Author Topic: our ardent “environmentalists" are to blame .  (Read 636 times)

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our ardent “environmentalists" are to blame .
« on: May 22, 2008, 09:56:37 PM »

it is laughable the way the democrats blame the Bush administration.
If it were not so potentially devastating to our country, it is almost laughable the way the democratic presidential candidates ascribe the present problem in our economy to the policies of the Bush administration.

It is becoming increasingly evident that the primary problem lies with the well-intentioned but misguided activities of our ardent “environmentalists".

They have achieved the net effect of strangling our country’s efforts toward developing energy self-sufficiency, and have made us utterly dependent upon the OPEC bandits. Because of their success in assuring severely limited development of our own petroleum reserves such as restricting the expansion of ANWR, and by delaying the offshore development of our Mexican Gulf and Pacific coast reserves, we now see many economic “chickens coming home to roost".

Compounding the problem is their resistance to expansion of our nuclear energy capabilities to utilize as a safer, cleaner alternative to fossil fuels.

Every responsible person in the country wants to maintain the quality of our environment to the fullest extent possible. But, we also need to realize that if we as a society want to maintain anything even approaching our present standard of living, compromises need to be made, and soon.

Renewable energy is a commendable approach and needs resources for continued development. But the law of unintended consequences seems to be raising its ugly head as we find more serious problems inherent in the development of ethanol and bio-diesel fuels. Resolution of these problems may be years if not decades away, and it represents time that we really don’t have.

We should adopt the time-honored application of the benefit- to-risk ratio in resolving the problem. We need to recognize that again, if we’re going to be able to maintain anything approaching a healthy economy in our country, there needs to be a greater understanding of the economic facts of life.

Finally, we should direct Congress to immediately open up our petroleum reserves to development, and fast-track the development of our nuclear energy resources.
Anything short of this spells economic disaster for our country.