Author Topic: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks  (Read 13884 times)

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Offline Janice

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #50 on: July 16, 2011, 10:49:58 PM »
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be clear today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm!
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Offline formerlurker

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2011, 06:38:00 AM »
That is not true in Ohio. We are not a right to work state. If your job is a union job then you have not choice but to join. They take membership dues out of your check whether you want them to or not. Believe me, I have been a victim of it. Other states who have right to work laws allow you to join voluntarily or not. But not where I live. I paid 15bucks a week for almost 10yrs and still got laid off and my dues went straight to the party I did not support. That is one of the fights going on in Ohio right now. Normal people want the option to not join a union, unions are fighting to make them join.

Ohio is a monopoly representation state.   A teacher does not have to join the union, but must pay the union to negotiate his/her contract when it renews.

Offline rich_t

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2011, 06:51:32 AM »
It still boils down to union strong arm tactics.

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Offline docstew

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2011, 11:15:43 AM »
Ohio is a monopoly representation state.   A teacher does not have to join the union, but must pay the union to negotiate his/her contract when it renews.

BS, FL. That's semantics and you know it. If you are forced to pay the union an amount equal to their dues and are represented by said union, you are a de facto member, even if you don't participate.

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2011, 12:10:41 PM »
BS, FL. That's semantics and you know it. If you are forced to pay the union an amount equal to their dues and are represented by said union, you are a de facto member, even if you don't participate.

A few handful of states docstew, and I noted that in those states it would be best just to join so you have local voting privileges to ratify contracts.

Let's also point out here that I was the one who actually researched this -- and posted that research here.   So give me a break on the BS ok?

My entire point here is that it is a stretch to claim public funds are going to straight to Obama's pocket. There is a few degrees of separation between the two.   The statement, coupled with the hysteria, serves no useful purpose.   

Be outraged over unions - the corrupt NEA being most deserving absolutely.  However, facts is what we should deal with when formulating opinions and anger. 

Offline docstew

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #55 on: July 17, 2011, 10:03:23 PM »
A few handful of states docstew, and I noted that in those states it would be best just to join so you have local voting privileges to ratify contracts.

Let's also point out here that I was the one who actually researched this -- and posted that research here.   So give me a break on the BS ok?

My entire point here is that it is a stretch to claim public funds are going to straight to Obama's pocket. There is a few degrees of separation between the two.   The statement, coupled with the hysteria, serves no useful purpose.   

Be outraged over unions - the corrupt NEA being most deserving absolutely.  However, facts is what we should deal with when formulating opinions and anger. 

You are correct about where my rage should be going. However, my point was if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it doesn't really matter if you call it a mallard or wood duck.

Offline Janice

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2011, 12:26:23 AM »
You are correct about where my rage should be going. However, my point was if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it doesn't really matter if you call it a mallard or wood duck.

I was goin to say it if looks like shit and smells like shit, well I guess we can depend on politicians and the like to micro-analyze it in order to make "other" out of it. But I think you made the point quite well.
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Offline delilahmused

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2011, 12:47:55 PM »
A few handful of states docstew, and I noted that in those states it would be best just to join so you have local voting privileges to ratify contracts.

Let's also point out here that I was the one who actually researched this -- and posted that research here.   So give me a break on the BS ok?

My entire point here is that it is a stretch to claim public funds are going to straight to Obama's pocket. There is a few degrees of separation between the two.   The statement, coupled with the hysteria, serves no useful purpose.   

Be outraged over unions - the corrupt NEA being most deserving absolutely.  However, facts is what we should deal with when formulating opinions and anger. 

I don't care if there's one step, three steps, or 12 steps, NO group who is paid by US/state/etc. tax dollars should be allowed AS A COLLECTIVE to give money to any politician or political campaign. I don't give a damn whether it's their choice to join a union or not, it gives the collective an advantage over the individual. IF "we the people" got to be final arbiter of whatever perk/pay raise they were throwing a tantrum about this time I might think differently. When those of us paying their salaries make half of what they do and have absolutely NO say in anything (from pay, to benefits, to the damn textbooks) there's something inherently evil and very UNcapitalistic in that system. It's called public SERVICE for a reason. The only freaking branch of government who knows what that means is the military and they make practically nothing. So much for the "fairness" unions are supposed to be fighting for! You can argue semantics all you want, but the fact is, every single thing in every branch of the government from paper clips, to document shredders, to story rugs, to salaries, to benefits is paid for by the citizens of this country. Or rather, confiscated from, because we don't have a say where our money goes.

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2011, 01:05:04 PM »
I don't care if there's one step, three steps, or 12 steps, NO group who is paid by US/state/etc. tax dollars should be allowed AS A COLLECTIVE to give money to any politician or political campaign. I don't give a damn whether it's their choice to join a union or not, it gives the collective an advantage over the individual. IF "we the people" got to be final arbiter of whatever perk/pay raise they were throwing a tantrum about this time I might think differently. When those of us paying their salaries make half of what they do and have absolutely NO say in anything (from pay, to benefits, to the damn textbooks) there's something inherently evil and very UNcapitalistic in that system. It's called public SERVICE for a reason. The only freaking branch of government who knows what that means is the military and they make practically nothing. So much for the "fairness" unions are supposed to be fighting for! You can argue semantics all you want, but the fact is, every single thing in every branch of the government from paper clips, to document shredders, to story rugs, to salaries, to benefits is paid for by the citizens of this country. Or rather, confiscated from, because we don't have a say where our money goes.


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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2011, 05:46:51 PM »
I don't care if there's one step, three steps, or 12 steps, NO group who is paid by US/state/etc. tax dollars should be allowed AS A COLLECTIVE to give money to any politician or political campaign. I don't give a damn whether it's their choice to join a union or not, it gives the collective an advantage over the individual. IF "we the people" got to be final arbiter of whatever perk/pay raise they were throwing a tantrum about this time I might think differently. When those of us paying their salaries make half of what they do and have absolutely NO say in anything (from pay, to benefits, to the damn textbooks) there's something inherently evil and very UNcapitalistic in that system. It's called public SERVICE for a reason. The only freaking branch of government who knows what that means is the military and they make practically nothing. So much for the "fairness" unions are supposed to be fighting for! You can argue semantics all you want, but the fact is, every single thing in every branch of the government from paper clips, to document shredders, to story rugs, to salaries, to benefits is paid for by the citizens of this country. Or rather, confiscated from, because we don't have a say where our money goes.


I really don't know why I bother anymore, but just a few clarifications.  The NEA PAC provides funds to campaigns.   The NEA union dues provides funds for political issues that affect teachers (such as union busting etc.).    There is a difference. 

You do have a say in what books and curriculum are taught at the school - and that is through your elected officials and school boards.   All politics are local.   Meaningful change starts at that level. 

If you are against public employees having a union, then have that argument.   When the water gets muddied with this mixing of topics then the anger is displaced, the argument is diluted, and can easily be broken down and debunked. 

Offline formerlurker

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #60 on: July 18, 2011, 05:49:07 PM »
You are correct about where my rage should be going. However, my point was if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it doesn't really matter if you call it a mallard or wood duck.

It does when you are trying to effect change -- legislators are more willing to listen to facts and solutions than they are generalized complaints.   

Offline delilahmused

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #61 on: July 18, 2011, 06:44:30 PM »
I really don't know why I bother anymore, but just a few clarifications.  The NEA PAC provides funds to campaigns.   The NEA union dues provides funds for political issues that affect teachers (such as union busting etc.).    There is a difference. 

You do have a say in what books and curriculum are taught at the school - and that is through your elected officials and school boards.   All politics are local.   Meaningful change starts at that level. 

If you are against public employees having a union, then have that argument.   When the water gets muddied with this mixing of topics then the anger is displaced, the argument is diluted, and can easily be broken down and debunked. 

Teachers File FEC Complaint against NEA for Illegal PAC Money Laundering Scheme: Sworn testimony indicates union officials misled educators, diverted union treasury funds into political committee

Because Marxists are so damn trustworthy! Anyone who doesn't think this hasn't been going on for decades is naive at best! And PUBLIC school teachers work for the public. Their PAC funds one party because they know greasing democrat pockets will mean better benefits for their union members, thus retain the status quo power structure. DON'T tell me where my anger should be placed! And if all politics are local why does the NEA & SEIU stick their money in "local" politics? And it DOES influence opinion, especially when the other side doesn't have those kinds of resources at their disposal.

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Re: teachers union endorses Obama's re-election with big bucks
« Reply #62 on: July 18, 2011, 07:08:12 PM »
Teachers File FEC Complaint against NEA for Illegal PAC Money Laundering Scheme: Sworn testimony indicates union officials misled educators, diverted union treasury funds into political committee

Because Marxists are so damn trustworthy! Anyone who doesn't think this hasn't been going on for decades is naive at best! And PUBLIC school teachers work for the public. Their PAC funds one party because they know greasing democrat pockets will mean better benefits for their union members, thus retain the status quo power structure. DON'T tell me where my anger should be placed! And if all politics are local why does the NEA & SEIU stick their money in "local" politics? And it DOES influence opinion, especially when the other side doesn't have those kinds of resources at their disposal.



Blantantly illegal and why hasn't the GOP insisted the FEC investigate instead of it being tossed in the circular file?   I never said or inferred that the NEA isn't corrupt, they are wildly corrupt. However unless you have a boat load of these instances to demonstrate to Congress the need to castrate their power, then you are going no where with this.   

The NEA influences Washington (or tries to, they are not having much luck with Duncan as of late it seems - which is why many NEA delegates were dead set against endorsing Obama this early in the game).    Local teacher unions certainly support democrat candidates, as do most unions.     

School boards write policy and control curriculum (at the state and local level).  You want to effect (or prevent) change, that is where you start.   One local teacher's union at a time.