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Raven (13,915 posts)
Fri May 17, 2024, 05:39 PM

The economy isn't working for many people. It's paycheck to paycheck for many families, especially young families.
I think Biden is going to have to focus more on what he's going to do in his second term.

Why hasn't he focused on it this term, Raven?

XanaDUer2 (10,889 posts)
1. I really wanted to see money
Reply to Raven (Original post)
Fri May 17, 2024, 05:42 PM
Sent to people to take the edge off gas and groceries like $500 or something. I'm sure Republicans would block that. But I was hoping

It costs $12K more per year to survive under Bidenomics. $500 wouldn't make a dent in that.

jimfields33 (16,213 posts)
53. It would actually make inflation worse.
Reply to XanaDUer2 (Reply #1)
Sat May 18, 2024, 06:37 AM
I know that doesn’t make sense. I wish it didn’t, but it does increase prices on everything when an influx of money goes into the economy.

This DUmmie can't figure out how more money chasing the same goods causes inflation. :thatsright:

I find it funny that none of the "educators" on DU have chimed in to explain to the OP what award her niece received.  She probably got a President's Education Award.  The award program was established in 1983, so the "administration [that] decided it was good to reach out to schools to celebrate and uplift these children" was none other than Ronald Reagan's.  Hilarious that Ronny is still owning the Libs from the grave.

As far as her speculation that somehow her niece was chosen by some selection committee somewhere in the White House, that is also terribly incorrect.  The award recipients are chosen by the individual school administrators and the letters and certificates are downloaded from the Department of Education website.  So, with the power vested in me by the President of the United States of America, I award everyone on this thread a President’s Award for Academic Excellence.  You can download your certificates and letters from Biden and Secretary Cardona here:  Congratulations to you all.

I do applaud this little girl's achievement and I sincerely hope that her crazy aunt's political views don't rub off on her.
Life is hard

Life is very hard when you're stupid.

Life is very very hard, for malaise.
The DUmpster / Re: John Kasich is a piece of shit.
« Last post by SVPete on May 17, 2024, 07:56:53 PM »
Did a search regarding the DUmmies and Kasich, and they mostly hated him historically. Except when he evolved into a never-Trumper. Couldn't mine much in my rudimentary dive, but DID find this gem of a prediction from DUmmy "legend" Atman:

 :rofl: :rotf: :lmao:

An obvious graduate of the mal School of Prophecy.
The DUmpster / Re: John Kasich is a piece of shit.
« Last post by Rebel on May 17, 2024, 07:11:04 PM »
maybe LIEden needs to change drastically what he is doing.

Average Americans can't pay enough for Biden's lavish lifestyle. Come on, man. No joke. Get with the program, fat. He doesn't work for you.
The DUmpster / Re: John Kasich is a piece of shit.
« Last post by Ralph Wiggum on May 17, 2024, 06:50:00 PM »
Did a search regarding the DUmmies and Kasich, and they mostly hated him historically. Except when he evolved into a never-Trumper. Couldn't mine much in my rudimentary dive, but DID find this gem of a prediction from DUmmy "legend" Atman:

Sun Feb 7, 2016, 10:37 AM

Atman (29,196 posts)

Drumroll please...
I predict Trump is going to drop out soon.
He doesn't want to drop out before Carson or Kasich, but he is busy trying to come up with a believable excuse.

This wasn't supposed to be a real campaign, just another publicity tour -- and it got out of hand.

Since losing in Iowa and dropping poll numbers, along with even more heavy media criticism calling him out as a fool, he looks haggard and lost. The foul-mouthed cussing, the rambling (even worse than usual). He's not up for it, he knows it. He's never worked so hard in his life. He has people for that. And he doesn't want to do the presidentin' stuff 24/7.

It won't be next week, it probably won't be this month, but he's not going to last much longer. He just needs a viable excuse which will not humiliate him even more. It will have to be huuuuuuge, like closing a deal to feed and house every orphan in China or something, but once he comes up with the perfect excuse he'll be gone.

Of course, I could be wrong

 :rofl: :rotf: :lmao:
Did Cohen have any credibility to destroy?

Evidently Bragg imagined he did, since he had Cohen testify. Since Cohen was Bragg's witness, I doubt that Cohen will be prosecuted for his perjury. Orange Man Bad uber alles!
Did Cohen have any credibility to destroy?
Sometimes seeing something you know, generally, is happening plotted on a graph is still startling. From :

The trend for theologically liberal "mainline Protestant" churches may be slightly worse, if theologically conservative denominations like the Missouri and Wisconsin synod Lutheran churches, which have been holding stead or only declining slightly are included in that chart.

Looking at a chart for the Southern Baptists and data for the Assemblies of God shows very different trends:


The SBC had been growing steadily until ~2006, and since has declined some. The AoG had been growing pretty steadily until 2020 and 2021, when a group of churches started reporting their statistics separately.

A less easy to measure group among Protestants is "non-denominational", and it looks like there may be a shift of people from Evangelical denominational churches to Evangelical non-denominational churches.
The DUmpster / Re: John Kasich is a piece of shit.
« Last post by SVPete on May 17, 2024, 01:19:08 PM »
Trying to keep it dispassionate ... Kasich has run for President twice and was in Congress for quite a few years. So he knows something of politics.

Kasich is also a Never-Trumper or something akin to that. Putting all that together, if Kasich said that Biden's prospects are not good or worse, maybe LIEden needs to change drastically what he is doing. Or maybe the Dems should change horse ... :tongue: maybe a Cankles-Cackles ticket :tongue: ? Going full :lalala: :lalala: :lalala: :lalala: :lalala: would not be prudent, for the Dems' prospects at least.
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