Current Events > Breaking News
Obama, Edwards, Clinton polling 1, 2, 3 respectively
Races close as Iowa kicks off White House campaign
--- Quote ---DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Voters in Iowa begin the process of choosing the next U.S. president on Thursday with two close nominating races, as a new poll showed Barack Obama leading John Edwards among Democrats -- with Hillary Clinton falling to a potentially damaging third.
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This from Reuters link. Drudge report says CSPAN and ZOGBY are reporting same. Anywho, it's on and America (today Iowa) are on the clock to pick a new POTUS.
I would not want to be in the Clinton household tonight. :uhsure:
--- Quote from: DixieBelle on January 03, 2008, 03:52:25 PM ---I would not want to be in the Clinton household tonight. :uhsure:
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Well said, but then, that could be said about ANY night. :-) (yeah, I do get what you mean though. lol)
Puts my avatar into perspective. :-)
--- Quote from: ReardenSteel on January 03, 2008, 03:57:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: DixieBelle on January 03, 2008, 03:52:25 PM ---I would not want to be in the Clinton household tonight. :uhsure:
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Well said, but then, that could be said about ANY night. :-) (yeah, I do get what you mean though. lol)
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