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The DUmpster / Re: New Biden Strategy Sounds Like a Winner!
« Last post by Airwolf on May 06, 2024, 05:12:49 PM »
They used to call it "Short Attention Span theater" for those that can't handle real information put out to them.
Just feed him some Jello and shut him up already.
Luttig hasn't been a judge for about 18 years, but he was part of Pelosiroo's 1/6/2021 shamvestigation. He's been wolf-crying and Chicken-Littling ever since.
Loony former federal Judge Michael Luttig recently turned himself into a laughable clown show when the U.S. Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY shot down his ABSURD scheme to keep President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballots. When that extreme HUMILIATION slapped him in the face, Luttig went into a state of highly entertaining grief-stricken mourning which was covered here in the DUmmie FUnnies. However, after a brief period of hiding in shame, Luttig is baaaaaack with yet more lunacy. He now seems to think that DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE. No, not because of all the illegal LAWFARE being thrown at Trump with absurd charges as in the Manhattan case. Luttig is panicked that Supreme Court will rule in Trump's favor (or at least partly so) on his immunity appeal. And if that happens that outcome would threaten America's heart and SOOOUUUUULLLLL. He repeats that "heart and SOOOUUUULLL" shtick several times and seems to think that if he stretches out "SOOOUUUUUULLLL" long enough, it might impart some deep meaning to it that would make the rest of us sit up and notice of how dangerous Trump is to America. Oh, and he hopes no one notices WHO is actually conducting the illegal LAWFARE. Maybe he thinks if he stretches out "SOOOUUUULLL" long enough that would wipe the illegal DOJ LAWFARE off our memory banks.
My signature comments remain true. If The Vaccine is as deadly as you seem to want to believe, there should be hundreds of thousands or millions of extra dead bodies in the US, and the US economy should be in chaos due to workers who Died Suddenly. Where are the dead bodies, and why no economic chaos?

Causes have effects. No effects, which is reality, means the "cause" is an illusion.

Deaths of boys  due to Myocarditis won't rise much but the stats to look for is the RATE of myocarditis in  boys who have been vaxxed compared to unvaxxed. So yeah, not dead but living with myocarditis is nothing to celebrate.
The DUmpster / Re: New Biden Strategy Sounds Like a Winner!
« Last post by Patriot Guard Rider on May 06, 2024, 02:27:41 PM »
The new Biden strategy should be better policy. Any way you package his message, I think it'll be soundly rejected.

His message may be soundly rejected but remember, Democraps control the vote COUNT..

If Trump gets 80m votes in the upcoming election, Biden will get 100m (85m of which are fraudulent, counted out of thin air or direct count manipulation on the machines themselves)..
The DUmpster / Re: New Biden Strategy Sounds Like a Winner!
« Last post by ADsOutburst on May 06, 2024, 02:24:56 PM »
The new Biden strategy should be better policy. Any way you package his message, I think it'll be soundly rejected.
The DUmpster / Re: New Biden Strategy Sounds Like a Winner!
« Last post by Texacon on May 06, 2024, 02:20:18 PM »
Mentally incompetent. Pause.

LOL, Yup!

The DUmpster / Re: New Biden Strategy Sounds Like a Winner!
« Last post by 67 Rover on May 06, 2024, 02:00:01 PM »
Short crisp speeches? WTF does that even mean??

Mentally incompetent. Pause.
The DUmpster / New Biden Strategy Sounds Like a Winner!
« Last post by CC27 on May 06, 2024, 01:56:58 PM »
senseandsensibility (17,146 posts)

According to MSNBC, the new Biden reelection strategy is short crisp speeches. They're going to tighten up his message because voters are consuming media in different formats and have a shorter attention span.

I've long thought and posted here that they need to do this, and I know many of you have as well. This also should be a great contrast with the bumbling, rambling cheato.

Short crisp speeches? WTF does that even mean??
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