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What now? He’s having sex with dogs? I think he needs help! :thatsright: :loser:
Duncanpup (12,958 posts)

I'm in a relationship D.U. Community we both just met yet cuddled all night. I even rubbed her tummy and she licked me.
My Suitress my inamorata is named Pumpkin she’s a two year old golden retriever best girl. She has been glue to me since yesterday evening and Dunc the four year old golden retriever boy has been in constant ugly face mode.

Pumpkin is 19 girlfriends sisters dog the young lady went into labor yesterday and delivered this morning around 02:00 a baby girl mother and daughter are well. Now no jealousy when 19 girlfriend brings Otis the lab pup they play together and share a brain cell equally.

Yet as I described Mr Dunc has a case of the furry golden ass , example last evening pumpkin was on couch with me and Dunc was showing his teeth barking at pumpkin.

W.T.B. What the biscuits woman that’s my dad and he jumped on couch and burrowed behind me as I was stretched out before supper my arm over pumpkin Dunc moaning and groans of dissatisfaction.
Am wondering if Dunc has bit of misogynist in him as he was born into the Pennsylvania Dutch as we know in that community women’s rights are non existent.
The evening events took a turn for the worse as pumpkin used the backyard to defecate.

Mr Dunc just stood and watched in disbelief horror as this harlot soiled his yard 19 and i laughed then Dunc promptly went over and peed on the spot to cover up her scent and kicked the dirt.

And then Pumpking grabbed baby squeak lamb out of toy basket one of at least three squeak lambs that we have along with a plethora of other squeak toys.

And it all went sideways in a flash a Jackie Gleason moment one of these days to the moon Alice.
As Pumpkin jumped onto the sectional recliner on my lap laid down and started nuzzling squeak lamb as I watched MSNBC.

I patted the sectional next to me where my furry right paw will usually lay , it was not happening Et tu Brutus? translate from Latin into Dunc . Or why Man Dad why?

I’m going work tonight pumpkin is here till at least Thursday. Yet today Dunc can go to pup camp and have a break from her.
I’ve explained to Dunc bro she’s a guest her pack had a human puppy she is a little nervous being here. I do not think it sunk into his thick skull.

The DUmpster / Re: VIDEO: Hammock Guy on Bus Demands Freedom to Hammock
« Last post by DefiantSix on May 14, 2024, 07:19:50 PM »
Whatever.  :whatever:

Just another GenZ attention whore whose mommy told him the world revolves around him his whole life.

Sad thing is, is that society gets more of the behaviors it rewards from the retards like this.
The DUmpster / Re: DU is mentioned in a Reuters article today
« Last post by DefiantSix on May 14, 2024, 07:08:11 PM »
You have standards? Spare me with that BS.

Yeah, they have standards. Double standards, moving standards and - as el Rushbo might have put it - the bigoted standards of low expectations.
If you're jewish and vote for democrats, you might want to find a different political party and vote differently.

I can’t understand how even 1 Jew could vote democrat now.
If you're jewish and vote for democrats, you might want to find a different political party and vote differently.
yeah, he's in Philadelphia but now lives in NJ, Trumpland.  :)

the dummy is pretty dense, in another thread, he posts this STUPID meme:

yet he supports someone that looks at his daughter like this:

and tries to shower with her all the while she's growing up. Jon's party is one the side of HAMAS, he needs a Jewish wakeup call before it's too late.
The DUmpster / Re: VIDEO: Hammock Guy on Bus Demands Freedom to Hammock
« Last post by Airwolf on May 14, 2024, 02:43:54 PM »
What a tool.
The DUmpster / Re: DU is mentioned in a Reuters article today
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on May 14, 2024, 02:31:36 PM »
I know we're not always perfect, but I'm glad we have standards here,

Your standards are hate and plenty of it, so don’t go patting yourself on the back. Maybe no one has suggested violence at this time but I’m sure if you go back when they overturn Roe v. Wade and some other topics you’d find plenty of it.
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