Author Topic: The Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid Opt-Out Fraud  (Read 425 times)

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The Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid Opt-Out Fraud
« on: October 27, 2009, 10:51:37 AM »
If ever there was an in-your-face example of just how stupid the american left view
us to be, it is the current healthcare opt-out fraud being committed on us by the lefties on the Hill.

You have to be either a blithering idiot or Obama marxist kool aid drinker to believe that the states will actually have & keep any opt-out option.  The opt-out provision can never work for the following obvious reasons:

(1) Forces all americans to pay for obamacare regardless of opt-out while they also pay for private healthcare. (2) ACLU et al will make sure that all opt-outs will be eliminated through the courts as a matter of fairness to nation...can't have americans getting unequal care under the new leftist regime.