Author Topic: Send Your Heartfelt Goodbye Letter to George W. Bush  (Read 1004 times)

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Offline Chris

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And liberals show us that tolerance, compassion, and intelligence they love to brag about so much.  Good luck finding a "heartfelt" letter in the entire bunch.

Dear Mr. Bush,

Four eight years of my life I have lived in an America you have created as president. I have seen the dying of civil liberties that American soldiers have fought and died for. I have watched our schools turned inside out by your educational policies. You have allowed a spirit of intolerance and fear to fester and grow in the heart of a nation that should be empowered by the differences and identities of its citizens. Eight years ago America was a nation of hope, strong in it's convictions and eager to reach agreement and settle problems. Under your leadership that America has died. With your help we have become a divided nation. The United States you swore to protect became weak and lost. The greatest shame of all has been your hypocrisy on Christian values. You claim to be a Christian and follow the teachings of Christ yet you support torture, invade sovereign nations with little cause, ignore the poor, protect the rich and refuse to listen to anyone who disagrees with you. In every way your presidency to date has failed to live up to the expectations and dreams of the American people. I am glad to see you go. Perhaps history will judge you kinder than the present. I pray that god blesses you with the wisdom and humility to admit your mistakes. Regardless, I forgive you and wish you well in your life.


A Citizen
And you are a coward and an asswipe who won't even sign their name to a letter.

Dear President Bush,
I'm glad you are leaving. You have singlehandedly done more than any individual in this nation to try and destroy what little faith I have in our country. You have lied, tortured, disrespected the American people, the Constitution, and human rights. You are the president that I have come of age under. I don't remember the prosperity of the Clinton era, the only other era I have been alive for. This has been my christening into American politics and I have been disappointed so far.

<blah, blah, blah>

Goodbye, President Bush. I hope you enjoy seeing your legacy being torn down-I know that I will.

Oh noes.  Caiti is upset.  Lets all wring our hands in despair.

Thanks for the memories

You will be missed

Thank you Bush

So Long, Don't Let the Door Hit Your Ass on the Way Out

8 Years Later

Why do liberals have to parade their "feelings" in front of the rest of us?  Sorry Everybody?  From 52 to 48 with love?  Give me a break, you cretinous, Obama idol-worshiping mouthbreathers.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 01:57:06 PM by Chris »
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Offline Thor

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Re: Send Your Heartfelt Goodbye Letter to George W. Bush
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 12:22:24 PM »
I think that many of them aren't old enough to remember, (or were doing too many drugs at the time), the Reagan Era, the Bush 41 Era, and the Clinton regime. Each one of those presidents chipped away at our civil liberties. Reagan with increased taxes and more gun control. Bush 41 with increased CIA activities in CONUS, and Clinton with Carnivore & Echelon and even more gun control. Then, we have Clinton cronies selling secrets to the Chinese, under SOMEONE'S direction,  to further harm the security of this nation.
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Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: Send Your Heartfelt Goodbye Letter to George W. Bush
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 01:35:40 PM »
There are things I disagree with Bush, but this is just plain vile. They are still bitter about the 2000 Election.
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Offline Chris

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Re: Send Your Heartfelt Goodbye Letter to George W. Bush
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 03:56:15 PM »
There are things I disagree with Bush, but this is just plain vile. They are still bitter about the 2000 Election.

W. is the new Nixon.  Liberals will be teaching their children to hate him for decades.  Iraq has eclipsed Watergate as the ultimate boogeyman.
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Offline Airwolf

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Re: Send Your Heartfelt Goodbye Letter to George W. Bush
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 04:25:43 PM »
Dear Mr . President:

I have lived for 8 years during your presidency and although I didn't like everything you did economically or Domestically ,I want to thank you for preserving this country from the assault ithas endured not only on 9.11 but from the Stalinist/Communist that now make up the Democratic Party and it's supporters. They have tried to erase our liberties and now it seems they are now more then happy to destroy the economy for no other reason then to gain back the power they so desrevedly lost back in 1994.

Most of us had wished time and again that you had taken a moment to stand up to the left in Congress and had you done so then maybe the current economic situation might not have happened. Be that as it it may, you still leave the office in a far better position the the former occupant  Bill Clinton. You are not going to have to worry about a blue stained dress nor are you going to have to ever worry about your licence to practice law ever being revoked after telling lies in court now matter how many times the left may wish it to be so.

So in the end ,enjoy your rest and quiet and live a long and hapy lifefor you have done all that you could in see the United States through some of its worse times in recent history. Thank you for being the man we needed and not the kins of man that the polls wanted you to be.


an American

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