The DUmpster / Re: We wanted an attack dog....
« Last post by ADsOutburst on Today at 12:29:53 PM »They wanted an attack dog? As if the democrats don't have enough of those already?
Did she keep him at double-arms-length or more?
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Wednesday that "FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.” One reason for that is that under Biden-Harris, FEMA spent $650 million this fiscal year providing services and housing to illegal aliens. And $364 million the year before that.
If you thought the Federal Emergency Management Agency was just in the business of providing relief to Americans of all creeds and colors when disaster strikes, let's just say that the Biden-Harris administration has broadened the agency's portfolio to include non-emergency aid to folks who aren't even supposed to be here.
And the doj breaks it’s own rules again.. Interfering in the election again.
Trump needs tosueget re-elected and then relieve and prosecute 90% of the political hacks at the doj.
I think that’s more like kammy
You've probably got a point where A-Walz and Scooter are concerned, but look at what I've found:
Throw a blonde wig on Tampon Timmy, and I think we may have discovered why there's such a fixation with tampons there...
I think TamponTim may really be an actual Muppet. Watch his facial expressions when he comes on stage with his wild arm gestures. Then think about this... Have you ever seen TamponTim and Scooter the Muppet in the same place at the same time?