News From The Mexican Border


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[1] 90% Number Disappears from News Stories

[2] Federal Agents Told To Reduce Border Arrests, Arizona Sheriff Says

[3] "Living In Third World": Armed Venezuelan Gang Members Roam Colorado Apartment B

[4] Group Of Illegal Aliens Attempt To ‘Hijack’ School Buses Full of Kids In Califor

[5] The wealthy sanctuary state that's going broke under its $1.8 trillion migrant '

[6] The Hidden Cost Of The Border Crisis Nobody Tells You About

[7] "Invasion": Riot Erupts After Migrant Swarm Breaches US Southern Border, Nationa

[8] Drone Video Reveals Massive NYC Migrant Tent City, Kept Under Wraps By Democrats

[9] Watch: Migrant TikToker Tells Other Illegals How To "Invade" Homes In America


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