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The DUmpster / Re: Verdict in the New York case
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 09:28:01 AM »
What's the crime again? Oh yeah, running as a Republican and challenging the establishment. Clubbing HilLIARy like a baby seal.

Robert De Niro likes to portray himself as some sort of tough guy when he publicly attacks President Trump such as recently in Manhattan where the Kangaroo Court Trial of Trump is taking place. However, when push comes to shove, De Niro has proved himself to be a punk and a coward. That proof came in 2016 when De Niro cravenly caved to pressure and pulled his documentary film, "VAXXED," from the Tribeca Film Festival.
The DUmpster / A Request
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 07:45:32 AM »
H2O Man (73,839 posts)

A Request

On May 22, I posted "A DU Interview" with author James Kunen. And, of course, I sent him the link to the OP/thread, which he enjoyed. Among our communications since then, he sent the following, which he thought community members might find a pleasant and meaningful way to exercise their Amendment 1 rights:

"Here is a link to a safe site with a pre-filled FORMAL COMPLAINT to the Supreme Court about Justice Alito. You just fill in your name and address, print it out, and mail it in:

"You can also send a copy to Sen. Dick Durbin to get him to wake up and hold hearings.

"I thought you'd want to seize this opportunity, and maybe send the link around to your extensive network. If we could get 100,000 of these complaints to the Court and Durbin, it could really have an impact, I would think."

It is said that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Hence, in anticipation of anyone saying, "No! This will do no good!" I shall share what was Rubin Carter's shortest message when speaking at universities. Rubin stated that the "No!" philosophy and life style was negative, and needed to be replaced with "Yes!' He would then lead the audience in saying "Yes!" rather loudly.

Now, somewhere between our favorite nay-sayers and our "Yes!" friends and associates are good people who wish there was "something (they) could do." Indeed, every grass roots organizer encounters good people who have been tricked into believing that they are powerless to confront the threats to our society. The best organizers know that if you provide them with small tasks now, by election time they will have made progress.

More, we might expect nay-sayers to pontificate the "No!" of the class of citizens who have convinced themselves that they are by definition the "elites, that the Supreme Court doesn't care what we "little people" think. I'll go far as to agree with them when it comes to Alito and Clarence. But the others, even those conservative republican, do care. Roberts knows it is a bad thing when a growing number of citizens lose faith in the court.

Thus, I am requesting that you participate in this small effort, and share it as far and wide as you can. For as Rubin once told me, small doors sometimes open into large rooms.

The DUmp does interviews now? Who knew.
The DUmpster / Re: Memorial Day Moling
« Last post by Patriot Guard Rider on Today at 06:54:42 AM »
13 replies and they haven’t blamed Trump  :thatsright: :lmao: :lmao: :rotf: :rotf: :loser: :loser: :loser:

Patience grasshopper, patience..
It is written in jest, but in reality that’s what’s going on there  :thatsright: :rant:

And it’s not funny  :rant: :rant:
The DUmpster / Re: Memorial Day Moling
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 06:20:44 AM »
13 replies and they haven’t blamed Trump  :thatsright: :lmao: :lmao: :rotf: :rotf: :loser: :loser: :loser:

Absolutely plausible!  After they convinced the American people that there didn't have to be a crime for Trump to be impeached ... why not?

The DUmpster / Memorial Day Moling
« Last post by BamaMoose on Today at 04:41:50 AM »
The OP is a nice reflection on the meaning of Memorial Day and a pleasant reminder that Europe still remembers the US WWI and WWII dead.

GoneOffShore (17,351 posts)

Memorial Day thoughts from France.
Today is not a holiday in France. The memories of World War One and World War Two are not as distant here, because it is still possible to see the evidence of those times in certain places. VE Day - 8 May is celebrated, as is Armistice Day - 11 November. The sense of being closer to those conflicts is ever present. These are solemn occasions, not marked with 'Armistice Day Specials!' in stores or 'VE Day Sales'.
A friend of mine, living in Paris, yesterday went, along with other American veterans, members of the American Legion's Paris Post 1, to various American war cemeteries to honour their fallen comrades. He went to the Aisne-Marne cemetery, which sits at the foot of the WWI Belleau Wood battle site and contains the remains of 2,289 American war dead, and the nearby Oise-Aisne cemetery, which contains the remains of 6,013 American war dead.
At the Aisne-Marne cemetery, the tradition is to take the Paris Post 1 wreath and place it on the grave of one of the fallen.

The Eric Bogle song, No Man's Land (Green Fields of France) is appropriate.

But then some serious moling occurs:

Leland Ray (6 posts)

1. Memorial day is white supremacy.

WWII was white supremacy. Obviously Germany murdering jews and invading other nations. And the US attacking Japan. All white supremacy.

All wars can be traced to white supremacy.

Shiny Happy Person (1 post)

2. Look deep and see that this is correct

It might be easy at first to dismiss the OP as making a facile generalization in saying that "all" wars can be traced to white supremacy. But it's pretty much spot-on. Of course, MAGA types will immediately go racial and point out wars like the civil war in Rwanda. But right below the surface of even that war you'll find toxic whiteness being enacted by Hutu and Tutsi alike, both in their privileging of white militarism over long-standing peaceful indigenous conflict resolution strategies, and in the overt support given by white colonialists whose interests were served by the genocide of a people.

Memorial Day should be a time of land acknowledgment wherever whites gather for a holiday barbecue. It is important to remember that their barbecues are taking place on land that was not only stolen from indigenous people, but also has been repurposed as a tool of continuing oppression of BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ persons. For shame!

Whoever made these posts has obviously been reading DU for a while and found out just how many of them hate our military (and our country).  They got America bad, white man bad, but they missed orange man bad.  But I'm sure WWI and WWII were Trump's fault somehow.  I wish they had saved for these posts for one of the other OP's bashing the US, because this OP was remarkably respectful.  This response is delusional:

pfitz59 (10,473 posts)

4. Your first post is a sweeping generalization along racial lines?

Blanket condemnations and generalizations get short shrift on DU. We try to stick with facts, not feelings. Occasionally DU gets 'disrupters' who like to stir up the hive mind. They are usually found out, post haste

Racist generalizations?  Blanket condemnations? Feelings, not facts?  That covers about 99% of the posts on DU.
This was so real I forgot to notice the source.

Judge Instructs Jurors They Need Not Believe Trump Is Guilty To Convict Him

NEW YORK, NY — As the criminal trial involving former President Donald Trump winds to a close, the presiding judge instructed jurors that they don't have to believe Trump is guilty to convict him.

The reminder from Judge Juan Merchan was issued to the jury as closing arguments began, with the judge clarifying that Trump doesn't necessarily have to be guilty of a crime in order for the jury to find Trump guilty of a crime.

"Don't get hung up on whether or not he's ‘guilty' of anything," Judge Merchan instructed jurors. "Words like ‘guilty' or ‘innocent' or ‘evidence' are really just for show, anyway. The important thing is that you listen to the closing arguments with an open mind and an unwavering commitment to handing down a guilty verdict. Remember, believing Trump is guilty is not important. Declaring him guilty — that's what you're all here for.".....
The DUmpster / Re: Verdict in the New York case
« Last post by Rebel on May 28, 2024, 08:30:10 PM »
What's the crime again? Oh yeah, running as a Republican and challenging the establishment.
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