Author Topic: Don't be fooled: This just the first step to legalizing gay sex in the RCC  (Read 4035 times)

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Offline Mr Mannn

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It’s “Certain”: Francis Will Abolish Celibacy in South America – And Elsewhere
The semi-official (January 16) announces that it is “certain” that Francis will abolish celibacy in early February via his Amazon Exhortation.

The measure will first regard the nine countries which have a part of the Amazon basin, IlSismografo writes.

They are: Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Bolivia, Suriname and French Guiana.

IlSismografo pretends that Francis impending decision was “authorized” by the Amazon Synod.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Amazon Synod was an authentic Robber Synod to which Francis invited a selected group of ignorant Pachamama bishops with the only task to rubberstamp decisions that were made beforehand.

The present problem of the Church is not a lack of priests but the theological, spiritual and moral decadence of the papacy and the bishops. The lack of priests is a consequence of this.

The problem will not be removed by “ordaining” second-class priests.
If Francis is not the False Prophet, then he is a satanic dry run.
I am sorry if you are Catholic and have to endure the sacrilege foisted upon you.

Offline FesteringWound

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Re: Don't be fooled: This just the first step to legalizing gay sex in the RCC
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 02:23:02 PM »
Dunno. Hasn't he been going after predators?

Personally, I don't think that two guys or two girls having a relationship is wrong. How they live their life with their personal values of integrity and honor and community are what I believe have far, far more weight. I would take a dozen conservative gay couples over a single straight liberal one. Having the church back off of this would be fantastic. After all, weren't much of the reasons for being against same-sex couples tied to issues of the day? Such as low population and disease? Aren't they in the same ilk of why eating pork is bad to Muslims? As in, its because of something they didn't understand (pork had a tendency to cause illness)?

Nowadays, its perfectly safe for a same sex couple to be together, healthily, and not cause risk to one another. And if they are consecrated by the church itself and they are welcomed with open arms into society, doesn't that also defeat the worries that they had? They don't have to hide, for one, which means they can be open with their communities, and help their communities without being ostracized. Just going to say, gay folks and their bake sales rival gramma's baking.

I think this fits some of the more staunch religious views of the right just as well as the crazy leftists on the other side:

Offline Walter Josh

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Incoherent blathering.
Secular figures can legislate whatever they choose, as long as compliant masses passively accept it
and so what, as these Matters are driven by Mankind's material sensibilities.
In contrast, Matters involving abortion & homosexuality, for example, involve Man's spiritual sensibilities
and are not defined by legislation; regardless what our political assholery and their devotees insist.
As for Francis, he is a Roman Catholic in form only and on his last legs, if medical reports ae accurate.
Pray that the College of Cardinals has mustered enough wisdom to choose someone who both
understands and accepts the essence of the Roman Catholic Faith

Offline MAGA2024

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The first post is sheer stupidity.
The second post is a sad example of accepting perversion in our society.
The third post summed it up by saying "Incoherent blathering."

No pope could ever "legalize gay sex" even if he wanted to. The Sacrament of Marriage is part of the Infallible Dogma of the Church that can never be changed. Never. Never. Anyone who does not understand that does not understand Catholicism. 

I am not going to take the hours it would take to explain the Papacy. Suffice to say that in 2,000 years of popes the Church has had a pretty good run with only a tiny handful of bad apples. The Borgias come to mind. Francis is no Borgia. Francis is totally wrong on some things and often I wish he would shut up, but that is okay because he has never made an Ex Cathedra statement and probably never will.

(NOTE: An Ex Cathedra statement is an Infallible statement. Only a rare few popes have ever made one.)

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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The elephant in the room is that God already knew all of this was gonna happen.  I'm not sure about 'suspected outcomes', but humans are running the show, which seems to be the plan.

Offline trump1getoverit

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The elephant in the room is that God already knew all of this was gonna happen.  I'm not sure about 'suspected outcomes', but humans are running the show, which seems to be the plan.

humans sold out to the devil do not appear to be "human" any longer.. I suppose they still have a chance albeit slim they could repent.. but usually people in grave sin for a long time do not do so

that's been my experience

But with God all things are possible

Offline dutch508

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Silly Christians...
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!