Author Topic: Islamofatigue  (Read 1475 times)

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Offline ColonialMarine0431

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« on: September 10, 2010, 09:54:24 PM »
Who else is experiencing Islamofatigue? That general feeling of being sick and tired of the sand apes getting their panties in a knot over everthing, like a bunch of irrational babies?
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Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Islamofatigue
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 10:10:55 PM »
Who else is experiencing Islamofatigue? That general feeling of being sick and tired of the sand apes getting their panties in a knot over everthing, like a bunch of irrational babies?

 :pickme: Yeah, that would about discribe me.  There's a reason "they" don't give me THE BUTTON for safekeeping, and it's not because I'm not in the National Command Authority chain.
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Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: Islamofatigue
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 12:39:59 AM »
They sound like they have a chip on their shoulder feeding their insecurities.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Islamofatigue
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2010, 09:53:38 AM »
They sound like they have a chip on their shoulder feeding their insecurities.

Reminds me of the man who took an ax to his parents then cried for Mercy as he was a orphan.

I have been watching this convoluted reasoning on the part of the general public and find it intresting that the thinking on the Mosque goes like this.

If the Muslams move the Mosque it will be a sign to their enemy's--[America ] that they are weak.  They will loose face to the rest of the world.

In America, if Raciest and Infidel's refuses to allow the Mosque to be built it is America that will suffer and ---Golly Gee half the world will riot and cause America more problems. Actually it is the Muslam world that will have to put down their riots, not us.

This is the same thing as if---not saying anyone in government would do such a foolish thing---were we to allow the president of Mexico to come here and LECTURE us on civil rights.

When has any country as powerful as we are in history at any time seen their collapse in just 24 months.?

The government is about as MANLY and realistic as a bunch of 8 years  olds.  Oh Lord don't do anything to anger the cave men. They may be a bunch of rabid dogs but don't shoot them, instead come to reason with them.  If we allow them to have their way on small things, they are sure to appreciate it and become rational thinkers and a good friend.

These rabid dogs will calm down and give us the respect that any weaker enemy gets.

This in some way reminds me of Poland that caved into the German government in what 2 weeks.?    Those in the Ghettos of Warsaw held out for months.

Is this where we are headed to repeat history.?    Is this how we will end up, no government, no military and only the street gang to protect us.?

BTW, a rumble came out of the ground so strong it set off allot of car alarms in the neighborhood.  I can see the highway from my front window and there had to have been over 100 Motorcycles waving American flags headed out.

My guess it is to attend the funeral of a young Marine over seas.  May God look after those men and woman who ride to show their respects and gratitude for the blood spilled on our behalf.

Our country is being RAPED for Gods Sake, We are told to stand by and watch as the molesters threaten us with even worse punishment.  They put the blame on the victim [America] and the government as a Judge is afraid to stop this. 

Nero is fiddlings while Rome burns, time to bring on the Vikings with their swift swords.

Rant, Rant, Rant, strange that the films of 9/11 I had not wittnessed  before got me this upset.  9 years and the true horror of this day has been brought back to me and I sit here crying for those innocents.

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Re: Islamofatigue
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 10:14:45 AM »
Count me on that list, Colonial.

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

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Re: Islamofatigue
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 10:52:49 AM »
Who else is experiencing Islamofatigue? That general feeling of being sick and tired of the sand apes getting their panties in a knot over everthing, like a bunch of irrational babies?
Count me in brother.