Author Topic: Barak the angry negro  (Read 2728 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Re: Barak the angry nego
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2010, 06:54:47 PM »
Apologies if this sounds racist, but would Obama have won if he were white or a woman ?

Just thinking about his horrible underachieving life running up to a Presidential campaign.  He's running the country just like that! 

How did America get punked ?

Woman are now a RACE.??

You ask how America got Punked.   It sure didn't take long did it, just a couple of generations.

It started with the radio, those that could not read or write got the news and ideas from all over the world.  This allowed those who could read to access information from other places other then their local news paper or local gossip. Simple people who had little education now could sit in their homes and listen to the very voice of our President telling them what they wanted and needed to hear.

The Talkies, movies that they saw at least once a month with plots to encourage people to go  along with the Government.


I watched with mouth open a Roy Rogers western about the cattlemen who opposed a rail line cutting across their land with little compensation to the owners.

Roy gave a rousing speech to the cattlemen on Patriotism, stressing that for them to freely give up their land to benefit others was their duty as Americans.

Later there was the TV that had just a few stations. We got our news from a few anchormen that became legions in their own time.

Somewhere the 8MM came out and people could actually film the goings on of family or civil unrest.

The Ham radio and CB'ers grew to send information far a field..

Somewhere in there in a few years the home video camera came out with sound, then later , the home computers and the web.  Now  the cell phone with the capacity to film with sound and take still pictures. 

We have not been Punked, had we had all this at the time of the revolutionary war or the civil war, WW1 or WW 11 I wonder what the outcome of those wars would have been.  Any wars for that matter.

We are facing our worse nightmare, our culture and Constitution are being beat down. Being America we have a culture here and we are allowing outsiders to attack it.

WHY-- you tell me, Obama is begging to remind me or  " Little Boots" from the Roman era.

 BTW, I object to a black man saying his race should kill the Crackers and their children.----------Why on earth can I not call him the N word without be called raciest. 

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Re: Barak the angry nego
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2010, 10:20:45 AM »

 BTW, I object to a black man saying his race should kill the Crackers and their children.----------Why on earth can I not call him the N word without be called racist. 

Because there are double standards. What's acceptable for a black person to say & do is unacceptable for a white person.

As far as I'm concerned, you can call a black person whatever you want to in your own private conversations. I don't see it as an offensive word due to the etymology of the N word. Others may argue.
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Re: Barak the angry negro
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2010, 12:05:22 PM »
I freely admit that I am a racist.  I hate all you humans.  Thankfully the mothership is coming to get me in Dec. 2012.  You humans aren't going to like what happens then.

BTW... That guy we let hang out with the Mayans way back when...  He's still in our version of a prison for spilling the beans.

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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Offline rich_t

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Re: Barak the angry negro
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2010, 04:16:30 PM »

I've watched that video, several times in fact, and I don't see any racist comments in it.
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Re: Barak the angry negro
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2010, 04:40:01 PM »

I've watched that video, several times in fact, and I don't see any racist comments in it.
Not a racist statement anywhere in it.

I'm just saying the dude is bad at marketing...and worse at lighting.

Whatever message he may WANT to see get out the only message that WILL get out will be that he called the president an angry negro.

Personally, I would have chosen "narcissistic ass with a racial axe to grind" but then again I've always been one to wilt away from controversy.

All I'm saying is he is trying too hard to be the next Limbaugh but this guy does not share Rush's media acumen or reach. He's no Limbaugh so he cannot swat back against the Lords of the Lies.

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Frog  Well, people know the name, sir. 
Boss  They certainly do know the name - they burnt the factory down.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."