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The DUmpster / VIDEO: Biden's Evil Grin Unleashes Mysterious Voices
« Last post by pjcomix on Today at 07:17:14 AM »
Joe Biden flashed a very EVIL grin at the White House and it seems to have unleashed haunted voices. Listen carefully and you might be able to hear the voices.
Excuse me but isn't democracy based on populism?
Mr. Grimm, may I suggest moving to San Fransico, LA, or NYC. Sounds like they'd be more in touch with your sensitivities. Plus, I hear its getting easier and easier to find places to live. Some with no squatters.
Supposed historian Michael Beschloss have proven that he has ZERO sense of irony. In the wake of the Biden DOJ directed Lawfare verdict in the Manhattan trial, Beschloss was bloviating about how Donald Trump would "wreck our rule of law" by acting like a dictator.
There seem to be some/many Hate-Trumpers who really thought that a conviction would turn many away from Trump. That the conviction has had the opposite effect has them shocked and … melting down.
I heard Michael Cohen was afraid of what would happen if Trump were jailed.

A few days ago, before the verdict came down, there was a DU thread saying republicans were melting down over the possibility of a guilty verdict.

Now, there's been a guilty verdict (that the left sought desperately), and because of the possible consequences of that, the left is melting down. What a weird world we live in.
The DUmpster / Re: all ****ing counts!!! roast you orange ****er, roast! nt
« Last post by DUmpDiver on June 02, 2024, 12:47:33 AM »
Some of us were in the military and swore an oath to defend the Constitution and this country from our enemies both foreign and domestic. The left is pushing things they shouldn't be pushing for. I wouldn't want to fight a civil war but if it comes well then, they called down the thunder and they will get it.

I really doubt it would ever come to that but if it did it would probably be red rural counties against urban centers. All the rurals would have to do is blockade food to urban areas and it would be over in a couple of weeks. It could be over without a shot ever being fired.
General Discussion / Re: Hypocrite Sharter Joe on respecting the rule of law
« Last post by DefiantSix on June 01, 2024, 11:45:01 PM »
If democrats couldn't talk out of both sides of their mouths, they might not be able to speak at all.

Not seeing a down side... :devious:
General Discussion / Re: Hypocrite Sharter Joe on respecting the rule of law
« Last post by ADsOutburst on June 01, 2024, 04:08:43 PM »
If democrats couldn't talk out of both sides of their mouths, they might not be able to speak at all.
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