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Offline franksolich

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Oscar Wilde disillusioned
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:01:30 AM »

Oh my.

The large-proboscised primitive, Oscar Wilde:

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:12 PM
Original message
Dear President Obama: Enjoy your one-term presidency.

The one thing I was listening for last night was a vow to veto any plan that didn’t contain a public option. Instead, we were told that things would change sometime in three or four years or so.

I know the Republicans won’t give you a single vote and I know the blue dog Dems are a pain in the ass. Nonetheless, the power of the presidency carries a hell of a lot more weight than you (or Rahm) have seen fit to use.

Like many online denizens, I sent every spare cent I had to get you into the White House. The last thing I expected from you was the way you sold us out last night.

As soon as your speech ended, my search began for a principled Democrat with a backbone to replace you in 2012. I don't know if such an animal exists, but I'm looking.


A (once again) Disillusioned Democrat

Damn, I wish Pedro Picasso would get back from his vacation.

Oscar Wilde ain't nothing, when compared with Pedro Picasso.

lamp_shade  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:13 PM
Response to Original message
1. Can we let this one SLIDE PLEASE>

YOY  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:17 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. No. I will but others won't. 

Our Third way is the Republican's old way. Their new way is batshit insane and broken. Our old way was never broken.

We cannot keep doing their job for them.

IRemember (8 posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:14 PM
Response to Original message
2. Weiner 2012 sounds good to me.

Boehner 2012 sounds good to franksolich.

DJ13 (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:15 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. And Kucinich for VP

And Cantor for VP.

IRemember (8 posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:16 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. yeah, either/or.. two great men

Laelth  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:38 PM
Response to Reply #4
22. Welcome to DU. 

The Democratic Party is literally forcing its left wing out. This makes me very sad.

Bumblebee (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 02:00 PM
Response to Reply #22
32. What makes me sad is that there are delusional people here who still think Kucinich is a viable candidate for anything...

Laelth  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:05 PM
Response to Reply #32
35. He's not. I supported Edwards and then Obama in the primaries. 

Unfortunately, Obama stabbed me in the back. Forgive me if I am a little wounded by that.

emsimon33  (225 posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 04:17 PM
Response to Reply #2
52. That's what many of my Democratic friends have said recently

We need someone with backbone. Someone who will not sell out.

Hawkowl  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 11:59 PM
Response to Reply #2
57. Howard Dean?

I'd like to see him use the 50 state stragegy and jam it up Rahm's ass.

tridim  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:17 PM
Response to Original message
5. I hear LaRouche is running again.

He might be more up your alley.

I'd suggest watching the speech again, but I don't think you listened the first time so why bother?

OmmmSweetOmmm  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:17 PM
Response to Original message
7. Interesting number the 4 years. Just given enough time to get the "Left" to work for him again. BTW I RESENT being called the Left! I have been a Democrat my whole ****ing life and the party has moved away me to the center and center right. I'm still the same person with the same values.

Oh my.  The Democrat party is center, and center-right?

I must've been asleep when that happened.

Laelth  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:40 PM
Response to Reply #7
25. Hear, hear. The Democratic Party has abandoned me. Not vice versa.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:43 PM
Response to Reply #7
27. I never used the word "left" in my OP. However, as far as I'm concerned,

I'm part of the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. And from your comments, I assume that you are too.

We've lost far too much ground in recent years. It's past time to fight harder.

OmmmSweetOmmm  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:55 PM
Response to Reply #27
29. I grew up in a strong Democratic family. One of the first names I remember hearing was Adlai Stevenson. When Kennedy was running, my parents packed off all 3 kids in the car and drove down to our train station to see if we could even catch a glimpse of him.

When Kennedy was assassinated, we had a shock and cry fest in our home.

We were proud that our party was the party that cared about others and pushed civil rights legislation and took care of the sick and elderly.

Even though I HATED Vietnam and protested against it, I worked for McCarthy and although I wanted McCarthy over Bobby Kennedy, I mourned Kennedy's passing...hysterical in tears and went the next day with my sister to St. Patrick's Cathedral in NY (even though we were Jewish) to honor him.

And then, before I knew it, all my values were being maligned by Reagan and the Democratic Party, trying to prove they weren't "Liberals" started to move away from me.

I have often said that Bill Clinton was the best Republican President we've ever had...well it looks like President Obama might take that place in My History.

I'm exhausted of fighting and feel like I've been abandoned and I'm tired of trying to pretend that we don't have one party and it is owned by large Corporations. The Democratic wing of the party is a bit kinder and gentler but they are in the end the same.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:44 PM
Response to Reply #29
42. Our life experiences are similar.

What Republicans do best is wear down people like us. You, me, and all like us need to take a deep breath and not give up. Our enemies (yes, the Republicans are our enemies) will never stop attacking us. And for them, it is literally a battle to the death.

If only Democrats would understand that. And then react accordingly.

The bettyellen primitive, once a prominent FOA, and the only primitive other than Pedro Picasso and the solar bust primitive (the "garybeck" primitive) to have ever directly communicated with franksolich:

bettyellen (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
8. oh please. Naive short sighted. WTF did you think you were getting or CAN get- a revolution? 

total pisher nonsense. call us when you been around the block a few times.

Windy (1000+ posts)     Thu Sep-10-09 01:24 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. exactly. And its always the same whiners who are no better than the rethugs

No matter what the man says, they will be against him. They don't pay attention when he speaks nor do they take the time to understand what he is doing or has done and the complexities of government. They are pollyannas.

We finally have a president who actually gives a damn about this country and its citizens. I, for one, am very happy with my vote last November.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:27 PM
Response to Reply #8
14. I spent the last eight years watching George W. Bush get anything and everything he wanted (except the death of social security).

The Republicans know how to kick ass and take names.

The Democrats want everyone to "just get along."

Sorry, but this is the real world. We need a president with a huge pair and the guts to use them.

Until then, we will go on bowing and scraping to the Limbaughs and Fox "News" creatures that contaminate our society.

How about a "No more Mr. Nice Guy" declaration from the entire Democratic Party from the President on down? How about we at least try to level the playing field? How about we learn how to win, not just elections, but legislation?

George Bush got everything and anything he wanted?

I must've been asleep when that happened.

tridim  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:40 PM
Response to Reply #14
24. Now I know you didn't watch the address.

Republicans kicking ass?

frylock  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 06:14 PM
Response to Reply #24
55. where the **** have you been?!

does USPATRIOT ring a bell? how about IWR? are you actually going to sit here and deny that republicans are able to railroad their shit through congress while dems worry about working in a bipartisan fashion. what does that have to do with last night's speech?

noiretextatique  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:27 PM
Response to Reply #8
15. nope...we cannot expect a revolution, like the reagan revolution or the bush 2 revolution. and you know why? democrats don't have the guts or the will to push their agenda the way republicons did.

bettyellen (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 11:55 PM
Response to Reply #15
56. i think having him as president is a blessing- but he' incredibly pragmatic because he has to win .. a battle or two right now, some small moral victories before he can have the chance to do more. he's building his brand.

it breaks my heart he has so much oppostion from his own party- but it is what it is. and he's dealing with that fact like a grownup. much more so than some pie in the sky folks here.

Hawkowl  (1000+ posts)      Fri Sep-11-09 12:01 AM
Response to Reply #8
58. Yes we CAN'T

That should have been Obama's slogan. Because that has how it's turning out to be.

emulatorloo  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:23 PM
Response to Original message
9. I just got back from a wingnut board were I learned Obama is an evil Socialist Liar

Then this one tells me he "sold us out"

The orange marmalade primitive:

marmar  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:25 PM
Response to Original message
11. Setting aside who should be the candidate in 2012...... 

..... this post is very strident.

scheming daemons  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:26 PM
Response to Original message
12. Dear Cyrano: Enjoy the next 8 years...

...even as you try your darnedest to put the GOP back in power.

WI_DEM  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:27 PM
Response to Original message
13. He will easily be re-elected, but go ahead and vote for the green or whatever candidate. I guess we saw different speeches last night.

sharp_stick  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:29 PM
Response to Original message
17. Nominee for MMPW

The new DU competition is underway with this brilliant entry. The most moronic post of the week award is off and running.

Every week we expect a tight tight competition between two or three deserving "members" of the DU community. This candidate offers all the hyperbole needed with none of the nasty little facts getting in the way.

A shame however that they failed to use the term "corporatist" three or four times as it is so in vogue these days among the crowd vying for the crown. It may cost this poster as there are more than two full days left and I'm sure there is someone out there working up a lather for a spirited attempt to produce a bile infused screed that will make this post appear sane in it's shadow.

Damn I love the unrec feature.

Winterblues (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:31 PM
Response to Original message
18. a principled Democrat with a backbone 

Isn't that what you believed Obama to be? What makes you think the next person you choose will be any different, Their say so? Remember a Politician is not known for the absolute truth...A politician is a politician and will say what it takes to get elected..I only hope when Obama's first term is up America is in better shape than when he began..I believe that will be the case, even if I am disappointed that I won't see all the changes I think are needed.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:54 PM
Response to Reply #18
28. I second everything you said. But anyone who doesn't believe that last night's speech was a letdown, is ignoring reality.

But I'll tell you what. If we're both still around three or four years from now, let's have this conversation again.

ChoppinBroccoli (43 posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:35 PM
Response to Original message
20. Maybe You Should Add...........

.........that you've stomped your little foot and will hold your breath until President Claus brings you everything you want.

If you insist on splintering the Democratic Party, you should just practice saying the following phrase: President Palin.

Sweet dreams.

President Palin sounds good, but President Boehner is also good.

Laelth  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:36 PM
Response to Original message
21. Ted Kennedy said: 

"The last thing this Country needs is two Republican Parties. Judging from Obama's speech last night, that's exactly what we have.

Oh my.  Vast Teddy got a mention.  I thought Vast Teddy would be the subject of many primitive bonfires for months and months, but he kind of dropped off the radar after the funeral.

scheming daemons  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 01:55 PM
Response to Reply #21
30. Ted Kennedy would've given last night's speech a rousing approval

...and you know it.

Laelth  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:03 PM
Response to Reply #30
33. I suspect he would have, yes. 

Ted Kennedy was a good team player. He would have loathed parts of this bill, but he probably would have voted for it. At the very least, he would have the dignity to stand and applaud, even if he didn't vote for the bill in the end.

Personally, I am not a good team player. Like Howard Dean, who was booted out for not being a good team player, I am a goo-goo. I want good government. I want good legislation, and the President's proposal, as he described it last night, will be worse than doing nothing if it becomes law. Pick up Ted Kennedy's 2007 "Medicare for All" bill and run with that. If you do, I'll be right behind you, but I can not support a massive Federal bail-out of the health insurance cabal paid for, principally, by a new tax on the struggling middle class.

No way.

KittyWampus  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:46 PM
Response to Reply #21
43. And Ted would keep on fighting and working for change from within the Democratic Party

Mudoria  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
31. Don't know what to say, but here is something for you..

after which a photograph of a blonde-haired pink pony

UTUSN  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 02:05 PM
Response to Original message
34. The O.P.'s title will be correct when adding "With MY (o.p.'s) help!1"

DevonRex  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 02:07 PM
Response to Original message
36. You're a Democrat?

closeupready (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:11 PM
Response to Original message
37. This is premature. I understand your disappointment. I was, too.

But try to hang in there as long as you can. Stuff like this only serves to hurt you most.

TheKentuckian  (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 02:15 PM
Response to Original message
39. "The one thing I was listening for last night was a vow to do something stupid"

What the **** is gained from threatening a veto? It didn't do Clinton a bit of good nor did it buy him any loyalty from the permanently outraged.

Hell, Clinton's effort to allow gays in the military was turned into a baseball bat to bash him with. People forgot over the years that DADT was a forced compromise that actually gave gays a better deal than they started with.

There is a group that will see to it that no effort at a good deed will go unpunished and will spin anything out of context. I think that more credit can be gleaned from certain quarters by doing jack apple shit than by going to the mat and coming up short of demands.

For many here, it seems it would have been preferable for Obama to punt on health care rather than to actually accomplish what can be done. That or go down in flames, more or less as an advertisement for Single Payer.

Search all you like but you'll find few if any takers and that army you think is behind you will barely be a troop. You are living in a world of pure imagination.

After which some drivel by the Lord Alfred Douglas primitive, and then:

sharp_stick  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:47 PM
Response to Reply #40
45. Yes all would be sweetness and light the roads would be paved with gold, the lion would lie with the lamb and all that crap.

Oscar Wilde thanks Lord Alfred Douglas:

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 03:41 PM
Response to Reply #40
48. Thanks for the support, Xicano.

It often gets discouraging when people misunderstand the nature of criticism.

I want nothing more than to see Obama succeed. I want nothing more than to see a vast (truly) Democratic majority establishing the laws of this country. I want nothing more than to see today's Republican Party viewed as people who inhabit sewers.

I suppose what shocked me the most about this thread was how many people didn't object to Obama's leaving out a solid commitment to a public option for health care. Without a public option as a bare minimum, all the rest is meaningless.

Then again, that's my opinion. I just wish that more people could see the consequences of Obama's position.

Upon Franklin Roosevelt's reelection in 1936, he reveled in the fact that he was so hated by the powers that be. He took pride in the fact that he was so hated by the super rich.

Obama knows (sic) history. If only he could take a cue from FDR's convictions.

The Lord Alfred Douglas primitive kisses Oscar Wilde's posterior, and then the primitives get back on track:

muriel_volestrangler   (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:47 PM
Response to Original message
44. So, you admit you want something that may not exist?

"I don't know if such an animal exists, but I'm looking"

Out of 300 million Americans, you're not sure there's a single one that lives up to your wishes. Perhaps you're asking for too much, then?

The bitter old Vermontese cali primitive:

cali  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 02:49 PM
Response to Original message
46. How Sisyphean of you. 

have fun with that.

LynneSin  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 03:44 PM
Response to Original message
49. Someone call the Whambulance on this one
Seems that the public has embraced the speech that Obama has done last night and his approval rating has taken a nice double digit (sic) uptake.

I'm so tired of these posters who expected Obama to solve everything in 1 day with the wave of his magic wand.

But the primitives promised us Bo would.

SIMPLYB1980  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-10-09 03:49 PM
Response to Original message
50. LoL! Oh the Drama!

BlooInBloo  (1000+ posts)        Fri Sep-11-09 12:07 AM
Response to Reply #50
60. Drama kitteh!

moondust (1000+ posts)      Thu Sep-10-09 03:59 PM
Response to Original message
51. Where the **** is my pony?

Odin2005  (1000+ posts)        Fri Sep-11-09 12:14 AM
Response to Original message
62. Dear OP, be prepared to enjoy crow.

bertman  (1000+ posts)        Fri Sep-11-09 12:17 AM
Response to Original message
63. Some scurrilous Democrat's UNrec cancelled out my REC.

For the record, Oscar Wilde's whining apparently got his bonfire considerably unrec'ed.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Carl

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Re: Oscar Wilde disillusioned
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 04:59:31 AM »
Dear stupid,

Politicians act as they think will give them the best chance for reelection.
It is why lunatics like the residents at the DUmp are never listened to.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Oscar Wilde disillusioned
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2009, 05:55:41 AM »
Politicians act as they think will give them the best chance for reelection.
It is why lunatics like the residents at the DUmp are never listened to.

The primitives never seem to grasp that concept, do they?

It's like the primitives are always flunking kindergarten, and having to repeat it over and over.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Carl

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Re: Oscar Wilde disillusioned
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 06:10:18 AM »
The primitives never seem to grasp that concept, do they?

It's like the primitives are always flunking kindergarten, and having to repeat it over and over.

It is their self centered being and why they are libs.
They live to feel owed and entitled so each one of them believes that in return for their vote a politician should do exactly what they and they alone want.

Offline ColonialMarine0431

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Re: Oscar Wilde disillusioned
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2009, 06:31:38 AM »
As usual franksolich keeps an eye on the primitives and reports their bull-feces. One wonders how many showers he has to take after going to that cess pool.

So to you, I salute!

I'll See Your Jihad and Raise You One Crusade

Offline franksolich

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Re: Oscar Wilde disillusioned
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 06:43:53 AM »
As usual franksolich keeps an eye on the primitives and reports their bull-feces. One wonders how many showers he has to take after going to that cess pool.

You know, sir, Oscar Wilde could've been a wunderkind of Wall Street, but threw that all overboard one fine autumn day on the Staten Island ferry, moved down to Florida, and now pushes wheelchairs in a nursing home (or something like that).

He's called "Oscar Wilde" because of his preference for frilly lace sleeves and collars, canopied beds, dainty handkerchiefs, manicured fingernails, buttoned shoes, and a silly ego.

I first became acquainted with Oscar Wilde when he shut his cat up in the bedroom with no access to sanitary facilities, and so when the desperate cat had to go, the poor cat went on him, and Oscar Wilde threw an Oscar Wilde sort of hissy fit.

It was hilarious.

My current bitch with Oscar Wilde is that he hates Florida and Floridians, making me wonder why he doesn't move back up home, to the New York City area.  This way, he would be happy, not being in Florida amidst Floridians, and Florida and Floridians would be happy not having him contaminating their own space.

Just recently the Oscar Wilde primitive suggested Native Americans be given back their lands stolen by interlopers; however, I haven't seen Oscar Wilde giving back Florida to the Floridians.

The hypocrisy is delicious.
apres moi, le deluge