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Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unprecedented...

Given the present regime's pandering to the looney troon community and general inability to define almost ANY terms they use, #JoeThePedophile could have this nut job in mind...

The DUmpster / Black male supporters of Trump
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 12:58:10 PM »
USAFRetired_Liberal (4,286 posts)

Black male supporters of Trump
I came across a clip today on CNN where Chris Wallace interviewed Stephen A. Smith, and they were discussing why Trump seems to have some level of support among young Black men. I was initially skeptical of Smith's take, given Trump's controversial history, but his response gave me something to think about. He mentioned that Trump speaks to a certain demographic, and honestly, there’s some truth to that.

Speaking as a Black man who knows a diverse range of other Black men, from different backgrounds and regions—whether wealthy, middle-class, or from the more disadvantaged parts of society—there is a segment that resonates with Trump. Unfortunately, this tends to be among those who are less engaged with politics, some who’ve had run-ins with the law, and others who may not be as informed about the issues. Some hold misogynistic views, which might explain part of their attraction to Trump’s rhetoric. Others just enjoy being contrarian for the sake of it. They’ll even go to barbershops or cookouts just to stir things up and cause upheaval in discussions, thriving on pushing buttons and provoking reactions. And, to be blunt, some of them are just downright idiots who don’t grasp the bigger picture or understand the implications of their choices. Many of them have never even bothered to vote, despite all their talk.

The key thing to remember, though, is that even if some of these individuals feel a certain way, many don’t actually vote, either because they aren’t registered or, in some cases, can’t due to felony convictions. So, when all is said and done, Trump’s share of the Black vote is still unlikely to exceed 10%. And that 10% tends to be people like Clarence Thomas and Tim Scott—those who have a different worldview, lean contrarian, and align more with conservative ideologies than the majority of Black Americans.

The DUmpster / Re: So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 12:55:16 PM »
The only reason anyone watched is because Oprah was there. :thatsright:
The DUmpster / Re: So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by ADsOutburst on Today at 12:51:52 PM »
Her Communications team is better than world class.

Harris’ communications team has to be good, because she isn’t.
The DUmpster / Re: So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 12:01:36 PM »
It's being absolutely panned out in the real world, Malaise.  Nonsensical buffet of word salads.

Plus :puke: slurpy tonsil-hockey :puke: .
The DUmpster / Re: So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by Carl on Today at 11:02:10 AM »
Nothing assures the opposite happening quite like a guarantee from Malice. 
Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unprecedented win for diversity, President Biden pledged to the American people that the next assassin of Donald Trump would be a woman of color.

"I will appoint the first black woman to assassinate Trump," Biden said. "It's long overdue."

The surprise announcement has stirred speculation that Biden would be ordering Kamala Harris to finish what the previous two shooters had started. However, with her busy on the campaign trail, sources tell us he's shown interest in one of those Haitians he's been hearing so much about.

In an exclusive sit-down interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC, Biden said, "It's long past time. We should have assassins that reflect the nation — a black nation. Blacks are great killers. No, I'm serious! Have you ever been to South Central? Corn Pop was a bad dude, a killer! And I want someone like that on our team. But, you know, a woman."

"Black women are just as smart and capable as Lee Harvey Oswald," he added.

When asked what he would do if no women of color wanted to kill Trump, Biden simply stated, "If you don't want Trump dead, you ain't black!"

Later, while visiting his favorite ice cream shop, Biden suddenly told the clerk, "By the way, I'm proud to be — as I said — the first vice president, the first black woman to serve as the head of the deep state because together we can — Look, there's nothing we can do because this is the United States of America and therefore the next killer's gotta' be black."

At publishing time, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had been seen suiting up in full-body kevlar.
Imagine this. The person who has such an extreme hatred for President Donald Trump which he expressed in deranged Facebook rants to the extent that his superiors in the FBI ordered him to take it down before being named to lead the Miami FBI office is now tasked with leading the assassination attempt investigation. Meet Jeffry Veltri. His hatred of Trump is so extreme that Veltri even created the notorious "Trump Questionnaire" which was designed to weed out Trump supporters from the FBI by labeling them as security threats. Such a person who was instrumental in creating such an extreme partisan questionnaire should not only be REMOVED from the investigation of the assassination attempt upon Trump but be booted out of the FBI altogether.

This is like a repeat of Allen Dulles being appointed as the lead investigator of the Warren Commission which looked into the assassination of the President who FIRED Dulles from the CIA. DUlles' hatred of JFK was so extreme that there is growing evidence that both he and the CIA were behind the assassination. And we don't have to look back 60 years for a governmental coverup of an assassination. Just weeks ago, the government went into complete coverup mode to hide the truth behind the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. A coverup that is sure to continue under the auspices of Jeffrey Veltri who has nothing but blind hatred of Trump.

So forget about get any real information about the latest assassination attempt from the FBI whose "investigation" is nothing but a coverup. Any important information we get will most likely come from the state of Florida's independent investigation as well as from independent (non-Mockingbird) journalists.
The DUmpster / Re: So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by BannedFromDU on Today at 08:49:57 AM »
It's being absolutely panned out in the real world, Malaise.  Nonsensical buffet of word salads.

      I think when you're drunk, high, stupid, and of similarly weirdly mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds, Kamala makes perfect sense.
The DUmpster / Re: So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by Karin on Today at 08:05:25 AM »
 It's being absolutely panned out in the real world, Malaise.  Nonsensical buffet of word salads. 
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