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Transformation of America
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:33:44 PM »

I believe the transformation of America is well underway, only not like a lot of folks expect.

The clash started out between the working class and the welfare class with government acting as the intermediary using our tax dollars to buy votes from the latter group.  Glenn Beck was right yesterday when he said that American people just do not like to get pushed around by the government.  There comes a point....

When we see the stimulus bill passed despite 90% of the public being opposed to it, the health care bill passed despite wide protests, the tea party movement being ingored and ridiculed, communists put in positions of authority, now we see a recess appointment of a person who had been voted down by the senate, indeed a transformation is taking place.  The clash is now the people versus the federal government.  Either the power rests with the people or the government will seize it without our consent.

The transformation is this.  People are gritting their teeth, tired of unemployment, tired of a government that continually lies to us, tired of a government that votes themselves cushy pension and health care plans at the expense of the American people.  In common, everyday language, folks I think the shit is about to hit the fan in Washington and they are not going to know what hit them.  The mainstream media will try to maintain the status quo but will have about as much influence as a fart in a tornado.

Keep your powder dry folks, we have less than 8 months to go and the message will be sent loud and clear.

It would not surprise me one bit if in the next few years we do not see a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits, congress stripped of their pension and medical benefits and put on the same plans as the general public and a whole lot more.

I do not know how anyone else feels about this but it feels different, it's coming and it aint what BO thinks it is going to be.


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Re: Transformation of America
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 08:40:34 PM »
More importantly, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the roster in Congress - both houses - go through a complete turnover in the course of the next 10 years.

The one thing I'd love to add to that list of amendments you've started sir, is one that repeals the 17th amendment, and restores the authority of state governors and legislatures over the their representatives in the Senate.
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Offline PatriotGame

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Re: Transformation of America
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 10:48:19 PM »

I believe the transformation of America is well underway, only not like a lot of folks expect.

The clash started out between the working class and the welfare class with government acting as the intermediary using our tax dollars to buy votes from the latter group.  Glenn Beck was right yesterday when he said that American people just do not like to get pushed around by the government.  There comes a point....

When we see the stimulus bill passed despite 90% of the public being opposed to it, the health care bill passed despite wide protests, the tea party movement being ingored and ridiculed, communists put in positions of authority, now we see a recess appointment of a person who had been voted down by the senate, indeed a transformation is taking place.  The clash is now the people versus the federal government.  Either the power rests with the people or the government will seize it without our consent.

The transformation is this.  People are gritting their teeth, tired of unemployment, tired of a government that continually lies to us, tired of a government that votes themselves cushy pension and health care plans at the expense of the American people.  In common, everyday language, folks I think the shit is about to hit the fan in Washington and they are not going to know what hit them.  The mainstream media will try to maintain the status quo but will have about as much influence as a fart in a tornado.

Keep your powder dry folks, we have less than 8 months to go and the message will be sent loud and clear.

It would not surprise me one bit if in the next few years we do not see a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits, congress stripped of their pension and medical benefits and put on the same plans as the general public and a whole lot more.

I do not know how anyone else feels about this but it feels different, it's coming and it aint what BO thinks it is going to be.


This is all fine and well but there are more underlying issues Glenn and the rest has failed to fully address.

1: Unfortunately, a large number of Americans are now voting with their pocketbook. More people seem to be voting for what they get rather than what will keep the foundation of the real American dream and American lifestyle protected; That of hard work to make your life the way you want and a stringent set of moral values that benefit society as a whole WITHOUT the government regulating and dictating how we go about this.

2: There is an enormous chasm between even those in the upper middle class and above and the mid-to lower middle class and all else below them. They watch TV and see the high-rise penthouse suites, the cars, boats, motor homes, and glitz. For some reason the media and the democrat party have convinced them that they DESERVE all the material possessions they can imagine in their wildest dreams and if they cannot afford them, then they are a victim and the ONLY way to relieve their victim hood is to vote for socialists and commies (democrats).

3: Race. The democrats are the #1 purveyors of racism - they were the main members of the slavery movement in the south prior to and during the civil war. As a major coo, they were able to turn these facts around and by dumbing-down Negros then brainwashing them with 50+ years pf propaganda, made Negros believe that that Conservatives and Republicans were against them. This has given the democrat party a large voting block that never waivers no matter how many black males between the ages of 15 and 25 will be either in prison at some time or murdered by members of their own race. 75% to be exact.
Look at what happened to Bill Cosby when he came out against the race baiting and the anti-education culture of modern day black leaders in the media and Congress.

4: Short attention span, short memory, and fascination of little shiny objects. Americans forget all too easily what their representatives did just six months ago. If they did not, I am quite sure Congressional term limits would have happened many years ago. With our current culture, we Americans live by five second visual bites and 15 second sound bites. With the left dominating the media, those visual and sound bites and greatly change a person's perceptions as to what is really happening around them.
How do we get more Americans to dig deeper into their politics, pay closer attention, and get more involved? This is a MAIN issue and regardless of what Glenn Beck does, if he cannot break that barrier, his efforts will be for naught.

I do see some changes coming but I have to admit, even if Congress gets flushed in November, there are substantial leftist forces out there that will openly become meaner, more vocal, more adamant with their execution of their politics.
So Glenn Beck puts together a cutesy little three-ring binder, how do we get that into the hands of 250 million Americans and articulate to them exactly what is involved here?

As an aside though, there is a little promise for November 2010:
Massive 'maelstrom' to blast incumbents
2010 'will make 1994 election look like light summer breeze'
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Offline Javelin

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Re: Transformation of America
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 11:18:22 PM »

How do we get more Americans to dig deeper into their politics, pay closer attention, and get more involved? This is a MAIN issue and regardless of what Glenn Beck does, if he cannot break that barrier, his efforts will be for naught.

As an aside though, there is a little promise for November 2010:

I like Glenn Beck, I dont see all of his shows or his stuff but he is solid.  His history is spot on and what he sees taking place is without error.

Yet this is where his effectiveness ends, in education.  He is a great voice and a great educational voice that continues to wake many up from the tonic they have drunk for years.  There is this idea pervading that we can change what is taking place now.  We cannot.  From bailouts, TARP, HC... exactly when will anything be stopped?  In the Mid terms many hold a lot of hope.  I at least see that we can slow down the madness.

Even with the Republicans regaining control your looking at Obama as president for 2 more years.  Some people think this is a good arrangement.  Well it will without doubt stop further garbage from being passed so easily, yet this is where it stops.

People tend to forget the economic implications too easily when dealing with the politics.  When people speak of economics they too easily forget the politics involved.  One washes the others hand.  We have another two years of massive spending before another presidential election and another two to four years after that of the Republicans doing what makeshift repairs they think they can do.  Yet at no time will HC be totally undone, only amended.  The massive spending will continue and by the time anything can truly be done to effect our system for the good, its too late.

I am unsure if we can survive the current economics we face.  Considering the necessary time line needed to correct the political mess, there is not enough time for the economics will kill us.  Essentially they have ensured A collapse of some kind in the near future.  A forced decline into a more problematic future that no one can really see or yet understand.

The battleground for our future has yet to be truly defined.  At this moment all we can see is the groundwork and shaping of what is to come.  While I do agree with all that Beck is saying, within the context of what we are facing its in truth too little too late to turn the ship around and avoid any kind of disaster.  Yet if we do not do many of the things he is speaking of, there will be no hope whatsoever. 

There is a much darker battle coming than many realize.  This whole mess is just the opening shot.

Offline PatriotGame

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Re: Transformation of America
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 11:32:22 PM »
I like Glenn Beck, I dont see all of his shows or his stuff but he is solid.  His history is spot on and what he sees taking place is without error.

Yet this is where his effectiveness ends, in education.  He is a great voice and a great educational voice that continues to wake many up from the tonic they have drunk for years.  There is this idea pervading that we can change what is taking place now.  We cannot.  From bailouts, TARP, HC... exactly when will anything be stopped?  In the Mid terms many hold a lot of hope.  I at least see that we can slow down the madness.

Even with the Republicans regaining control your looking at Obama as president for 2 more years.  Some people think this is a good arrangement.  Well it will without doubt stop further garbage from being passed so easily, yet this is where it stops.

People tend to forget the economic implications too easily when dealing with the politics.  When people speak of economics they too easily forget the politics involved.  One washes the others hand.  We have another two years of massive spending before another presidential election and another two to four years after that of the Republicans doing what makeshift repairs they think they can do.  Yet at no time will HC be totally undone, only amended.  The massive spending will continue and by the time anything can truly be done to effect our system for the good, its too late.

I am unsure if we can survive the current economics we face.  Considering the necessary time line needed to correct the political mess, there is not enough time for the economics will kill us.  Essentially they have ensured A collapse of some kind in the near future.  A forced decline into a more problematic future that no one can really see or yet understand.

The battleground for our future has yet to be truly defined.  At this moment all we can see is the groundwork and shaping of what is to come.  While I do agree with all that Beck is saying, within the context of what we are facing its in truth too little too late to turn the ship around and avoid any kind of disaster.  Yet if we do not do many of the things he is speaking of, there will be no hope whatsoever.  

There is a much darker battle coming than many realize.  This whole mess is just the opening shot.

As far as the economics go, on the very minimal level, I feel that we need another depression. Maybe even one that will make the last seem like a cakewalk. I am quite sure that the coming hyper-inflation will accomplish just that. There was a guy being interviewed by George Noory a week ago that was a former CNN money guru and he rightly stated that people have zero idea how much trouble we are in. 10 TRILLION dollars in debt, the dollar on the verge of losing it's AAA status, our debt being 90%+ of our GDP - this nation is way past bankruptcy.

When the fall happens there will be ONE source for power, transportation, FOOD, HEALTH CARE, and clothing and that will be the 0bama administration. I guarantee that when you are hungry enough and need medical care, you will hippity-hoppety, glitzy, gleefully, gladly give up every personal right imaginable for a meal and a hip replacement.
That *IS* their plan. Will a Congressional toilet flush in November off-set or protect against this?
Dunno but either way, there is some pain coming down the pike and I seriously doubt the majority of Americans will be able to cope with it nor understand what they MUST do (throw 0bama and his democrat minions in prison) to begin the fix for the issues.

As far as Glenn Beck goes, I like him too. I find him inspirational but as I previously stated,  getting his message out to 250 million Americans in the correct format is the issue.
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Re: Transformation of America
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 01:51:47 AM »
As far as the economics go, on the very minimal level, I feel that we need another depression. Maybe even one that will make the last seem like a cakewalk. I am quite sure that the coming hyper-inflation will accomplish just that. There was a guy being interviewed by George Noory a week ago that was a former CNN money guru and he rightly stated that people have zero idea how much trouble we are in. 10 TRILLION dollars in debt, the dollar on the verge of losing it's AAA status, our debt being 90%+ of our GDP - this nation is way past bankruptcy.

When the fall happens there will be ONE source for power, transportation, FOOD, HEALTH CARE, and clothing and that will be the 0bama administration. I guarantee that when you are hungry enough and need medical care, you will hippity-hoppety, glitzy, gleefully, gladly give up every personal right imaginable for a meal and a hip replacement.
That *IS* their plan. Will a Congressional toilet flush in November off-set or protect against this?
Dunno but either way, there is some pain coming down the pike and I seriously doubt the majority of Americans will be able to cope with it nor understand what they MUST do (throw 0bama and his democrat minions in prison) to begin the fix for the issues.

As far as Glenn Beck goes, I like him too. I find him inspirational but as I previously stated,  getting his message out to 250 million Americans in the correct format is the issue.


Beck understands exactly what you folks are saying.  He created 8000 disciples this weekend, now he was preaching to the choir mind you, but they will be much more proactive. 

His term is the system has to be reset economically.  We have to hit rock bottom in order to do that and it is gonna happen. 

The real bottom line is that the causes of the problems need to be addressed.  Power begats corruption, solution term limits.  We have to reduce the size of the welfare class....begin by stopping the incentives for out of wedlock birth, they did it in WI and NJ and it worked. 

Reduce government spending big time.  They can easily change the budget process.  If they froze budgets at the current levels and then gave department managers a 1% of their salary bonus if they could reduce their budget by 5% and still get the job done, this would save billions at the grass roots.  Now congress increases the budget 10%, then cuts it back by 5% and calls it a 5% savings instead of a 5% increase. 

You get the picture.

There is much that can be done with public support but Beck is right about one thing.  Their side depends on free stuff from the government and when it stops they will be eaten alive.  Let em eat em.....but stop the free stuff.
