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The DUmpster / Re: It is taking all I've got not to be . . . . .
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 02:33:02 PM »
AMAZINGLY, the Democratic cats have been herded (including the righteously angry childless cat ladies) in a party membership ready to enthusiastically  follow the leader like lemmings off of a cliff.

Stinky the clown has it almost right.

What kind of deranged mental midget picks a name like that  :mental: :loser:
The DUmpster / Re: It is taking all I've got not to be . . . . .
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 02:30:42 PM »
We've also never seen the media conducting ass-covering and revisionism for democrats like we are now. And that's saying something.

They are going gang busters trying to erase her lousy reputation and history. This is just so communist like it’s pathetic and scary how far they are willing to go.  :thatsright: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
It happened in his mind  :stoner: :stoner: :mental: all these stories are just wishful thinking on their part.

They all seem to have a common connection in that some conservative friends and relatives have changed sides because of harris being the nominee. If anything people on both sides of the aisle are running from her.

They really seem worried about that project 2025 it’s like it’s going to be the death knell for democracy. :thatsright:
The DUmpster / I made a passing comment to a MAGA on the way in to lunch
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 02:16:25 PM »
GaYellowDawg (4,662 posts)

I made a passing comment to a MAGA on the way in to lunch
She was wearing a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt.

I said, not quite under my breath, "Let's Go Brandon? Well, he went. Now y'all are ****ed!"

She kept walking. Obviously pissed, but kept on walking. I didn't know whether or not to be disappointed. My wife laughed, told me not to start shit, and we went to a family lunch. That's where I found out that my brother-in-law, who I thought was pretty conservative, told me that this election was different, that Trump was a threat to democracy, and he was voting Harris. His son, a college student, was all fired up about Project 2025 and its dissolution of the DOE - "what replaces federal financial aid?"

I've met a number of people who would normally reflexively vote Republican as slightly right-of-center who were iffy on President Biden who are locked in on VP Harris. Between the activist Supreme Court and the Heritage Foundation, there's a sense that their party has gone way too far and if they have to vote Democratic this time to bring it back to its senses, they will. And they're also voting Democratic down ticket against Trump sycophants.

There's no doubt that we need to keep things high energy and that we need to find all the things about Project 2025 that will galvanize people. I said some time ago that we could hang that around their necks like a millstone, and I still believe it. TFG's crystal-clear desire to be an autocrat is finally sinking in to a lot of people, because the Supreme Court as a check to that is clearly gone. They also know that TFG doesn't really give a shit about anything but his own welfare and finances, but Vance scares a lot of people because he's a true believer.

TFG will have his rallies and all, but I am starting to get the impression that we have a silent majority that normally doesn't care much or pay much attention who feel a real need to vote against TFG and MAGA. I don't think they want to be reminded about voting Democratic, and won't participate in polls. I also think that many will get to a voting booth, and having reflexively voted Republican a lot of times, will waver once they actually have to push the button. We need to keep Project 2025 and authoritarianism foremost in their minds. If we keep that focus, we could be looking at a blue wave that brings us the victories we expect and a lot we don't.

This never happened...
The DUmpster / Re: It is taking all I've got not to be . . . . .
« Last post by ADsOutburst on Today at 02:03:36 PM »
We've also never seen the media conducting ass-covering and revisionism for democrats like we are now. And that's saying something.
The DUmpster / Re: It is taking all I've got not to be . . . . .
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 12:41:36 PM »
Descendant of slave owners running to be the first "black" President. :???:

DUmmies: That was in the past and its racist to bring that up.

Since she seems to have had a black ancestor somewhere in her family history, one of those slave owners obviously made the beast with two backs with one of the slaves.
And? So what, like your farts don’t stink?

Because of your own propaganda you have had a hand in destroying our country and making lives worse for millions of Americans while you sit in your ivory towers criticizing us. :bird: :bird: :bird: :thatsright: :loser: :loser:

They'll do that, never realizing that we were immunized against that particular brand of demagoguery during the 8-year ordeal of 'Big' Mike Robinson's Li'l Bitch's Regime.
Will hospitals' orders for Depends be on back-order for a month or two? :-)

Maybe she can get some from her friend joe  :rotf:
For the next 102 days, the leftist media will continue to parrot the "if you don't vote for Kamala, you ARE misogynistic and racist!!!"

And? So what, like your farts don’t stink?

Because of your own propaganda you have had a hand in destroying our country and making lives worse for millions of Americans while you sit in your ivory towers criticizing us. :bird: :bird: :bird: :thatsright: :loser: :loser:
The DUmpster / Re: If Trump was hit by a bullet of that caliber?
« Last post by DefiantSix on Today at 12:23:30 PM »
...That these news articles with pictures and diagrams can be found in less than 5 minutes using a mediocre search engine demonstrates how moronically STOOOOOPID these Dem-MSM Assassination-Denialism theories are.

But then, if there were any group of "people" who could be more perfectly suited as the dictionary illustration of "moronically stoooooopid" than the DUmp'Rats, I have yet to encounter them.
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