Author Topic: IN a Democractic administration, the R's and the media will rediscover their lov  (Read 1217 times)

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This has got to be one of the funniest campfires I've seen on Skins Island in some time

Phoebe Loosinhouse (1000+ posts)       Wed Feb-06-08 07:17 AM
Original message
IN a Democractic administration, the R's and the media will rediscover their love of:
 Advertisements [?]Edited on Wed Feb-06-08 07:20 AM by Phoebe Loosinhouse
Rule of Law
Independent prosecutors
enforcing subpoenas
White House accountability

They will repudiate the concept of the "Unitary Executive"

They will weep and tear their hair out and rend their clothes when the most moderate of names is submitted for the Supreme Court

Jeff Gannon will take up residence in Helen Thomas's seat at press conferences.

They will rediscover their drive for investigative journalism . Although they ignored stories like torture and the overthrow of the Constitution, and the politicization of Justice we will be subjected to stories like-

"Hillary Pantsuit Rebate Scheme Uncovered"

"Obama Rampage as Twelve Year Old" - homeowner recalls terror of toilet-papered trees

The words "illegal" and "treasonous" will be uttered every 20 seconds by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity

The hypocrisy would/will be shocking if it weren't so predictable.

Perry Logan  (1000+ posts)       Wed Feb-06-08 07:19 AM
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1. "Bipartisanship" will rise from the grave.

malaise  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-06-08 07:24 AM
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2. BIngo
 Edited on Wed Feb-06-08 07:25 AM by malaise
100% correct. The only problem is that the right wing talking heads will be 'out of season'.


Sentinel Chicken  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-06-08 07:25 AM
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3. They'll also rediscover how much they hate and mistrust the ..

They'll start to worry about the effect the war in Iraq is having on our troops and the overall readiness of our armed forces.

And the deficit will begin to haunt their dreams.

KharmaTrain  (1000+ posts)       Wed Feb-06-08 07:42 AM
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4. Rushbo Wants To See The GOOP Lose
 The oxyboy's ratings have been stagnant for years...his sheeple no longer hang onto his words like they once did. We're seeing how ineffective he is in stopping McCain...hate radio has over-stepped and now we're seeing how they're being rejected by their own "base".

Success hasn't been kind on the hate radio's hard to play defense all the time when your main shtick is to be as offensive as possible. Rushbo's best years were during the Clinton created the foundation Faux Noise was built on and "came into its own" (sorry for the bad pun) when Monica became known. It was ideal...the screetchers could scream "moral indignation" and there was little Democrats could do to counter. If anything they were coward for nearly a decade by this bullying.

Damn right these hypocrites will become civil libertarians and "fiscal conservatives" again once their gravy train rolls to a stop. It's already taking place...they're revising history (as usual) to fit the narratives that "conservativism didn't fail, the politicians did" and if they can't come up with a scandal, they'll just make one up.

The big question will be how many people want to go back to the "good old days" of being a dittohead. The elephant in the room (another bad pun) is people realize how disastrous repugnican rule is now...especially in the House & Senate...and their hatred and corrupt "ideology" is being dismissed by a majority of Americans. In many ways I hope they do try to rachet up their noise if a Democrat is elected...just for the pleasure of sticking their words back in their faces.

One major difference between now and 1994-96...the blogosphere. Our voices are starting to be heard...and not only is it a fresher voice, but one that offers hope, not hate.

 :lmao: :mental: :lmao:  :mental: :lmao: :lmao:

El Pinko (406 posts)      Wed Feb-06-08 07:50 AM
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5. Suddenly they'll believe in "checks and balances" again...
 ...and suddenly they'll support free speech rights for those who wish to protest the President...

KoKo01  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-06-08 08:00 AM
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6. The Repug "Hate/Bash Fest" has begun again...on CNBC, Kudlow, Dick Armey
 and others on trashing Hillary, Obama, Democrats. Pumping John McCain...trying to bring him online with drilling in Alaska (McCain has voted against it) and in a tizzy because their guy Romney isn't doing well. Dick Armey was making jokes about Democrats (same old tired Repug jabs from the 90's) and how the Dems will "Socialize" America.

But, you know it sounded so old and tired.

Then over at MSNBC...Andrea Mitchell, Joe Scarborough talking about how "polarizing the Clintons were" that the Dems in the House and Senate were so angry with Clinton that they are supporting Obama. She said Tom Daschle has such anger about "Clinton lying to him" that he joined Obama's Campaign hoping that he would allow Democrats to have a fresh start. It was a bash Clinton time. Just wait until they start on Obama.

Dems are too afraid, still, of the Repugs. And, we out here can't understand why when the Repugs have Bankrupted America and hurt our standing all over the say nothing of illegal invasion and torture.

Media isn't going to give up easily, though. Too much is at stake for them. But, it looks like the country isn't listening to them anymore given the huge turnout for Dems. It's gotta worry them.

Delusional comes to mind
You got off your ass, now get your wife off her back.

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The DUchebags have very little but hate.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.