The DUmpster / Re: What is with the ****ing MSM bashing Biden to the end?
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 11:42:32 AM »The good news is, he can sh*t his diaper anywhere, not just in front of world leaders..
The good news is, he can sh*t his diaper anywhere, not just in front of world leaders..
You are one major unhinged POS.
Aviation Pro
What is with the ****ing MSM bashing Biden to the end?
If these mother****ers had done their ****ing jobs instead of slavishly licking Mother****er's taint since the day he fled the scene on Jan. 20th, 2021, we wouldn't be here.
**** all of the MSM and the worthless oxygen-thieving mother****ers who own it.
Yeah, same here. Zero jabs, zero COVID infections. I credit my wearing of shoes everyday for not have gotten Covid.