Author Topic: How Michelle Obama Differs From Other First Ladies  (Read 5940 times)

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Re: How Michelle Obama Differs From Other First Ladies
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2010, 02:17:14 PM »
That is sort of my of several options is going on with her.......

1.  She dresses that way to impress and connect with the denizens of "da hood"........or

2.  She is misguidedly attempting to tell us that she is one of the "common folks"........or

3.  She (not unlike her husband) has surrounded herself with sycophants that are not going to tell her that "the  empress is naked", figuratively speaking........

As for me, I'm going with a mixture of one and you say, she certainly has the resources and the talent available to her, she just doesn't avail herself of the guidance......probably out of ignorance and arrogance.....


I will agree with 3.

As far as #1 is concerned....maybe she's trying to relate to the "older" ladies of the 'hood. But I don't think so. The "older" ladies here are rather outlandishly stylish. They wear hats that are quite something! More like one would see as conservative Kentucky Derby style. Shoes, purses and gloves all match their suits. No matter what their size....they are quite "decked out" when the occasion calls for it!!! And they always seem to take great care in their appearance. Hair all fancy salon done, nails done, makeup on. 

A frumpy satin skirt paired with a sleeveless top with a bow perched above one's tush screams out "bad bridesmaid dress that the bride picked so that she could not possibly be upstaged!!!" Add silver flats to that, and that tells me the wearer has no clue how ridiculous she looks and everyone is too afraid to tell her and make her mad.

When it comes down to it...regardless of how anyone feels about the man....Obama is a clothes horse. His suits fit him well, his shoes are shined, his ties are good. He looks neat and "put together" no matter what the occasion. He has the body structure that is going to look good no matter what he wears with the possible exception of wearing a "wifebeater"-type undershirt as I don't know if he's very muscular. He attire is borderline preppy and conservative. ( which always strikes me as humorous when he starts talking like he's grown up in the 'hood... :uhsure: )

I find it oddly interesting that a woman with the means to wear only designer clothes, who preaches about preventing children from becoming obese, the need for exercise and better nutrition for every American, can afford a daily personal trainer, is in a position of prominence where her attire is constantly critiqued, and a husband who almost always looks like he stepped out of GQ...does not do more for her own appearance.

Very few women are content with their bodies, or their looks in general. We are not only our own worst critics, but we are also the pickies/meanest critics of each other. We find what looks good on us and tend to stick to what's best on us, making slight adjustments to keep "in style".

I just do not understand why she seems to have let herself "go" like she has. She is wearing ill-fitting clothes that look awful on her and are, for the most part, extremely unflattering. Where most women will do whatever they can to minimize our most prominent flaws and accentuate our best features....she seems to be accentuating her worst! I don't get it. In some of the stuff I have seen her wear over the last 9-12 months....there is no way that she can possibly think she looks good! Her own eyes should tell her, even if no one else will!!!! Heck, her mother LIVES with her....I would think she would tell her!! Her mother is pretty trim if I remember correctly.

Half the time when a pic is taken of her....even her hair looks pitiful. I know it doesn't have to either, because I have seen her, when her hair looked great....unless she was wearing a wig.

Maybe she is miserably unhappy or depressed....either symptomatic or chronic. Which is about the only explanation that I can come up with to explain the change from when she was on the campaign trail or early in 2009.

If I knew there was a possibility of being photographed for "public consumption" at any time....I wouldn't step foot out of my bedroom without every hair in place, makeup on, and dressed as carefully as possible. I think most women would feel the same way. We haven't had a First Lady that I can remember (though I was around, I don't remember Mamie Eisenhower) who hasn't always done her best to look her best....regardless of her political party or her personal looks and body style...whenever she stepped out of the private quarters of the White House.

Until Michelle Obama.
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Re: How Michelle Obama Differs From Other First Ladies
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2010, 02:29:25 PM »
^ I guess by "da hood", I meant as a euphemism for "urban black"........there is a hell of a big difference between how you'll see black women dressed on a Sunday morning in Tennessee or Alabama, at a Southern Baptist Church.......than what you will see on the south side of Chicago on the same morning......I guess that on occasion I've seen here with the "African print" motif either in a blouse, a sash, a headband, or even a skirt.......

It just seems to me that she's trying to send a message that she's "down for the struggle" so to speak......when in actuality, as First Lady, it is fairly obvious that she is need to advertise it.

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Re: How Michelle Obama Differs From Other First Ladies
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2010, 09:33:12 PM »
I just don't think she gives a rats ass.  She has probably always dressed that way, and since she suffers from self importance, she doesn't even know what a disgrace she is. 
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