Author Topic: Radical Leftists tear up constitution-block Trump from speaking. DU fine with it  (Read 1860 times)

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Offline dutch508

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A dozen threads on the topic late last night- now mostly gone.

Hissyspit (45,165 posts)

Trump Cancels Rally Overwhelmed by Protesters ("Total Chaos")

laruemtt (3,890 posts)
2. Sorry to say, but I really don't see us getting to November without somebody getting hurt.

malthaussen (9,267 posts)
3. Is this Chicago 2016, or Berlin 1932?

This is getting quite dismaying.

-- Mal

Star Member Kip Humphrey (3,478 posts)
7. It is very important for everyone to appreciate that the protesters inside are willing to risk their

lives to stop against Trump from becoming president.

artislife (7,047 posts)
54. This is so important. There is absolutely no apathy here!

We are an engaged people...this is our strength. I am so proud of all of them

**** it! No reason to vote- let's let mob rule win the day.

Star Member Kip Humphrey (3,478 posts)
80. This public demonstration is the tip of an iceberg that has a history of which you are apparently

unaware. Furthermore, those 'bunch of jerks' were entirely successful in their mission of keeping Trump's brand of bigotry off their campus. Around here, we are used to applauding such efforts because most of us want LESS bigotry in the world.

Star Member FarPoint (4,711 posts)
12. Can you just image how Cleveland will be handled....

GOP Convention......

0rganism (18,195 posts)
13. i'm getting a 1968 vibe from this

good year to be a Democrat (2016, not 1968)
can i be fined for excessive schadenfreude?

elmac (449 posts)
56. I believe 35 years of reaganomics makes violence inevitable

trump may just be the trigger. If not him then someone else, the day of reckoning will come.

Earth_First (14,768 posts)
45. I plan on being there... [RNC convention in Ohio]

It will be chaotic.

Chicago1980 (317 posts)
15. So the big puss couldn't handle the Chi...

JeffHead (1,129 posts)
34. You gotta know Donald is going to try to spin this against Bernie supporters.

He's not going to take any responsibility for his hate speech. Not one bit.

Kip Humphrey (3,478 posts)
42. This is how it is done, folks.

Thank you, Chicago!

Johnny2X2X (876 posts)
69. White supremacists

This was a white supremacy rally Trump was holding. People are going to get upset at that type of thing. Trump is basically a Klan leader at this point.

BlueStater (3,924 posts)
76. **** this asshole and his disgusting supporters.

Am I supposed to feel bad for them and feel like they were denied their right to free speech when they've physically assaulted peaceful protesters for the mere crime of not liking their candidate? Their little Nazi rally being disrupted is the least they deserve.

LS_Editor (284 posts)

Violence Erupts as Trump Postpones Chicago Rally

This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by tammywammy (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).

Purveyor (27,206 posts)
6. Protesters jumping on the roofs of police cars...

No reports of fires...yet.

Jenny_92808 (960 posts)
13. I heard...More fights

break out at the parking garage

starroute (12,932 posts)
28. The protesters are a mix of Hispanic, Black Lives Matter, and Bernie supporters

I watched a livestream for a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if there were also Black Bloc and anti-fascist contingents, but those would be hard to pick out at this point.

Temperatures are in the 40s there now. Not real warm, but mild enough for this thing to keep going. And I suspect this is only the start.

It could be a really long, hot summer.

DemocratSinceBirth (66,612 posts)

Do even the most odious among us, including incipient fascists, Trump, have a right to free speech

EmperorHasNoClothes (4,532 posts)
2. Free speech doesn't extend to yelling fire in a crowded theater or inciting a riot

MuttLikeMe (193 posts)

How the **** is that just "uncomfortable "?

OMG I swear ::headdesk::

rock (10,251 posts)
94. And the point is

That rule applies to everybody and is not dispensed according to whom the speaker is.

Donald Ian Rankin (12,949 posts)
98. You're seriously wrong about that.

The correct quote is that free speech does not extend to the right to *falsely* yell fire in a crowded theatre.

Free speech importantly *does* extent to speech likely to make people angry, and even to speech likely to result in riots (although not to speech that explicitly, as opposed to implicitly, incites riots).

WinkyDink (45,095 posts)
89. Anti-Trump protestors don't have a right to be violent.

underpants (115,427 posts)
118. Were they in Chicago? They haven't been anywhere else

Chan790 (18,956 posts)
5. Sure, and others have the right of free speech to disrupt and shout him down.

Free speech is not a promise of polite discourse, but rather the opposite, a war of words and ideas--including those waged to disrupt the speech of others.

Further, the notion that free speech is legally speech unfettered by opponents is is speech unfettered by the state.

PoliticAverse (14,579 posts)
7. Actually you don't have a right to disrupt and shout-down someone at their event.

Which is why people who do can be forcibly removed.

It's called Disturbing the Peace. Usually they also arrest the protesters for trespassing as well.

oberliner (34,983 posts)
17. Would you have the same response if right wingers disrupted a Sanders rally in a similar way?

A group of white nationalists start shouting for Trump at a Sanders rally. They rip up Sanders campaign signs and shout in the faces of Bernie supporters causing Sanders to cancel the rally for safety reasons.

Your reaction to such behavior would be the same?

Of course not. You're leftists.

tularetom (23,083 posts)
8. Why are you suddenly so concerned about Trumps right to free speech?

Wouldn't have anything to do with who those protestors were supporting, would it?

And by the way, the protestors also have a right to free speech.

Star Member pampango (22,465 posts)
9. And who makes the decision as to who has the right, who does not and

what speech is allowed?

We are all dismayed that Trump is giving credence to the racism and xenophobia that traditionally have stayed relatively hidden in the dark corners of our society.

Trump has unwittingly, IMHO, exposed the persistence of those attitudes. Should we control his free speech in order to keep those attitudes confined to our 'dark corners' or trust that 'sunlight' is the best 'disinfectant' in the long run?

DCBob (21,196 posts)
30. Yes, and we have the right to protest against those incipient fascists.

Even to the point of shutting down a fascist rally.

Dump the Trump!

Glitterati (2,942 posts)
49. No, it's not.

The protesters did NOT shut down the rally. Chickenshit TRUMP shut down the rally.

You ALWAYS push back on a bully. ALWAYS.

THIS is what your tsk, tsk, tsking produces:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

WinkyDink (45,095 posts)
102. Um, shutting down political rallies IS Fascist. And you raise a false comparison. Chicago was a

police riot, officially designated as such by a govt commission. Who were the Fascist politicians whose rallies you would have shut down in 1968?

Oh, that's right; NOT the ones with the convention violence.

P.S. Nixon was elected on my 19th birthday. I remember the political events very well, even if I didn't get clubbed. I wonder what Hillary recalls.

DCBob (21,196 posts)
46. There is no defending this lunatic.

Protest on.

FlatBaroque (1,932 posts)
32. Thank you! No one wants to seem to give Trump a platform for him to get his message out

I salute you for fighting for the voiceless. But no free college for his damn kids.


awake (1,865 posts)
48. Trump decided not to speak

He was free to speak no police or other official stopped him from speaking!

I am not really sure what you are concerned about, Trump is given much much more free tv time to speak than any candidate in history.

By the way many people on this site lost love ones who fought fascism and would be turning in there grave if they knew how much air time was given to this incipient fascist.

Star Member IdaBriggs (8,876 posts)
82. This is not a Free Speech issue. We are past that.

The speeches have been made. They have been heard.

As Trump explained while accepting the endorsement of a man whose religion he had mocked and likened to a child molester (

"We've had enough debates. Enough debates. How many times do you have to give the same answer to the same questions?"

Time to shut that shit down!

Matrosov (621 posts)
84. Conservatives have spoken enough

Everybody knows their message: Hate, hate, hate.

You'd hear absolutely no complaints from me if protesters shut down every single Republican event from now until the end of time.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline BannedFromDU

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     Here's what I learned from DU last night:

     1. Trump supporters, who were gathering to listen to Trump speak, are brownshirts, and
     2. They were infringing on the rights of protestors to force Trump NOT to speak, but
     3. This smells like a "false flag" to gin up derision for the Left, so that
     4. Conservatives can now infringe on Sanders' supporters' right to hear HIM speak by shutting THEM down.

     Hope you DUmmies realize just how many Trump voters got created last night. DU is going to be fun to read about a year from now, when Hillary is exiled and Sanders dead byher hand or his own.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

Offline SVPete

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0rganism (18,195 posts)
13. i'm getting a 1968 vibe from this

good year to be a Democrat (2016, not 1968)
can i be fined for excessive schadenfreude?

Somebody doesn't remember/realize that Chicago 1968 was "blue-on-blue"! IOW, Libs turned the nation against Libs! BRILLIANT!

LS_Editor (284 posts)

Violence Erupts as Trump Postpones Chicago Rally

This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by tammywammy (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).

Ruh-roh! Some slightly less stupid head realized how badly last night's riot will reflect on Libs and Progs.

Shutting down Pyrrhic Gloating and loony-toony conspiracy theories (like Rachel Madcow's) aren't going to control the Progs' self-inflicted damage! Hey Proggies!

« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 09:35:02 AM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline DLR Pyro

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Nothing to see here folks.  Just the DUmmies vision of democracy in the 21st century.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline Mr Mannn

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Thuggish liberal brown shirts just delivered Illinois to the Trump come November.

Offline USA4ME

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Libs never see 5 seconds ahead of what they do.

Let's say libs win and conservatives across the country refuse to cooperate with what the lbs want to do (our own version of civil disobedience), the libs will cry out loud that we're not being fair. Libs can't handle anyone speaking what they don't agree with or citizens refusing to do what they say.

Boy, are they in for another round of rude awakenings.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.


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Sadly, this DUmbass is exactly right:

Sat Mar 12, 2016, 12:18 PM

Star Member 3catwoman3 (4,048 posts)

Trump knew exactly what he was doing.
I have no doubt that Trump got exactly what he wanted last night. He planned a rally on a Friday night, after dark, at an ethnically diverse university campus, where lots of angry white folks with racists leanings would be mixed with progressive leaning students who do not support Trump. As the old saw goes, what could possibly go wrong?

He set it up, and it played out just the way he hoped it would.

Offline USA4ME

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If libs believe what Trump says is evil, then the best thing they could do would be to leave him alone, not protest, and let him sink his own ship. But they can't think that far ahead. Libs can't think at all.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline BannedFromDU

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Sadly, this DUmbass is exactly right:

     I'm torn on this. I wouldn't shed a tear if Trump disappeared five minutes ago, but I don't want filthy liberals thinking they can just shut down anyone they want.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

Offline thundley4

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Johnny2X2X (876 posts)
69. White supremacists

This was a white supremacy rally Trump was holding. People are going to get upset at that type of thing. Trump is basically a Klan leader at this point.

No more or no less than a Bernie rally is. I'll bet there more black people voting for Trump than for Bernie. I saw several young black people interviewed after the trouble was over, and they were there to see and hear Trump and didn't like the way the protesters were being violent.

Offline IndiCon15

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If this kind of stuff keeps happening, I could see it getting conservatives, republican, libertarians, anyone who values liberty to unite against a common threat.  If Trump is already talking about uniting the party, why not use this protest to push that message?   

Offline Patriot Guard Rider

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  • Yes, really. Liberals DO disgust me.
If this kind of stuff keeps happening, I could see it getting conservatives, republican, libertarians, anyone who values liberty to unite against a common threat.  If Trump is already talking about uniting the party, why not use this protest to push that message?   

I don't think he needs to push it. It's happening already.

The protesters last night did nothing but push more voters into Trumps column. They hurt themselves far more badly than they helped themselves.
Liberals disgust me. (Now I don't have to remember to put it on each post).

Because only the left goes searching for that which is not there in a desperate attempt to be offended about something.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

Many people do not see evil until the gas is flowing into the chamber. That is why they get on the trains in the first place.

Offline Karin

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Matrosov (621 posts)
84. Conservatives have spoken enough

Everybody knows their message: Hate, hate, hate.

You'd hear absolutely no complaints from me if protesters shut down every single Republican event from now until the end of time.

Holy crap!  The mask is certainly off, isn't it?  Thanks for the nice collection, Dutch.

Offline Patriot Guard Rider

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  • Yes, really. Liberals DO disgust me.
Holy crap!  The mask is certainly off, isn't it?  Thanks for the nice collection, Dutch.

In my opinion, it's the left that's full of hate, hate, hate.

The left intentionally went to the Trump rally last night with every intention of disruption and with an intent to incite violence.

I really think the left WANTS bullets to fly. Why wouldn't they? The MSM would have their backs and would blame Trump, his supporters and conservatives in general. The inciters would be declared innocent.
Liberals disgust me. (Now I don't have to remember to put it on each post).

Because only the left goes searching for that which is not there in a desperate attempt to be offended about something.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

Many people do not see evil until the gas is flowing into the chamber. That is why they get on the trains in the first place.

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Some comments from Yahoo:

Had-Enuff 1 minute ago

Those "Move On", "Black Lives Matter", Mexican Illegals, etc., thug protesters just made me consider Trump more seriously for President! I'm tired of my liberal, racist government, liberal media, socialist democrats, political correctness academia and entertainment crowds  ... Keep reading


Tim R 3 minutes ago

Trump's got a point there, that the protest was very professionally done. You heard the cheering when it was announced that the rally was postponed - that was what they were shooting for all along. These protesters don't want anything but what is best for them.
 This just goes to show you how  bad the things in Chicago are, that they think that disrupting a polotocal event will accomplish more than ousting the son of a #$%$ that they have for a mayor


jim 15 minutes ago

All this time liberals have been screaming its guns, bibles and veterans that are the enemy of the USA when its proven they are the real bigots, racists and haters.

J.J. 6 minutes ago

We all know the left has become the new intolerant side of the country these days. They don't want any ideas other than their own to be voiced.

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Kip Humphrey (3,478 posts)
42. This is how it is done, folks.

Thank you, Chicago!

Scratch a Liberal...
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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The CFCF (Clinton Family Crime Foundation), Soros & Tom Steyer will be enlisting rent-a-thugs to infiltrate the Republican convention.  Because the media loves to cover protests, especially lefty ones.
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Offline thundley4

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  Because the media loves to cover protests, especially lefty ones.

Those are the ones most likely to turn violent, bloody and deadly. If it bleeds, it leads.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Of course if we shut down a Hillary Rally...the screaming would be non stop.

Offline thundley4

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Of course if we shut down a Hillary Rally...the screaming would be non stop.

Remember how upset the DUmmies got when those uppity negroes from BLM first interrupted Bernie and Hillary?

Offline 98ZJUSMC

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  • Now, with 99% less yellow!
     Here's what I learned from DU last night:

     1. Trump supporters, who were gathering to listen to Trump speak, are brownshirts, and
     2. They were infringing on the rights of protestors to force Trump NOT to speak, but
     3. This smells like a "false flag" to gin up derision for the Left, so that
     4. Conservatives can now infringe on Sanders' supporters' right to hear HIM speak by shutting THEM down.

     Hope you DUmmies realize just how many Trump voters got created last night. DU is going to be fun to read about a year from now, when Hillary is exiled and Sanders dead byher hand or his own.

Been reading that, all over the net today.

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Remember how upset the DUmmies got when those uppity negroes from BLM first interrupted Bernie and Hillary?
Just heard that Trump is blaming Bernie.
Voted hottest "chick" at CU - My hotness transcends gender

Offline Delmar

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I would pay money to watch one of these turned on a mob of leftists:
The beam produces what experimenters call the "Goodbye effect," or "prompt and highly motivated escape behavior." In human tests, most subjects reached their pain threshold within 3 seconds, and none of the subjects could endure more than 5 seconds.

"It will repel you," one test subject said. "If hit by the beam, you will move out of it — reflexively and quickly. You for sure will not be eager to experience it again."

The goodbye weapon.  I like it but it needs a loudspeaker with this playing on a loop:
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

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     I'm torn on this. I wouldn't shed a tear if Trump disappeared five minutes ago, but I don't want filthy liberals thinking they can just shut down anyone they want.

This ^^^.

"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States.

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JeffHead (1,129 posts)
34. You gotta know Donald is going to try to spin this against Bernie supporters.

He's not going to take any responsibility for his hate speech. Not one bit.    :whistling:
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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