Author Topic: DUmmies nervous over preemies surviving *Now with BONUS TiT sighting!*  (Read 3921 times)

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Offline Chris_

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There is no choice about it, they want a dead baby dammit. There is no better label than 'anti-life' for them. It suits them.

Hmm....interesting premise. Aren't these the same freaks that daily scream in agony over the deaths of all those innocent terrorists in Iraq?

I'm confused....

I am too.

But wait, let us not forget the convicted killers on death row either. Meanwhile, evil babies who threaten to ruin an otherwise perfect life by daring to be born.

Schade, you're missing one of the correlations here--It's difficult to type one-handed when my other arm is holding my almost seven-month-old daughter--The convicted killers on death row would all vote Democrat.  The evil babies would mostly grow up to be Republicans.   ::)

You are indeed correct. When these evil ghouls pander for votes, they prey on the stupidity, greed, and sloth of the public. It is truly an evil agenda.

Enjoy every second with your little girl and don't stress over details. It doesn't seem that long ago that my 15, 13, and 9 year old kids were babies.

Hehe, I say that now, but I look around the house and see all the things that have been neglected over the years. I kid, I wouldn't have it any other way. ;)

My next-door neighbor in my apartment building has complained to mutual acquaintances about my daughter's crying (she's got my lungs, my vocal cords, and my temper--an evil combination), but at the same time, he'd much rather have my problems than his--his 17-year-old son tried to call the police on him last night, for what I don't know (or have any desire to know).  Maybe the DUmbasses would agree to a "retroactive abortion."

There are no guarantees are there? Mother Teresa once said (paraphrasing) that when a mother aborts her child, she robs herself of the opportunity to love another human being. Truer words have not been spoken.

Mother Teresa, IMO, is one of the people I hope to meet in Heaven.  Her humility was awesome.

And, one of the tenors in the choir I sing in--matter of fact, he sits immediately to my left--has a developmentally disabled son.  His son is 31, and will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.  He's had physical deformities from the day he was born (can't speak, either), and he requires constant supervision, but I've found that his mind is razor sharp.  I was talking to said tenor's wife/mother of special-needs son last week, and I had told her the week before of my daughter's latest bug that she had caught.  When I was describing how my daughter recovered from the bug, and bounced right back, the special-needs son had a look of concern on his face, followed by a look of relief, and satisfaction.  It is amazing just how "with it" he is.

The DUmbasses would have had his brain sucked out of his skull while still in the womb.  And, God would have had to use someone else to show me the point, which might not have happened for a while.

I have so much admiration for Mother Teresa. A friend of my mother's met her and actually has a photograph of them together. Can you imagine being photographed with someone who would be a saint? :)

Here is my problem with people who wish to debate the quality of somebody's life - we simply do not know. Yes, we may be inconvenienced and they may require our care to live in this world. But, for all we know, in their minds, they may be running barefoot through a field of the softest grass imaginable or living in some otherwise enlightened state and perhaps thinking how dull and boring our lives must be..... not a bad way to live truth be told. :)

It has been great getting to know you, BlueStateSaint. Give that little angel a hug from me.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Just did that, Schade, before handing her off to her mother/my wife to finish her early morning bottle.  One of the things that Ellen has inherited from me is her morning person-ness.  Kid's up before 5 AM most of the time.  Then again, she got it from me, so I am also up before 5 AM.  Makes for good deer hunting instincts . . .
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Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline DixieBelle

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God makes no mistakes. Of course DUmmies don't believe in the Creator or his plan. They can't see the simple truth: we're all made in his image and serve a purpose. None of us were meant to be thrown away or murdered in the womb before we have a chance to come into this world. Even the profoundly deformed babies who survive mere minutes after birth have a purpose. It's a shame they can't see the beauty in all that God has created.

It's a hard concept for me to grasp at times. I'm sure many believers have rattled their fist to the sky and said, "Why God?" "Why did you put so much on my shoulders with this child?" But he did for a reason. That whole "let go and let God" thing springs to mind....

Quality of life is another debate entirely. But every baby created has the right to come into this world. It doesn't matter how they were conceived. God has a plan for them. Sometimes it's not meant for us to completely grasp right away.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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Offline FlaGator

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There is no choice about it, they want a dead baby dammit. There is no better label than 'anti-life' for them. It suits them.

Hmm....interesting premise. Aren't these the same freaks that daily scream in agony over the deaths of all those innocent terrorists in Iraq?

I'm confused....

If they could just view the killing of a terrorist as as circa 33 trimester abortion perhaps they wouldn't have issues with it. After all the terrorist is nothing more than a clump of cells with and AK-47.
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Klingon Proverb.

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Threatened by life.

How telling.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline franksolich

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Threatened by life.

How telling.

Of course.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline jinxmchue

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TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Wed May-14-08 05:39 PM
Response to Original message
2. My sister was a 25-week baby.
 In 1953, no less. Born prematurely as a result of a tremendous car crash.

And she survived and thrived, physically.

But she is crazy as hell.

Man, I could write a book.

It would be fiction (as usual).