric, instead of stating facts you resort to name calling... :loser:

No... you are a jackass for coming here and making statements that you can't back up.

What has your teacher told you to brainwash you into believing it is an unjustified war?  This is at least the 2nd time you have been asked.

Why, and please be specific, do you think it is an unjustified war?  Either put up, or shut up.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: LC EFA on October 02, 2009, 07:06:03 AM
Im a jackass because I dont agree with you, typical conservative rhetoric, instead of stating facts you resort to name calling... :loser:

You're a "jackass" because you have all the intellect and charisma of a mule.

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 02, 2009, 07:06:13 AM
Im a jackass because I dont agree with you, typical conservative rhetoric, instead of stating facts you resort to name calling... :loser:

And your a child who needs to dry behind his ears before you bash our brave Men and Women in uniform
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: atruevoice on October 02, 2009, 07:11:57 AM
 "The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law. Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did not attack us on 9/11. Nineteen men - 15 from Saudi Arabia - did, and there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the United States or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan is illegal."
  — Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of the
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 02, 2009, 07:14:00 AM
"The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law. Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did not attack us on 9/11. Nineteen men - 15 from Saudi Arabia - did, and there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the United States or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan is illegal."
  â€” Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of the

FOAD you little troll!!  
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: rich_t on October 02, 2009, 07:15:55 AM
You are going to have to do MUCH better than that little one.

We don't report to the UN and without the US, the UN wouldn't even exist.

Try again.....

Oh and try using your own words instead of mere copy-paste.

Use your own intellect...  if you actually have any.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: atruevoice on October 02, 2009, 07:17:04 AM
Just proof that I am right, when you cant win with argument you tell me to die, very nice.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: LC EFA on October 02, 2009, 07:23:34 AM

The UN has long since ceased to be a relevant entity. Just like the LoN and for just the same reasons.

They have neither the moral authority or martial force to carry out their mandate.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: thundley4 on October 02, 2009, 07:27:27 AM
"The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law. Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did not attack us on 9/11. Nineteen men - 15 from Saudi Arabia - did, and there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the United States or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan is illegal."
  — Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of the

Oh FFS, another idiot that believes in the omnipotence of the UN.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 02, 2009, 07:28:29 AM
"The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law. Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did not attack us on 9/11. Nineteen men - 15 from Saudi Arabia - did, and there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the United States or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan is illegal."
  â€” Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of the

Yeah, and Germany didn't bomb Pearl Harbor. I give a **** about the inept cowards at the United Nations. The #1 charge of the President of the United States is the defense of this nation. The Taliban didn't attack us? True, however they could have averted ALL attacks on their soil had they turned over Bin Ladin and his merry gang of scumbag Muslim radicals. They didn't. They were attacked. End of story.

**** with the bull you get the horn.

If it were up to you weakling ****s we'd have apologized to the Damn Japs for our ships getting in the way of their bombs.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: atruevoice on October 02, 2009, 07:33:52 AM
By your line of thinking we should never actually go to war then, we should just drop WMD's (which we actually posess) on all of our enemies that would be so much simpler, and you obviously wouldn't care who we kill, and we could just disreguard the U.N., which was created by us to prevent countries like the modern U.S. from doing whatever they want and creating mass chaos. You would just kill everyone who isnt a bible thumping NRA member.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 02, 2009, 07:36:50 AM
By your line of thinking we should never actually go to war then, we should just drop WMD's (which we actually posess) on all of our enemies that would be so much simpler, and you obviously wouldn't care who we kill, and we could just disreguard the U.N., which was created by us to prevent countries like the modern U.S. from doing whatever they want and creating mass chaos. You would just kill everyone who isnt a bible thumping NRA member.

Wouldn't mind killing a few traitorous scumbags like you. I'll admit.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Rebel on October 02, 2009, 07:38:25 AM
By your line of thinking we should never actually go to war then, we should just drop WMD's (which we actually posess) on all of our enemies that would be so much simpler, and you obviously wouldn't care who we kill, and we could just disreguard the U.N., which was created by us to prevent countries like the modern U.S. from doing whatever they want and creating mass chaos. You would just kill everyone who isnt a bible thumping NRA member.

BTW, this makes absolutely no sense and runs completely opposite of what I said.

Again, demand the return of your money. You're being brainwashed or you're just too stupid to learn. You're not even a semi-educated troll.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: crockspot on October 02, 2009, 07:38:33 AM
You would just kill everyone who isnt a bible thumping NRA member.

I'm an NRA member, but not a Bible thumper. But I'd thump you in the head with a Bible any time.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: djones520 on October 05, 2009, 08:14:24 PM
I split the thread taking the part where the troll took it off topic to the Fight Club.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 05, 2009, 08:23:58 PM
I split the thread taking the part where the troll took it off topic to the Fight Club.

Can we all join in and give the mindless twit a piece of our minds or is it only for a select few?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 05, 2009, 08:30:05 PM
Can we all join in and give the mindless twit a piece of our minds or is it only for a select few?

Free for all.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 05, 2009, 08:41:29 PM
Free for all.

Great I have a few choice words for the spoiled brat
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Deuce on October 05, 2009, 10:41:13 PM
Does this guy think America should just sit there an twiddle its thumbs while under attack and wait for some non-$*(#ing binding UN resolution asking if pretty please could the terrorists maybe think about not killing us anymore because it hurts our feelings?

The UN is utterly useless when dealing with real problems. The rest of the world is secretly glad they have us to do all the dirty work for them, even if they publicly denounce our "warmongering."

I just wish fewer people here would buy into it.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 06, 2009, 06:19:03 AM
Does this guy think America should just sit there an twiddle its thumbs while under attack and wait for some non-$*(#ing binding UN resolution asking if pretty please could the terrorists maybe think about not killing us anymore because it hurts our feelings?

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 06, 2009, 06:43:38 AM
"The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law. Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did not attack us on 9/11. Nineteen men - 15 from Saudi Arabia - did, and there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the United States or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan is illegal."
  — Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of the

"Self defense" is an imprecise term, there is not a definite limit to what it entails.  It can be applied or misapplied as the 'Eye of the beholder' sees fit, to criticize or justify any modern-era war.  It is so flexible that Germany's attack on Poland in 1939 would even fit into it as actually applied by the UN member states over the past 40 or so years, based on the Danzig Corridor issue.  The US case for attacking the Taliban government was founded on its creation of a sanctuary for the terrorist organization that committed the attacks, which appeared to constitute a continuing threat, thereby raising a legitimate claim of self-defense.  Senator, then President, Obambi certainly stood behind that justification so far.  While he certainly has a great big bus for throwing people under, he doesn't seem inclined to throw himself there (Intentionally, anyway).

Ol' Marjorie doesn't seem to have figured out that nobody else is bound by her subjective interpretation of 'Self defense,' which apparently is limited situations where bombs, missiles, or landing craft (All bearing clear and correct national markings of an opposed belligerent nation-state, busily violating that charter itself, or more likely having formulated a rationale based on the attack being a necessary self-defensive move) are actually inbound on US national turf, which bears no recongnizable resemblance to the way 'Self-defense' has been applied in customary international law for the last 300 years or so.  Such conceits are not an uncommon failing with profs, especially lib law school profs.   
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: NHSparky on October 06, 2009, 07:03:48 AM
Interesting analysis, DAT, but I'm thinking as our little troll is reading this, she's twirling her hair, head cocked to one side like a dog who just heard a funny noise, cracking her gum in between sips of her half-caff/nonfat/semi-whatever latte she rang up on daddy's credit card, with a curl in her upper lip, going, "Huh?"

And in other news, I found a childhood picture of our little noob:

Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 06, 2009, 08:51:43 AM
Interesting analysis, DAT, but I'm thinking as our little troll is reading this, she's twirling her hair, head cocked to one side like a dog who just heard a funny noise, cracking her gum in between sips of her half-caff/nonfat/semi-whatever latte she rang up on daddy's credit card, with a curl in her upper lip, going, "Huh?"

And in other news, I found a childhood picture of our little noob:


Yeah, I'm sure li'l Muffy or Brit'ni is busy telling her clones 'OMG you wont believe what those neanderthals are saying to me OMG they are just so messed up' while sucking a pricy coffee drink that would buy some poor bastard his entire day's nutritive requirements at a drive-thru even now.

In case I wasn't clear enough, the concept of 'Self-defense' in the UN charter does not explicitly exclude pre-emptive self-defense, the aggrieved party does not have to await the convenience of the aggressor, merely construct a plausible case that attack was imminent.  Which, in essence, means that since there is no overarching body with the power to condemn such decisions as pretexts and enforce any meaningful sanctions based on that condemnation, the entire Charter is a truly meaningless piece of paper, good only for proclaiming underlying rectitude for the winner.   
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Eupher on October 06, 2009, 11:35:36 AM

...the entire Charter is a truly meaningless piece of paper...

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Peter3_1 on October 10, 2009, 03:51:31 PM
More killing and fighting in POCK-E-STAN last 24 hours, the "President" is still trying to think what to do. Sweet Jesus, he cannot be THAT stupid, can he?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 10, 2009, 03:53:25 PM
More killing and fighting in POCK-E-STAN last 24 hours, the "President" is still trying to think what to do. Sweet Jesus, he cannot be THAT stupid, can he?

"Yes he can".   :banghead:
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: SilverOrchid on October 10, 2009, 05:04:44 PM
You would think he had a plan before he became POTUS.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 10, 2009, 05:13:22 PM
You would think he had a plan before he became POTUS.

IMHO I don't think he thought he was going to make it all the way to the WH so he did not have a plan.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: SilverOrchid on October 10, 2009, 07:00:07 PM
IMHO I don't think he thought he was going to make it all the way to the WH so he did not have a plan.

Well.........he got egg on his face, don't he?   :-)
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: TheSarge on October 10, 2009, 08:10:01 PM
IMHO I don't think he thought he was going to make it all the way to the WH so he did not have a plan.
He had a's just that Rules for Radicals doesn't translate well on such a large scale.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 10, 2009, 08:21:21 PM
He had a's just that Rules for Radicals doesn't translate well on such a large scale.

Now I see things much clearer thanks
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on October 10, 2009, 08:21:42 PM
Meanwhile, while the Imposter in Chief thinks...


Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 10, 2009, 08:26:12 PM
What a image thank you
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Peter3_1 on October 11, 2009, 10:44:25 PM
OBAMA HAS DECIDED!!!!! To end don't ask, don't tell, wow, what could be more important that THAT, dono....COMBAT DEATHS maybe!
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 11, 2009, 11:04:38 PM
OBAMA HAS DECIDED!!!!! To end don't ask, don't tell, wow, what could be more important that THAT, dono....COMBAT DEATHS maybe!

Why would he let that stop him?
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Peter3_1 on October 12, 2009, 02:38:41 PM
BTW, when I was in the Army, we all knew that the puzzle palace has at least three different "plans" for combat in any imagineable theater. With modern computing, there are prolly more, and graded for likelyhood too. Obama had plans , detail and summery, that one of which was very close to McCrystal's plan THE DAY HE TOOK OFFICE!What we have in the WH is a man who is far less "brilliant" than the media and other worshipers believe. Frankly, hwe has struck me from day one as a very aVERAGE MAN WHO HAD THE ABILITY TO SPEEK WEKK IN PUBLIC.

Reminded me, and still does, of a mix of the fictional Elmer Gantry and the political 'light" Hughy Pierce Long. Still does.
Title: Re: Obama to take (next several) weeks to study Afghanistan strategy
Post by: Chris_ on October 12, 2009, 07:08:53 PM
BTW, when I was in the Army, we all knew that the puzzle palace has at least three different "plans" for combat in any imagineable theater. With modern computing, there are prolly more, and graded for likelyhood too. Obama had plans , detail and summery, that one of which was very close to McCrystal's plan THE DAY HE TOOK OFFICE!What we have in the WH is a man who is far less "brilliant" than the media and other worshipers believe. Frankly, hwe has struck me from day one as a very aVERAGE MAN WHO HAD THE ABILITY TO SPEEK WEKK IN PUBLIC.

Reminded me, and still does, of a mix of the fictional Elmer Gantry and the political 'light" Hughy Pierce Long. Still does.

What pis*ses me off is that they in the media and such see him as the best thing living in the WH ever