Author Topic: three wrong turns on Skins's island  (Read 3066 times)

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Offline franksolich

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three wrong turns on Skins's island
« on: February 10, 2008, 08:28:49 PM »
My two business partners came over last night (Saturday) night, ostensibly to discuss marketing prospects for the William Rivers Pitt, that circa 740 cubic yards of antique swine excrement from 1875-1950, but really to get away from the wives and drink some beer.

I wasn't in the mood--influenza and all that--and so we chatted about Skins's island instead.  The two other guys are somewhat familiar with DUmmieland, but generally they like most Nebraskans tend to stay away from Hate sites on the internet.

They were provoked by a thread here, about my fellow alums Skins making a slam too subtle for the primitives to understand.  Neither of them of course knows Skins as well as I do, and they're confused by his *****-footing around the primitives when he should instead be applying the lash to the primitives, to beat them into submission, to make them behave.

Both of course are familiar with the nature of my fellow alum's job--having been hired by the Democrat Leadership Council to create a place isolated from the rest of the world, to use as a "magnet" to attract, lasso in, and segregate the primitives from the public eye, lest they make honest Democrats and liberals look bad.

Which of course is why those who accidentally land on the shores of Skins's island, who make sense, are usually banned, while the primitives are allowed to run amok.  Skins and the Democrat Leadership Council want people who make sense to be out in the real world, preaching the Gospel According to Mao, while the primitives are sequestered away, out of sight on Skins's island.

An admirable goal, to be sure--who doesn't have a relative, for example, one wishes to shove up into the attic, out of the way?

However, as I explained to them, my fellow alum made three really big mistakes; in achieving one goal, he made accomplishment of a greater goal impossible.

One was in December 2004, when Skins banned a prominent voting-fraud investigator from his island, at the "demand" of the malicious cartoon character primitive, the primitive woman bothered by cold weather, and Doug's ex-wife.

This startled those of us in the real world; since when do inmates run an asylum?

The malicious cartoon character primitive had a personal vendetta against the prominent voting-fraud investigator; he had tried to cheat her (on a book deal), and she wouldn't let him cheat her, and so the malicious cartoon character primitive Hated her.

This was certainly a wrong turn, as the prominent voting-fraud investigator was tantalizingly close, just ten bucks or so away, to getting the results of the presidential election in Ohio overturned; she was s-o-o-o-o close, almost having the keys in her hand.

The keys that would have put George Bush, Richard Cheney, Karl Rove, &c., &c., &c., in prison after which the keys would have been thrown away, and the Bostonian Billionaire declared president.

But no; just as she was getting there, the primitives got her expelled from their island.

And so the fact that John Kerry is not president today, and George Bush &c. not in prison, is the fault of the primitives; their own fault. 

The primitives have only themselves to blame.

I mean to repeat that; the primitives have only themselves to blame, that John Kerry is not currently president of the United States, and George Bush in jail.

The primitives really blew that one.

The second wrong turn was about five months later, in May 2005, when some guy from up in Canada made--and later proved--some allegations about a fraudulent flatulent fund-raiser, and got forcibly kicked off Skins's island for his pains.

The third wrong turn was in May 2006, when the Bostonian Drunkard drunkenly announced the indictment of Karl Rove, and then drunkenly abused and excoriated all the doubters, including my fellow alum himself.

As I told my two business associates, it was appalling, this lack of vision (and backbone) on the part of Skins; true, his job is to keep the primitives corralled in on the island, and my fellow alum does that very well--but sometimes there's a greater goal that trumps the stated goal.

apres moi, le deluge

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 08:40:08 PM »
One was in December 2004, when Skins banned a prominent voting-fraud investigator from his island, at the "demand" of the malicious cartoon character primitive, the primitive woman bothered by cold weather, and Doug's ex-wife.

EarlG ADMIN  (1000+ posts)         Fri Dec-03-04 02:31 PM
Original message
Statement on the Bev Harris situation

Over the past two years Bev Harris has received a great deal of support from the members of Democratic Underground, in her research, publicity efforts, and fundraising. In return we have played host to an 18 month-long squabble between Ms. Harris and other verified voting activists, and have even been threatened with lawuits by Ms. Harris herself. Despite this, we have publicly remained mostly silent on the verified voting squabbles.

We believe verified voting is a topic of crucial importance, and have been uncomfortable taking sides on an issue which, frankly, we should all be on the same side of anyway. Therefore we have kept most of our correspondence with the various factions private and attempted to cool things down behind the scenes. Like all issues discussed at DU, we have tried to focus the discussion of verified voting on the topic at hand, and not on the personalities of the participants. However, in light of the recent troubles, we feel compelled to make a statement.

In 2003 Bev Harris, along with a few other verified voting activists, were banned from DU for engaging in personal squabbles on the message board after they were repeatedly instructed to stop. Around that time, Ms. Harris threatened us with a libel lawsuit, claiming that we could be held responsible for comments made by other message board members who doubted the credibility of her project. She never followed through on this threat and we never heard from her lawyers.

Ms. Harris was reinstated shortly afterwards, after agreeing to put an end to the problems that got her banned in the first place. Nonetheless, those problems periodically recurred after her reinstatement. A few weeks ago, Ms. Harris again used our website to threaten DU with lawsuits, in her postings, in private messages to other members, and in rude alerts she sent to the moderators.

We sent a message to Ms. Harris telling her to stop hassling our moderators and members, and informing her that if she had a legal concern, she needed to contact us directly. We also let her know that her continued participation on this message board was dependent upon her behavior. The legal threats stopped, but we received no response from either Ms. Harris or her lawyers.

This is our personal experience with Ms. Harris. We cannot confirm or deny the veracity of claims made by others, including many former colleagues, her former publisher, and Keith Olbermann. But we can confirm that the claims made by others about Ms. Harris are not inconsistent with our own experiences.

We have remained as patient as possible in our dealings with Ms. Harris because we believe that the topic of verified voting is a crucial one. We were prepared to sacrifice a certain amount of tranquility on the message board if verified voting was being discussed in a generally positive manner.

Ms. Harris's recent spat with Keith Olbermann has made positive discussion of verified voting increasingly difficult on DU. For over a year and a half, our members have been split into pro- and anti-Bev factions, and recent events have only exacerbated that division. Yet this morning Ms. Harris returned to DU and started posting as if nothing had happened, while making liberal use of the alert button to complain to the moderators about our enforcement of the message board rules. At this point our patience finally ran out.

The fact that the disruptions have continued, despite repeated warnings from the administrators, leaves us with no other option but to bar Bev Harris from posting on this website. We no longer believe that it is productive to allow her to use DU as a platform to promote herself while simultaneously trashing us, our moderators, and others who have been previously supportive of her cause.

We still remain firmly committed to promoting discussion of verified voting, and we wish Ms. Harris well in her efforts to shed light on this important issue. From now on, we encourage all of our members to focus on discussing the verified voting issue itself, rather than the personalities involved.

Just for the record.

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 12:47:26 AM »
I'm lost...
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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 05:12:46 AM »
This was certainly a wrong turn, as the prominent voting-fraud investigator was tantalizingly close, just ten bucks or so away, to getting the results of the presidential election in Ohio overturned; she was s-o-o-o-o close, almost having the keys in her hand.

Priceless! :rotf:

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Offline franksolich

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2008, 06:55:20 AM »
I'm lost...

Yeah, I'm sorry, sir, but one has to have been familiar with Skins's island for some years, to get what's going on here.  But I'm sure you'll catch the drift of it sooner or later.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2008, 07:22:18 AM »
Just for the record.

Oh my, yes.

How the memory doeth laneth.

I started watching Skins's island right after the Democrat Leadership Council got it established; this was in late January, early February 2001.

For the longest time, I paid only cursory attention to it, although I will admit I am perhaps one of the senior-most readers of the Bostonian Drunkard, having read him since Skins's island first came into existence, and before many of the primitives themselves discovered his literary talents.

But as I said, I was paying only cursory attention; I missed out on that famous awesome notorious election night 2002 surprise (if Winner reads this, he has the graphic), because I wasn't a regular observer of Skins's island yet.

It was however in 2003, about the same time the prominent voting-fraud investigator was first flung off of Skins's island, that I started playing closer attention. 

I recall being confused, not being acquainted with the issue.  Here was this woman who had waded ashore onto the island, seeking succor from its inhabitants, and they were very rude to her; mishandled her, abused her, mistreated her, damaged her, cursed her.

I don't recall if the primitive woman bothered by cold weather was in on this; this however was before Doug's ex-wife came to the island.  But even without Doug's ex-wife, the abuse this woman took was more than enough to break the back of a horse.

I wondered; why were these savages, these barbarians, being so mean to a nice lady?

It was blood-curdling, and of course one understands why she was constantly pressing the "alert" button; if I were somewhere getting the same slanders, lies, misrepresentations, and actual threats, I would be shoving that "alert" button myself.

So the lady went away.  That was in 2003.

In November 2004, she again waded ashore onto Skins's island, like St. Francis Xavier in the Orient, offering the primitives Hope and Salvation.  She was only minutes, only ten bucks, away from getting the election results in Ohio overturned, and getting John Kerry into the White House and George Bush into the jailhouse.

She was within a razor's edge of this; all she needed was a little bit of help from the primitives, and it was over.

The primitives, who of course wanted to see the election results in Ohio negated, and John Kerry in the White House and George Bush in the big house, instead of helping her with their vast cerebral capacities and fat wallets, abused, mocked, scorned, and threatened her.

She was that close, all she needed was a little bit more; not much, but a little bit more.

The jihad was led by the malicious cartoon character primitive, the book publisher, with copious and enthusiastic help of the primitive woman bothered by cold weather and, by now, Doug's ex-wife, among others.

We all know there has been nothing more the primitives have wanted since November 2004, than the Bostonian Billionaire in his new digs at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  The primitives still lust, yearn, long, salivate for this.

And they could have had it.

But no; the malicious cartoon character primitive was more interested in pursuing his personal vendetta against this vote-fraud investigator, than putting John Kerry in the White House.

That George Bush is in the White House until January 20, 2009, and that the Bostonian Billionaire is now merely a small-print footnote in the vast volume of history, can be blamed squarely and solely upon the shoulders of one of the primitives, the malicious cartoon character primitive.

It's his fault, and the primitives should surely by now understand that.

So the next time one listens to the primitives whining about how Ohio was stolen, they need reminded that it was one of their own who allowed that to happen, by obstructing, mocking, ridiculing, cursing the one person who came onto Skins's island with 99.9999% of everything all done, everything all in place, and who with just a little bit of help from the primitives, could have gone over the top.

But alas! as with St. Francis Xavier offering Hope and Salvation to the primitives, she suffered his own fate.


apres moi, le deluge

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2008, 07:38:38 AM »
Beautiful, Frank, even if I shamefacedly admit I can only peg sexfat and Bev "Just $10 away" Harris with their tribal rite names.


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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2008, 11:03:35 AM »
Screw the Writer's strike. DU is much more entertaining. :-)
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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Offline WinOne4TheGipper

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 12:00:03 PM »
Just for the record.

Oh my, yes.

How the memory doeth laneth.

I started watching Skins's island right after the Democrat Leadership Council got it established; this was in late January, early February 2001.

For the longest time, I paid only cursory attention to it, although I will admit I am perhaps one of the senior-most readers of the Bostonian Drunkard, having read him since Skins's island first came into existence, and before many of the primitives themselves discovered his literary talents.

But as I said, I was paying only cursory attention; I missed out on that famous awesome notorious election night 2002 surprise (if Winner reads this, he has the graphic), because I wasn't a regular observer of Skins's island yet.

It was however in 2003, about the same time the prominent voting-fraud investigator was first flung off of Skins's island, that I started playing closer attention. 

I recall being confused, not being acquainted with the issue.  Here was this woman who had waded ashore onto the island, seeking succor from its inhabitants, and they were very rude to her; mishandled her, abused her, mistreated her, damaged her, cursed her.

I don't recall if the primitive woman bothered by cold weather was in on this; this however was before Doug's ex-wife came to the island.  But even without Doug's ex-wife, the abuse this woman took was more than enough to break the back of a horse.

I wondered; why were these savages, these barbarians, being so mean to a nice lady?

It was blood-curdling, and of course one understands why she was constantly pressing the "alert" button; if I were somewhere getting the same slanders, lies, misrepresentations, and actual threats, I would be shoving that "alert" button myself.

So the lady went away.  That was in 2003.

In November 2004, she again waded ashore onto Skins's island, like St. Francis Xavier in the Orient, offering the primitives Hope and Salvation.  She was only minutes, only ten bucks, away from getting the election results in Ohio overturned, and getting John Kerry into the White House and George Bush into the jailhouse.

She was within a razor's edge of this; all she needed was a little bit of help from the primitives, and it was over.

The primitives, who of course wanted to see the election results in Ohio negated, and John Kerry in the White House and George Bush in the big house, instead of helping her with their vast cerebral capacities and fat wallets, abused, mocked, scorned, and threatened her.

She was that close, all she needed was a little bit more; not much, but a little bit more.

The jihad was led by the malicious cartoon character primitive, the book publisher, with copious and enthusiastic help of the primitive woman bothered by cold weather and, by now, Doug's ex-wife, among others.

We all know there has been nothing more the primitives have wanted since November 2004, than the Bostonian Billionaire in his new digs at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  The primitives still lust, yearn, long, salivate for this.

And they could have had it.

But no; the malicious cartoon character primitive was more interested in pursuing his personal vendetta against this vote-fraud investigator, than putting John Kerry in the White House.

That George Bush is in the White House until January 20, 2009, and that the Bostonian Billionaire is now merely a small-print footnote in the vast volume of history, can be blamed squarely and solely upon the shoulders of one of the primitives, the malicious cartoon character primitive.

It's his fault, and the primitives should surely by now understand that.

So the next time one listens to the primitives whining about how Ohio was stolen, they need reminded that it was one of their own who allowed that to happen, by obstructing, mocking, ridiculing, cursing the one person who came onto Skins's island with 99.9999% of everything all done, everything all in place, and who with just a little bit of help from the primitives, could have gone over the top.

But alas! as with St. Francis Xavier offering Hope and Salvation to the primitives, she suffered his own fate.


If you're talking about the "all your senate are belong to us" pic, I can't seem to find it right now.  I'll check around, though, and add it to my Photobucket account when I do find it.
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Offline franksolich

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2008, 05:15:34 PM »
Beautiful, Frank, even if I shamefacedly admit I can only peg sexfat and Bev "Just $10 away" Harris with their tribal rite names.


Notice however I'm slowly gradually getting better at it, thanks to either you or USA4ME; I'm usually adding a phrase identifying the primitive, but in this case, I forgot.

I'm always open to suggestions about how to improve, and this was suggested to me over at the other place; it's just that it takes me time to adopt the improvement, using it all the time.  In the case of this post, it was simply carelessness.

Anyway, the malicious cartoon character primitive is "Kelvin Mace" (sometimes misread as "Kevin Malice") on Skins's island, and "Davocrat" over at the other place; the mathematics teacher and book publisher down there in North Carolina; the one who worships "Reason," but like most who worship, doesn't practice.

The malicious cartoon character primitive is a rather important primitive, with a large following, but he isn't noticed much by those on this side, because his posts tend to be maniacal Hate-filled rants directed against the voting-fraud investigator, who he tried to cheat, and she wouldn't let him, and so now he Hates her.

Pretty much a one-issue primitive, and usually hangs only in an obscure forum on Skins's island, so many don't see him.

The primitive woman bothered by cold weather is "TroubleInWinter" on Skins's island; she is coming up on her late middle age now, and one can discern her stoutness and female complaints (the bodily ones) from her comments.  She alleges to be of Pacific Island-derivation, but that has to be taken with a grain of salt, in fact a whole block of salt.  I myself suspect she's simply of Californian derivation.

The primitive woman bothered by cold weather, a cultist, is the one who took the legendary herb primitive ("Mythsaje") to task, when he inquired if there are cliques and clans on Skins's island; her angry belligerant responses to him, meant to say "no," actually proved "yes." 
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2008, 05:18:15 PM »
If you're talking about the "all your senate are belong to us" pic, I can't seem to find it right now.  I'll check around, though, and add it to my Photobucket account when I do find it.

Yeah, that's the one; I thought it was you who posted it over at the other place, when I couldn't find it.

It's an amusing illustration of the colorful history of Skins's island.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 01:31:00 PM »
If you're talking about the "all your senate are belong to us" pic, I can't seem to find it right now.  I'll check around, though, and add it to my Photobucket account when I do find it.

Yeah, that's the one; I thought it was you who posted it over at the other place, when I couldn't find it.

It's an amusing illustration of the colorful history of Skins's island.

I may have, but it must have been a couple of years ago.  I can't find it right now. 
“Sometimes the curses of the godless sound better than the hallelujahs of the pious.”

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2008, 01:37:16 PM »

Isn't Mr. Comic book Malice one of those primitives that threatened you with bodily harm?

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline franksolich

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Re: three wrong turns on Skins's island
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2008, 04:05:54 PM »

Isn't Mr. Comic book Malice one of those primitives that threatened you with bodily harm?

No, the malicious cartoon character primitive never did.

The malicious cartoon character primitive is bright.

The malicious cartoon character primitive was sort of, superficially, involved with Doug's ex-wife's stupid scheme at the beginning, but once the malicious cartoon character primitive saw it was going places it shouldn't be going, the malicious cartoon character primitive more or less abandoned ship.

You're thinking of Fat Che, the Bostonian Drunkard, and the sensitive lad, the piano-playing primitive, in addition to the Little Rob primitive on Malloy's island.

apres moi, le deluge