That's the nice thing about film cameras, they do last forever. Digital bodies wear out eventually... and become horribly dated in 5-8 years. It's kind of sad... I know guys shooting film cameras that are older than I am but if my son can still use one of my digital bodies in 20 years I'll be AMAZED.
It's why I'm not a fan of computers in cameras. I've had my Minolta since 2003, and it lasted about six and half years. But give me an old manual everything camera, and I'll keep it forever with proper care.
I was not keen on buying a digital, but it's kind growing on me. It's nice to see what you got when you take a picture. I didn't realize my 35mm had crapped out until I developed my photos for my BW photo class and nothing came out. At that point, it was too late to reshoot and I dropped it.
And at less than $800 for the body, two lenses and a case, if it lasts 5-10 years, I've got my money's worth, I think. I'll never be a professional, or even semi-pro, so as much as I drool over that $20,000 Hasselblad med-format digital, that's the kind of thing I'll never buy. Stick to film for things like that.