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The DUmpster / 20 years ago today I found this safe space
« Last post by CC27 on May 25, 2024, 01:19:51 PM »
Tree Lady
I was working on the John Kerry campaign in the bay area, doing voter registration and out of state trips with the Sierra Club. I always voted but after Gore lost and 9-11 and reading Richard Clarke's book I knew I had to get involved.

In May 20 years ago I found a link to this site in Michael Moore's website. We used to watch his movies and I have watched Bill Maher since he was on ABC, so I know how much he has changed....but that's another story.

During that year a bunch of us met at a bar in SF because Will Pitt came from DC. It was great to see everyone. We should have a big BBQ some summer, be better than a class reunion.

As you can see by my low post count after all these years I mostly read and have learned a lot from you all. I tend to stay out of fights and not give my true opinion sometimes. It's too easy to say things then regret it online.

I changed my name when we could few years back because 20 years ago you could use your real name online.

This is the place I can be myself politically. My grown girls have asked me not to talk politics. My husband hates the country now, he started out helping me and going to meetings and now few days ago was first time in our 25 years he refused to vote. Yes we had argument over that. I watched him just like Bill Maher let covid, Trump, and a lack of holding anyone accountable cause them to look at our country with disgust.

Were any of you here the day after John lost? We started a thread where we all posted our real names and said we weren't afraid and that we would continue the fight.

So thank you for being here no matter how tough it gets. I sure hope Joe wins again because I don't think I can take another day after election when we lose from the worst human being ever.

Long-Winded blah blah blah post. Safe space? Looney bin is more like it.
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by ADsOutburst on May 25, 2024, 01:09:00 PM »
Better question: What will democrats do if... democrats lose??
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by Rebel on May 25, 2024, 11:51:41 AM »
Arne (2,282 posts)
3. Could the script be flipped?

Where the Biden administration calls an emergency declaration to
round up republican traitors.
If trump could pull the steal an election and be so close to succeeding,
are Dems not able to make sure it never happens again?

The highest penalty for being a traitor, I.e. treason, is death. So, leftists want you dead for your political opinions. No, I don't believe this is just an outlier. I think if they had a true poll where they were forced to be honest, the majority of these ****s would want us all rounded up and shot.

I will never compromise with these fools.
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by Rebel on May 25, 2024, 11:48:31 AM »
2000: Stolen

2004: Stolen

2008: Fair election

2012: Fair election

2016: Stolen by the Russians

2020: Most fairest election eva! Any questioning should be a crime!!!

2024: Trump wins again, stolen.

Am I following correctly, DUmbasses?
The DUmpster / VIDEO: Joe Biden Performs the Thorazine Shuffle Diaper Change
« Last post by pjcomix on May 25, 2024, 10:03:55 AM »
Joe Biden once again performs his infamous Thorazine Shuffle on the White House lawn accompanied by the president of Kenya. However, this time there is a twist since Biden also looks like he is in need of a diaper change.
A Socialist like her, whose demented political ideology is dedicated to the eradication of all religious faith from the world, particularly Christianity, has no business calling on the name of God in such a way. God Himself clearly feels the same way.
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by Movie buff- The Sequel on May 25, 2024, 07:57:58 AM »
Canadian cancer treatment and euthanasia are now the same thing.  Do it!!

LOL, exactly!
She thinks she'll get better cancer treatment in CANADA of all places?
Shocking? Not really.

Revolting? Certainly. Depraved? Absolutely. But nothing the pervs on the left do to flaunt their depravity in the faces of normal people is very shocking to me anymore.

They seem to have lost their sense of shame  :thatsright:
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by SVPete on May 24, 2024, 04:12:18 PM »
All the unhappy Dummies should mass migrate to New York City!  :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I hear Venezuela and Zimbabwe are beautiful, especially this time of the year.
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