Author Topic: I am getting very concerned  (Read 1317 times)

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Offline 5412

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I am getting very concerned
« on: August 10, 2009, 10:50:15 PM »

Glenn Beck pondered tonight why BO has not stepped in and tried to stop the potential violence at the town hall meetings being perpetuated by the SEIU and the rest of the thugs.  He showed a website where they are being recruited and paid $13/hour to protest.  He pondered that he felt it would escalate to a point when the president has to put his foot down and say "enough is enough".

That idea caused me to shudder.  I realized that BO probably wants chaos and violence.  In the SEIU handbook it says that they want "power through persuasion" however if that does not work, they should result to "persuasion through power".  Hmmm, sounds like card check will be really wonderful for those who do not want to be forced into a union.

My fear is BO wants violence, real violence, so that he can declare martial law, throw out the constitution like Chavez did, and rule with a nazilike fist.  Where I suspect he will make his biggest mistake is passing laws to confiscate people's weapons.  Many millions of Americans have filed for permits and they are not about to give up their weapons.  Congress can pass all the laws they want but who is going to enforce them?  It could get really ugly when the SWAT team breaks in to confiscate weapons.  I know a whole lot of people that are so fed up they are saying things like, "If that is what he wants, bring it on."

God I want to be wrong, and sure hope it does not come to that.  I feel if we can just make it to the 2010 election cycle, and keep the organizers from turning the polling places into third world countries, we can back the govenment down big time.  Why do I feel like we are racing to beat the clock?



Offline Chris

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 11:12:24 PM »
Have you noticed Democrats are the ones that have to hand out the petty cash and bus people in to get people at their functions?  But the people showing up and speaking out against ObamaCare are accused of being on somebody's payroll and "organized" (cue scary music)?

If things don't turn around, the Democrats may lose -- or come close to -- at least one chamber in 2010.  I wouldn't hold out for the Senate, but the House could come close.
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Offline debk

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 11:50:16 PM »
I saw Beck earlier this evening also....and Hannity....and Greta

I'm also "friends" with someone on FB that many here are too, and she has reason to think that the next couple of months could be quite critical for this country.

I would like to hope that they are all wrong....but as each day passes with more craziness in the attitudes of our "dear leader and his merry band of idiots"....I am becoming more and more concerned that they just may be right.

If they are....may God help us all....we're going to need it.....
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Offline formerlurker

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2009, 06:20:52 AM »

My fear is BO wants violence, real violence, so that he can declare martial law, throw out the constitution like Chavez did, and rule with a nazilike fist. 


Town Hall meetings are small events.  Hardly uncontainable.    Obama is trying to play out the Chicago thug world of politics across the US, and it is backfiring.  Why?  because he is a pitiful rookie, and has surrounded himself with rookies.   

I worry more about his collection of names and IP addresses of those whose dissent, and perhaps efforts made to silence the media.   However, to suggest he has the power to throw out the Constitution and rule with a nazilike fist is ludicrous.    Unless of course Congress is in on this also, and the American public has collectively drank some bad koolaid.   

We made fun of DU posters who suggested this when GWB was president.    Back to reality please.

Offline thundley4

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2009, 07:23:35 AM »


Town Hall meetings are small events.  Hardly uncontainable.    Obama is trying to play out the Chicago thug world of politics across the US, and it is backfiring.  Why?  because he is a pitiful rookie, and has surrounded himself with rookies.   

I worry more about his collection of names and IP addresses of those whose dissent, and perhaps efforts made to silence the media.   However, to suggest he has the power to throw out the Constitution and rule with a nazilike fist is ludicrous.    Unless of course Congress is in on this also, and the American public has collectively drank some bad koolaid.   

We made fun of DU posters who suggested this when GWB was president.    Back to reality please.

Congress is pretty much in 0Bama's hip pocket, (there's lots of room in those "mom jeans".  Just look at how congress has been portraying the protesters at the town hall meetings. As for the media, most of them still think 0Bama is the lord and savior of all their leftist ideals.

Offline formerlurker

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2009, 08:34:43 AM »
Congress is pretty much in 0Bama's hip pocket, (there's lots of room in those "mom jeans".  Just look at how congress has been portraying the protesters at the town hall meetings. As for the media, most of them still think 0Bama is the lord and savior of all their leftist ideals.

Congress may be a lot of things, but suggesting the majority will sit back and allow martial law to be called so Obama can have free reign (which effectively removes their power) is laughable at its very best. 

Offline LC EFA

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2009, 08:45:46 AM »
Glenn Beck pondered tonight why BO has not stepped in and tried to stop the potential violence at the town hall meetings being perpetuated by the SEIU and the rest of the thugs.  He showed a website where they are being recruited and paid $13/hour to protest.  He pondered that he felt it would escalate to a point when the president has to put his foot down and say "enough is enough".

Obama can't do squat about it unless they break the law, without stepping on their rights. Stepping on their rights would establish a very concerning precedent.

Offline RGSG99

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2009, 09:54:54 AM »

My fear is BO wants violence, real violence, so that he can declare martial law, throw out the constitution like Chavez did, and rule with a nazilike fist.  Where I suspect he will make his biggest mistake is passing laws to confiscate people's weapons.  Many millions of Americans have filed for permits and they are not about to give up their weapons.  Congress can pass all the laws they want but who is going to enforce them?  It could get really ugly when the SWAT team breaks in to confiscate weapons.  I know a whole lot of people that are so fed up they are saying things like, "If that is what he wants, bring it on."

My husband and I had this same conversation last night.  We absolutely agree with you.  The government is pushing people to act and IMO, they are not going to like the outcome.
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Offline 5412

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Re: I am getting very concerned
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2009, 02:26:47 PM »


Town Hall meetings are small events.  Hardly uncontainable.    Obama is trying to play out the Chicago thug world of politics across the US, and it is backfiring.  Why?  because he is a pitiful rookie, and has surrounded himself with rookies.  

I worry more about his collection of names and IP addresses of those whose dissent, and perhaps efforts made to silence the media.   However, to suggest he has the power to throw out the Constitution and rule with a nazilike fist is ludicrous.    Unless of course Congress is in on this also, and the American public has collectively drank some bad koolaid.  

We made fun of DU posters who suggested this when GWB was president.    Back to reality please.


Thank you for your courteous reply, and I do mean that sincerly, not  scarcastically.  While we may disagree, I want to state my case as why things are different.

1.  Who would have thought any president could nationalize the banks, control the salaries of the executives, tell them who they will and will not lend money to.

2.  Who would have thought any president could nationalize the auto industry, then violate the bankruptcy laws and almost unilaterally give contolling interest in two of our nations largest companies to the unions.

3.  Who would have thought that any president would quadruple the national debt in his first 100 days in office.

4.  Who would have thought any president would unilaterally call off an investigation of the Black Panthers intimidating one of our most sacred rights as Americans - voting....and getting no dissent in congress?

5.  When was the last time you saw a president give something like $4 billion to acorn who is being charged with crimes all over the country and again getting no dissent from congress? 

As to the comparison of Bush and BO, there is one major difference, Bush for the most part had to deal with dissent in the democrat congress and mainstream media.  BO instead is dealing with enablers, folks that not only do not print things, they also lie and misrepresent in the process.

You and I both know if any republican president tried any of this stuff, much less succeeded, he would likely already be impeached.

God, I hope you are right and we have nothing to worry about.  Ask yourself this question.  Look at the five items I mentioned and ask when in history have you ever seen an American president get away with totally disregarding the constitution in such a manner.

I feel BO has a much different agenda than any president in history.  Look at his background, his associates, his minister.  The old saying, "People judge you by the company you keep" is truly frightening.

best regards,

« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 02:28:41 PM by 5412 »