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Offline franksolich

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how the diet makes one a primitive
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:55:27 AM »
Now, franksolich is no medical professional, but this is based upon what I was told years and years ago, when I worked at the Nebraska Department of Health and used to spend my coffee breaks in the basement of the state office building with a physician who for whatever reasons found me interesting (I think it had something to do with deafness and speech, but whatever).

This physician, recently deceased, was originally from Minnesota, and a proud Democrat-Farmer-Labor guy, but he'd been a country doctor down in Kansas for circa twenty years before moving up to Nebraska.  Despite his politics, I found him eminently commonsensical on matters medical; among other things, we both agreed that people take w-a-a-a-a-a-y too many pharmaceuticals with w-a-a-a-a-a-a-y too many unanticipated or unknown side-effects, and that they take them because they're lazy; they don't want to change their life-styles.  Downing pills is easier.

He was the medical guy; I wasn't.  I found his wealth of medical information awesome, and used it all the time.

One time during coffee-break, I mentioned it seemed one of my bosses had haemorrhoids, a deduction gotten from the way he grimaced, the way he walked, the way he sat.  I'd been critical of this boss before, finding him an insufferable bore and grouch, and the physician suggested I connect the two.

After that, I did an informal observation of those working around me (there were then 400 employees of the department, nearly all with whom I was more than just casually acquainted)--and yes, yes, yes, it seemed true.  It was too unanimous to be anything else but true.  Anal problems make one a grouch, a bitch, a Sad Sack, or all of these.

And by sheerest of coincidences--or perhaps not--all those afflicted thusly were known to me to be Democrats.

Sometime later I inquired of the physician why, if people were suffering so, they put up with it.  After all, we all had excellent medical insurance coverage, and these were not stupid people; this after all was the Department of Health, where those working there ostensibly had better than a layman's knowledge of diet and health.

He said he was never really sure, but it seemed to him in all of his years of medical practice, there's some people who simply like to be wretched and miserable.

And then he directed me to Freud and other famous psychiatrists who had written much on the connection between bowel problems and personality, or character, problems.  It appears that many--maybe even as much as 90%--personality perversions, deviations, and negative quirks are anally-based.  If one's got problems down in there, one's got problems that emerge to the surface.

I've been reading the cooking and baking, the health, the chronic problems, the mental health, the diet, the exercise forums, on Skins's island for years now, and it does strike me that the primitives have an extraordinary propensity to suffer afflictions of their alimentary canal.

I've never seen so many sore asses as I've seen on Skins's island.

And like Saul on the Road to Damascus, the revelation--the primitives are primitives because they've got all these rectal problems, and don't want to get rid of them, despite that such problems are easily eliminated or at least ameliorated with just a little bit of a change in their diets.

They'd rather be victims; they'd rather do drugs.

Or if they try to get rid of such problems, the primitives apply the wrong remedies.

Take dear cali, the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive, for example.  She's got all this pent-up bitterness, rage, and Hate inside of her, which she honestly wants to purge out of herself.  She doesn't like this shit staying inside of her, taking up room, petrifying and fossilizing, never getting it expulsed.

However, she supposes that instead of healthy remedies such as love, affection, tolerance, warmth, giving, sharing, she thinks her expressions of anger and Hate provide a good laxative.  Actually, bitterness, rage, and Hate are constipators, and the more one is that way, the more the shit builds up inside of one, never coming out.

But obviously, the majority of the primitives don't want to purge themselves of internal toxic substances, even though such is s-o-o-o-o-o-o easily done.  They rather enjoy being grouches, bitches, Sad Sacks, hypochondriacs, cranks.

Why, escapes me.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 02:37:47 PM »
Always knew DUmmies was anal!

After that, I did an informal observation of those working around me (there were then 400 employees of the department, nearly all with whom I was more than just casually acquainted)--and yes, yes, yes, it seemed true.  It was too unanimous to be anything else but true.  Anal problems make one a grouch, a bitch, a Sad Sack, or all of these.

And by sheerest of coincidences--or perhaps not--all those afflicted thusly were known to me to be Democrats.

Explains a lot about the DemonRat party, don't it!
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Offline franksolich

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 02:52:43 PM »
Always knew DUmmies was anal!

Explains a lot about the DemonRat party, don't it!

You know, fiber and roughage apparently doesn't only Roto-Rooter out the intestinal system.

Three years ago there began a personal medical mystery; I come from a family both sides seriously prone to high blood pressure.  When the ulcers broke open that one August afternoon, and during follow-up observation for several months thereafter, it seemed confusing that I myself didn't have high blood pressure.

Even though it's been very strong in my family history.

The usual readings range 110-90/60-48.

It's true that unlike other members of my family (all of them deceased), I was never fat nor afflicted with diabetes or any other debilitating conditions.....but on the other side of the coin, I smoke.  A lot; like a chimney.

Thus far, three years down the road, the greater plurality of physicians attribute it to maybe it might be that franksolich subsists on a diet that usually includes 4-16 times the amount of the "recommended daily minimum of fiber."

I had no idea; I've always just eaten what it seems the body demands.

One time years ago during one of my sporadic observations of television, I saw a commercial (I forget for what, though), "Ew, fiber.  I don't like fiber.  Ew, fiber."

I thought it was totally stupid.  Fiber has no taste.  Why would someone say "Ew, fiber"?

I don't think anybody has any idea if what they're eating has fiber in it or not.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 03:30:13 PM »
Explains a lot about the DemonRat party, don't it!

I'm sure many of the primitives get their character flaws and disgusting attitudes from reading too much about the disease or affliction or allergy de jour; to a primitive, victimhood is great, but it's even better if one's come down with something rare or new.

Take the defrocked warped primitive, for example, she with the face like Hindenburg's, born in 1950, give or take a year either way.

As a little girl during lunch-time, she was probably the sort who temper-tantrummed, "I don't want healthy milk!  Bleech!  I hate milk!  I don't want eeuuy old milk!  I want soda instead!"

But her parents, being rather more commonsensical than parents of today, insisted little-girl warpy drink milk; it was good for her, and besides, milk didn't corrode away her teeth.

The defrocked warped primitive grew up in a house where the Reader's Digest was read.  The Reader's Digest of course was notorious for discovering new ailments, afflictions, and allergies until then utterly unknown to medical science.  About the time the ugly one was in her later elementary-school years, the Reader's Digest discovered "lactose-intolerance."

Intolerance to lactose is real, but it rarely if at all afflicts those of northern European derivation (of which Ms. Hindenburg is); I imagine there's some 1-in-1,000,000 exceptions, but she isn't one of them.

But nevertheless, the pre-teenaged warpy decided she was "allergic" to milk, as a means of getting to have teeth-corroding soda instead of body-building healthy milk at lunch.

I've always found it very odd, that the defrocked warped primitive just by coincidence seems "allergic" to all those things good for her, but is never allergic to any of those things bad for her.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 03:50:37 PM »
You know, fiber and roughage apparently doesn't only Roto-Rooter out the intestinal system.

Three years ago there began a personal medical mystery; I come from a family both sides seriously prone to high blood pressure.  When the ulcers broke open that one August afternoon, and during follow-up observation for several months thereafter, it seemed confusing that I myself didn't have high blood pressure.

Even though it's been very strong in my family history.

The usual readings range 110-90/60-48.

It's true that unlike other members of my family (all of them deceased), I was never fat nor afflicted with diabetes or any other debilitating conditions.....but on the other side of the coin, I smoke.  A lot; like a chimney.

Thus far, three years down the road, the greater plurality of physicians attribute it to maybe it might be that franksolich subsists on a diet that usually includes 4-16 times the amount of the "recommended daily minimum of fiber."

I had no idea; I've always just eaten what it seems the body demands.

One time years ago during one of my sporadic observations of television, I saw a commercial (I forget for what, though), "Ew, fiber.  I don't like fiber.  Ew, fiber."

I thought it was totally stupid.  Fiber has no taste.  Why would someone say "Ew, fiber"?

I don't think anybody has any idea if what they're eating has fiber in it or not.

I do everything my doctor says is bad for me. Like you, I smoke like a chimney, I also drink like a fish, nuttin' better than Johnny Walker, and eat more than my share of red meat, yet I remain much healthier than anyone else my age. I think it's just ones system and how it adapts, to tell ya the truth.

Could be we both are country boys, from the bread basket of the nation, too.
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Offline franksolich

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2012, 04:03:41 PM »
I do everything my doctor says is bad for me. Like you, I smoke like a chimney, I also drink like a fish, nuttin' better than Johnny Walker, and eat more than my share of red meat, yet I remain much healthier than anyone else my age. I think it's just ones system and how it adapts, to tell ya the truth.

Could be we both are country boys, from the bread basket of the nation, too.

I dunno; it's just all very peculiar.

One of largest ethnic groups in Nebraska are Danish, and as most know, the Danes tend to (a) be the tallest people in Europe (although the Dutch dispute it) and (b) subsist on a diet heavy in dairy products.

I was born and raised in Nebraska; however, I have not a drop of Danish blood in me.

However, as things ended up, I was the tallest person in the family, at 6'2-1/2", and the one who grew up drinking milk (the whole stuff, not this watered-down diluted stuff) like a fish.

I still do that today; when going on a trip of more than 20 miles in extremely hot weather, I grab a 1/2-gallon jug of milk out of the refrigerator, and drink it as if coffee or a soda.  It's gone by the time I get to where I'm going.  If the trip's an hour or more, I just say "what the Hell," and take a gallon jug.

There's not a drop of Danish blood in me, but I might as well been born Danish.

Genetics rule all, but I wonder if environment and diet and other influences have some effect, if even only marginal.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2012, 04:25:55 PM »
I think it's just ones system and how it adapts, to tell ya the truth.

Could be we both are country boys, from the bread basket of the nation, too.

Also, both of us appear to do substantial manual labor, which keeps the body limber and vigorous.

I dunno about you, but I generally consider that 33% of my paid work comes from heavy arduous physical labor, 33% from ordinary manual labor, and 33% from white-collar desk-sitting professional labor.  The actual percentages may vary from time to time, but to me, this seems generally the way it is.

Too, we both live out in the country, where there's much more physical work to getting ordinary things done, than if we lived in a congested dirty corrupt big blue city.  Even just getting the mail burns up more calories.

I think this style of life would be too daunting for a primitive, which might explain their common flabbiness.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2012, 04:37:30 PM »
Spent my entire life doin' manual labor until my back gave out. Still, even though I'm not supposed to, do things that require a great deal of labor. Anyone with a wood stove in these parts can vouch for that. Splittin' wood is still one of my favorite activities, so you could be right about the labor theory.

I sometimes cannot get outa bed the next day without help from "Toots" and have to have her help me put my socks on, but I refuse to do it any other way.

I spend my days in the shop woodworking nowadays in what "Toots" refers to my Man Cave, heh, heh. As a matter of fact, I'm on a wireless router in there now. My latest project is a 3 axis computer controlled router for wood. Big dollars in custom house numbers and name plates doncha know.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 04:44:34 PM by AllosaursRus »
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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2012, 04:42:00 PM »
You know, every time you mention the primitives and anal problems, the first thought that pops into my head is 'gee, the primitives are always sticking things where they don't belong', which is closely followed by a replay in my head of a certain scene from the 'movie', Jackass.

In Jackass, one of the cast members sticks a Hot Wheels car up his rear-end, and then heads off to the doctor for an x-ray, feigning that he doesn't know what is wrong, other than he knows his rear-end is in a significant amount of discomfort.  

Sometimes, I think a lot of the primitives' problems could be solved with a quick x-ray, to check for Hot Wheels cars, and the like.

Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2012, 04:45:40 PM »
You know, every time you mention the primitives and anal problems, the first thought that pops into my head is 'gee, the primitives are always sticking things where they don't belong', which is closely followed by a replay in my head of a certain scene from the 'movie', Jackass.

In Jackass, one of the cast members sticks a Hot Wheels car up his rear-end, and then heads off to the doctor for an x-ray, feigning that he doesn't know what is wrong, other than he knows his rear-end is in a significant amount of discomfort. 

Sometimes, I think a lot of the primitives' problems could be solved with a quick x-ray, to check for Hot Wheels cars, and the like.

Makes me think of gerbils, heh, heh!
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Offline franksolich

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2012, 05:27:16 PM »

This should have been included in the thread about "stupid tricks the primitives try to pull" (in the DUmping Ground, the reference section of the DUmpster), but I didn't think of it at the time.

It's odd how the primitives' dietary likes and dislikes are political.

I'll never forget the time "gluten," whatever the Hell that is, was mentioned as being a prime ingredient in some food product manufactured mostly by (R) manufacturers.

This was years ago; before then, one looked in vain for the word "gluten" on Skins's island.

Suddenly s-o-o-o-o-o-o many primitives came crawling out of the woodwork, alleging an allergy to gluten.

I'll bet if "Vitamin C" had any (R) connotations, the primitives would suddenly overnight become allergic to Vitamin C.

It happens a lot.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2012, 05:36:59 PM »
Does anyone recall any chicken allergy threads during the Chick-Fil-A debacle?

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Re: how the diet makes one a primitive
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2012, 05:41:21 PM »
Does anyone recall any chicken allergy threads during the Chick-Fil-A debacle?

Naw, just a boycott and a willingness to get everyone to go to Der Weinersnizzel, heh!
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