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I think they also found some huge deposit put in Nevada or Utah a while back as well.
The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by Airwolf on Today at 04:04:34 PM »
Yeah, it really doesn't help much, unless you hit the Powerball sometime soon.
The DUmpster / Re: Broken Brain Syndrome
« Last post by Airwolf on Today at 03:57:06 PM »
At least Trump has more of his shit together them SpongeBrains ShitMyPants does. I'd still take trump any day over Slow Joe.
Breaking News / Re: Helicopter with Iranian President goes down.
« Last post by Airwolf on Today at 03:54:25 PM »
It looks like three of their big guys were taken out in that crash. I wonder what kind of an idiot pilot takes off and flies into bad weather. Well, there that threat of getting shot if the Big Kahuna doesn't get home to his goats and gravy before 6:00.
The DUmpster / Re: Broken Brain Syndrome
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 02:31:29 PM »
Funny or Sad? Now Biden Says He Was Vice President During the Pandemic

"When I was Vice President, things were kinda bad during the pandemic," is not a thing former Veep Mike Pence said on Sunday. "And what happened was, Barack said to me, 'Go to Detroit! And help fix it!' Well, poor Mayor [Duggan], he's spent more time with me than he ever thought he's gonna have to."

No, that was Presidentish Joe Biden speaking in Detroit on Sunday about things that never happened because Donald Trump was president in 2020 when the plandemic was launched out of China. Barack Obama hadn't been in the White House for almost four years, and Biden was the former veep running for his party's presidential nomination.

Nobody sent Biden to Detroit to help with the pandemic, not that there's anything he could have done. In fact, Biden was "busy," such as it was, running a basement campaign and releasing staged videos that somehow weren't that much worse than the one I just transcribed for you.

 :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:  :thatsright:  :mental:
Even if they issued a correction, it would be buried under so many qualifiers and weasel words as to render it basically meaningless.
how many more threads is Christine going to make? She has heard that her hero Jimmuh Carter is near the end, looks like she's not far behind:

The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 01:37:32 PM »
WOW I will save a whole .20 cents on a hundred dollars worth of groceries  :yahoo:

Now I can book that trip to Europe  :yahoo:

Those mental midgets are pathetic  :thatsright: :loser: :rant:
The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 12:27:55 PM »
CNN parroted "statistics" from BLS, whose unemployment stats are always "adjusted", usually in the direction LIEden's minions don't like. So this stat will be :adjusted" next month in the usual "unexpected" direction.
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