Author Topic: Top 10 examples of the war on religion  (Read 355 times)

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Top 10 examples of the war on religion
« on: March 19, 2012, 08:07:09 PM »
Top 10 examples of the war on religion
by Human Events

Don’t let the secularists tell you otherwise: There has been a war against religion being waged for decades by activist judges, artists, academia, liberal groups and the mainstream media. Judges have misinterpreted the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and have tried to force religion from the public square, while a culture that is becoming increasingly decadent does all it can to denigrate, mock and sneer at people of faith. Find that hard to believe? Here is the evidence:

1. Public prayer ban

Ever since the Supreme Court’s ruling in the 1962 Engel v. Vitale case, prayer has been disallowed in public schools. That precedent has spread to include banning prayers at graduation ceremonies and before high school football games. This out-of-control assault on public prayer reached the height of absurdity last year when a federal judge in San Antonio ruled that graduating high school seniors couldn’t even say “amen, the word prayer,” or ask the audience to bow their heads. And we thought the First Amendment had a free-speech clause.

2. Hollywood’s jihad

From Martin Scorsese’s 1988 The Last Temptation of Christ—with its depiction of Jesus having sex with Mary Magdalene in a dream—to the 2009 The DaVinci Code—showing a conniving Catholic hierarchy—Hollywood is rarely kind to religious sensibilities. Indeed, characters of faith in movies are invariably portrayed as wild-eyed-fanatics, immoral preachers or judgmental creeps.

3. Violating religious conscience

President Obama’s attempt to force religious institutions to provide contraceptive services with their employees’ health care benefits justifiably caused a considerable uproar. It wasn’t the first time that people of faith have been forced to abandon their conscience or face dire consequences. Pro-lifers have had to fight to enact “conscience clauses,” which permit pharmacists and physicians to opt out of giving services that violate their religious faith, such as providing contraception and performing abortions.

4. Crèches censored

The Supreme Court ruled in the 1984 Lynch v. Donnelly case that crèches could be placed in public places only if accompanied by secular holiday symbols. That bizarre ruling was further muddied by the court’s 1989 stance in Allegheny County v. Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, which stated that including a crèche on public property violated the Constitution, while displaying a menorah on the same spot was fine. Still unsettled is exactly how many reindeers, snowmen and Santa Clauses are needed to make a crèche scene legal.

5. Media mocking

The Washington Post once called evangelicals, “poor, uneducated, and easy to lead.” That pretty much sums up the media elite’s view of religious conservatives. Most any daily newspaper reader can confirm: conservative Christians remain one of the few groups who can be treated with disdain. The sophisticates in New York and Washington newsrooms are much too enlightened to be duped by the opiate of the masses.

"But I love Jesus........"
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town

Offline vesta111

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Re: Top 10 examples of the war on religion
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 10:44:31 PM »
"But I love Jesus........"

Here is a company from Canada that has for 40+ years had a Christmass tree in the Cafeteria, held Christmass party's for the employees that were 45% of other faiths. Few chose to ignore the free food and fun.

How do they get away with it ???   As a foreign Company the rules of American politics did not apply. Some things as OSHA and inspections had to be held to our standards but this question of how a foreign company treated holidays did not apply to them.

This was the good times and the employees were welcome to the lavish party's or not as they chose.  When held out of town shuttles to the site were provided.   

Years of splendor and fun from the floor sweepers to upper management, we did so look forward to the Holidays.
Last year for some reason the party was canceled, Company was doing very well, could not be expense. 

Crap for years the hotels that held the party's offered very cheap rooms to the guests to stay over night.--No worry about driving home tipsy and having an accident.   One year there was open bar, they never made that mistake again.

So what stopped all this reward to employees that bust their ass 12 months of the year for the company ??? 

Was it the refusal to post Christmas Party inside their lobby's to direct guests to the correct areas???

Did some of the hotel employees refuse to work on a Christmas party, or were the head owners of the places with enough room to have 300 people object to anything but Holliday party in their establishment ???

Where is Christianity going today, the holidays and traditions ?? Are they to slowly fazed out as the big city's have millions watch the dragon dance for the Chinese New year.