Author Topic: John Nichols: An Inconvenient Political Truth: That St. Louis Prosecutor Is a De  (Read 679 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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The wheels on the bus go thump, bump, thump.

Dummies couldn't get lucky in a two bit whore house with a fist full of quarters.

Star Member marmar (65,372 posts)

John Nichols: An Inconvenient Political Truth: That St. Louis Prosecutor Is a Democrat
from The Nation:
St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch’s handling of the Michael Brown shooting case has inspired a storm of controversy.
After a grand jury refused to bring charges against Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson in the August 9 shooting death of the African-American teenager, an attorney for the Brown family told the Associated Press, “We said from the very beginning that the decision of this grand jury was going to be the direct reflection of the presentation of the evidence by the prosecutor’s office.” 

Star Member hobbit709 (33,083 posts)

1. No Democrat I want to associate with.

Response to marmar (Original post)

Fri Nov 28, 2014, 10:21 AM

Star Member Scuba (41,456 posts)

2. According to some DU members, that means that what he did was OK.

Our party is infested with right-wingers. McCulloch's just the latest example.

Response to Scuba (Reply #2)

Fri Nov 28, 2014, 10:25 AM

Fred Sanders (5,896 posts)

4. I bet there are even some Democratics that are racist.....really, some are. Just like some support
the NRA, it is sadly true.

And Landreiu, what can you say about her?

Maybe we need litmus tests also, supporting efforts against climate change and protecting the environment, not being a racist, must be among them
Response to Scuba (Reply #2)

Fri Nov 28, 2014, 10:30 AM

TheKentuckian (20,668 posts)

8. The party is largely right wing, distorted by the other major party being radically regressive
You could replace the most right wing governing level party in any country in the developed world with our "liberal" party and they would be more regressive as a nation rather than less while our "pony demanding fringe" would be mostly middle of the road moderates in sane places in the west.

Star Member rhett o rick (40,183 posts)

21. I have something to say.

You are stepping on some people's reality with no regard to the harm you might cause. They have carefully crafted a denial bubble reality and posters like yourself have the audacity to come along, haphazardly throwing truths here and there, disturbing their bubbles. IMHO they were raised to follow authority and never question it. They've made it easy for themselves to tell the good guys from bad guys. All people that say they are Democrats are good, period. If Chris Christie became a Democrat, they wouldn't bat an eye and follow him across the bridge of conservativeness.

What's worse than DINO's? Those that think the DINO'S are legitimate Democrats.

There are two Democratic Parties, one that's owned by the Ruling Oligarchs (and their lemming followers) and those grassroots Democrats that hold out for leaders with integrity. 

All together now,  "Da wheels on da wheels on da  bus go round and round"

And under another Democratic DA goes....

One has to wonder if  the DUmmmies will ever sober up long enough to realize that they are not Democrats in the normal sense of the word.  Like Tim Samples once observed, " If my cat had kittens in an over I wouldn't call 'em biscuits".  The main stream Democrat party is only to happy to have all of the embarrsing members on Skin's Island. Denial is more than a river running through Egypt folk, more than a river.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 04:10:06 PM by zeitgeist »
< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline Carl

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Response to Scuba (Reply #2)

Fri Nov 28, 2014, 10:25 AM

Fred Sanders (5,896 posts)

4. I bet there are even some Democratics that are racist.....really, some are. Just like some support
the NRA, it is sadly true.

And Landreiu, what can you say about her?

Maybe we need litmus tests also, supporting efforts against climate change and protecting the environment, not being a racist, must be among them

Proving again that all leftists are little tyrants at heart.

Offline USA4ME

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Quote from:
rhett o rick

21. I have something to say.

You are stepping on some people's reality with no regard to the harm you might cause. They have carefully crafted a denial bubble reality and posters like yourself have the audacity to come along, haphazardly throwing truths here and there, disturbing their bubbles. IMHO they were raised to follow authority and never question it.

Thing is, the posters who view themselves as being outside this bubble -- Manny Goldstein, WillyT, cali, Scuba, Playinghardball, etc (basically any primtive who's in the Warren/Sanders camp) -- are the very ones deepest inside the bubble, who are the authoritarians, who never question their ideology.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Chris_

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If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline landofconfusion80

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If democrats are the smartest people ever (just ask them) wouldn't this decision be the smartest?  If the prosecutor looked at all of the relevant evidence, filtered out the truthful witnesses and made a thoughtful call not to indict, why are they rioting?  wouldn't they want to agree with the proper evidence as well?
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.


Offline thundley4

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Star Member hobbit709 (33,083 posts)

1. No Democrat I want to associate with.

Most of the members at DU are just like that, but they pretend not to be.

Star Member Scuba (41,456 posts)

2. According to some DU members, that means that what he did was OK.

Our party is infested with right-wingers racists. McCulloch's just the latest example.

The Democrat party is filled with racists, always has been, always will be.